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Paper: I

(Introduction to the Regions)

Full Marks: 40

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as

Far as applicable

1. Answer any two questions: 2x15

(a) Describe the geographical features of Insular Southeast Asia. 15

(b) Write a note on Indian cultural influence on Southeast Asia. 15

(c) Write a note on political governance in Thailand. 15

(d) Discuss political governance in Indonesia. 15

2. Answer any two questions: 2x5

(a) Write a short note on Doi Moi 5

(b) Write a short note on King Trailok 5

(c) Write a short note on e-governance in India 5

(d) Discuss any one cultural feature of Oraon people 5

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