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The management is required to present a strategic plan before decisions are implemented.

An adequate
strategic design is the ini a ve the author bestows in order to achieve the mission and the objec ves
formulated (Altıok, 2011) . Gleidio Bicycles associated both mission and vision statements with the
inten on to generate value to the organiza on and meet the goals and objec ves of the shareholders.
Through the statements, the board expresses the inten ons, mo va ons and principal goals of Gleidio,
highligh ng the focus prevailing through out simula on cycles and beyond. Such focus helps an en ty to
achieve the s pulated goals effec vely and reach the success point an cipated (Ifinedo, 2008) .
It's important to follow the SMART elements, before depic ng the objec ves of an en ty (Robbins,
2022) . Gleidio board has been vigilant and focused on iden fying specific, measurable, achievable,
realis c, and mely objec ves before moving forward with the opera ons of the en ty. The precision
related to the objec ves, and concentra ng on success and solu on-orienta on, supports the
management to make effec ve decisions in order to accompany posi ve results today and in the future.
Gleidio Bicycles’ vision, mission, and objec ves are demonstrated below.

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