The Most Dangerous Game' by Richard Connell

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‘The Most Dangerous Game’ by Richard Connell

1. Discuss the relevance of the setting in time and place with close reference
to the events present in the text. To what extent is the island a significant
setting. Are there any surreal elements in the setting.
2. What’s the point of view in the text? Focalizers.
3. Fictional present and flashback. Identify different segments. Time span.
4. Scene or panorama. EXemplify.
5. Atmosphere. Does it shift as the events unfold?
6. Characters & characterization. General Zaroff, Rainsford, Whitney. What do
both General Zaroff and Rainsford have in common in terms of
7. How would you describe the
relationships as disclosed in the text.
General Zaroff & Ivan - General Zaroff &
Rainsford - Rainsford & Whitney.
8. Discuss the use of imagery in the story.
9. Explain the way the hunting game is
described and the significance of the
different traps described.
10. Identify symbols.
11. Foreshadowing.
12. Is there irony in the story? Identify examples, if any.
13. Is there violence in the text?
14. Discuss the treatment of honor and fairplay as presented in the story.
15. Analyze the themes explored in the story and exemplify.
16. Analyze the ending in as many ways as possible.
17. Structure of the text. Define your parameter and discuss the structure of the
story. Discuss the function of the different parts.
18. Identify contrasts and oppositions in the text.

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