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Below is some important information about your device plan agreement with us (Hutchison 3G UK
Limited, trading as Three). This information aims to help you understand what’s involved when you enter
into the agreement, so you can assess whether it meets your needs and financial situation. Please also
read your Pre-Contract Credit Information (PCCI) carefully.
What is the device plan agreement for?
The device plan agreement allows you to pay for the cost of the device you’re buying over time. It can
only be used for this reason. If you want finance for any other reason, this agreement won’t be suitable.
To be eligible for the device plan agreement, you must have a Pay Monthly Airtime Agreement which
covers the terms and conditions on which we provide our airtime services. These services include, for
example, the costs of your calls, texts, or data on our network and other related services.
How much will you have to pay?
You may need to make an upfront payment to us when you enter into the device plan agreement. You’ll
be required to make consecutive monthly repayments until you’ve paid your balance in full. Each
monthly repayment should be made by Direct Debit.
The amount of your upfront payment and the monthly repayments, as well as the total you’ll have to
pay under the device plan agreement, are set out in section 2 of your PCCI under the heading Key
features of the credit product.
It’s important that you consider carefully whether you can afford the repayments and you should also
consider any changes in your circumstances that might affect your ability to make the repayments.
What happens if you don’t keep up with repayments?
It is important that you make your repayments in full and on time. If you don’t, the following could apply:
 Your credit rating may be affected making it more difficult or expensive for you to obtain credit in the
 We will take steps to recover the money you owe us. This may include taking action through our
collections department or a debt collection agency. We may also take legal action to recover money
you owe us.
We may end the device plan agreement (after giving you any notice required by law) if you’re in breach
of the terms of your agreement, this includes failing to make all repayments in full and on time.
If you sign, can you change your mind later?
You have the right to withdraw from the device plan agreement without giving a reason before the end
of the 14th day starting on the day after (whichever is later):

(a) the day that the device plan agreement is signed by you and us;
(b) the day that you receive a copy of the executed device plan agreement (i.e. signed and dated by
you and us);
(c) the day that you collect the device from us; or
(d) the day that we deliver the device to you, which for the purposes of this device plan agreement will
be considered as one day after the day on which we send the device out to you

If you withdraw from the device plan agreement you must repay your balance in full within 30 days after
the day you tell us you want to withdraw. You can do this by calling 0333 338 1001 and we will tell you
how to make the repayment.

Your right to withdraw from the device plan agreement does not affect your agreement for the purchase
of the device.
Further Information
Before an application for credit is submitted please let us know if there is anything that you want to bring
to our attention that you think may be relevant to consideration of your application. If there is anything
you wish to bring to our attention, please call us on 0333 338 1001 before proceeding with an
Any other questions?
If you are unsure about anything and would like any further explanation or information, please ask us
now or call our customer services department on 0333 338 1001

1. Contact details

Creditor. Hutchison 3G UK Limited, trading as Three UK

Address. 450 Longwater Avenue, Green Park, Reading, RG2
Telephone number. 0333 338 1001
Web address.

2. Key features of the credit product

The type of credit. Fixed Sum Loan

The total amount of credit. £1,349.00

This means the amount of credit to be provided
under the proposed credit agreement or the credit

How and when credit would be provided. We will provide the credit by applying the total
amount of credit in payment or partial payment of the
cash price of your device. We will do so once you
have signed the device plan agreement and the Pay
Monthly Airtime Agreement.

The duration of the credit agreement. 23 months from the date of your first repayment.

Repayments. 23 consecutive monthly repayments, each of

£56.21 on the dates agreed. Your final monthly
payment will be £56.17.

The total amount you will have to pay. £1,499.00

This means the amount you have borrowed plus
Made up of:
interest and other costs.
Upfront payment: £150.00
Amount of credit: £1,349.00

The proposed credit will be granted in the form of

a deferred payment for goods or services
Description of goods. Apple iPhone 15 Pro 1TB Black Titanium

Cash price. £1,499.00

3. Costs of the credit

The rates of interest which apply to the credit 0% per annum (fixed) for the duration of the credit
agreement. agreement.

Annual Percentage Rate of Charge (APR).

0% APR
This is the total cost expressed as an annual
percentage of the total amount of credit.
The APR is there to help you compare different

Related costs.

Costs in the case of late payments. There are no charges for late or missed payments.

Consequences of missing payments. Missing payments could have severe consequences

and make obtaining credit more difficult. We may
also take legal action to recover sums remaining

4. Other important legal aspects

Right of withdrawal. You have the right to withdraw from this loan
agreement without giving a reason before the end
of the 14th day starting on the day after (whichever
is later):
(a) the day that this loan agreement is signed by you
and us;
(b) the day that you receive a copy of this executed
loan agreement (i.e. signed and dated by you and
(c) the day that you collect the device from us; or
(d) the day that we deliver the device to you, which
for the purposes of this loan agreement will be
considered as one day after the day on which we
send the device out to you.

Early repayment. You have the right to repay some or all of the
amount of credit at any time.

Consultation with a Credit Reference Agency. If we decide not to proceed with the credit
agreement on the basis of information from a credit
reference agency, we will tell you why we have
reached this decision and the particulars of that

Right to a draft credit agreement. You have the right, upon request, to obtain a copy
of the draft credit agreement free of charge, unless
we are unwilling at the time of the request to
proceed to the conclusion of the credit agreement
with you.

The period of time during which the creditor is The information in this document is only valid on the
bound by the pre-contractual information. day on which you have been provided with it. After
that day, you may be provided with a new document
containing different information before you enter
into the credit agreement.
5. Additional information to be given in the case of distance marketing of financial

(a) concerning the creditor

Registration number. Financial Conduct Authority Firm Reference

Number: 738979

The supervisory authority. The Financial Conduct Authority, 12 Endeavour

Square, London, E20 1JN, is the supervisory

(b) concerning the credit agreement

The law taken by the creditor as a basis for the English law will govern our relationship prior to the
establishment of relations with you before the conclusion of the credit agreement.
conclusion of the credit agreement.

The law applicable to the credit agreement and/or English law will govern the credit agreement and the
the competent court. credit agreement will be subject to the jurisdiction of
the English courts.

Language to be used in connection with the credit All documents and communications between us will
agreement. be in English.

(c) concerning redress

Access to out-of-court complaint and redress We have in place an internal complaints process. If
mechanism. you want to make a complaint you can call us on
0333 338 1001 or write to us at Three Customer
Complaints, Hutchison 3G UK Ltd, PO Box 333,
Glasgow, G2 9AG. If we do not resolve your
complaint to your satisfaction, you may refer it to the
Financial Ombudsman Service in writing at
Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR or by calling
0800 023 4567 or emailing
Further information can be found at
Fixed Sum Loan Agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974

This agreement is between Maksym Fedorchuk , 63 Becontree Avenue, DAGENHAM, RM8 2UJ
and Hutchison 3G UK Limited, trading as Three, 450 Longwater Avenue, Green Park, Reading,
RG2 6GF.

It is your device plan agreement and sets out the terms and conditions of your loan. It explains what
you’re agreeing to, your rights and what will happen if you don’t keep up with the repayments. It’s
important that you read this document, as you’ll be legally bound by the terms and conditions even if
you don’t read them.

1. Your device plan agreement

Agreement Number 3236081

Model/Description This agreement helps you pay for the following goods:

Apple iPhone 15 Pro 1TB Black Titanium

Cash price for the above £1,499.00


Upfront payment £150.00

Loan amount This is the amount you're borrowing, which is the cash price of the
goods less any upfront payment.

Length of the agreement 23 months from the date of your first repayment

Total charge for the loan This is the total amount of interest charged on your loan.

Total amount payable This is the amount you must pay, which is the total of the amount of
your loan plus any upfront payment that you have made.

Interest rate 0% (fixed for the duration of the loan agreement)

This loan is interest free.

Annual percentage rate The total amount payable under this agreement isn’t more than the
(APR) total cash price of the goods above.

2. Loan amount

We’ll apply the loan amount in payment or partial payment of the cash price of the goods shown
above. We’ll do this once you’ve signed this device plan agreement and your Pay Monthly Airtime
Agreement or, if later, at the time you collect the goods above from us or when we deliver the goods
to you, which for the purposes of this device plan agreement will be the day after the day on which we
send the goods out to you. If you fail to collect the goods or accept delivery, this device plan
agreement will be treated as if it were never entered into and any upfront payment you have made will
be refunded to you.

3. Repayments

3.1 On the date of this device plan agreement you’ll pay the upfront payment shown above.

3.2 You
You agree that you'll
agree that you’ll repay
repay the
the loan
loan amount
amount byby making
making 23
[X] consecutive
consecutive monthly
monthly repayments,
repayments, each
of £56.21
£[Y] on on
thethe dates
dates agreed.
agreed. Yourfinal
Your finalmonthly

3.3 The first monthly repayment is due on a date set by us or agreed between you and us, and the
following repayments are payable on the same date each month afterwards. We’ll tell you what date
your first monthly repayment is due on by email. During the term of this device plan agreement, the
repayment date may be changed and you can notify us of your new repayment date by calling us on
0333 338 1001.

3.4 Repayments must be made by Direct Debit, unless we agree to take payments in any other way
(which may include standing order or any other way we agree with you in advance).

3.5 If your Airtime Plan comes to an end (including if you or we terminate it), this device plan
agreement will be unaffected and you’ll be required to continue to make repayments due under it.

4. Repaying your loan early

4.1 You can repay some or all of your loan early, but you'll need to tell us if you decide to do this by
4.1 You can repay some or all of your loan early, but you’ll need to tell us if you decide to do this by
calling 0333
calling 0333 338
338 1001
1001 and
and we
we will
will tell
tell you
you how
how to
to make
make repayment.

4.2 If you repay part of your loan early, the amount of your monthly repayment will stay the same but
your outstanding loan balance will reduce, and you might repay your loan sooner or you may request
to use the repayment to reduce your monthly repayments and leave the length of the loan agreement

5. Statement of account
You can ask us for a statement of your account at any time and we won't charge you for this. You can
You can ask us for a statement of your account at any time and we won’t charge you for this. You can
do this
do this by
by calling
calling 0333
0333 338
338 1001.
1001. The
The statement
statement will
will show:

- how many repayments you have left to make;

- when the repayments are due;
- the amounts of the repayments; and
- a breakdown of each repayment, showing how much you’ll pay in interest and how much
towards the balance left on your loan.

6. If you don’t make your repayments

6.1 IfIf you’re
6.1 you're having
having difficulty
difficulty making
making your
your repayments
repayments or
or you’re
you're worried
worried that
that you might not
you might not be
be able
able to
make them, you should contact us because we may be able to help. You can call us on
make them, you should contact us because we may be able to help. You can call us on 0333 338 0333 338

6.2 If you miss repayments, we may put a negative entry on your credit report and it could make it
more difficult or more expensive for you to borrow money in the future.

6.3 We may also demand that you repay your loan in full, and we may take legal action to recover the
full outstanding loan balance.

6.4 If you miss repayments and we haven’t terminated this device plan agreement, the Direct Debit
we collect on each repayment date will usually stay the same. However, you’ll normally have to make
an additional repayment at the end of the term to cover any missed repayments.

7. Ending this device plan agreement

7.1 We may end this device plan agreement and demand full repayment of your loan if:

- you don’t make your monthly repayments in full and/or on time;

- you repeatedly breach the terms of this device plan agreement;
- you provided incorrect information when applying for your loan;
- there’s an increased risk that you won’t be able to repay us what you owe us. Examples
includes when:
o you’ve been declared bankrupt;
o you’ve entered into a voluntary arrangement with other people that you owe money
to; and/or
o adverse information has been registered against you with credit reference agencies.
- we’re required to because of any legal or regulatory requirement;
- you die (we would ask your estate to make the repayment).
7.2 We’ll always act in a reasonable way when deciding whether to do this and we’ll give you advance
notice and a reasonable opportunity to fix the problem, unless it can’t be fixed.

7.3 We may require you to pay our reasonable costs and expenses, including legal costs, if we have to
take action to obtain repayment of your loan balance.

8. General terms
8.1 IfIf under
8.1 under our
our returns
returns policy,
policy, which
which can
can be
be found
found at
at,, you
you return
return the
the goods
goods set
set out
at section 1 above and we accept your return and give you a refund, we'll apply the
at section 1 above and we accept your return and give you a refund, we’ll apply the refund amount to refund amount to
your outstanding loan balance. If after that there is still an outstanding loan balance,
your outstanding loan balance. If after that there is still an outstanding loan balance, you must you must
continue to
continue to make
make repayments
repayments as as required
required under
under this
this device plan agreement until the outstanding loan
balance is
balance is repaid
repaid inin full.

8.2 You’ll tell us immediately if you change your name, contact details, or the address where you live.

8.3 You may not assign or transfer your rights or obligations under this device plan agreement. We
may assign our rights and obligations under this device plan agreement to any third party, provided
there’s no detriment to you. Your rights under this device plan agreement and any legal rights you
have won’t be affected if we do this.

8.4 If we decide to temporarily relax the terms of this device plan agreement or we delay enforcing
any of the terms of this device plan agreement, we won’t be prevented from enforcing our rights
against you in full at any time.

8.5 Notices from you to us should be sent to the address for us at the top of this device plan
agreement. Notices from us to you will be sent to your address given on this device plan agreement
or to any other address which you have notified us of, or to the most up to date email address you
have given to us. If you have provided us with an email address, you authorise us to provide notices
to you and communicate with you using that email address.

8.6 If any term of this device plan agreement is found to be unfair or unenforceable, all other terms of
this device plan agreement will remain valid.

8.7 If you live in England, this device plan agreement is governed by English law. If you live in another
part of the UK, the law in that part of the UK will apply.

8.8 We’ll always communicate with you in English.

9. Changes to your device plan agreement

9.1 If the goods set out at section 1 above change, for example, because they are faulty and are
replaced by us, and your repayments and loan amount under this device plan agreement don’t
change, we’ll provide you with notice that this device plan agreement will apply to your new goods
and this device plan agreement will be deemed to be amended accordingly.

9.2 We may need to make changes to the terms of this device plan agreement because of changes in
law or regulation or because of a decision by a court or ombudsman. We may also need to make
changes because of developments in technology or the way we deliver our services to you. We’ll tell
you about any changes we make at least 30 days before we make them.

10. Changing your mind

10.1 You have the right to withdraw from this device plan agreement without giving a reason before
the end of the 14th day starting on the day after (whichever is later):
(a) the day that this device plan agreement is signed by you and us;
(b) the day that you receive a copy of this executed device plan agreement (i.e. signed and dated by
you and us);
(c) the day that you collect the goods from us; or
(d) the day that we deliver the goods to you, which for the purposes of this loan agreement will be
considered as one day after the day on which we send the goods out to you.
10.2 To withdraw from this device plan agreement you must tell us that you want to do this by calling
10.2 To withdraw from this device plan agreement you must tell us that you want to do this by calling
0333 338 1001 or writing to us at Three UK, 123 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5EA.
0333 338 1001 or writing to us at Three UK, 123 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5EA.

10.3 You must then repay your loan balance in full within 30 days after the day you tell us you want to
withdraw. You can do this by calling us on 0333 338 1001 and we will tell you have to make

10.4 If you withdraw from this device plan agreement and the loan balance is not repaid in full within
30 days after the day you tell us you want to withdraw, we may take legal action against you and you
may have to pay our reasonable costs.

10.5 Your right to withdraw from this device plan agreement does not affect your agreement for the
purchase of the goods set out at section 1.

11. How we’ll use the information you give us

We will use your personal data in accordance with our privacy statement which you can find at You can also ask us for a copy of it.

12. Complaints
12.1 If you'd like to make a complaint about us in relation to this device plan agreement, please call us
12.1 If you’d like to make a complaint about us in relation to this device plan agreement, please call
on 0333 338 1001 or write to us at Three Customer Complaints, Hutchison 3G UK Ltd, PO Box 333,
us on 0333 338 1001 or write to us at Three Customer Complaints, Hutchison 3G UK Ltd, PO Box
Glasgow, G2 9AG
333, Glasgow, and and
2 9AG we'llwe’ll
try totryresolve youryour
to resolve complaint.

12.2 If you’re dissatisfied with our response, you’ll have the right to refer your complaint to the
Financial Ombudsman Service. The Financial Ombudsman Service can be contacted by:
 writing to Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR;
 telephoning 0800 023 4567; or
 emailing

13. Our regulator

We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, which is the supervisory
authority for consumer credit agreements. Their address is 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN.

By signing this device plan agreement you confirm the following:

1. The information given by you in your application and in this device plan agreement is correct.
2. You have received a verbal and/or written pre-contract explanation.
3. You have received the pre-contract credit information document.
4. You agree to enter into a legally binding agreement and to be bound by these terms and

It is important that you read and understand this device plan agreement before you sign. By signing,
you agree to be bound by these terms.

This is a Credit Agreement regulated by Signed for and on behalf of HUTCHISON 3G UK

the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Sign it LIMITED
only if you wish to be legally bound by its

Signature by Borrower Verified by PDFFiller


Date of signature 17 September 2023 Date of Agreement 16 September 2023

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