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Wittgenstein’s Logical Atomism Wittgenstein's Logical Atomism
from the Winter 2017 Edition of the First published Mon Nov 22, 2004; substantive revision Thu Dec 14, 2017

Stanford Encyclopedia Although it has few adherents today, logical atomism was once a leading
movement of early twentieth-century analytic philosophy. Different,
of Philosophy though related, versions of the view were developed by Bertrand Russell
and Ludwig Wittgenstein. Russell’s logical atomism is set forth chiefly in
his 1918 work “The Philosophy of Logical Atomism” (Russell 1956),
Wittgenstein’s in his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus of 1921
(Wittgenstein 1981). The core tenets of Wittgenstein’s logical atomism
Edward N. Zalta Uri Nodelman Colin Allen R. Lanier Anderson may be stated as follows: (i) Every proposition has a unique final analysis
Principal Editor Senior Editor Associate Editor Faculty Sponsor which reveals it to be a truth-function of elementary propositions
Editorial Board (Tractatus 3.25, 4.221, 4.51, 5); (ii) These elementary propositions assert
the existence of atomic states of affairs (3.25, 4.21); (iii) Elementary
Library of Congress Catalog Data propositions are mutually independent — each one can be true or false
ISSN: 1095-5054
independently of the truth or falsity of the others (4.211, 5.134); (iv)
Notice: This PDF version was distributed by request to mem- Elementary propositions are immediate combinations of semantically
bers of the Friends of the SEP Society and by courtesy to SEP simple symbols or “names” (4.221); (v) Names refer to items wholly
content contributors. It is solely for their fair use. Unauthorized devoid of complexity, so-called “objects” (2.02 & 3.22); (vi) Atomic states
distribution is prohibited. To learn how to join the Friends of the of affairs are combinations of these objects (2.01).
SEP Society and obtain authorized PDF versions of SEP entries,
please visit . Although these doctrines are recognizably atomist in spirit, the term
‘logical atomism’ is not used by Wittgenstein. It was introduced by Russell
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
in his 1911 lecture to the French Philosophical Society, Le Réalisme
Copyright c 2017 by the publisher
The Metaphysics Research Lab Analytique (Russell 1911).[1] Russell had advertised “The Philosophy of
Center for the Study of Language and Information Logical Atomism” as being “very largely concerned with explaining
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
certain ideas which [he had] learnt from [his] friend and former pupil
Wittgenstein’s Logical Atomism
Copyright c 2017 by the author Ludwig Wittgenstein” (Marsh, 177). No doubt partly as a result of this
Ian Proops description, the term ‘logical atomism’ subsequently became associated
All rights reserved. with Wittgenstein’s early philosophy. The term is now standardly used to
Copyright policy: apply to a vaguely defined set of doctrines centered on theses (i)–(vi). In

Wittgenstein’s Logical Atomism Ian Proops

Russell’s opinion, what makes it appropriate to speak of logical atomism depend on the meanings of its orthographic parts, even when those parts
is that the atoms in question are to be arrived at by logical rather than are, in other contexts, independently meaningful. So, for example, it
physical analysis (Russell 1956, 179). For Wittgenstein too, the ultimate would not count against the semantic simplicity of the symbol ‘Battle’ as it
constituents of reality are to be revealed by a process of logical analysis; figures in the sentence “Battle commenced” that it contains the
so, to that extent, the label seems apt. It is not, however, uncontroversial orthographic part, “Bat,” even though this part has a meaning of its own in
(see Floyd 1998 and 2007).[2] other sentential contexts. For Wittgenstein, however, something else does
count against this symbol’s semantic simplicity, namely, that it is
1. Names and Objects analyzable away in favour of talk of the actions of people, etc. This point
2. Linguistic Atomism suggests that in natural language Tractarian names will be rare and hard to
2.1 Wittgenstein’s Early Conception of Analysis find. Even apparently simple singular terms such as ‘Obama,’ ‘London,’
3. Metaphysical Atomism etc., will not be counted as “names” by the strict standards of the Tractatus
3.1 Objects as the Substance of the World since they will disappear on further analysis. (Hereafter, ‘name’ will mean
3.2 The Argument for Substance “Tractarian name” unless otherwise indicated.)
4. The Epistemology of Logical Atomism
5. The Dismantling of Logical Atomism It is a matter of controversy whether the Tractatus reserves the term
5.1 First phase: The colour-exclusion problem ‘name’ for semantically simple symbols referring to particulars, or
5.2 Second phase: Generality and Analysis whether the term comprehends semantically simple symbols of all kinds.
Bibliography Since objects are just the referents of names, this issue goes hand in hand
Primary Sources with the question whether objects are one and all particulars or whether
Secondary Sources they include properties and relations. The former view is defended by
Academic Tools Irving Copi (Copi 1958) and Elizabeth Anscombe (Anscombe 1959, 108
Other Internet Resources ff), among others. It is supported by Tractatus 2.0231: “[Material
Related Entries properties] are first presented by propositions — first formed by the
configuration of objects.” This might seem to suggest that simple
properties are not objects but rather arise from the combining or
1. Names and Objects configuring of objects. The Copi-Anscombe interpretation has been taken
to receive further support from Tractatus 3.1432:
The “names” spoken of in the Tractatus are not mere signs (i.e.,
typographically or phonologically identified inscriptions), but rather signs- We must not say, “The complex sign ‘aRb’ says ‘a stands in
together-with-their-meanings — or “symbols.” Being symbols, names are relation R to b;’” but we must say, “That ‘a’ stands in a certain
identified and individuated only in the context of significant sentences. A relation to ‘b’ says that aRb.”
name is “semantically simple” in the sense that its meaning does not

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Wittgenstein’s Logical Atomism Ian Proops

This has suggested to some commentators that relations are not, strictly a mere playing with words” (Klagge and Nordman, 1993, 30). A similar
speaking, nameable, and so not Tractarian objects (see, for example, thought already occurs in a more compressed form in the Tractatus itself:
Ricketts, 1996, Section III). It may, however, be intended instead simply to “There cannot be a hierarchy of the forms of the elementary propositions.
bring out the point that Tractarian names are not confined to particulars, Only that which we ourselves construct can we foresee” (5.556).
but include relations between particulars; so this consideration is less
compelling. It is possible, then, that the options we began with represent a false
dichotomy. Perhaps Wittgenstein simply did not have an antecedent
The opposing view, according to which names include predicates and opinion on the question whether Tractarian names will turn out to be
relational expressions, has been defended by Erik Stenius and Merrill and names of particulars only, particulars and universals, or whatnot. And it
Jaakko Hintikka, among others (Stenius, 1960, 61–69; Hintikka and may even be that he believed that the final analysis of language would (or
Hintikka, 1986, 30–34). It is supported by a Notebooks entry from 1915 in might) reveal the names to defy such classifications altogether. This
which objects are explicitly said to include properties and relations (NB, broader range of interpretive possibilities has only recently begun to
61). It is further buttressed by Wittgenstein’s explanation to Desmond Lee receive the attention it deserves (See Johnston 2009).
(in 1930–1) of Tractatus 2.01: “‘Objects’ also include relations; a
proposition is not two things connected by a relation. ‘Thing’ and 2. Linguistic Atomism
‘relation’ are on the same level.” (LK, 120).
By “Linguistic atomism” we shall understand the view that the analysis of
The Anscombe-Copi reading treats the forms of elementary propositions every proposition terminates in a proposition all of whose genuine
as differing radically from anything we may be familiar with from components are names. It is a striking fact that the Tractatus contains no
ordinary — or even Fregean — grammar. It thus respects Wittgenstein’s explicit argument for linguistic atomism. This fact has led some
warning to Waismann in 1929 that “The logical structure of elementary commentators — e.g., Peter Simons (1992) — to suppose that
propositions need not have the slightest similarly with the logical structure Wittgenstein’s position here is motivated less by argument than by brute
of [non-elementary] propositions” (WWK, 42). intuition. And indeed, Wittgenstein does present some conclusions in this
vicinity as if they required no argument. At 4.221, for example, he says:
Going beyond this, Wittgenstein seems once to have held that there can be
“It is obvious that in the analysis of propositions we must come to
no resemblance between the apparent or surface forms of non-elementary
elementary propositions, which consist of names in immediate
propositions and the forms of elementary propositions. In “Some Remarks
combination” (emphasis added). Nonetheless, some basic observations
on Logical Form” (1929) he says: “One is often tempted to ask from an a
about the Tractatus’s conception of analysis will enable us to see why
priori standpoint: What, after all, can be the only forms of atomic
Wittgenstein should have thought it obvious that analysis must terminate
propositions, and to answer, e.g., subject-predicate and the relational
in this way.
propositions with two or more terms further, perhaps, propositions relating
predicates and relations with one another, and so on. But this, I believe, is 2.1 Wittgenstein’s Early Conception of Analysis

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Wittgenstein’s Logical Atomism Ian Proops

A remark from the Philosophical Grammar, written in 1936, throws light One can understand why Wittgenstein discerned an affinity between the
on how Wittgenstein had earlier conceived of the process of analysis: theory of descriptions and his own envisioned “calculus,” for one can
extract from his remarks in the Tractatus and elsewhere two somewhat
Formerly, I myself spoke of a ‘complete analysis,’ and I used to parallel proposals for eliminating what he calls terms for “complexes”:
believe that philosophy had to give a definitive dissection of
propositions so as to set out clearly all their connections and [3] F[aRb] iff Fa & Fb & aRb
remove all possibilities of misunderstanding. I spoke as if there
was a calculus in which such a dissection would be possible. I [4] [aRb] exists iff aRb
vaguely had in mind something like the definition that Russell had
Clauses [1] to [4] share the feature that any sentence involving apparent
given for the definite article (PG, 211).
reference to an individual is treated as false rather than as neither true nor
One of the distinctive features of Russell’s definition is that it treats the false if that individual should be discovered not to exist.
expression “the x such that Fx” as an “incomplete symbol.” Such symbols
Wittgenstein’s first contextual definition — our [3] — occurs in a
have no meaning in isolation but are given meaning by contextual
Notebooks entry from 1914 (NB, 4), but it is also alluded to in the
definitions that treat of the sentential contexts in which they occur (cf. PM,
66). Incomplete symbols do, of course, have meaning because they make a
contribution to the meanings of the sentences in which they occur (cf. Every statement about complexes can be analysed into a statement
Principles, Introduction, x). What is special about them is that they make about their constituent parts, and into those propositions which
this contribution without expressing a propositional constituent. (On the completely describe the complexes (2.0201).
nature of incomplete symbols, see Pickel 2013)
In [3] the statement “about [the complex’s] constituent parts” is “Fa &
Russell’s definition is contained in the following clauses (For the sake of Fb,” while the proposition which “completely describes” the complex is
expository transparency, his scope-indicating devices are omitted.). “aRb.” If the propositions obtained by applying [3] and [4] are to be
further analysed, a two-stage procedure will be necessary: first, the
[1] G(the x: Fx) = ∃x(∀y(Fy↔y=x) & Gx) Df.
apparent names generated by the analysis — in the present case ‘a’ and ‘b’
(cf. Russell 1905b; Russell 1990, 173)
— will need to be replaced[3] with symbols that are overtly terms for
[2] (the x: Fx) exists = ∃x∀y(Fy↔y=x) Df. complexes, e.g., ‘[cSd]’ and ‘[eFg];’ second, the contextual definitions [3]
(cf. Russell 1990, 174) and [4] will need to be applied again to eliminate these terms. If there is
going to be a unique final analysis, each apparent name will have to be
The fact that existence is dealt with by a separate definition shows that uniquely paired with a term for a complex. So the program of analysis at
Russell means to treat the predicate ‘exists’ as itself an incomplete symbol, which Wittgenstein gestures, in addition to committing him to something
to be eliminated in favour of the existential quantifier. analogous to Russell’s theory of descriptions, also commits him to the

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analogue of Russell’s “description theory of ordinary names” (cf. Russell Since the proposition that “describes the complex,” [aRb], “perfectly” is
1905a). This is the idea that every apparent name not occurring at the end just the proposition that aRb, Wittgenstein’s clarifying addendum amounts
of analysis is equivalent in meaning to some definite description. to the claim that the proposition “aRb” is equivalent to the proposition
“[aRb] exists.” And this equivalence is just our [4].
Wittgenstein’s first definition, like Russell’s, strictly speaking, stands in
need of a device for indicating scope, for otherwise it would be unclear It turns out, then, that existence is defined only in contexts in which it is
how to apply the analysis when we choose, say, “~G” as our instance of predicated of complexes. Wittgenstein proposal thus mirrors Russell’s in
“F.” In such a case the question would arise whether the resulting instance embodying the idea that it makes no sense to speak of the existence of
of [3] is [5]: “~G[aRb] = ~Ga & ~Gb & aRb,” which corresponds to immediately given (that is, named) simples (cf. PM, 174–5). This is why
giving the term for a complex wide scope with respect to the negation Wittgenstein was later to refer to his “objects” as “that for which there is
operator, or whether it is: [6] “~G[aRb] = ~[Ga & Gb & aRb],” which neither existence nor non-existence” (PR, 72). His view seems to be that
corresponds to giving the term for a complex narrow scope. One suspects when ‘a’ is a Tractarian name, what we try to say by uttering the nonsense
that Wittgenstein’s intention would most likely have been to follow string “a exists” will, strictly speaking, be shown by the fact that the final
Russell’s convention of reading the logical operator as having narrow analysis of some proposition contains ‘a’ (cf. 5.535). But of course, the
scope unless the alternative is expressly indicated (cf. PM, 172). Tractatus does not always speak strictly. Indeed, what is generally taken to
be the ultimate conclusion of the Tractatus’s so-called “Argument for
Definition [3] has obvious flaws. While it may work for such predicates as Substance” (2.021–2.0211) itself tries to say something that can only be
“x is located in England,” it obviously fails for certain others, e.g., “x is shown, since it asserts the existence of objects. The sharpness of the
greater than three feet long” and “x weighs exactly four pounds.” This tension here is only partly disguised by the oblique manner in which the
problem can hardly have escaped Wittgenstein; so it seems likely that he conclusion is formulated. Instead of arguing for the existence of objects,
would have regarded his proposals merely as tentative illustrations, open the Tractatus argues for the thesis that the world “has substance.”
to supplementation and refinement. However, because “objects constitute the substance of the world” (2.021),
and because substance is that which exists independently of what is the
Although Wittgenstein’s second contextual definition — our [4] — does
case (2.024), this is tantamount to saying that objects exist. So it seems
not occur in the Tractatus, it is implied by a remark from the Notes on
that Wittgenstein’s argument for substance must be regarded as a part of
Logic that seems to anticipate 2.0201:
the ladder we are supposed to throw away (6.54). But having
Every proposition which seems to be about a complex can be acknowledged this point, we shall set it aside as peripheral to our main
analysed into a proposition about its constituents and … the concerns.
proposition which describes the complex perfectly; i.e., that
The most obvious similarity between the two sets of definitions is that
proposition which is equivalent to saying the complex exists (NB,
each seeks to provide for the elimination of what purport to be
93; emphasis added)[4]
semantically complex referring expressions. The most obvious difference

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consists in the fact that Wittgenstein’s definitions are designed to eliminate ontological commitment. That commitment is indicated only after the final
not definite descriptions, but rather terms for complexes, for example the application of the definition, by the meaningfulness of the names in the
expression “[aRb],” which, judging by remarks in the Notebooks, is to be fully analysed proposition — or, more precisely, by the fact that certain
read: “a in the relation R to b” (NB, 48) (This gloss seems to derive from symbols are names (cf. 5.535). The somewhat paradoxical consequence is
Russell’s manner of speaking of complexes in Principia Mathematica, that one can assert a statement of the form “[aRb] exists” without thereby
where examples of terms for complexes include, in addition to “a in the manifesting any ontological commitment to the complex [aRb] (cf. EPB,
relation R to b,” “a having the quality q”, and “a and b and c standing in 121). What this shows is that the two theories relieve the assertor of
the relation S” (PM, 44).). One might wonder why there should be this ontological commitments of quite different kinds. In Russell’s case, the
difference at all. Why not treat the peculiar locution “a in the relation R to analysis — our [2] — removes a commitment to an apparent propositional
b” as a definite description — as say, “the complex consisting of a and b, constituent — a “denoting concept” [5] —expressed by the phrase ‘the F,’
combined so that aRb”? This description could then be eliminated by but it does not remove the commitment to the F itself. For Wittgenstein,
applying the Tractatus’s own variant upon the theory of descriptions: by contrast, the analysis shows that the assertor never was ontologically
committed to the complex [aRb] by an utterance of “[aRb] exists.”
The F is G ↔ ∃x(Fx & Gx) & ~∃x,y(Fx & Fy)
(cf. 5.5321) Russell’s conception of analysis at the time of the theory of descriptions
— c.a. 1905 — is relatively clear: Analysis involves pairing up one
Here the distinctness of the variables (the fact that they are distinct) sentence with another that expresses, more perspicuously, the very same
replaces the sign for distinctness “≠” (cf. 5.53). Russellian proposition. The analysans counts as more perspicuous than the
analysandum because the former is free of some of the latter’s merely
Since Wittgenstein did not adopt this expedient, it seems likely that he
apparent ontological commitments. By the time of Principia Mathematica,
would have regarded the predicate “x is a complex consisting of a and b,
however, this relatively transparent conception of analysis is no longer
combined so that aRb” as meaningless in virtue of — among other things
available. Having purged his ontology of propositions in 1910, Russell can
— its containing ineliminable occurrences of the pseudo-concepts
no longer appeal to the idea that analysans and analysandum express one
“complex,” “combination,” and “constitution.” Only the first of these
and the same proposition. He now adopts “the multiple relation theory of
notions figures on his list of pseudo-concepts in the Tractatus (4.1272),
judgment,” according to which the judgment (say) that Othello loves
but there is no indication that that list is supposed to be exhaustive.
Desdemona, instead of being, as Russell had formerly supposed, a dyadic
There is a further respect in which Wittgenstein’s analytical proposals relation between the judging mind and the proposition Othello loves
differ from Russell’s. Russell’s second definition — our [2] — has the Desdemona, is now taken to be a non-dyadic, or, in Russell’s terminology,
effect of shifting the burden of indicating ontological commitment from “multiple,” relation whose terms are the judging mind and those items that
the word ‘exists’ to the existential quantifier. In Wittgenstein’s definition, were formerly regarded as constituents of the proposition Othello loves
by contrast, no single item of vocabulary takes over the role of indicating Desdemona (Russell 1994, 155). After 1910 Russell can say that a speaker
who sincerely assertively uttered the analysans (in a given context) would

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be guaranteed to make the same judgment as one who sincerely assertively for complexes,” together with eliminative paraphrase of the latter, it
uttered the analysandum (in the same context), but he can no longer follows trivially that the endpoint of analysis, if there is one, will contain
explain this accomplishment by saying that the two sentences express the neither “terms for complexes” nor expressions that can be replaced by
same proposition. terms for complexes.

A further departure from the earlier, relatively transparent conception of Wittgenstein, moreover, thinks it obvious that this analysis of every
analysis is occasioned by Russell’s resolution of the set-theoretic version proposition does terminate. The reason he supposes analysis cannot go on
of his paradox. His solution involves giving an analysis of a sentence forever is that he conceives an unanalyzed proposition as deriving its
whose utterance could not be taken to express any judgment. One argues sense from its analysis. As Tractatus 3.261 puts it: “Every defined sign
that the sentence “{x: φx} ε {x: φx}” is nonsense because the contextual signifies via those signs by which it is defined” (Cf. NB, 46; PT 3.20102).
definitions providing for the elimination of class terms yield for this case a It follows that no proposition can have an infinite analysis, on pain of
sentence that is itself nonsense by the lights of the theory of types (PM, never acquiring a sense. So analysis must terminate in propositions devoid
76). It’s (apparent) negation is, accordingly, also nonsense. In Principia, of incomplete symbols.
then, there is no very clear model of what is preserved in analysis. The
best we can say is that Russell’s contextual definitions have the feature That much, at least, is plausibly obvious, but unfortunately it does not
that a (sincere, assertive) utterance of the analysans is guaranteed to follow that the final analysis of language will be wholly devoid of
express the same judgment as the analysandum, if the latter expresses a complex symbols. The trouble is that for all we have said so far, a fully
judgment at all. analysed proposition might yet contain one or more complex symbols that
have meaning in their own right. Clearly, then, Wittgenstein was assuming
Some of the unclarity in the conception of analysis introduced by Russell’s that all genuine referring expressions must be semantically simple: they
rejection of propositions is inherited by Wittgenstein, who similarly rejects must lack anything like a Fregean sense. But why should that be so? The
any ontology of shadowy entities expressed by sentences. In the Tractatus seeds of one answer are contained in Tractatus 3.3, the proposition in
a “proposition” (Satz) is a “propositional sign in its projective relation to which Wittgenstein enunciates his own version of Frege’s context
the world” (3.12). This makes it seem as though any difference between principle: “Only the proposition has sense; only in the context of a
propositional signs should suffice for a difference between propositions, in proposition has a name meaning” (3.3). Wittgenstein’s juxtaposition of
which case analysans and analysandum could at best be distinct these two claims suggests that the context principle is supposed to be his
propositions with the same truth conditions. ground for rejecting senses for sub-sentential expressions. But just how it
could provide such a ground is far from clear. Another, more concrete,
Enough has now been said to make possible a consideration of possibility is that Wittgenstein simply accepted the arguments Russell had
Wittgenstein’s reasons for describing the position I have been calling given in “On Denoting” for rejecting senses for sub-sentential expressions.
“linguistic atomism” as “obvious.” Since the model for Tractarian analysis
is the replacement of apparent names with (apparently) co-referring “terms 3. Metaphysical Atomism

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By “Metaphysical atomism” we will understand the view that the (configurations of objects): a state of affairs exists with respect to one
semantically simple symbols occurring in a proposition’s final analysis world but fails to exist with respect to another. Those things that remain in
refer to simples. The Tractatus does not contain a distinct argument for existence through these existence changes, and which are reconfigured in
this thesis, but, as we will see, one uncovers the needed argument in the the process, are Tractarian objects. It follows that the objects that
course of scrutinizing the famous “Argument for Substance” of 2.0211–2: “constitute the substance of the world” (2.021) are necessary existents.
The Tractatus , rather wonderfully, compresses this whole metaphorical
2.0211 If the world had no substance, then whether a proposition comparison into a single remark: “The object is the fixed, the existing [das
had sense would depend on whether another proposition was true. Bestehende]; the configuration is the changing [das Wechselnde].”
(2.0271). “Wechsel,” it should be noted, is the word that Kant expressly
2.0212 It would then be impossible to draw up a picture of the
reserves for the notion of existence change as opposed to alteration
world (true or false).
(Critique, A 187/B230). (Unfortunately, however, whether Wittgenstein
To see what precisely is being contended for in this argument one needs to had read the Critique in time for this circumstance to have influenced his
appreciate the historical resonances of Wittgenstein’s invocation of the own phrasing in the Tractatus is unknown.)
notion of “substance.”
Tractarian objects are what any “imagined”—or, more accurately,
3.1 Objects as the Substance of the World conceivable—world has in common with the real world (2.022).
Accordingly, they constitute the world’s “fixed form” (2.022–3). ‘Fixed’
The Tractatus’s notion of substance is the modal analogue of Kant’s because, unlike the world’s content, objects (existentially speaking) hold
temporal notion. Whereas for Kant, substance is that which “persists” (in fast in the transition from world to world. ‘Form’ because they constitute
the sense of existing at all times), for Wittgenstein it is that which, what is shared by all the worlds. (On Wittgenstein’s conception of
figuratively speaking, “persists” through a “space” of possible worlds. possibility, the notion of an “alien” Tractarian object — one which is
Tractarian substance is the “unchanging” in the metaphorical sense of that merely possible — is not even intelligible). If the objects make up the
which does not undergo existence change in the passage (also world’s form, what makes up its content? The answer, I think, is the
metaphorical) from world to world. Less figuratively, Tractarian substance various obtaining atomic states of affairs. Distinct worlds differ with
is that which exists with respect to every possible world. For Kant, to respect to content because they differ with respect to which possible states
assert that there is substance (in the schematized sense of the category) is of affairs obtain. Notably, possible atomic states of affairs also allow for a
to say that that there is some stuff such that every existence change (i.e., distinction between form and content. Their form is the manner of
origination or annihilation) is necessarily an alteration or reconfiguration combination of their components, their content those components
of that stuff. For Wittgenstein, analogously, to say that there is substance is themselves (that is, their contained objects). If this is right, it follows that
to say that there are some things such that all “existence changes” in the substance — the totality of objects — is indeed, as Wittgenstein says,
metaphorical passage from world to world are reconfigurations of them. “both form and content” (2.024–5). It is at once the form of the world and
What undergo “existence changes” are atomic states of affairs the content of possible states of affairs (These and further details of this

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interpretation of Wittgenstein’s conception of substance as the fixed or world).

unchanging are provided in Proops 2004; see also Zalabardo 2015,
Appendix II for more on simples, names, and necessary existents). Our [5] is the main suppressed premise. It means, simply, that we can
frame senseful propositions. Let us now consider how we might try to
3.2 The Argument for Substance defend the inference from [2] to [3] on Wittgensteinian principles. As a
preliminary, note that, given Wittgenstein’s equation in the Notes on Logic
As we have seen, the immediate goal of the argument for substance is to of having sense with having truth-poles (NB, 99), it seems reasonable to
establish that there are things that exist necessarily. In the context of the suppose that for a sentence to “have sense” with respect to a given world
assumption that anything complex could fail to exist through may be for it to have a truth value with respect to that world. Let us
decomposition, this conclusion entails that there are simples (2.021). assume that this is so. Now suppose that everything exists contingently.
While the argument is presented as a two-stage modus tollens, it is Then, in particular, the referents of the semantically simple symbols
conveniently reconstructed as a reductio ad absurdum (The following occurring in a fully analysed sentence will exist contingently. But then any
interpretation of the argument is a compressed version of that provided in such sentence will contain a semantically simple symbol that fails to refer
Proops 2004. For two recent alternatives, see Zalabardo 2015, 243–254 with respect to some possible world. Suppose, as a background
and Morris 2017): assumption, that there are no contingent simples. (It will be argued below
that this assumption plausibly follows from certain Tractarian
Suppose, for reductio, that
commitments.) Then, if we assume that a sentence containing a
[1] There is no substance (that is, nothing exists in every possible
semantically simple term is neither true nor false evaluated with respect to
a world in which its purported referent fails to exist — and, for now, we
do — then, for any such fully analysed sentence, there will be some world
[2] Everything exists contingently.
such that the sentence depends for its truth valuedness with respect to that
But then
world on the truth with respect to that world of some other sentence, viz.,
[3] Whether a proposition has sense depends on whether another
the sentence stating that the constituents of the relevant complex are
proposition is true.
configured in a manner necessary and sufficient for its existence. It follows
that if everything exists contingently, then whether a sentence is senseful
[4] We cannot draw up pictures of the world (true or false).
with respect to a world will depend on whether another sentence is true
with respect to that world.
[5] We can draw up such pictures.
The step from [3] to [4] runs as follows. Suppose that whether any
sentence “has sense” (i.e., on our reading, has a truth-value) depends (in
So the way just explained) on whether another is true. Then every sentence
[6] There is substance (that is, some things exist in every possible will have an “indeterminate sense” in the sense that it will lack a truth

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value with respect to at least one possible world. But an indeterminate having Sinn with being true or false will be preserved. To offer a full
sense is no sense at all, for a proposition by its very nature “reaches defence of this understanding of Sinnlosigkeit would take us too far afield,
through the whole logical space” (3.42) (i.e., it is truth-valued with respect but I mention it to show that the current objection is not decisive.
to every possible world).[6] So if every sentence depended for its “sense”
(i.e., truth-valuedness) on the truth of another, no sentence would have a Another apparent difficulty for this reconstruction arises from its
determinate sense, and so no sentence would have a sense. In which case appearing to contradict Tractatus 3.24, which clearly suggests that if the
we would be unable to frame senseful propositions (i.e., to “draw up complex entity A were not to exist, the proposition “F[A]” would be false,
pictures of the world true or false”). rather than, as the argument requires, without truth value. But the
difficulty is only apparent. It merely shows that 3.24 belongs to a theory
One apparent difficulty concerns the assumption that to have sense is just that assumes that the world does have substance. On this assumption
to be true or false. How can such a view be attributed to the Wittgenstein Wittgenstein can say that whenever an apparent name occurs that appears
of the Tractatus given his view that tautology, which is true, and to mention a complex this is only because it is not, after all, a genuine
contradiction, which is false, are without sense (sinnlos) (4.461)? The name — and this is what he does say. But on the assumption that the world
seeds of an answer may be contained in a remark from Wittgenstein’s has no substance, so that everything is complex, Wittgenstein can no
lectures at Cambridge during the year 1934–1935. Looking back on what longer say this. For now he must allow that the semantically simple
he’d written in the Tractatus, he says: symbols occurring in a proposition’s final analysis do refer to complexes.
So in the context of the assumption that every proposition has a final
When I called tautologies senseless I meant to stress a connection analysis, the reductio assumption of the argument for substance entails the
with a quantity of sense, namely 0. ([AM]), 137) falsity of 3.24. But since 3.24 is assumed to be false only in the context of
a reductio, it is something that Wittgenstein can consistently endorse (This
It is possible, then, that Wittgenstein is thinking of a sinnlos proposition as
solution to the apparent difficulty for the present reconstruction is owed, in
a proposition that “has sense” but has it to a zero degree. According to this
its essentials, to David Pears (see Pears 1987, 78).
conception, a tautology, being true, is, in contrast to a nonsensical string,
in the running for possessing a non-zero quantity of sense, but is so To complete the argument it only remains to show that Tractarian
constructed that, in the end, it doesn’t get to have one. And, importantly, in commitments extrinsic to the argument for substance rule out contingent
virtue of being in the running for having a non-zero quantity of sense its simples.[7] Suppose a is a contingent simple. Then “a exists” must be a
possession of a zero quantity amounts to its, broadly speaking, ‘having contingent proposition. But it cannot be an elementary proposition because
sense’. Such a view, according to which, for some non-count noun N, an it will be entailed by any elementary proposition containing ‘a,’ and
N-less entity has N, but has a zero quantity of it, is not without precedent elementary propositions are logically independent (4.211). So “a exists”
in the tradition. Kant, for example, regards rest (motionlessness) as a must be non-elementary, and so further analyzable. And yet there would
species of motion: a zero quantity of it (Bader, Other Internet Resources, seem to be no satisfactory analysis of this proposition on the assumption
22–23). If Sinnlosigkeit is, similarly, a species of Sinn, the equation of that ‘a’ names a contingent simple — no analysis, that is to say, that is

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both intrinsically plausible and compatible with Tractarian principles. language has not been made clear (See PI, Sections 60, 63–4, and Section
Wittgenstein cannot analyse “a exists” as the proposition “∃x(x = a)” for 91).
two reasons. First, he would reject this analysis on the grounds that it
makes an ineliminable use of the identity sign (5.534). Second, given his 4. The Epistemology of Logical Atomism
analysis of existential quantifications as disjunctions, the proposition “∃x(x
= a)” would be further analysed as the non-contingent proposition “a = a How could we possibly know that something is a Tractarian object?
∨ a = b ∨ a = c…”. Nor can he analyse “a exists” as “~[ ~Fa & ~Ga & Wittgenstein has little or nothing to say on this topic in the Tractatus, and
~Ha…]” — that is, as the negation of the conjunction of the negations of yet it is clear from his retrospective remarks that during the composition of
every elementary proposition involving “a.” To suppose that it could, is to the Tractatus he did think it possible in principle to discover the Tractarian
suppose that the proposition “~Fa & ~Ga & ~Ha…” means “a does not objects (See AM, 11 and EPB, 121). So it seems worth asking by what
exist,” and yet by the lights of the Tractatus this proposition would show means he thought such a discovery might be made.
a’s existence — or, more correctly, it would show something that one tries
Sometimes, it can seem as though Wittgenstein just expected to hit upon
to put into words by saying “a exists” (cf. 5.535, Corr, 126)). So, pending
the simples by reflecting from the armchair on those items that struck him
an unforeseen satisfactory analysis of “a exists,” this proposition will have
as most plausibly lacking in proper parts. This impression is most strongly
to be analysed as a complex of propositions not involving a. In other
suggested in the Notebooks, and in particular in a passage from June 1915
words, ‘a’ will have to be treated as an incomplete symbol and the fact of
in which Wittgenstein seems to express confidence that certain objects
a’s existence will have to be taken to consist in the fact that objects other
already within his ken either count as Tractarian objects or will turn out to
than a stand configured thus and so. But that would seem to entail that a is
do so. He says: “It seems to me perfectly possible that patches in our
not simple.
visual field are simple objects, in that we do not perceive any single point
The argument for substance may be criticized on several grounds. First, of a patch separately; the visual appearances of stars even seem certainly
the step leading from [2] to [3] relies on the assumption that a name fails to be so” (NB, 64). By “patches in our visual field” in this context
to refer with respect to a possible world at which its actual-world referent Wittgenstein means parts of the visual field with no noticeable parts. In
does not exist. This amounts to the controversial assumption that names do other words, points in visual space (cf. KL, 120). Clearly, then,
not function as what Nathan Salmon has called “obstinately rigid Wittgenstein at one stage believed he could specify some Tractarian
designators” (Salmon 1981, 34). Secondly, the step leading from [3] to [4] objects. However, the balance of the evidence suggests that this idea was
relies on the assumption that a sentence that is neither true nor false with short-lived. For he was later to say that he and Russell had pushed the
respect to some possible world fails to express a sense. As Wittgenstein question of examples of simples to one side as a matter to be settled on a
was later to realize, the case of intuitively senseful, yet vague sentences future occasion (AM, 11). And when Norman Malcolm pressed
plausibly constitutes a counterexample (cf. PI Section 99). Lastly, one Wittgenstein to say whether when he wrote the Tractatus he had decided
may question the assumption that it makes sense to speak of a final on anything as an example of a “simple object,” he had replied —
analysis, given that the procedure for analysing a sentence of ordinary according to Malcolm’s report — that “at the time his thought had been

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that he was a logician; and that it was not his business as a logician, to try Speaking of Tractarian objects in another retrospective remark, this time
to decide whether this thing or that was a simple thing or a complex thing, from a German version of the Brown Book, Wittgenstein says: “What
that being a purely empirical matter” (Malcolm 1989, 70). these [fundamental constituents] of reality are it seemed difficult to say. I
thought it was the job of further logical analysis to discover them” (EPB
Wittgenstein was not suggesting that the correct way to establish that 121). These remarks should be taken at face value: it is logical analysis —
something is a Tractarian object is to gather evidence that its the analysis of propositions — that is supposed to enable us to discover
decomposition is physically impossible. That reading would only have a the forms of elementary propositions and the objects. The hope is that
chance of being correct if Wittgenstein had taken metaphysical possibility when propositions have been put into their final, fully analysed forms by
to coincide with physical possibility, and that is evidently not so.[8] His applying the “calculus” spoken of in the Philosophical Grammar we will
meaning seems rather to be just that the objects must be discovered rather finally come to know the names and thereby the objects. Presumably, we
than postulated or otherwise specified in advance of investigation (cf. AM, will know the latter by acquaintance in the act of grasping propositions in
11). But since Wittgenstein was later to accuse his Tractarian self of their final analysed forms.
having entertained the concept of a distinctive kind of philosophical
discovery (see WVC 182, quoted below), we must not jump — as Malcolm Admittedly, Wittgenstein’s denial that we can know the objects a priori
appears to have done, to the conclusion that he conceived of the discovery looks strange given the fact that the analytical procedure described in
in question as “empirical” in anything like the contemporary sense of the Section 2 above seems to presuppose that we have a priori knowledge both
word. of the correct analyses of ordinary names and of the contextual definitions
by means of which terms for complexes are eliminated. But some tension
We know that Wittgenstein denied categorically that we could specify the in Wittgenstein’s position on this point is just what we should expect in
possible forms of elementary propositions and the simples a priori (4.221, view of his later rather jaundiced assessment of his earlier reliance on the
5.553–5.5541, 5.5571). But he did not deny that these forms would be idea of philosophical discovery:
revealed as the result of logical analysis. In fact, he maintained precisely
this view. This idea is not explicit in the Tractatus, but it is spelled out in a I [used to believe that] the elementary propositions could be
later self-critical remark from G. E. Moore’s notes of Wittgenstein’s 1933 specified at a later date. Only in recent years have I broken away
lectures at Cambridge: from that mistake. At the time I wrote in a manuscript of my book,
“The answers to philosophical questions must never be surprising.
I say in [the] Tractatus that you can’t say anything about [the] In philosophy you cannot discover anything.” I myself, however,
structure of atomic prop[osition]s: my idea being the wrong one, had not clearly enough understood this and offended against it.
that logical analysis would reveal what it would reveal (entry for 6 (WVC, 182, emphasis added)
February, 1933, Stern et. al., 2016, 252)
The remark that Wittgenstein quotes here from “a manuscript of the
Tractatus” did not survive into the final version, but its sentiment is clearly

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echoed in the related remark that there can: “never be surprises in logic” According to one line of interpretation, due originally to W. D. Hart (Hart
(6.1251). Wittgenstein is clear that in the Tractatus he had unwittingly 1971), a proposition is indeterminate when there is more than one way it
proceeded as though there could be such a thing as a philosophical can be true. Thus if I say “Barack Obama is in the United States,” I leave
surprise or discovery. His idea that the true objects would be discovered open where in particular he might be. The source of the indeterminacy is
through analysis, but are nonetheless not known a priori, is plausibly one the implied generality of this statement, which is tantamount to: “Obama
instance of this mistake. is somewhere in the United States.” This line of interpretation has the
merit of promising to make sense of the closing parenthetical remark of
On the conception of the Tractatus, objects are to be discovered by 3.24. But it cannot be correct. The kind of indeterminacy that Wittgenstein
grasping fully analysed propositions, presumably with the awareness that has in mind at 3.24 is supposed to serve as a sign of further analysability.
they are fully analysed. But since that is so, we shall not have fully But Hart’s notion cannot play this role, since any disjunctive proposition
explained how we are supposed to be able to discover the simples unless would be indeterminate in his sense, even a fully analysed proposition
we explain how, in practice, we can know we have arrived at the final consisting of a disjunction of elementary propositions.
analysis of a proposition. But on this point, unfortunately, Wittgenstein has
little to say. In fact, the only hint he offers is the rather dark one contained According to a second line of interpretation, a proposition is indeterminate
in Tractatus 3.24: in the relevant sense if the result of embedding it in some context is
structurally ambiguous. Consider, for example, the result of embedding “F
That a propositional element signifies [bezeichnet] a complex can [A]” in the context “it is not true that,” where ‘A’ is temporarily treated as
be seen from an indeterminateness in the propositions in which it a semantically simple term designating a complex (Keep in place the
occurs. We know that everything is not yet determined by this assumption that a sentence containing a non-referring semantically simple
proposition. (The notation for generality contains a prototype). term is neither true nor false). In this case the question would arise
(3.24) whether the result of this embedding is neither true nor false evaluated
with respect to a world in which A does not exist, or simply true. The first
It is an indeterminateness in propositions — whatever this might amount
option corresponds to giving the apparent name wide scope with respect to
to — that is supposed to alert us to the need for further analysis. In
the logical operator, the second to giving it narrow scope. Such a scope
Wittgenstein’s view, then, we possess a positive test for analyzability.
ambiguity could not exist if ‘A’ were a genuine Tractarian name, so its
However, since the notion of “indeterminateness” in question is unclear,
presence could reasonably be taken to signal the need for further analysis.
the test is of little practical value. The indeterminateness in question is
plainly not the one considered in section 3: what is in question at the So far, so good, but where does the business about the generality notation
present juncture is the indeterminateness of propositions, not of senses. “containing a prototype” come in? Nothing in the present explanation has
But what does that amount to? yet done justice to this remark. Nor does the present explanation really
pinpoint what it is that signals the need for further analysis. That, at
bottom, is the fact that we can imagine circumstances in which the

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supposed referent of ‘A’ fails to exist. So, again, there is reason to be Wittgenstein’s response was to treat the problem as merely apparent. He
dissatisfied with this gloss on indeterminacy. supposed that in such cases further analysis would succeed in revealing
the incompatibility to be logical in nature:
It must be concluded that Wittgenstein never supplied an adequate way of
recognizing when a proposition is fully analysed, and consequently that he For two colours, e.g., to be at one place in the visual field is
failed to specify a means for recognizing something as a Tractarian object. impossible, and indeed logically impossible, for it is excluded by
the logical structure of colour. Let us consider how this
5. The Dismantling of Logical Atomism contradiction presents itself in physics. Somewhat as follows: That
a particle cannot at the same time have two velocities, that is, that
Wittgenstein’s turn away from logical atomism may be divided into two at the same time it cannot be in two places, that is, that particles in
main phases. During the first phase (1928–9), documented in his 1929 different places at the same time cannot be identical (6.3751)
article “Some Remarks on Logical Form” (Klagge and Nordmann, 1993,
29–35), Wittgenstein exhibits a growing dissatisfaction with certain As F. P. Ramsey observes in his review of the Tractatus (Ramsey, 1923),
central details of the Tractatus’s logical atomism, and notably with the the analysis described here actually fails to reveal a logical incompatibility
thesis of the independence of elementary propositions. During this phase, between the two statements in question; for, even granting the correctness
however, he is still working within the broad conception of analysis of the envisaged reduction of the phenomenology of colour perception to
presupposed, if not fully developed, in the Tractatus. The second phase facts about the velocities of particles, the fact that one and the same
(1931–2) involves a revolutionary break with that very conception. particle cannot be (wholly) in two places at the same time still looks very
much like a synthetic a priori truth. It turns out, however, that
5.1 First phase: The colour-exclusion problem Wittgenstein was well aware of this point. He knew that he had not taken
the analysis far enough to bring out a logical contradiction, but he was
The so-called “colour-exclusion problem” is a difficulty that arises for the confident that he had taken a step in the right direction. In a Notebooks
Tractatus’s view that it is metaphysically possible for each elementary entry from August 1916 he remarks that: “The fact that a particle cannot
proposition to be true or false regardless of the truth or falsity of the others be in two places at the same time does look more like a logical
(4.211). In view of its generality, the problem might more accurately be impossibility [than the fact that a point cannot be red and green at the
termed “the problem of the manifest incompatibility of apparently same time]. If we ask why, for example, then straight away comes the
unanalysable statements.” The problem may be stated as follows: Suppose thought: Well, we should call particles that were in two places [at the same
that a is a point in the visual field. Consider the propositions P: “a is blue time] different, and this in its turn all seems to follow from the structure of
at t” and Q: “a is red at t” (supposing “red” and “blue” to refer to space and particles” (NB, 81; emphasis added). Here Wittgenstein is
determinate shades). It is clear that P and Q cannot both be true; and yet, conjecturing that it will turn out to be a conceptual (hence, for him
on the face of it, it seems that this incompatibility (or “exclusion” in logical) truth about particles and space (and presumably also time) that
Wittgenstein’s parlance) is not a logical impossibility. In the Tractatus particles in two distinct places (at the same time) are distinct. He does not

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yet possess the requisite analyses to demonstrate this conjecture, but he is 5.2 Second phase: Generality and Analysis
optimistic that they will be found.
Wittgenstein differs from Frege and Russell in denying that the symbols
The article “Some Remarks on Logical Form” (1929) marks the end of for generality have meaning in isolation. Instead, the Tractatus treats them
this optimism. Wittgenstein now arrives at the view that some as incomplete symbols to be analysed away according to the following
incompatibilities cannot, after all, be reduced to logical impossibilities. schemata:
His change of heart appears to have been occasioned by a consideration of
incompatibilities involving the attribution of qualities that admit of ∀x. Φx ↔ Φa & Φb & Φc…
gradation — e.g., the pitch of a tone, the brightness of a shade of colour, ∃x. Φx ↔ Φa ∨ Φb ∨ Φc…
etc. Consider, for example, the statements: “A has exactly one degree of
Universal (existential) quantification is treated as equivalent to a possibly
brightness” and “A has exactly two degrees of brightness.” The challenge
infinite conjunction (disjunction) of propositions. Wittgenstein’s
is to provide analyses of these statements that bring out the logical
dissatisfaction with this view is expressed most clearly in G. E. Moore’s
impossibility of their being true together. What Wittgenstein takes to be
notes of Wittgenstein’s lectures from Michaelmas term 1932.
the most plausible suggestion — or at least a sympathetic reconstruction
of it — adapts the standard definitions of the numerically definite Now there is a temptation to which I yielded in [the] Tractatus, to
quantifiers to the system described in the Tractatus, analysing these claims say that
as respectively: “∃x(Bx & A has x) & ~∃x,y(Bx & By & A has x and A has
y)” (“Bx” means “x is a degree of brightness”) and “∃x,y(Bx & By & A has (x).fx = logical product,[9] fa . fb . fc…
x and A has y) & ~∃x,y,z(Bx & By & Bz & A has x & A has y & A has z).”
(∃x).fx = [logical] sum, fa ∨ fb ∨ fc…
But the suggestion will not do. The trouble is that the analysis — absurdly
— makes it seem as though when something has just one degree of This is wrong, but not as absurd as it looks. (entry for 25
brightness there could be a substantive question about which (if any) of November, 1932, Stern et. al., 2016, 215)[10].
the three mentioned in the analysis of the second claim— x or y or z — it
was—as if a degree of brightness were a kind of corpuscle whose Explaining why the Tractatus’s analysis of generality is not palpably
association with a thing made it bright (cf. Klagge and Nordmann, 33). absurd, Wittgenstein says:
Wittgenstein concludes that the independence of elementary propositions
must be abandoned and that terms for real numbers must enter into atomic Suppose we say that: Everybody in this room has a hat = Ursell has
propositions, so that the impossibility of something’s having both exactly a hat, Richards has a hat etc. This is obviously false, because you
one and exactly two degrees of brightness emerges as an irreducibly have to add “& a, b, c,… are the only people in the room.” This I
mathematical impossibility. This, in turn, contradicts the Tractatus’s idea knew and said in [the] Tractatus. But now, suppose we talk of
that all necessity is logical necessity (6.37). “individuals” in R[ussell]’s sense, e.g., atoms or colours; and give
them names, then there would be no prop[osition] analogous to

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“And a, b, c are the only people in the room.” (ibid.) (x is in this room) [- - - - - T]

Clearly, in the Tractatus Wittgenstein was not making the simple-minded (Entry for November 25th, 1932, Compare Stern et. al, 217)
mistake of forgetting that “Every F is G” cannot be analysed as “Ga & Gb
& Gc…” even when a, b, c, etc. are in fact the only Fs. (Unfortunately, his Here the symbol ‘[- - - - - T]’ symbolizes the joint-denial operation, and
claim that he registered this point in the Tractatus is not borne out by the the whole symbol expresses the result of applying this operation to
text). His idea was rather that the Tractatus’s analysis of generality is arbitrarily many values of the propositional function “x is in the room”.
offered only for the special case in which a, b, c, etc, are “individuals” in The dashes in the symbol for joint denial represent rows in the truth-table
Russell’s sense. Wittgenstein had supposed that in this case there is no on which one or more of the truth-arguments—that is values of the
proposition to express the supplementary clause that is needed in the other propositional function—is true. The result of applying the operation of
cases. Unfortunately, Wittgenstein does not explain why there should be joint denial to those truth-arguments is accordingly false. (In a variant on
no such proposition, but the answer seems likely to be the following: What this notation each of the dashes could be replaced with ‘F’). Wittgenstein
we are assumed to be analysing is actually “Everything is G.” In this case is interested in the fact that while we write down finitely many dashes we
any allegedly necessary competing clause — for example, “a, b, c etc., are intend the arguments for the joint-denial operation to be arbitrarily many
the only things” (that is, Tractarian objects) — would just be a nonsense- and possibly infinitely many. His criticism of these conceptions runs as
string produced in the misfired attempt to put into words something that is follows:
shown by the fact that when analysis bottoms out it yields as names only
There is a most important mistake in [the] Tract[atus]…I pretended
such as figure in the conjunction “Ga & Gb & Gc…” (cf. Tractatus
that the Proposition was a logical product; but it isn’t, because
“…” don’t give you a logical product. It is [the] fallacy of thinking
What led Wittgenstein to abandon the Tractatus’s analysis of generality 1 + 1 + 1 … is a sum. It is muddling up a sum with the limit of a
was his realization that he had failed adequately to think through the sum (ibid.)
infinite case. He had proceeded as though the finite case could be used as a
His point is that the Proposition does not, despite appearances, express a
way of thinking about the infinite case, the details of which could be
logical product. It rather, he now seems to be saying, expresses something
sorted out at a later date. By 1932 he had come to regard this attitude as
like an indefinitely extensible process. Wittgenstein came to see his earlier
mistaken. The point is made in a passage from the Cambridge Lectures
hope that it did express a logical product rested on the mistake of
whose meaning can only be appreciated after some preliminary
confusing “dots of infinitude” with “dots of laziness.”. The upshot could
explanation. The passage in question makes a crucial claim about
scarely be more important: if Wittgenstein is right, the Tractatus’s very
something Wittgenstein refers to as “The Proposition”. By this phrase in
conception of the general form of the proposition, because it makes
this context he means the joint denial of all the propositions that are values
essential appeal to the idea of the joint denial of arbitrarily many values of
of the propositional function “x is in this room”. This proposition can be
a propositional function, is itself infected with confusion.

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Reprint, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989. Monk, R., 1996, Bertrand Russell: The Spirit of Solitude, 1872–1921,
–––, 1995 [Corr], Ludwig Wittgenstein: Cambridge Letters, Brian New York: The Free Press.
McGuinness and G. H. von Wright (eds.), Oxford: Blackwell. Morris, M., 2017, “The substance argument of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus”,
–––, 2016 [Stern et. al.], Wittgenstein Lectures, Cambridge 1930–33: Journal for the History of Analytic Philosophy, 4(7): 1–13.
From the Notes of G.E. Moore, Stern, D. G., Rogers B., and Citron Pears, D., 1989 [1987], The False Prison, vol. 1, Oxford: Oxford
G., eds. University Press.
Pickel, B., 2013, “Russell on Incomplete Symbols”, Philosophy Compass,
Secondary Sources 8(10): 909–923, doi:10.1111/phc3.1207
Proops, I., 2001, “The New Wittgenstein: A Critique,” European Journal
Works cited
of Philosophy, 9(3): 375–404.
–––, 2004, “Wittgenstein on the Substance of the World,” European
Anscombe, G.E.M., 1971 [1959], An Introduction to Wittgenstein’s
Journal of Philosophy, 12(1): 106–126.
Tractatus, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Ricketts, T., 1996, “Pictures, Logic and the Limits of Sense in
Copi I. M., 1958, “Objects, Properties, and Relations in the ‘Tractatus’,”
Wittgenstein’s Tractatus,” in Sluga and Stern 1996.
Mind (n.s.), 67(266): 145–65.
Rouner, L. ed., 1998, Loneliness (Boston University Studies in Philosophy
Floyd, J., 1998, “The Uncaptive Eye: Solipsism in Wittgenstein’s
and Religion: Volume 19), Notre Dame: IN: University of Notre
Tractatus,” in L. Rouner (ed.), 79–108.
Dame Press.
–––, 2007, “Wittgenstein and the Inexpressible” in A. Crary (ed.),
Salmon, N., 1981, Reference and Essence. Princeton: Princeton University
Wittgenstein and the Moral Life: Essays in Honor of Cora Diamond,
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 177–234.
Simons, P., 1992, “The Old Problem of Complex and Fact,” in his
Fogelin, R. 1982, “Wittgenstein’s Operator N,” Analysis, 42(3): 124–7.
Philosophy and Logic in Central Europe from Bolzano to Tarski,
–––. 1987 [1976], Wittgenstein, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul Inc.
Dordrecht: Kluwer, 319–338.
Geach, P., 1981, “Wittgenstein’s Operator N,” Analysis, 41(4): 168–71.
Sluga, H. and Stern, D. G., eds., 1996. The Cambridge Companion to
–––, “More on Wittgenstein’s Operator N,” Analysis, 42(3): 127–8.
Wittgenstein, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hart, W. D., 1971, “The whole sense of the Tractatus,” The Journal of

34 Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Winter 2017 Edition 35

Wittgenstein’s Logical Atomism Ian Proops

Soames, S., 1983, “Generality, Truth Functions, and Expressive Capacity Look up this entry topic at the Indiana Philosophy Ontology
in the Tractatus,” The Philosophical Review, XCII(4): 573–89. Project (InPhO).
Stenius, E., 1960, Wittgenstein’s Tractatus: A Critical Exposition of its Enhanced bibliography for this entry at PhilPapers, with links
to its database.
Main Lines of Thought, Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
Zalabardo, J., 2015, Representation and Reality in Wittgenstein’s
Tractatus, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Other Internet Resources
Bader, R., “Kant and the table of nothing”, unpublished manuscript,
Suggestions for further reading
Carruthers, P., 1990, The Metaphysics of the Tractatus, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. Related Entries
Dreben, B. and Floyd, J., 1991, “Tautology: How Not to Use a Word,”
analysis | descriptions | names | ontological commitment | propositions
Synthese, 87(1): 23–49.
Griffin, J., 1964., Wittgenstein’s Logical Atomism, Oxford: Oxford Acknowledgments
University Press.
Livingston, P.M., 2001, “Russellian and Wittgensteinian Atomism,” My thanks to Juliet Floyd, Dick Schmitt, and Bryan Rogers for
Philosophical Investigations, 24 (1): 30–54. corrections.
Moss, S., 2012, “Solving the Color Incompatibility Problem,” Journal of
Philosophical Logic, 41(5): 841–51. Notes to Wittgenstein's Logical Atomism
Rogers, B. and Wehmeier, Kai F., 2012, “Tractarian First-Order Logic:
Identity and the N–Operator,” The Review of Symbolic Logic, 5(4): 1. This observation is owed to Ray Monk. See Monk 1996, 200. It was
538–573. brought to my attention by Peter Simons.
Sullivan, P.M.S., 2003, “Simplicity and Analysis in early Wittgenstein,”
2. Wittgenstein's logical atomism is related to his logical constructivism,
European Journal of Philosophy, 11: 72–88.
according to which every proposition is the result of successive
Tejedor, C., 2003, “Sense and Simplicity: Wittgenstein’s Argument for
applications of one logical operation — the so-called “N-operator” — to a
Simple Objects,” Ratio, 16(3): 272–89.
base of elementary propositions, but this topic goes beyond the scope of
the present entry. For a discussion see Geach 1981, 1982; Fogelin 1982,
Academic Tools
1987; Soames 1983.
How to cite this entry.
3. There are difficulties in stating the appropriate constraints on these
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replacements. We cannot say that a given apparent name should be

36 Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Winter 2017 Edition 37

Wittgenstein’s Logical Atomism Ian Proops

replaced by a synonymous term for a complex since Wittgenstein denies point of this remark is to draw a contrast with geometrical spatial
that sub-sentential expressions have sense (3.3). But nor would it be presentations or pictures which cannot contradict the laws of geometry, it
correct to say that an apparent name should be replaced by a co-referring provides clear evidence that Wittgenstein takes possibility to outstrip
expression, for strictly speaking, terms for complexes do not refer. It physical possibility, for he holds that whatever we can picture—and
seems we can only say that the replacing term should have the same presumably “spatial presentations” count as pictures—is possible (cf. 3
apparent reference as the term it replaces. By this means we might secure together with 3.02).
preservation of modal truth conditions, but whether that is all that
Tractarian analysis is supposed to preserve is an open question. 9. “Logical product (sum)” is Wittgenstein's terminology—borrowed from
Russell—for a conjunction (disjunction).
4. In the original the word “about” occurs ungrammatically in the ellipsis.
This seems to be a slip. 10. The significance of these self-critical remarks from Moore's notes of
Wittgenstein's lectures is discussed at length in Proops 2001.
5. In the analysis of sentences containing “the F” espoused by Russell
immediately prior to his adoption of theory of descriptions, the phrase “the Copyright © 2017 by the author

F” is taken to have meaning in isolation. The meaning of “the F” is a Ian Proops

propositional constituent distinct from the F, which bears the special

relation of “denoting” to the F. The phrase “the F” is considered to both
express and designate this “denoting concept.” The theory of descriptions,
because it treats “the F” as having no meaning in isolation, enables one to
recognize sentences in which “the F” occurs as expressing propositions
without incurring a commitment to denoting concepts.

6. Both the claim that having an “indeterminate sense” is to be understood

as failing to be truth-valued with respect to some possible world and the
claim that Wittgenstein holds it to be essential to a proposition to have a
determinate sense are defended on detailed textual grounds in Proops
2004, Section 5.

7. The general strategy of the argument of this paragraph, though not all of
the details, is owed to Michael Kremer (in conversation).

8. At 3.0321, for example, he says: “We could present spatially an atomic

fact which contradicted the laws of physics ” Although the immediate

38 Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Winter 2017 Edition 39

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