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CrossFit the Ville

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville

Foundations Course
Introduction Welcome to CrossFit the Ville This CrossFit Foundations Guide will serve as a guide to your progress here. This booklet is divided into 3 sections:

Part 1: Learn
This section contains essential concepts for training and nutrition at CrossFit the Ville. This information forms the basis for your success with us. However, mastery of this material is not required to train, as outlined in the next section.

Part 2: Plan
In this section you will goal set and plan out your training and nutrition. As mentioned previously, mastery of the concepts in Part 1 is not required. Part 2 has been designed to be completed with a minimum of prior knowledge. Successful physical completion of this section is requisite for your success here.

Part 3: Do
This section is where most of your day to day efforts will be focused. Your training and nutrition logs are found in this section. Lets get started with everything!

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville

Part 1: Learn
Your initial workouts at CrossFit the Ville are going to be very much learning experiences. This section is designed to help you with that initial learning process as much as possible. As mentioned in the introduction, mastery of the concepts in Part 1 are not requisite for your success here. After all, you are paying us for our coaching expertise. In fact, you dont even have to read this section to complete Part 2 or train successfully. That being said, reading this section will result in faster and more significant progress for you in the long term. Part of the educational process will be to redefine mental and physical preconceptions that you might have entering this facility. Our concept of physical fitness differs greatly from the mainstream fitness culture. Instead of mainly long-distance aerobic efforts, we perform short duration, high intensity workouts interspersed with heavy strength training. Instead of following a food pyramid based on processed carbohydrates, we advocate whole food consumption with appropriate amounts of protein, carbohydrate, and fat. We will ask you to redefine mental limitations that you have placed on yourself. I cant! will become a temporary indicator as opposed to a long term forecast. We will help you to change your concepts of what your body can physically perform. You will be amazed at where you will be in three months if you can follow these training and nutrition guidelines. Lastly, let me reinforce our coaching staffs concept of how we can help you as an individual. We view this as a partnership between you and our coaches. Our coaches will instruct you on all the technical details on how to train and eat, as well as provide the environment to support your efforts. We in turn ask you to execute these directions to the best of your ability. Our most successful CrossFitters have combined our coaching with their own dedication, discipline, and consistent work effort to produce tremendous results.
Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, and presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc., hard and fast.

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville

Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports. - World Class Fitness in 100 Words, Greg Glassman, Crossfit Founder

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville

Training Concepts Lets introduce 3 essential training concepts as you begin here at CFTV. 1. Form Perfect form is the only thing you should be focusing on initially. We will introduce you to the movements that we use and then work with you to continually refine these movements. Mastery of basic movements will build a foundation for long-term success with more complicated movements and greater loads. 2. Repetition Once you can successfully complete one perfect movement, you will work to be able to reproduce that perfect movement repetitively. 3. Intensity Only after being able to successfully repeat perfect movements should intensity be applied. At high intensities even the most perfect form starts to break down. If we dont have good form to begin with, intensity quickly transforms a workout into something dangerous and non-productive. Goal setting is an essential part of successful training. If you have no destination, then you are just wandering aimlessly. Begin to think of two or three goals that you might have for yourself. We will help you shape and define these goals in Part 2. Lastly, how often should you come to train? Initially, you should come every other day to allow your body to adapt to these new demands. Then you can experiment with two days in a row with one day off. From there, we recommend coming no more than 3 days in a row without a rest day. Based on our class schedule, many people ultimately ramp up to a 3 on 1 off 2 on 1 off schedule. This sort of schedule is only possible long-term with adequate nutrition and rest. Once you find yourself at this point, it will be helpful to build in periods of training time that allow a more thorough recovery. In general, every 4th week of training should be a week of reduced volume and intensity. A good general rule is to reduce training volume by half. Every 12th week should be a complete rest week. No CrossFitting. Either completely rest or try a new activity. Nutrition Concepts In a very real sense, proper nutrition is THE most important thing you can master here.

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville You cant out train bad nutrition. Nutrition will form the basis for all of your training success as well as attainment of any body composition goals you may have. We train for performance. We eat to enhance that performance. Food intake should be adequate to support activity levels, but not body fat. We will introduce two eating modalities that follow that concept, the Paleo diet and the Zone diet.

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville

CrossFit the Ville Nutrition

CrossFit the Ville and trainers are not licensed nutritionist. This is just a recommendation from years of experience from the CrossFit community. Please see a licensed nutritionist if you have any further questions.

Eat lean meats, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, little starch, and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. That one statement sums up how we tell people to eat. We try to keep this nutrition thing relatively simple. You have two options when choosing a nutrition modality: the Paleo diet or the Zone diet. The Paleo diet is concerned more with food quality, and the Zone diet with food quantity. The two nutrition plans are compared below: Paleo Only certain foods allowed Relative food portions 1-2 week time frame to begin to experience full benefit Zone Any food allowed Specific calculated portions 6-8 week time frame to begin to experience full benefit

Read through the guides for each diet and make an informed decision on which one you can reasonably implement. Certain factors in each diet might make one more attractive than the other. Can you do both? Certainly, PaleoZone is considered the holy grail for Crossfit nutrition. We recommend getting comfortable with one before doing both, however. Our CHALLENGE to YOU: Commit to 1 of these nutrition plans for 30 days. REMEMBER: We are asking you to make a lifestyle change, not just adopt a fad diet. We believe that this is something you should be able to sustain for the rest of your life. As outlined in the following, you may have to change several lifestyle factors and your daily habits in order to effect a positive change in your fitness. We are challenging you to commit to an eating habit for 30 days. 30 days is a suitable amount of time to make a distinct change in your life. Its not forever, and should give you time to experience the benefits of your new eating plan. Essential Paleo reading: The Paleo Diet. Cordain, Loren. Wiley&Sons, Inc. 2002. (Good general read)

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville The Paleo Diet for Athletes. Cordain, Loren. Wiley&Sons, Inc. 2004. (Specifically for endurance athletes) The Paleo Diet (Cordains website) Paleo Diet (A lot of links to Paleo information and recipes) Essential Zone reading: Mastering the Zone. Sears, Barry. Collins Living. 1996. Zone Diet Quick Start Guide

The Paleolithic Diet

Now, before anybody freaks out about the Paleo diet, just relax, take a deep breath and settle yourself. It'll be OK. You get to eat. In fact, possibly more than you want to (which to me sounds like a great idea). Here are the basics: For 30 days you'll commit to a basic Paleo eating plan - Meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Easy. No weighing, no measuring. Eat a palm-sized serving of protein - meat, fish, eggs - as much vegetable matter as you want and a good chunk of healthy fats. Do this three or four times a day, anytime it works for you. Eating regularly may be a radical idea for some of you. Get over it. This might be a lot of food for others. Ditto. There's nobody who can't do this regardless of circumstances, life style or any other lame-ass excuse you can think of. It just requires a little forethought and the commitment. We'll figure it out together. The results are so totally worth it. The Big Bugaboo Here's where I expect the most whining. No grains. Including but not limited to: bread, pasta, rice, amaranth, barley, oats, quinoa, rye, spelt, cookies, and brownies (ouch!), donuts, PopTarts, Clif Bars, granola, etc. Oh, and alcohol. Easy, down, big fella let me explain. Alcohol is concentrated, liquid carbohydrates and almost all of it is made from grains, the obvious exception being wine. Yes, you can do it. No, it's not impossible. All you're committing to is 30 days. People kick drug habits in the same amount of time; you can certainly live without a Twinkie. And I hate to tell you but potatoes are not a vegetable. Sorry... If you have a little of any of these things will you die? Of course not. Will you get maximum benefits from the Paleo diet? Of course not. It's up to you. This is supposed to be life changing. Why the hell are you training CrossFit if you don't want to change your life? If you finish this successfully, and, somehow, aren't happy with the results, don't see the value in what you've done, and truly want to go back, and then have at it. I'll buy you the first Sonic dog. Below are the before and after pictures of Robb Wolf's clients to give you and idea of what's possible with 2 days a week training CF, this eating plan, different time frames for each person, none very long. It's truly amazing. We haven't even talked about how good you're going to feel.

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville

Paleo Diet Ground Rules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All of the lean meats you can eat. All of the fruits and non-starchy vegetables you can eat. No cereals or grains (wheat, oats, corn, etc.) No legumes (peanuts, beans) No dairy products. No processed food.

How to do this:

EVERY MEAL should contain 3 things: 1. Protein: Take your pick: Chicken/Turkey 3-4 oz. Beef 3-4 oz. Fish/Shellfish 3-4 oz. Eggs 2-3 whole eggs Note: Those are your protein choices. Notice that tofu and beans arent in there. If you have a problem with that then you are probably vegetarian. Please go to this LINK for questions regarding vegetarian Paleo information. Beef grass fed Chicken free range Fish wild caught

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville Eggs free range and/or Omega-3 enriched

We advise people to make these choices whenever possible. If grass-fed/free range are outside of your budget, thats fine. Conventional meats will work just fine. Eating a grilled chicken breast is still better than eating a deep-fried hot dog.

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville

2. Carbohydrates: Fruits and Non-starchy vegetables Vegetables all varieties as much as you want, especially: Broccoli Spinach Kale Cabbage Asparagus Onions Tomatoes Note: More vegetables exist than those listed above, you may eat those unless they appear on the no-no list below. Fruits In order of preference: all berries melons oranges grapefruit tangerines apples Try to eat what is in season and local. Try to avoid canned fruits/veggies. They usually have salt/sugar added to them. Frozen fruits/veggies are OK. In fact, its a good idea to have these frozen items on hand for quick meals: broccoli, green beans, asparagus, blueberries 3. Fat Nuts: raw or LIGHTLY roasted and preferably unsalted small handful Almonds Pecans Walnuts NO PEANUTS Avocado medium sized one Olive Oil use as salad dressing 1-2 Tbs. Note: Fat does not make you fat. We recommend a moderate to low carb diet. It is healthy and effective. Ask questions, check blood lipids but for crying out loud, just do this stuff for a month! Do you see ANY processed food in this? Any sugar? Trans-fats? No, no and no. They are whole, natural foods and you will thrive on it.

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville

Drinks: Mainly water (big surprise). Lemon/lime wedge OK. Coffee/tea is OK. Preferably espresso/Americano. Black. No sweeteners or milk products.

The NO List!

All flour products (bread/cake/cookies/scones/tortillas/pastries etc.) All sugars No store bought smoothies too much sugar! No Dairy (cheese/milk/butter/cottage cheese, etc.) No Mochas, No Latte, No Frappuccinos No Artificial Sweeteners No potatoes, corn, beans or other starchy vegetables

Now similar to the admonition to eat this at every meal the absolutely not category means dont eat it! You have a month of introduction in which we will help you get your insulin levels normalized, clean up your digestive health and likely a whole slew of other considerations, all while losing fat and feeling better.

Additional Thoughts:

Every meal contains protein AND carbohydrates AND fat. Eat 4-6 meals per day. Breakfast/lunch/dinner, and snacks between as needed. 100% compliance is neurotic, 90% is realistic. Plan 1-3 cheat meals into your week. Allow yourself to break Paleo once in a while. This also gives you the freedom to eat an unexpected non-Paleo meal. Just dont let this turn into a cheat day/week/month/year.

Reading through this something might have occurred to you: Do I need to learn how to cook? YES, YOU DO. You dont need to become a master chef, but you will need how to do some basic food preparation. It is scary how many people dont know how to cook. Sandwiches and other grab-n-go fast food crap seem to be the norm. Food quality matters. You need to learn how to cook. Acknowledge, accept, and move on. An excellent quote comes to mind: If you are unable or unwilling to cook, then you are placing your health and well-being in somebody elses hands. Im too busy to cook. Everybody is too busy. If you are too busy to cook you need to reevaluate your life. How much time do you spend watching TV? Be honest and realistic because if you legitimately do not have time to feed

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CrossFit the Ville yourself correctly you are heading towards serious health problems. We will detail some simple strategies and recipes below on how to construct nutritious meals in a minimum amount of time. As day follows night, eating can only follow shopping. You cannot and likely should not eat out all the time. That means you need to stock your pantry and have food on hand to cook nutritious, possibly even tasty meals. On the flip side, get all of the starch, sugar, and other crap out of your house. Scenario: You are at home and you are starving hungry. You have sandwich stuff and chocolate cake in the fridge. Are you going to go out and buy healthy food or are you just going to eat crap? If its not in your house, you wont eat it. This goes equally for good food as it does for bad food. You CAN do this. We have clients who were skeptical about changing their eating habits but they are committed individuals and will not accept failure. If they fall off the pony, they get up, catch the darn thing and get back on. As was mentioned before, we are asking to you take personal responsibility for your own life and to make a lifestyle change. You have not been getting the results that you wanted to date; otherwise you would not be talking to us. To that end, we will tell you exactly what to do training and nutrition wise. All that we ask is that you commit to doing exactly what we tell you for 30 days. After that you can tweak/modify and train/eat differently if you desire. YOU CAN DO IT Don't get hung up in the numbers. Eat, enjoy, live your life, repeat. Paleo Recipe Resources The Paleolithic Eating Support List's Recipe Collection A Sample of Paleo Recipes from My Paleo Kitchen Paleo Mama Performance Menu Recipes

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville Robb Wolf Recipes

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville

Paleo FAQ
Q: What is Paleo? A: Meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. It's the way our bodies are designed to feed. Q: What about potatoes and corn? A: Not vegetables, sorry. They are too high on the glycemic index and carry too high a glycemic load. Q: What's that mean? A: The sugar these foods carry is too rapidly delivered into the bloodstream (glycemic index) and the amount is much too high (glycemic load). Q: There's no bread on here? A: No grains here at all they are pretty high on the glycemic index, high glycemic load and the gluten issues. Q: What about whole grains? Aren't they good for you? A: No. The only difference between whole grain and refined white flour is the ratio of fiber to the other stuff. Q: No beans either? They're good for you; I'm sure, especially peanuts. A: Nope. Read this. Do dietary lectins cause disease? British Medical Journal, April 17, 1999 by David L J Freed Q: I can't live without booze. How much can I have? A: Technically, none. Whiskey, beer, etc are made from grains and this is one of the things we want to avoid. Wine is not grain-based, obviously, but has a pretty high carb load. Drink it sparingly. Q: My parents/wife/significant other/husband/roommates are Italian/Jewish/Armenian/not Cave people/Japanese/Brazilian. I can't avoid grains! A: Yes, actually, you can. We don't want you to go hungry; we want you to replace some of what you're used to eating with other stuff; pasta with spaghetti squash, for example. It's only 30 days. You're a CrossFitter, you can do it. Q: What about portions? Isn't portion control a big deal? A: Baby steps, Bob. If you're already Zoning and want to shift to Paleo foods, go for it. If you're eating a typical American diet then our major concern at this point is food quality.

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville We'll address portions/macronutrient ratios and meal timing at a later date. For now, a palm sized serving of protein, as much vegetable matter as you want and a chunk of good fats. Don't go around hungry. If you are then eat something.

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville

Q: I need more guidance. Give me amounts. A: For you solid number types, 3-5 ounces of protein (read: meat, fish, eggs, tofu, if you must), 6-10 ounces of veggies, 2-4 ounces (roughly a handful) of nuts or half an avocado or 1/4 cup of olive, coconut or walnut oil. Q: Hold on one minute! No dairy, either? A: Everybody is allergic to cow dairy to some extent. It's an immune system stressor. Avoid it as best you can. Again, it's only 30 days; you can go back to it if you want. Think of this as a chance to break out of your old life... Q: That's a lot of cooking/I don't cook/I can't cook because I don't have a kitchen/I really don't have time for all this. A: Unless you're an air fern, you're eating now. Adapt what you do to this plan. Thinking and preparing ahead is the key here. Veggies are easy. Fresh can be eaten raw most of the time, frozen steam or brown up in no time, canned don't even have to be an option. Prepare your proteins in batches and refrigerate until needed. Reheat or eat cold. Q: What about eating out? A: Same basics apply. Sub the potato for the steamed vegetables, hash browns, out, fruit plate, in. Don't eat the bread. Evaluate your priorities and make smart choices. Q: I travel for work/school/because I don't like you. What do I do? A: Prep ahead. Zip-Locs and disposable plastic tubs are your friend. Q: What about when my 30 days are over? What then? A: You'll have a whole new outlook on eating and a new set of skills to go forward with. Via con dios. As your performance improves you'll need to dial in your nutrition more and more and you'll be ready. But, the results you get are going to make you want to continue. Hear us now, believe us later. In the end this is pretty simple stuff. Follow the basic prescription, practice a little, and you'll find it's not that hard.
Disclaimer: If you're celebrating a significant event a wedding, a death, a divorce, a bachelorette party Mazel Tov! Enjoy! Just use some sense. BUT, and it's a big but, a significant event is NOT having your dog neutered, getting a haircut, buying a new lawnmower, or sundown. We're trying to change our lives, here. It's called a Lockdown, after all.

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville Have more questions about the Paleo diet? More detailed FAQs can be found here: Official Paleo Diet FAQ Robb Wolf Paleo & Zone FAQ *FAQ courtesy Crossfit North Atlanta

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville

Zone Introduction
Well switch gears now and talk about the Zone diet. The Zone diet is mainly concerned about portion sizes and ratios as opposed to specific food choices. Zone Diet by Barry Sears The Zone Diet was originally developed by Dr. Barry Sears, PhD. He worked as a researcher at the Boston University School of Medicine and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has spent many years studying lipids, and their inflammatory role in the development of chronic disease. According to some sources, Sears began working on Zone Diet in the early 1970s, shortly after his father's death of a heart attack. Back in 1982, the Nobel Prize for Medicine was granted to research that proved a relationship between the hormones called eicosanoids and the development of certain diseases. These included diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the immune system and cancers. Somehow, this moment is also supposed to have turned Dr. Sears' attention from his own studies of lipids towards a related subject: the relationship between food and hormone production inside the body. In 1995, Dr. Sears published his first book on the Zone Diet: Enter the Zone, the book became a number one worldwide best-seller, selling four million copies. Since then, Dr. Sears has published 10 more books on the same subject. What Is The Zone? Dr. Sears defines the zone as an ideal state of body and mind, in which we feel fresh and energized, and function to our maximum efficiency. The term is borrowed from the language of athletes. The goal of athletes is to reach their peak performance zone. This lasts a few minutes, or the time it takes to burn a match. Dr. Sears believes he can offer a way to make us stay in the zone as long as possible, even for a lifetime. Enter Zone diet became key terminology that Sears and acolytes use to encourage people believe this possibility.

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville Although the Zone Diet claimed to be the answer for staying in the zone, many athletes who follow this diet complained that it didn't help them improve performance levels. On the contrary, they complained of losing concentration and of worse results.

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville

The Zone Diet History in Theory Inspired by the 1982 Nobel moment, Dr. Sears launched his theory about dietary fat driving from eicosanoids which can lead to certain diseases. According to Dr. Sears, the key for a healthy body is a good hormone level. In order to regulate hormones like insulin, glucagon and eicosanoids, the body uses essential substances from food. As a result, food is considered by Dr. Sears the most powerful drug that our body uses every day. So where does the problem lie? We feed our body every day, and still get become ill and fat. The problem lies in what we eat, and in what amounts. The modern individual eats "junk food" which does not fulfill the body's needs. Dr. Sears even criticized the USDA. For decades the USDA had encouraged people to eat a diet rich in carbohydrates and poor in fats and proteins. Up to this point, there is little difference from other dietary theories (e.g. Atkins and South Beach Diet. But Dr. Sears doesn't connect Zone Diet directly to vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients. He sees food as an instrument to control the blood insulin level. According to Dr. Sears, while human DNA has not changed much over the last 100,000 years, our eating habits have. In the prehistoric era, the human being ate fruit and meat, a diet rich in proteins and fats, and poor in carbohydrates. Developing this hypothesis, Dr. Sears established the optimum ratio of carbohydrates, protein and fat which any individual has to respect in a daily menu. This is widely known as the 40-30-30 ratio. On the next page is a good estimate for Block Prescription based on body type. If you would like here is an online tool to help with that. Zoneful Thinking Block Calculator Zone Recipe Links Run an Amazon search for zone recipes for a listing of zone cookbooks Zone Diet Recipes Official Zone Diet Website Recipes More Zone Recipes

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CrossFit the Ville

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CrossFit the Ville

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville

Section 2 Introduction
Goals and Guidelines
1. Pick an eating plan and figure out how to do it. 2. Develop training goals Going forward, it will help to keep these Rules for Elite Fitness in mind. 1) Eat Paleo and/or Zone. 2) Sleep 7-9 hours per night. 3) Crossfit Form First, perfect your form on one individual repetition. Repetition Be able to repeat that form consistently. Intensity Apply intensity only after being able to consistently demonstrate proper form. These are presented in order of actual importance. Yes, exercise is actually last. You will experience significant benefit if you adopt a healthy eating plan and get proper amounts of sleep, independent of exercise. This improved nutrition and rest will support any exercise activities you make. Indeed, without proper nutrition and rest, you will find that even the most strenuous exercise regimen will not be effective. Bottom line, if you do not make a commitment to sound nutritional practices and rest, you will not achieve your fitness goals. Define 3 Goals It is important to define you goals and write them down. Whether it is weight loss, strength, etc., it needs to be written to come to fruition. Training Goal 1 Training Goal 2 Training Goal 3 Athletic development: Define benchmarks If you are an athlete coming to us with distinct sport performance goals, we need to develop separate performance benchmarks as related to your sport. For example, if you are a runner trying to decrease your times, we need benchmark 5k/10k/etc. times. You will work with your coach to develop general and specific goals.

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville These goals will not replace the general performance goals you have developed above. You will actually focus more on your general performance goal than on your specific benchmarks. You will condition with Crossfit and practice skills for your sport separately. We will use improvements in Crossfit to drive increases in your sport performance. Benchmark Goal

On the next page you will find an Athletic Skills chart to assist you in setting goals that cover the spectrum of CrossFit. If you have questions regarding this sheet please feel free to ask a trainer or shoot us an email.

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville

Level I
Hips Push Pull Core Work squats: 50 free squats push ups: 10 static hang: 30 seconds sit ups: 30 kettlebell swings: 25

Level II
squats: 100 free squats squat: 1 x bodyweight push ups: 30 bench press: 1 x bodyweight rope climb: 20 foot climb, 1 trip v-ups: 30 kettlebell snatch: 30 each arm men 24kg women 16kg 400 meter run: 1:34 minutes deadlift: 1 1/2 x bodyweight military press: 1/2 x bodyweight handstand hold: 1 minute power clean: 3/4 x bodyweight hanging knees to elbows: 15 thrusters: 45 reps at 1/2 x bodweight 800 meter run: 3:20 minutes 500 meter row: women 2:00 men 1:45 vertical jump: 18 inches dips: 20 dip: 1 with 1/3 x bodyweight pull ups: 20 pull up: 1 with 1/3 x bodyweight muscle up: 1 L-sit: 30 seconds 2000 meter row: women 8:50 men 7:30 power snatch: 1/2 x bodyweight

Level III
pistols: 10 each leg squat: 1 1/2 x bodyweight push ups: 40 on rings bench press: 1 1/4 x bodyweight rope climb: 20 foot climb 1 trip, no feet overhead squat: 1 x bodyweight kettlebell snatch: 10 minute test 200 reps men 24kg women 16kg 400 meter run: 1:19 minutes deadlift: 2 x bodyweight military press: 3/4 x bodyweight handstand push up: 10 clean: 1 x bodyweight hanging straight leg raise: 20 sandbag carry: 1 mile with 1/2 x bodyweight 800 meter run: 2:50 minutes 500 meter row: women 1:50 men 1:32 vertical jump: 25 inches dips: 30 on rings dip: 1 with 3/4 x bodyweight pull ups: 40 pull up: 1 with 3/4 x bodyweight muscle up: 10 L-sit: 1 minute row: 5k row for women at 21:00 6k row for men at 21:45 snatch: 1 x bodyweight

Level IV
pistols: 25 each leg squat: 2 x bodyweight push ups: 60 on rings bench press: 1 1/2 x bodyweight rope climb: 20 foot climb 2 trips touch and go, no feet overhead squat: 15 repetitions at 1 x bodyweight 2 db/kb clean & jerk: 150 reps in 10 min. men 24kg women 16kg 400 meter run: 1:04 minutes deadlift: 2 1/2 x bodyweight military press: 1 x bodyweight handstand push up: 10 full range clean: 1 1/2 x bodyweight front lever: 15 seconds sandbag carry: 1 mile with 3/4 x bodyweight 800 meter run: 2:20 minutes 500 meter row: women 1:40 men 1:25 vertical jump: 30 inches dips: 50 on rings dip: 1 with 1 x bodyweight pull ups: 40 dead hang pull up: 1 w/1 x bodyweight muscle up: 15 L-sit: 1:30 minutes row: 5k row for women at 20:00 6k row for men at 20:00 snatch: 1 1/4 x bodyweight

Speed Hips Push

400 meter run: 2:04 minutes deadlift: 3/4 x bodyweight military press: 1/4 x bodyweight medicine ball cleans: 10 knees to chest: 10 sitting wall ball: 25 800 meter run: 4:20 minutes 500 meter row: women 2:20 men 1:55 vertical jump: 10 inches dips: 3 pull ups: 3

Pull Core Work

Speed Hips Push Pull

Core Work Speed

L-sit: 10 seconds 2000 meter row: women 9:50 men 8:10 dumbbell snatch: 10/arm

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CrossFit the Ville

Work Christine: 15 minutes 3 rounds for time -500 m row, 12 deadlifts, 21 box jumps 1 mile run: 9 minutes Helen: 11:30 minutes 3 rounds for time -400 meter run, 21 kb swings, 12 pull ups 1 mile run: 7 minutes Chelsea: 30 minutes every minute on the minute for 30 minutes - 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats 1 mile run: 6 minutes Mary: 15 rounds in 20 minutes 5 handstand push ups, 10 pistols, 15 pull ups 1 mile run: 5 minutes

Created by David Werner Level 4 CrossFit Seattle

Food Journal Directions and Example


Record date, how many hours you slept, and your general mood. Record an accurate (food type, amount) description of each meal that you consume. If following Zone, Write down Zone block counts. Record how you felt 1 hour after consuming that meal. Record your protein block totals as the day progresses. At the end of the day, compare block totals to goal. There is also a section for nutrition related notes. Record your daily workout and your results. If you did not work out that day, record Rest Day.
Description Zone Blocks P4 C4 F4

Breakfast Time:


1 cup cottage cheese 1 cantaloupe 12 almonds 1/2 cup plain yogurt Sprinkled w/ pecans Tuna sandwich: 4 oz canned tuna 4 tsp light mayo 1 slice bread served w/ 1 apple 1 oz hummus 1/2 tomato 1 1/2 oz feta cheese

Total Blocks: Post Meal after one hour Full Tired Content Hungry C1 F1 Sluggish

Snack Time:

P1 Total Blocks: P4 Total Blocks:


C4 F4

Lunch Time:


Post Meal after one hour Full Tired P1 Total Blocks: P4 C4 F4 Content Hungry C1 F1 Sluggish

Snack Time:



Dinner Time:


4 oz chicken breast, broiled 2 oranges 4 macadamia nuts No snack

Total Blocks: Post Meal after one hour Full Tired P Content Hungry C Sluggish


Snack Time:

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville

Total Blocks: Nutrition Notes Total Zone Blocks for Day P 14 C 14 F 14

-Lots of energy all day -Really liked yogurt and pecans

Total Blocks: Goal:

14 14


Cindy As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes: 5 pullups 10 pushups 15 squats 15 rounds completed -struggled on pushups

DATE: _______________
Meal Description Zone Blocks P Total Blocks: Breakfast Time: Post Meal after one hour Full Tired Snack Time: P Total Blocks: P Total Blocks: Lunch Time: Post Meal after one hour Full Tired Snack Time: P Total Blocks: P Total Blocks: Dinner Time: Post Meal after one hour Full Tired Snack Time: Nutrition Notes P Total Blocks: Total Zone Blocks for Day P Total Blocks: Goal: C Content Hungry C C Content Hungry C C Content Hungry C C

SLEEP: ___hrs

Sluggish F F

Sluggish F F

Sluggish F

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville


Workout Journal Directions and Example

This log is actually optional. Some people benefit from being able to record multiple workouts (usually strength oriented) on the same sheet. This usually makes it easy to compare 1-2 weeks worth of workouts at once. Example below.
Date: 2/11 Workout: Back Squat 5 sets x 3 reps Press 3 sets x 3 reps Date: 2/12 Workout: 5 rounds for time: 25 KB swings 25 pushups Date: 2/13 Workout: Deadlift 5 sets x 3 reps Push Press 3 sets x 3 reps Date: 2/15 Workout: Fran 21-15-9 Thruster, 95lbs Pullups Date: 2/16 Workout: Clean Heavy Single Date: 2/1 Workout: AMRAP 20 15 pullups 10 Pistols 5 burpees

Results: BS: 95 x3 135 x3 185 x3 225 x3 255 x3 Press: 95 x 3 135 x3 185 x3 Notes:

Results: 15:27 24kg KB

Results: DL: 95 x3 135 x3 185 x3 225 x3 255 x3 Push Press: 95 x 3 135 x3 185 x3 Notes:

Results: 5:37

Results: Clean 95 135 185 225(F)

Results: 15 rounds

Notes: Grip weak


Notes: Felt good


Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville

Date: Workout:

Date: Workout:

Date: Workout:

Date: Workout:

Date: Workout:

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville Results: Results: Results: Results: Results:






Credits Most of the nutrition stuff Robb Wolf Some of the Paleo sheets Crossfit North Atlanta Overall concept and skill levels Crossfit LA The Biz Zone Guide Crossfit Journal Skill levels Dave Werner Crossfit Seattle

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

CrossFit the Ville

CrossFit Downtown Winston

Forging Elite Fitness JK Athletics LLC

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