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Audit Course Examination, November 2023 Phase I
E01 | Environmental Studies
Register No.: Name:

1) Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not for every mans greed - words by
Ans: A) Tagore
2) On which date was the Stockholm Conference on Human Environment held?
Ans: C) June 5th 1972
3) The environmental (protection) act of India was enacted in the year
Ans: C) 1986
4) Natural earthquakes are caused by __________
Ans: A) Earth's crust
5) All are insitu conservation efforts except
Ans: C) Zoo
6) Peeling of Ozone umbrella, which protects us from UV rays, is caused by
Ans: B) CFCs
7) Physical and chemical components of an ecosystem constitute
Ans: B) Abioltic structure
8) A lake ecosystem functions as a
Ans: A) Terai

9) In respect of water crisis, there have been conflicts/disputes between two countries, or states of the same country. Which of the

following has never been the case of water conflict?

Ans: B) Yamuna-Betwa dispute between U.P. and M.P.

10) The major cause of depletion of ozone layer in the atmosphere is...
Ans: B) CFC
11) Global worming means
Ans: B) Increase in Earths Body Temperature
12) Plants adapted to open, sunny habitats are
Ans: B) Heliophytes
13) The phenomenon of accumulation of non-biodegradable pesticides in human beings
Ans: A) Biomagnification
14) Cigarette smoking exposes one to __________
Ans: D) Carbon monoxide
15) ...................... is a cold desert in India
Ans: B) Ladakh
16) Worlds first Teak Forest was planted in 1842 in Kerala. Identify the place.
Ans: B) Nilambur
17) Salinization is ______________________
Ans: B) Accumulation of salts in soil
18) The function of ozone layer
Ans: C) to protect earth from sun?s harmful ultra-violet radiation
19) Lotic ecosystem refers to
Ans: A) Static water system
20) The animal which consumes decaying organic matter is _________
Ans: B) Detritivore
21) Formation of hole in Ozone is maximum over
Ans: C) Antarctica
22) The major green house gas which is responsible for causing about 60% of the green house effect on earth among the following is
Ans: A) Carbon monoxide

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Audit Course Examination, November 2023 Phase I
E01 | Environmental Studies
Register No.: Name:

23) Which of the following effect is responsible for Global Warming?

Ans: A) Green house effect
24) Forest and wild life are
Ans: C) Inexhaustible resources
25) The amount of solar radiation reaching the surface of the earth is called
Ans: D) solvents
26) Which tree is known as Coral tree?
Ans: C) Erythrina
27) EIA is the
Ans: C) Environmental Impact Assessment
28) Snow leopard is found in which National Park?
Ans: B) The Great Himalayan
29) Green revolution is associated with _________
Ans: B) Agriculture
30) What is the major limiting factor in the arid areas of our country?
Ans: D) Soil
31) What is UNCED?
Ans: C) United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
32) The state which constituted green bench
Ans: B) Tamilnadu
33) What is Kyoto Protocol?
Ans: A) It is an agreement among countries to take steps for reducing global warming.
34) What is 'temporary threshold shift'?
Ans: A) Hearing loss due to excessive noise
35) Incineration of Municipal waste involves
Ans: C) Redox action
36) .................... Is a marine tortoise which shows the unique phenomenon 'arribada'
Ans: A) Olive Ridley
37) A liquid fuel that was formed from the ancient remains of sea plants and animals is
Ans: B) Petroleum
38) Pedology?
Ans: C) Study of soil
39) What is hibernation and aestivation?
Ans: A) Thermal adaptation shown by animals
40) The study of interactions between living and non-living organisms and environment is called
Ans: B) Ecology
41) What kind of people are the most ill-affected by the construction of dams?
Ans: D) tribal people
42) Carbon dioxide reacts with moisture in the atmosphere forming
Ans: B) H2C03
43) Increased heart beat, constriction of blood vessels and dilation of pupil are symptoms of....
Ans: A) Sound pollution
44) The place where the worst nuclear disaster took place?
Ans: B) Chernobyl
45) What is the maximum allowable concentration of fluorides in drinking water?
Ans: D) 1.5mg/L
46) What is symbiosis?

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Audit Course Examination, November 2023 Phase I
E01 | Environmental Studies
Register No.: Name:

Ans: C) Association between members of two species

47) The pH of acid rain is
Ans: A) Between 3-5
48) The process through which ecosystems tend to change after a period of time is called
Ans: A) Ecological Succession
49) Energy in the rays from the sun is called
Ans: A) Solar energy
50) Who wrote the book Violence of Green Revolution
Ans: A) Vandana Siva
51) The nations threatened by submergence on account of global warming
Ans: A) Pakistan and Afghanistan
52) Which among the following result in the formation of soil?
Ans: B) Weathering
53) World environment day is observed every year marks the anniversary of
Ans: B) Stockholm conference-1972
54) Effect of carbon monoxide on blood, causing
Ans: C) C02Hb
55) Colorless odorless and non corrosive air pollutant is
Ans: B) Carbon monoxide
56) The combustion of waste in the absence of Oxygen is called
Ans: D) None
57) The components of LPG are _____________
Ans: B) Propane & Butane
58) Gharial is a
Ans: A) Crocodile
59) Freons are called
Ans: A) Hydrocarbons
60) Expand WWF
Ans: A) World Wide Fund for Nature

Schedule: 03/02/24 08:00 AM - 03/02/24 09:00 AM | Attended: 03/02/24 08:01 AM - 03/02/24 08:49 AM | Printed: 03/02/24 08:50 AM

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