Arab Republic of Egypt MUN Brief

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Arab Republic of Egypt

 Demographics
o 85 million population, speaks Egyptian Arabic
o GDP: $286.112 Billion (25th), developing country, low GDP growth (1.8%)
 Geography
o Africa, neighbouring Ethiopia and Libya
o Dependent on Nile River
o Controls key point of world trade- Suez Canal
 Diplomacy
o United Nation member since 1945, currently represented by Amr Abdellatif
o UN Voting blocks and Caucuses
 Non-aligned movement – basically not Communist nor Capitalist
 Africa, Islamic, Arab Group
o Leader of Arab league, 1945 – 1979, but ousted by Tunisia (after Egypt – Israeli peace),
now its back in Cairo
o Does participate in peacekeeping movements in West Sahara, Congo, Liberia, South
Sudan, Ivory Coast etc
 Recent History – Egypt and Arab Spring
o Inspired by Tunisian Revolt, Jan 25 protest against Mubarak over corruption, injustice,
poor economic conditions, and dictatorship
o Massive violence in Egypt by supporters of NDP and police
o Jan 27 gov shuts down Internet
o Military decides not to intervene
o 18 days later Mubarak and NDP party removed from power
o Tantawi leads military council of armed forces
o Parliamentary elections held shortly – Morsi from Muslim Brotherhood wins
o Attempt to seize power by dissolving parliament, increasing strictness of Islamic policies
in order to “protect the revolution” - led to mass violence and protest
o Al- Sisi, head of military, couped and ousted Morsi – amidst protests from his supporters
o According to wiki: On 24 March 2014, an Egyptian court sentenced 529 members of the
Muslim Brotherhood to death in the wake of an attack on a police station.[36] By May
2014, approximately 16,000 people (and as high as more than 40,000 by one
independent count),[37] mostly Brotherhood members or supporters, have been
imprisoned since the coup.[38]
o Currently – attacks by Muslim brotherhood on police
o Al-sisi secured 96% of vote, remains president

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