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General Overview
Catch-up Subject: Peace Education Grade Level: 9
Quarterly Theme: Community Awareness Sub-theme: Gratitude
Time: 2:00-3:00pm Date: February 2, 2024
II. Session Outline
Session Title: Ways of Practicing and Expressing Gratitude in Life
Session Objectives: At the end of the session, learners will be able to:
a. Define the concept of gratitude.
b. Recognize the ways of practicing and expressing gratitude in daily life.
c. Write a letter of gratitude to someone you are thankful for in your life.
Key Concepts:  Gratitude is the quality or feeling of being thankful and appreciative. It
involves recognizing and acknowledging the positive aspects of life, as
well as expressing appreciation for the kindness, support, and positive
experiences one has received from others. Practicing gratitude often
involves a conscious effort to focus on the good things in one's life and
to cultivate a positive and appreciative mindset. It goes beyond a
simple "thank you" and encompasses a deeper sense of recognizing
and valuing the positive elements that contribute to one's well-being
and happiness.
 Practicing gratitude in daily life is crucial for well-being. It reduces
stress, boosts mental health, and strengthens relationships. Gratitude
fosters a positive outlook, improves physical health, and encourages
mindfulness. In social settings, it creates a positive culture and
inspires kindness. Simple practices, like keeping a gratitude journal,
lead to a happier and more fulfilling life.
III. Teaching Strategies
Components Duration Activities and Procedures
Activity: I Am Grateful
Materials: Monitor, ppt presentation
 The class will take a moment to reflect on their life.
 Each of them will list down three things they are
currently grateful for. It could be a person, a
Introduction and possession, a personal achievement, a relationship,
10 mins
Warm-Up good health, or even simple joys.

1. What are the three things you currently feel grateful for?
2. Why are you grateful for it?
3. How do these things make your life better?
Concept 25 mins Activity: Thanks to YOU
Exploration Materials: Monitor, ppt presentation, pen and paper
1. The class will take a moment to think about a person in
their life—it could be their parents, friends, teachers or
classmates—whom they appreciate or are thankful for.
2. Each of them will write a sincere letter expressing their
gratitude and be specific about what they are thankful
3. A sample gratitude letter will be flashed on the monitor
to serve as a guide for the students.
4. Give them 10 minutes to finish the activity. The
presentation of outputs should be done right after.
5. Process the students’ output after their presentation.
6. After the activity, the teacher will have a deep discussion
about the importance of practicing and expressing


gratitude in daily life.
Activity: Be Inspire, Be Greatful
Materials: Monitor, Powerpoint Presentation
 Show the students a video presentation about ways of
practicing and expressing gratitude in daily life.
 Afterwards, engage learners in the discussion by asking
the following questions.
Valuing 15 mins
Reflective Questions:
1. What gratitude practice/s are emphasized in the video?
2. Give example/s from the video that demonstrate
expressing gratitude in everyday situations.
3. Which practice stood out to you, and why?
Activity: Reflective Journal
Materials: Activity notebook
 Let the students write a reflection on the lesson for
today by answering the guide questions below.
10 mins Guide Questions:
1. How can you make gratitude a daily habit?
2. Who or what can you appreciate today, and how will you
express it?
3. What small actions can you take each day to remind
yourself of the positive things in your life?

Prepared By:



Recommending Approval: Approved:


Master Teacher/Head Teacher School Head


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