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Foods which take longer period to Deliver Glucose/Sugars in to the blood- are the
right kind of food. Positive grains are Foxtail Millet (Korra), Kodo Millet (Arka),
Little Millet (Saamelu), Barnyard Milet (Oodalu) and Brown Top Millet (Andu
They give you comprehensive benefits apart from providing carbohydrate in 60-
68% range but with optimum dietary fibre. Each millet has beneficial effects on
certain body systems.
Little millet acts on ductless glands and reproductive systems of both male and
female and lymphatic systems. Foxtail helps the Brain, spine, nervous system,
joints and skeletal system (Because of Niacin content). BrownTop millet cleanses
the entire digestive tract and can solve the ailments of gastritis, constipation,
haemorrhoids and all other GI and rectal problems, apart from being useful to
skeletal system. Kodo millet is a blood cleanser, Barnyard on Liver and Pancreas
clean up (Suitable after Jaundice, Dengue and Typhoid fevers) and added to these,
all the 5 Ancient Millets have an optimum dietary fibre of 8 to 12.5% but also
provide 6 to 12.3% Protein. These organic grains have all the necessary nutrients,
amino acids, vitamins and minerals that are needed for our health. Ceratinly these
ancient millets are a team to protect and improve our health.
In today's world, it's increasingly rare to come across individuals over 40
years of age who have not been affected by one or more of these ailments.
These include Type 2 Diabetes, Heart disease, obesity, Hypertension, Stroke,
chronic respiratory diseases, Cancers, Liver diseases, Kidney diseases,
mental health disorders, Osteoporosis and Gastrointestinal disorders. These
illnesses not only deplete one's savings but also bring about immense
suffering, creating unforeseen health challenges.
However, there are proactive steps one can take to maintain good health.

Leaves of 'Drum stick' /Moringa/Munaga chettu Aaku :
* Rich in Vitamins A, C, B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 and Folate.
* 18 types of Amino acids are found in Moringa. Good for our well being
* Moringa leaves are anti-inflammatory in nature due to the presence of
isothiocyanates. They have niazimicin that is known to reign in the development of
cancer cells. Inflammation is the root cause of many diseases like cancer, arthritis,
rheumatoid arthritis, and many autoimmune diseases.
* Rich in Vitamin 'C' Moringa leaves have anti-oxidative properties and protect
against the damaging effects of free radicals present in the environment. The
damage caused by free radicals is responsible for many chronic diseases like type 2
diabetes, heart problems and Alzheimer’s.
* Moringa helps in reducing Blood sugar levels.
* Lower the blood cholesterol. Even pregnant women suffering from Gestational
High Cholesterol can include Moringa in their diet and benefit from it.
* Liver is protected. The leaves have a high concentration of polyphenols that
protect against oxidative damage to the liver and may even reduce it.
* Moringa improves bone health.
* Moringa leaves are antiseptic and fight off many bacterial infections. They are
even beneficial towards wound healing and help to heal bruises, minor cuts, and
burns quickly as they reduce the clotting time.
* Moringa leaves are good for skin and hair too.

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