Spring 2024-Child Observation-Getting To Know You Log - Assessment Portfolio 1

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Child Observation/Get to Know You Log

Name: Hanna Simiele


Observation Week 1
CHILD Day of the WEEK Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
with DATE Weaknesses (observed learning style, S/E)
(chose 1 or 2 days Name the content area and state You may now add some
per week only what you observed (hear and personal interpretation here.
depending on see)
days in the field)
Child 1 W 1/31 LA- Foundations- Focusing on Student started off calm and
open and closed syllables very engaged in the beginning
Strengths: student easily identified of foundations, but when he
that “me” is an open syllable, was couldn’t identify the specific
engaged in the activity by writing vowel sound in the given word,
the words on the whiteboard. he shut down.

Weaknesses: student was

confused “be” and “bed” because
they struggled to identify the
vowel sound. Since they were
struggling, they started to wine
really loud and throw their marker
across the room.
Math- Intro to Money Student was excited and super
Strengths: student was engaged engaged in the beginning of
in the activity with counting the math. He raised his hand during
pennies. Student used his whole group discussion about the
problem solving skills to figure penny, but when he was having a
out the total cost of a piece of hard time keeping the pennies on
candy with the given pennies. his desk, he started to cry.
Student was very excited to finish
the activity.

Weaknesses: student kept

dropping the pennies on the
ground and was getting
frustrated, he kept wining and
hitting his desk.
Child 2 W-1/31 LA-Foundations- Focusing on open Student was excited and proud
and closed syllables of himself that he was
Strengths: student did an excellent understanding the differences
job identifying open and closed between open and closed
syllables. He was very engaged in syllables, but when he finished
the whole group discussion on the
the activity faster than his peers,
carpet and answered questions
he sat around and got bored.
when the teacher asked.

Weaknesses: the student was

understanding the content so well,
that we finished the activity quickly
so he just sat around and was
Observation Week 2
Math- Intro to Money
Strengths: the student
demonstrated engagement and was
eager to participate in the activity.
The student volunteered to come
up to the board to point out the
picture of the penny and identify
how much is a penny worth.

Weaknesses: the student was

completing a worksheet that
required him to count many
pennies and the student
occasionally miscounted some
pennies. The student kept getting
frustrated themselves due to them
skip counting.

Child 1 M 2/5 LA- Foundations- Vowel Teams Student had their active listening
Strengths: the student showed and critical thinking skills on
excitement and engagement during during this lesson. The student
instruction. The student raised his was very engaged and
hand to come up to the front of the participated during the lesson.
room to write down a word that has
The student understood the
vowel teams. The word that the
concept of vowel teams and knew
student wrote was “book”.
which words had vowel teams in
Weaknesses: The student was it.
getting annoyed and frustrated that
other students were being asked to
come up and write down other
words that had vowel teams. The
student just wanted to keep coming
up to the board.
Math- Budgeting with money The student was super excited to
Strengths: The student was very work with money in today’s
excited to work with money and lesson. The student struggled last
be able to use the money to buy week during the introduction of
things at the store. The student the penny, so seeing the student
felt very confident in making sure participate and showing interest,
that they have enough money is showing growth.
from their budget to buy the
things they wanted. The student
was also very excited to present
what they have bought from the
store with the money they were
given. The student had no
problem with this lesson!
Child 2 M 2/5 LA-Foundations- Vowel Teams The student was participating in
Strengths: The student participated instruction and really understood
during instruction; kept raising his how vowel teams work and can
hand and wanting to give a word think of words that have vowel
that had vowel teams. teams. But when the student
wasn’t picked on to name a word,
Weaknesses: The student started he started to lose interest in the
to get frustrated and upset that the lesson and plaid with his
teacher didn’t pick on them to give bracelets.
the class a word that had vowel
teams. Since the student didn’t
have the chance to participate, he
started to lose interest in the topic
and plaid with his bracelets on his
Math- Budgeting with money The student loves working with
Strengths: the student loved the money and having a budget to
concept of having money and using buy things. But when the student
the money to go shopping. He spent all his money at the store,
made sure that whatever he was they got upset.
buying he had enough for each
thing. He really understood how to
count the money and budget.

Weaknesses: The student was upset

with the amount of money they
were given. He got upset when he
spent all his money and didn’t have
enough for any more things from
the store. The student wanted to
keep spending.

Observation Week 3
Child 1 W 2/14 LA- Foundations: Sight words The student did a good job
Strengths: demonstrated fluency demonstrating fluency and
and decoded unfamiliar words in a decoded high frequency words
context. The student actively when asked to, but when it came
participated in guided instruction. to vocabulary on the words, the
The student raised their hand and
student got upset and struggled.
kept participating.

Weaknesses: the student got upset

when they weren’t understanding
the vocabulary on the sight word.
The student walked out during the
worksheet activity given by the
Math- Counting Pennies, dimes, The student was able to count
nickels the coins correctly and was able
Strengths: the student was able to understand the difference
to count each coin correctly between all the coins, but when it
without skipping or double came to speed, the student did
counting. The student was very take a little longer to finish up the
excited to work with money and worksheet.
can understand each coin and
how much they’re worth.
Weaknesses: the student was
accurate in counting the coins,
but they did take a little bit
longer to count. So everyone was
finished before the student.
Child 2 W 2/14 LA-Foundations- Sight words The student was able to use their
Strengths: the student struggled context clues and background
with recognizing sight words as knowledge to understand the
quickly as the other students, but meaning of the sight words and
they were able to use context clues sentences they were given, but
to understand the meaning of the
they needed a little more practice
sight words and sentences. The
on some specific high-frequency
student tried to answer the best as
they can and participated with the words.

Weaknesses: the student was able

to correctly identify some words,
but they need practice focusing on
specific sight words. The student
got a little annoyed that they
couldn’t understand and got up
from the room and didn’t finish the
lesson with the class.
Math- counting pennies, dimes, The student understood on what
nickels was going on with the lesson with
Strengths: the student quickly working with coins. The student
identified the differences between recognized the difference
the coins and its worth. The student between the coins and how much
can count the coins from a stack
they’re worth. The only issue the
without making any mistakes in
student struggled with was when
double counting or skipping. The
student was excited on working counting a larger amount with
with money, the student the coins. Other than that, the
participated and made sure they student did really well during this
were paying to the teacher at all lesson.

Weaknesses: The only thing that

the student struggled with was
when counting 25 cents, which
consisted of a mix of nickels and
pennies, they struggled to recognize
that 5 pennies equals one nickel.

Observation Week 4
Child 1 W 2/21 LA- Foundations: Segmentation The student knew how to identify
Strengths: the student sounds and was able to segment
demonstrated strong phonemic the sounds into words. The
awareness by easily identifying student was also very engaged in
sounds into words. During the the lesson. When the teacher had
lesson, the student had an activity
the students spell the words, the
where they had to segment sounds
student wasn’t able to correctly
into words, she breaks down the
word “bat” into its individual spell, and the student got upset
phonemes without any hesitation. during the process.
The student participated and was
fully engaged in the lesson.

Weaknesses: The student struggled

with spelling consistency during the
lesson. The student was given the
word “jump” and the student wrote
“jum” instead on the whiteboard.
The student was upset that they got
the word incorrect.
Math- Intro to Analog Clock The student understood and
Strengths: The student quickly quickly grasped how an analog
grasps and understood the clock worked, as well as know the
concept of the analog clock when hour and the minute hands. But
it was demonstrated by the when it came to telling time from
teacher. The student also can a word problem, the student
visually see the relationship struggled to apply the knowledge
between the hour and minute of telling the time correctly.
hands of the clock.

Weaknesses: The student

struggled to apply the knowledge
to real-world situations or word
problems with telling the time
with an analog clock.
Child 2 F 2/23 LA-Foundations- Segmentation The student was engaged in the
Strengths: the student was lesson and raised their hand
somewhat engaged in the lesson, whenever they could participate,
the student raised their hand a but the student did have some
couple times and answered as difficulty segmenting the sounds
many questions as they could.
into words during the lesson.
Weaknesses: The student faced
some challenges during the lesson.
When asked to segment the word
“jump”, he struggled to identify
each individual sound accurately. It
seemed like they were confused
with the sounds of similar letters,
such as /b/ and /p/.
Math- Intro to Analog Clock The student understood the
Strengths: The student seemed to information about the analog
understand the information okay clock well. The students also did
through verbal explanations and well on identifying the patterns
discussion on the carpet about the
analog clock during the lesson. The between the numbers and where
student did well on identifying the the clock hands are positioned on
patterns between the numbers and the clock. But the student did
where the clock hands were. struggle to participate during
class discussions.
Weaknesses: The student struggled
and hesitated to participate actively
during the class discussion or
answer any questions that were
asked. The student seemed like he
was afraid they might get it
incorrect and embarrass

Observation Week 5
Child 1 W 2/28 LA- Foundations: sounds er,ir,ur The student did get the concept
Strengths: The student seemed to of the sounds quickly, but they
understand the concept quickly. rushed through the lesson, which
When the teacher asked the causing them to miss some
students to identify examples from questions.
the PowerPoint.

Weaknesses: The only thing for the

student is that during the lesson,
the student seemed to rush through
the worksheet and they missed
some small details.

Math- Telling time to the The student was very excited to

nearest hour analog and digital be learning more on the clock,
Strengths: The student showed especially when to tell time to the
excitement and confidence when nearest hour. But, when it came
asked to read the time on the to identifying the time on a digital
analog clock the teacher showed. clock, the student struggled with
The student seemed to have a the hour and minute digits.
solid understanding of the
concept of time and the student
recognized both hands of the
clock well.

Weaknesses: The student

understood how to tell the time
on the analog clock, but they
struggled with understanding the
digital format. The student got
confused the hour digit with the
minute digit when reading.
Child 2 W 2/28 LA-Foundations- sounds er,ir,ur The student was very engaged in
Strengths: The student engaged the lesson and made sure they
with the material and asked were paying attention and staying
questions to help her understand focused. The student did struggle
more. The student made sure they a little bit and lacked confidence,
were paying attention and stayed
which can prevent her to fully
participate in class activities or
Weaknesses: The student did whole group discussions.
struggle with the lesson. The
student hesitated a little when
answering a question the teacher
asked. The student did lack of
confidence in today’s lesson.
Math- Telling time to the nearest The student took the time to look
hour analog and digital at the analog clock and paid
Strengths: The student was focused attention to so much detail
in the lesson and really paid before answering any questions.
attention to detail on the analog The student could benefit from
clock when answering a question.
additional practice in both telling
time and analog clocks.
Weaknesses: The student did lack
of confidence with the topic. The
student could have additional
practice and reinforcement to build
their confidence in reading and
telling time.

Observation Week 6
Child 1 M 3/11 LA- Foundations: sounds ai and ay The student actively participated
Strengths: The student seemed to and was super engaged during
be actively participating and the lesson regarding the phonic
engaged during the lesson and sounds ai and ay. The student did
activities. The student showed good struggle with spelling the words
understand of the sound patterns
and quickly recognizing words that
contain the sounds.

Weaknesses: The student did

struggle with accurately spelling the
words with the sound patterns. The
student did get annoyed and
Math- Telling time to the The student actively listened to
nearest half hour the teacher instructions and
Strengths: The student showed participated during the discussion
basic understanding on time. The and activity. However, they might
student actively participated and need some reminders to slow
engaged during the discussion down and double check their
and the clock activity. The work when working on activities.
student seemed to really enjoy
going up to the board and telling
the time on the giant clock.

Weaknesses: The student

struggled with taking their time
during the activity. They seemed
like they were rushing to be the
first one finished first, which led
them to some tiny mistakes.
Child 2 M 3/11 LA-Foundations- sounds ai and ay The student was a strong visual
Strengths: The student benefited learner during this lesson. The
from the word cards illustrating the student seemed like they have
sound patterns. The student also the ability to work independently
participated in the sound matching on assigned tasks. Although, the
student only relies on visual aids
and they struggled with
Weaknesses: The student struggled
recognizing ai and ay without any participating during the lesson
visual cues. and activity.

Math- Telling time to the nearest The student engaged during the
half hour activity and lesson. They
Strengths: Had a strong grasp for struggled a bit with more than
telling the time. The student was one steps in activities.
showing enthusiasm for challenging
tasks and enjoyed doing the activity
with the large clock on the board.

Weaknesses: The student seemed

to get overwhelmed when the
activity involved multiple steps.

Observation Week 7
Child 1 W 3/20 LA- Foundations: Vowel Teams oa The student likes hands-on
and oe learning activities and a
Strengths: The student was focused kinesthetic learning style. The
and engaged during the discussion student was participating during
of introduction of oa and oe. The the beginning of the lesson.
student participated in the activity
Raised their hand and answered
with making rainbow clouds with
questions the teacher asked. But,
the chosen oa and oe words. The
student didn’t get up and followed at the end of the lesson, his
all directions. attention decreased and
struggled with focusing.
Weaknesses: Towards the end of
the lesson, the student’s attention
started to decrease and was getting
frustrated. The student was
distracted by everything happening
and was not participating in the
activity anymore and gave up.
Math- Telling time to nearest 5 The student thrived during the
minutes hands-on activity. The student
Strengths: During the interactive suggest a kinesthetic learning
clock activity, the student style for this lesson. They
participated and showed benefited from hands-on activity
engagement. The student and engaged with the material.
seemed to enjoy moving the Although, the student became
hands of the clock to match the frustrated and lack of focus trying
specified time the teacher gave. to stay in their seat.

Weaknesses: The student

seemed to struggle to stay
seated for more than a few
minutes without fidgeting. He
frequently got up from his seat
and walked around the room.
Child 2 W 3/20 LA-Foundations- Vowel Teams oa The students learning style was
and oe auditory. The student was
Strengths: The student was focused and participated during
following directions and stayed on the class discussion and the
task throughout the entire lesson. overall meaning of the vowel
The student made sure to raise
teams. The student did start to
their hand if they knew the answer
lack in motivation during the
and even gave a work with both oa
and oe. hands-on activity. They didn’t
want to create a rainbow and
Weaknesses: The student wasn’t color it.
motivated to do the rainbow
activity. The student just sat down
at their desk and stared at the
work he is supposed to be doing.
His attention span started to lack.
Math- Telling time to Nearest 5 The student thrived on whole
minutes group discussion, so auditory
Strengths: The student actively learning style would benefit the
listened to the teacher explaining of student. The student paid
how to tell the time. They attention and raised their hand to
maintained eye contact with the
be called on, showed active
teacher and nodded when to do so
participation and engagement.
for understanding. The student also
participated in the group discussion, However, the student did struggle
And showed excitement. with the concept of telling time to
the nearest 5 minutes and
Weaknesses: The student did have couldn’t focus towards the end of
a harder time with figuring out the the lesson.
time to the nearest 5 minutes,
which resulted the student to get
frustrated and lack of focus and

Observation Week 8
Child 1 M 3/25 LA- Foundations: Diagraph blends The student was very engaged in
sh and th the lesson and showed
Strengths: The student show comprehension and phonics
engagement and participated when skills. The student completed the
asked to. The student also sort correctly. The student did
participated in the sorting activity
blurt out the answers without
with words containing “sh” and “th”
raising their hand and when
blends into separate piles. They
read words out loud and showing others wanted to be called on.
some comprehension skills. The student did start lacking
focus towards the end.
Weaknesses: While completing the
activity, the student struggled to
maintain focus, became distracted
by noises in the classroom and
hallway. The student also blurted
out the answers without raising
their hand.
Math- Two-digit addition The student had a fun time doing
Strengths: The student had a this Easter math activity. They
strong understanding of addition benefited from the hands-on
concepts. They engaged in the activity and they are a visual and
hands-on activity of making kinesthetic learner during this
bunnies with two-digit numbers. lesson. The student just didn’t
They were really excited to do raise their hand or wait to be
something for Easter, and that is called on.
what made them motivated to
learn and do the activity.

Weaknesses: The student called

out on answers and didn’t wait to
be called on.
Child 2 M 3/25 LA-Foundations- Diagraph blends The student did complete the
sh and th sorting activity, but was struggling
Strengths: The student was on the whole concept of the
engaged and participated in the blends. The student would
sorting activity. benefit from differentiated
instruction such as giving the
Weaknesses: The student did
student boom cards to help them
struggle with the blends. The
student wasn’t very confident in understand the content.
themselves and didn’t raise their
hand at all or participated in whole
group discussion. The student
couldn’t comprehend how to spell
“sh” and “th” words, which caused
the student not motivated to learn.
Math- Two-digit addition The student did an excellent job
Strengths: The student was with adding two-digit numbers,
engaged throughout the lesson. The especially it being a couple days
student was also very excited to be in the content. The student may
doing an Easter activity. They raised benefit from getting more
their hand when asked to answer a
challenged work next time so
question. They could do two-digit
they won’t feel frustrated or
addition independently.
upset if they finish early.
Weaknesses: There wasn’t any
weaknesses throughout the lesson
other than the student got upset
that they didn’t have anything to do
and didn’t want to be on the
computer after they completed the
activity. They wanted to do more
Easter stuff.

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