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1- What does “a society of nine-to-fivers” mean?

It means that in the past, we had a set timetable for daily tasks.
2- Where is our “body clock” located?
It is in an area of the brain called the hypothalamus.
3- In what way is our body clock like a conductor of an orchestra?
Because he controls everything about our body such as hormones, temperature, sleep, etc. as if they
were instruments.
4- If we change our sleep patterns, what will happen?
We would severely affect our immune system, and we would get sick more often.
5- According to the text, what does our body clock determine?
It determines everything we do during the day, such as eating, working, sleeping, playing, etc.
6- According to the text, how do we function best?
We function better if we obey our body clock and follow our routine.
We can define stress as physical or emotional tension. According to CIGNA, due to the global
pandemic caused by COVID-19 about 8 out of 10 people in the world admit to being stressed.
The rhythm of life today makes stress our traveling companion, because is someone we don’t want
to be next to but we have no choice than to share space with it because it’s always next to us and
although in some cases it can be good, if it is installed in our life it can become in chronic stress.
Chronic stress can affect our physical and mental health, which is why it is important to pay
attention to signs such as frequent headaches, insomnia, sexual problems, constant moodiness and
eating problems.
However, not all is lost. Here are some tools to manage stress such as: recognizing that things
cannot change, avoiding stressful situations, exercising, doing something you enjoy, meditating,
spending time with loved ones or maintaining a healthy diet.
That’s all for today, see you in the next post. Thank you

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