Conditional II

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Structure Examples
Ze If + present If the wind blows, the trees
ro simple, present move.
Condition simple.
If you leave ice-cream in the
al Sun, it melts (derretirse).

If it rains tomorrow, I will take an


If we don’t leave home now, we

will miss the train.

Conditio Structure Example

Unless Unless + subject + infinitive, Unless you study, you will
subject not pass the exam.
+ will + infinitive + complement

Podemos traducir la condición unless por “a menos que” para que sea más fácil
aprender a utilizarlo. Ejemplo: No aprobarás el examen a menos que estudies.

If...not Sentences Unless Sentence

If you don't hurry (darse prisa), you will Unless you hurry, you will be
be late for school.
late for school.
You will be late for school unless
you hurry.

If you don't save (ahorrar) money, you Unless you save money, you
can't buy a new car. can't buy a new car.

You can’t buy a new car unless

you save money.
1. Fill in the blanks (rellena el hueco). 0 and I conditional sentences:

1. If you heat(to heat = calentar) ice, it turns(to turn

= se convierte) into water.

2. If I find(to find) a wallet on the street, I will return

(to return) it to the owner.

3. If your cousin studies (to study) medicine, she

will become(become) a doctor.

4. Your cat will meow(to meow) a lot if it is(to be) hungry.

5. If we see(to see) him tomorrow, we will invite

(to invite) him to the party.

6. If a person mixes (to mix) blue and yellow, he or she gets

(to get) green.

7. If it starts(to start) raining, we will buy(to buy) an umbrella.

8. If my father eats (to eat) too muchcandy, he

will have (have) an indigestion.

9. If Lucy finishes (to finish) her homework, she

will watch(to watch) TV.

10. If you drop (drop = dejar caer) the vase (jarrón), it

breaks(to break).

Unless Lucy finishes her homework, she will not watch TV

2. Converting 'if...not' to 'unless' in conditional sentences:

If you don't water the plants, they will die. → “Unless you water the plants, they will
die” or “The plants will die unless you water them”.

1. If you don't study for your English exam, you will fail.

Unless you study for your English exam, you will fail

2. If Peter doesn't speak slowly, Mary won’t understand him.

Mary won´t understand Peter unless he speaks slowly

3. If you don't say sorry, your sister won't forgive you.

Unless you say sorry, your sister won´t forgive you

4. If you don't wear a coat, you'll get cold outside.

You will get cold outside unless you wear a coat.

5. If you don't take the medicines, you won't feel better.

Unless you take the medicines, you won´t feel better.

3. Vocabulary. Draw lines to match the translations:

Viajo diariamente al trabajo. My commute is about 30 minutes
each way.
Tengo un trayecto corto; son solo quince
minutos I commute to my workplace by bus.

Voy al trabajo en autobús. How long is your commute?

¿Cuánto tiempo tardas en viajar al trabajo? I have a short commute; it's only 15
Tardo media hora en llegar al trabajo en

¿Cuánto tardas en llegar a tu trabajo?

Mi trayecto al trabajo es de unos treinta

minutos en cada dirección
How long does it take you to get
to your workplace?

I commute to work daily.

It takes me half an hour to get to my

workplace by bicycle.

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