Real-Time Determination of Orthometric Heights Accurate To The Centimeter Level Using A Single GPS Receiver: Case Study

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Real-Time Determination of Orthometric Heights Accurate to the

Centimeter level Using a Single GPS Receiver: Case Study

A. El-Mowafy1, H. Fashir2, A. Al Habbai2, Y. Al Marzooqi2, T. Babiker2

Abstract: Real-time determination of orthometric heights at the cm-level accuracy can be

achieved in Dubai, UAE, using a single geodetic-grade GPS receiver. This process requires

that the rover receiver uses on-line measurement corrections from multiple reference stations

(RTK networks), and geoid heights from a precise gravimetric geoid model. The Dubai RTK

network consists of five active reference stations and can provide ellipsoidal heights with

external accuracy less than 4 cm and a precision of 3 cm. The Dubai geoid model was

recently developed integrating a comprehensive set of gravity, GPS, leveling and digital

elevation data to fit GPS/leveling at the 3-5 cm level RMS.

To evaluate this technique, a field test on 41 benchmarks of the Dubai second order

leveling network was performed. In this test, orthometric heights derived from the presented

method using a single GPS receiver were compared to their precise values determined by

spirit leveling. The height differences were analyzed and statistically examined. Results show

that orthometric heights determined from the GPS RTK Network and geoid data can be

accurate to 2-5 cm with no significant systematic errors. The method can thus be considered a

good alternative to traditional leveling, particularly for third order leveling in large areas.

CE Database Keywords: Geoid, Global positioning, Leveling, Topographic surveys, Real-

time programming.

1. Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, The United Arab Emirates University,
P.O.Box 17555, Al Ain, The United Arab Emirates, email:
2. Survey Section, Planning and Survey Department, Dubai Municipality, Dubai, UAE

Both GPS and traditional leveling have their advantages and disadvantages in height

determination with regard to accuracy, cost efficiency, and terrain independence. Traditional

leveling is more cost efficient and provides greater accuracy than GPS at the sub 2 cm level

in small distance projects (NGS, 1998). In contrast, GPS is more cost efficient in large

distance projects and is independent of the terrain surveyed. However, unlike traditional

leveling, GPS derived heights are referenced to an ellipsoidal datum (WGS 84), and do not

depend on local gravity variations, whereas in most leveling work and mapping, orthometric

heights are needed (approximated to leveling heights). These heights reflect changes in

topography as well as local variations in gravity. They are referenced to the geoid, which is

an equi-potential level surface of the Earth that is closely associated with the mean sea level

on a global basis. Thus, the geoid heights are needed to convert ellipsoidal heights from GPS

(hGPS) into orthometric heights (H), using the equation:

H = hGPS - N (1)

where (N) is the geoid height. Most comprehensive GPS software packages have general

geopotential models (e.g. EGM96), which can only provide a spatial resolution of the geoid

of approximately 0.5 degree ≅ 55km. This resolution is usually insufficient for localized GPS

surveys. Thus, an accurate geoid is needed, which is usually computed from varying data

sources, including gravity data, digital elevation model (DEM), orthometric heights and GPS-

observations at leveling benchmarks. The accuracy of the computed geoid varies according to

the accuracy, density and type of data involved.

A precise geoid was recently computed in the Emirate of Dubai, UAE. The Emirate

consists of a main costal area of approximately 80km x 80km extent, and the 15km x 20km

mountainous Hatta enclave. Also, a real-time GPS reference network covering the whole

Emirate of Dubai was recently established, such that surveyors can obtain cm-level

positioning accuracy with a single receiver without worrying about the limitations of

establishing heir own reference stations. The combination of both an accurate geoid and the

real-time GPS reference network leads to determining orthometric heights accurate to the cm-

level using only a single geodetic-grade GPS receiver. Ignoring the impact of gravity changes

between surveyed points in the computation of height differences, the derived heights are

considered precise enough to meet at least third order leveling standards.

Development of The Precise Geoid Model for Dubai

Data Used in Geoid Determination

The Dubai Geoid model was developed by integrating a comprehensive set of gravity

measurements with GPS, leveling and digital elevation data. Gravity data used in the

determination of the Dubai precise geoid consisted of gravity measurements collected on a 1-

km square grid covering the entire Dubai Emirate, referenced to three absolute gravity

stations. Other available gravity data were also included from marine gravity surveys in the

Arabian “Persian” Gulf (provided by BGI, Toulouse) and KMS-01 gravity anomalies derived

from satellite altimetry. The heights of the gravity points were measured using a fast static

GPS survey. All gravity data were checked for outliers, and the marine gravity data were

compared to the satellite altimetry to check for possible datum errors. As part of the gravity

processing, gravity values and ellipsoidal heights of the gravity points were converted into

conventional free-air and Bouguer gravity anomalies, using the EGM96 geoid model. The

Bouguer anomalies were smooth in mainland Dubai, but a very large gradient went through

Hatta. One should however note that with the new geoid model, the gravity anomalies could

change a fraction of a mgal, but with the GPS leveling fit applied, this will have no practical

consequence for the geoid (Forsberg et al. 2001).

For the modeling of terrain effects, the digital elevation models consisted of a number of

detailed heights, averaged into a grid of 100 m x 100 m cells, and a basic Digital Elevation

Model (DEM) of 30” x 30” from National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC), USA, covering

the complete region. In addition, leveling heights of a set of 3750 benchmarks were used, as

well as the GPS ellipsoidal heights at these benchmarks. Many of these were determined

from repeated RTK surveys, with approximately 1-5 cm positioning accuracy. The GPS data

were tied to the base network of Dubai determined in the International Terrestrial Reference

Frame (ITRF). Some points, particularly in the built-up areas, were actually determined using

terrestrial leveling techniques and tied to nearby GPS points. The leveling elevations were

then tied to the local vertical datum by referencing them to a fundamental tide gauge station

at Port Rashid, Dubai. Furthermore, in connection with the gravity observations, a leveling

line was observed around the perimeter of the Dubai main area and used for constraining the

final geoid after an iterative editing of outliers, where the perimeter gravity station heights

were determined by GPS.

Geoid Computation

The Dubai precise geoid was computed in cooperation with the National Survey and Cadastre

(KMS) and The University of Copenhagen, Denmark. The computations were carried out in

two steps:

- A gravimetric geoid model, computed by spherical Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) in a

global datum.

- A GPS-tailored local geoid, which fits the GPS observations and the Dubai vertical datum

to a few centimeters. This step involved an iterative editing of GPS-leveling outliers, see

Forsberg et al. (2001).

The advantage of the two-step method is that the second step, being less complex, can be

readily repeated as future GPS-leveling observations detect errors in the original data, and

hence the GPS tailored geoid. The method of least-squares collocation has also been used for

an alternative preliminary geoid computation, primarily to assess the overall accuracy of the


The geoid signal (N) is constructed from three parts, such that:

N = N1 + N2 + N3 (2)

where the first part (N1) comes from a spherical harmonic expansion complete to degree and

order 360 (EGM96), see Lemoine et al. (1996). The second part (N2) comes from the

topography, and the third part (N3) from the contributions of "residual" gravity (i.e. gravity

anomalies minus the global field contribution and gravimetric terrain effects). The high

resolution geoid height model has been invariably computed by a remove-compute-restore

technique, see for instance Fotopoulos et al. (1999 & 2003), and Featherstone et al. (2001).

The computed gravimetric geoid was also fitted to local GPS-leveling data for GPS height

use in the computation of the orthometric heights, and to eliminate datum shift, residual long-

wavelength gravity errors, as well as possible systematic errors in the leveling. The basic

principle was to model by least-squares collocation the gravimetric and GPS geoid

differences using a smooth function consisting of a trend function f (e.g. a polynomial) and a

residual (ε’), such that:

ε = Ngrav - NGPS = f(φ, λ) + ε’ (3)

where (φ, λ) are the latitude and longitude. For the final geoid computation, the residual (ε’)

was modeled by least-squares collocation, using a 2nd order Markov covariance function,


C(s) = Co (1+ks)e-ks (4)

where (k) is a constant, determined by correlation length, and (s) denotes the distance. The

factor (Co) was determined from the data, whereas (k) and the apriori noise on the GPS

leveling may be determined by the user. Thus, the final geoid on average fits the GPS data,

but is not affected by individual random errors. More details on the computation of the Dubai

geoid are given in Forsberg et al. (2001).

A collocation error estimate of 2 cm RMS was reached, and was considered realistic for

the error of the geoid in the Dubai main area. In Hatta, the geoid was difficult to compute due

to the lack of gravity data in the neighboring regions (Oman and other UAE Emirates), and

due to the apparent larger noise in the GPS leveling. Thus, the geoid might only be accurate

to 5-10 cm within this region. Figure 1 shows the final computed geoid of Dubai. The

computed geoid fits GPS/leveling at the 3-4 cm level RMS (Forsberg et al. 2001). This error

is, to a large degree, due to uncertainty in GPS heights. The geoidal heights at the desired

locations are computed through an interpolation and transformation program, implementing

Dubai national coordinate systems (UTM and Dubai Local Transverse Mercator “DLTM”).

The refinement of the Dubai geoid requires building-up of an improved regional

gravimetric and highly reliable GPS/leveling database in a uniform reference system,

particularly with other Emirates and neighboring countries, e.g. Oman. The European

activities in this regard can be taken into consideration, see for instance Kenyeres (2000).

Determination of Ellipsoidal Heights Using a Single GPS Receivers in Dubai

To obtain real-time ellipsoidal heights from GPS at the cm-level accuracy, a versatile

approach can be adopted employing a single geodetic-grade GPS receiver using on-line data

from a real-time reference network. In this approach, observations from multiple reference

stations are gathered and processed in a common network adjustment at a central processing

facility. Measurement corrections are computed and sent to the rover online to correct its

observations, eliminating in the classical GPS surveying the constraints of using a dedicated

reference station, and the need for a short baseline length between the reference receiver and

the rover. Additional advantages of this method are: cost-reduction, minimization of number

of staff and obtaining consistent coordinates.

In March 2002, the Dubai Municipality started operating such a network system for GPS

real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning, whereby users can receive the corrections throughout

the Emirate of Dubai. The network, known as Dubai Virtual Reference System (DVRS),

consists of five continuously operating reference stations and a control room with a central

server. The network baseline lengths range from 23.4 km to 90.8 km. Figure 2 shows the

distribution of the DVRS stations and the network baseline lengths. The five DVRS stations

send their GPS measurements online to the control room server by dedicated telephone lines.

Three PCs organize, process and archive the data. Communication with the rover is carried

out in a duplex mode, whereby the rover sends its approximate position, calculated in a single

positioning mode, to the control station via a mobile call in a National Marine Electronics

Association (NMEA) format. Then, the corrections are calculated at the user's location and

are sent in Radio Technical Commission for Maritime services (RTCM) format, and used to

correct the data to reach cm-level positioning. The coordinates of the reference stations are

related to the ITRF system and the computed rover position can be represented either in this

system or in the local one.

The DVRS network uses the GNSMART software (Wübbena et al. 2001a,b) for data

processing, which employs the area correction parameters technique (FKP) to analyze the

data and to estimate and represent the state of individual GPS errors in real time. All stations

of the network are processed simultaneously using un-differenced observables. Therefore, all

error components are estimated including the clock errors. A virtual reference station

approach is also employed, which interpolates the state information computed from the FKP

to a VRS position near the user using the rover approximate coordinates. The measurement

corrections for a user is composed of range corrections and network corrections.

Investigating the Accuracy of the Involved Height Parameters

To assess accuracy of orthometric height determination using a single GPS receiver with the

DVRS real-time reference network and the Dubai developed geoid model, each of the

involved height parameters, namely the GPS ellipsoidal height and the interpolated geoid

height, has to be separately examined and then jointly evaluated. This helps in showing their

performance as well as understanding the contribution of each in the total error budget.

Testing Performance of GPS Positioning Using the DVRS Network

A comprehensive testing of height and planimetric coordinates determination from GPS

using the DVRS system was carried out in March, 2003. The point coordinates of a set of

points, which were previously precisely determined, were compared with their coordinates

determined by the DVRS reference network. Results of this comparison showed that the

external and relative positioning accuracies obtained were less than 4 cm and 2 cm

respectively (El-Mowafy et al. 2003). In addition, different DVRS surveys at different

sessions gave a coordinate determination precision for the same test points of less than 2 cm

for planimetric coordinates, and less than 3 cm for height determination. These surveys also

prove to be consistent in terms of the internal precision of their final output results (i.e.

statistically compatible). Also, in the case of failure of one of the reference stations, the

system proves to be reliable and robust. Cm-level positioning accuracy was reached for

points that were in the area of coverage of the failed reference stations but were more than 25

km away from the nearest working reference station.

Testing the Developed Geoid Model

An external evaluation of the quality of the gravimetric geoid model of Dubai was performed

by comparing its interpolated values (N) on a network of benchmarks with the corresponding

GPS/leveling-derived geoid heights (NGPS) computed at these benchmarks. Thirty five

benchmarks of the Dubai second order leveling network, scattered throughout the Emirate of

Dubai within a coverage area of 73.5 km x 84 km were used for this purpose. These

benchmarks were established for the purpose of testing the Dubai geoid model, and thus were

initially not included in the computation of the model to ensure independence of testing

results. The height difference between the highest and lowest points in the test area was

approximately 263.2 meters. The orthometric heights were determined by an accurate spirit

leveling, while GPS ellipsoidal heights were determined using a fast-static approach.

Ellipsoidal heights were obtained in post mission by post processing using a differential

carrier-phase fixed solution. Their standard deviations were less than 2 cm.

Figure 3 shows the differences between orthometric heights computed from spirit leveling

and those derived from the geoid model + the GPS ellipsoidal heights. The height

discrepancies were in the range ± 4 cm. The statistics of these discrepancies are given in

Table 1, where the mean value was 0.22 cm with random distribution of the differences, and

no systematic errors were observed. The average value of the absolute differences was 1.92

cm with 2.33 cm standard deviation. At one benchmark the height difference reached 8.01

cm. However, this single value was considered as an outlier as it was more than 3σ. This

large error was attributed to an error in ellipsoidal height determination by GPS. It is worth

mentioning in this context that a comprehensive evaluation of the gravimetric geoid of Dubai

is currently the subject of another study.

Although results show that there are no systematic errors either in ellipsoidal height

determination by GPS or the geoid model computation, the differences in orthometric height

computation between using the precise leveling and using the gravimetric model + the GPS

ellipsoidal heights can be attributed to several factors. These include: (i) random noise in the

values of h, H, N; (ii) datum inconsistencies and other possible systematic distortions in the

three height data sets; (iii) various geodynamic effects; and (iv) theoretical approximations in

the computation of either H or N. For more discussion on these factors, the interested reader

may refer to Fotopoulos et al. (1999).

Testing the Use of RTK GPS Ellipsoidal Heights and the Geoid Model for
Determination of Orthometric Heights

A test was conducted in order to assess the accuracy of orthometric height determination

combining RTK GPS using the DVRS reference network and the new Dubai geoid model.

The heights determined from this method were compared with published orthometric heights

for a test network consisting of 41 benchmarks of the Dubai second order leveling network.

These benchmarks have previously-determined precise orthometric heights. The test area

spanned approximately 22.7 km x 7.8 km in the Easting and Northing directions respectively,

representing the area acquiring the most demanding survey works in the Emirate of Dubai.

The height difference between the highest and lowest points in this case was approximately

34.5 meters. The GPS ellipsoidal heights were determined using Leica SR530 receivers in an

RTK approach employing correctional data from the DVRS reference network. Each test

point was occupied for a period of a few seconds, representing an ordinary working

environment. The standard deviations of the ellipsoidal height determination for the occupied

points of the test network ranged between 1.05 cm and 5.47 cm.

Figure 4 shows the differences in orthometric height computation between the proposed

method of using a single GPS receiver employing the DVRS network in addition to the Dubai

geoid model, and using the known orthometric heights of the benchmarks determined from

the precise spirit leveling. On average, the results agree to within ± 5 cm, with a maximum

difference of 7.04 cm. Figure 5 shows the surface plot of the height discrepancies between

the two methods. A frequency histogram of the height discrepancies is also given in Figure

6. These figures show that the frequency of occurrence of the errors has a nearly normal

distribution, bearing in mind the fact that the number of tested points gives a limited sample

size. The results also show that there were no significant systematic errors in the results. The

statistical results for the test network are presented in Table (2). The mean value of the

differences was 0.44 cm, and the average value of the absolute differences was 2.4 cm with

3.05 cm standard deviation. However, when comparing these results with Table (1), the

degradation of accuracy of the orthometric heights in the former case are attributed to using

an RTK positioning method versus using the more precise static approach in the latter.

However, the benefits of using the RTK approach are substantial, considering that the

achieved accuracy is considered precise enough for third order leveling, which represents the

majority of leveling works needed.

These results clearly show the feasibility of determining real-time orthometric heights at

the cm accuracy level in Dubai using a single geodetic-grade GPS receiver within the

proposed framework. In general, this conclusion agrees with findings of another study by the

National Geodetic Survey (NGS, 1998), which indicated that GPS can obtain 2-5 centimeter

heights at the 95% confidence level when proper field procedures and a good geoid model are

utilized. These constraints were met in the case of Dubai by using the online data of the

DVRS reference network in addition to the newly developed Dubai gravimetric geoid.

In the future, a refinement of the DVRS reference network (e.g. inclusion of more stations,

updating the software and equipment, updating the ITRF-epoch coordinates etc.) is

scheduled, which may result in changes in the GPS derived heights. Moreover, the Dubai

gravimetric geoid has also the possibility of improvement by adding more data of high

accuracy and expanding the working area. Thus, a change in the orthometric heights derived

from GPS + geoid is possible compared to the more steady leveling orthometric heights. The

height differences can be modeled in this case as a datum shift between the old system and

the new one. The model can be formulated for point (i), as follows:

(Hnew – Hold)i (GPS RTK Network + Geoid) =
x1 cos(φi) cos(λi) + x2 cos(φi) sin(λi) + x3 sin(φi) + vi (5)

which is based on equations given in Heiskanen and Moritz (1967), and Fotopoulos et al.

(1999). The model of equation (5) is applied to all network points and a least-squares

adjustment is performed to estimate the residuals (Vi). The unknown shift parameters (x1, x2,

x3) are being solved by minimizing the quantity (vTv).The residuals (Vi) contain a combined

amount of GPS, leveling, and geoid random errors. An optimal adjustment in a statistical

sense would require the proper weighting of the residuals, which is hardly ever applied in

reality. From experience, it is also important to include a large number of points of good

geometric distribution in the model for a proper estimation of its unknown parameters and

residuals. Finally, the expected “new-old” difference in the determined orthometric heights

by GPS+geoid at a specific point (φj, λj), which has not been updated by GPS or the geoid,

can be anticipated with a small tolerance by means of equation (5) using point coordinates.

Statistical Examination of the Discrepancies of the Orthometric Height

Determination between GPS RTK Network + Geoid and the Leveling

The practical differences in height estimation by GPS RTK Network + geoid and leveling

techniques were tested by statistical examination of their results for the 41 test benchmarks.

Two tests were performed. In these, the height discrepancies between the two techniques

were considered as a random sample of small errors. The first test was performed to check

the presence of any systematic errors in the sample as a whole by testing the deviation of

the sample mean ( X ) from the mean of its population, which is assumed to be zero, on the

assumption that the sample elements have a normal distribution shape. The test can be

formulated as (Anderson and Mikhail, 1998):

σ σ
[µ − t <X<µ+t ] (6)
n n

Where (µ) is the population mean value (µ=0), (σ) denotes the sample standard deviation, t is

the tabulated students t-distribution value corresponding to the sample size (n) and degrees of

freedom equals to (n-1), and taking the 95% confidence level (∝). Using the values given in

Table (2) shows that the sample mean (0.44 cm) lies within the test limits ( ± 0.80 cm), and

thus, in general, no significant systematic errors exist in height discrepancies. This indicates

that the inherent errors in both GPS+geoid and leveling techniques are of a random nature.

To check that the sample mean was not affected by biases that may be of approximate

equal values but with different signs, each individual discrepancy was tested. Thus,

undesirable discrepancies could be identified and rejected. The discrepancies are considered

as a small sample taken from a population that is assumed to be normally distributed;

therefore, they can be individually examined according to the known values of the population

mean (µ) and the population variance (σp2). The population variance can be estimated from

the sample variance (σ2) using the following interval (Anderson and Mikhail, 1998):

( n − 1) × σ 2 ( n − 1) × σ 2
[ < σ 2p < ] (7)
χ 0.975,
n -1 χ 02.025,n −1

where (χ2) denotes values of Chi-square distribution within [0.975 and 0.025] confidence

level and (n-1) degrees of freedom. For the test in hand, the upper and lower limits were

15.25 cm2 and 6.27 cm2, respectively. Thus, a population variance with a 3.5 cm standard

deviation would be acceptable. This seems realistic considering the expected accuracy

obtainable from the RTK-GPS height determination and the geoid model discussed in the

previous sections.

The following confidence interval can form a criterion for rejecting the sample element

that has a systematic error, which in this case will be one that does not lie within the interval:

[ µ - t σp < δi < µ + t σp] (8)

where (δi) denotes the individual tested height discrepancy. Based on the results of this study,

the boundaries of this test were ± 5.88 cm. By inspecting height discrepancies, only two

points exceeds the boundary value, and can be rejected. All other height discrepancies pass

the test and can be considered free from large systematic errors or blunders.


The feasibility of determining real-time orthometric heights at the centimeter accuracy level

in Dubai using a single GPS receiver employing online data of the DVRS reference network

in addition to the newly developed Dubai gravimetric geoid is shown. It is evident that this

approach can be considered an efficient and accurate alternative to the traditional spirit

leveling technique for ordinary surveying work in large distance projects. Limited testing

shows that there were no systematic errors in computation of the orthometric heights using

the RTK-Network GPS ellipsoidal heights + geoid model as compared with precise spirit

leveling results. On average, the results agree to within 5 cm. However, further tests of a

larger network consisting of a greater number of stations may provide more insight into this

method as an alternative to traditional leveling.


Drs. R. Forsberg, G. Strykowski, and C. C. Tscherning are gratefully acknowledged for their

major role in the computation of the Dubai geoid model. The Survey Section, Planning &

Survey Department, Dubai Municipality is acknowledged for the dedicated help and efforts

in completing this study. A partial fund from the Research Affairs Section, the UAE

University under contract No. 02-01-07-11/03 to the first author is acknowledged. Eng.

Ahmed Ramzy from UAE University is also thanked for his role in field data collection.


The following symbols are used in this paper:

C(s) = covariance function;

Co = correlation factor;

H = orthometric height;

h = ellipsoidal height;

k = constant determined by the correlation length;

N = the geoidal height;

N1 = the geoidal height part from a spherical harmonic expansion;

N2 = the geoidal height part from the topography;

N3 = the geoidal height part from the residual gravity;

NGPS = GPS/leveling-derived geoidal heights;

n = the sample size;

s = the distance;

t = the students t-distribution value;

vi = residuals in orthometric heights at point i;

X = the sample mean;

(x1, x2, x3) = height datum shift parameters in the Cartesian X, Y, and Z directions;

δi = the tested height discrepancy;

ε = Ngrav - NGPS;

ε’ = residual geoidal height;

(φ, λ) = geographic latitude and longitude of a point;

µ = the population mean;

σ = the sample standard deviation;

σp2 = the population variance;

χ2 = values of Chi-square distribution.


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Table 1. Height Discrepancies between the Model and Precise Leveling (cm)
Average of absolute Max. Min.
Average σ
values discrepancy discrepancy
0.2 1.91 4.92 0. 23 2.33

Table 2. Height Differences between the GPS RTK Network + Geoid and Precise Leveling (cm)

Average of absolute Max. Min.

Average σ
values discrepancy discrepancy
0.44 2.40 7.04 0.000 3.05






54.80 55.00 55.20 55.40 55.60 55.80 56.00 56.20

Fig. 1. The Dubai Geoid


Lattitude (Deg.)
32.4 km 90.8 km

25 47.5 km 70.2 km
24.9 23.4 km
59.4 km 55.7 km
54.8 55.3 55.8 56.3
Longitude (Deg.)

Fig. 2. The DVRS Network

H (leveling-geoid Model)

0 10 20 30 40

Fig. 3. Height discrepancies between

the model and precise leveling (cm)

H ([DVRS+Geoid] - Leveling) 10.00
0 10 20 30 40

Fig. 4. Height discrepancies between GPS

RTK Network +geoid and precise leveling (cm)

Diff. (cm)



Fig. 5. Surface plot of the height discrepancies

Frequency (No. of Points) 14



-0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04
Height Differences (m)

Fig. 6. Frequency histogram of the

height discrepancies


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