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Emergent spacetime from purely random structures

Ioannis Kleftogiannis1 , Ilias Amanatidis2

Physics Division, National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan and
Department of Physics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel
(Dated: October 4, 2022)
We examine the fundamental question whether a random discrete structure with the minimal
number of restrictions can converge to continuous metric space. We study the geometrical prop-
erties such as the dimensionality and the curvature emerging out of the connectivity properties of
uniform random graphs. In addition we introduce a simple evolution mechanism for the graph by
arXiv:2210.00963v1 [cond-mat.dis-nn] 3 Oct 2022

removing one edge per a fundamental quantum of time from an initially complete graph. We show
an exponential growth of the radius of the graph, that ends up in a random structure with emergent
approximate spatial dimension D = 3 and zero curvature, resembling a flat 3D manifold, that could
describe the observed space in our universe and some of its geometrical properties. In addition, we
introduce a generalized action for graphs based on physical quantities on different subgraph struc-
tures that helps to recover the well known properties of spacetime as described in general relativity,
like time dilation due to gravity. Also, we show how various quantum mechanical concepts such
as generalized uncertainty principles based on the statistical fluctuations can emerge from random
discrete models. Moreover, our approach leads to a unification of space and matter/energy, for
which we propose a mass-energy-space equivalence that leads to a way to transform between empty
space and matter/energy via the cosmological constant.

PACS numbers:

I. INTRO termined by the connectivity properties of the uniform

random graphs, in a background independent manner.
Spacetime has been assumed for many centuries as In addition our approach leads to a unification of mat-
a fundamental structure providing a background, act- ter/energy and space expressed via a mass-energy-space
ing as a stage for the dynamical evolution of quantities equivalence. Furthermore we show how quantum me-
such as matter and energy. General relativity(GR) has chanical concepts such us uncertainty principles for dif-
shown that spacetime has to be considered as dynami- ferent physical quantities can arise from the statistical
cal also, influenced by the physical quantities contained fluctuations of random discrete models.
in it. This approach has had enormous successes in de-
scribing various astrophysical and cosmological proper-
ties of the observed universe. However unresolved issues
like the small value of cosmological constant which can-
not be simply interpreted as originating from quantum
field fluctuations that fill empty space, strongly imply Consider a simple
 connected graph G = (V, E) [20–23]
that space and its geometrical properties like the dimen- where V (G) = v1 , v2 , .., vn is a set of n vertices and
sionality and the curvature should emerge from more fun-

E(G)= e1 , e2 , ..., em a set of m vertex pairs (edges)
damental structures. There have been various attempts ei = vj , vk , randomly distributed among the vertices.
based on discrete models which aim to eludicate the ori- n 

gin of spacetime and its properties[1–19]. Our approach There are Ω = ( 2 ) possible configurations of the m
based on random graphs/networks shows that different edges among the n vertices. We consider the simplest
generic geometric and structural concepts like the di- case, a uniform random graph where all the configura-
mensionality, the curvature and an exponential rate of tions have the same probability to appear P = 1/Ω.
expansion are strongly tied together and can emerge as Other useful quantities are, the number of neighbors at
interlinked intrinsic properties of space. Unlike other ap- each vertex d(i), the so called degree, and the ratio of
proaches, where the graph/network is usually preembed- edges over vertices R = m n , which is double the aver-
ded in a metric space/manifold, or imposing restrictions age degree over all the vertices hd(i)i = 2R = 2m n (for
in random regular graph approaches, simplicial decom- n ≫ 1). Since all the possible configurations are equally
position of space or triangulation of continuous Rieman- likely to appear, with the same probability, uniform ran-
nian manifolds, our method is based on a purely random dom graphs have the maximum entropy, compared to
discrete structures, uniform random graphs which con- other random structures. If we treat each configuration
tain the most minimal number of restrictions. We ex- as a microstate then the Gibbs entropy of the uniform
amine the fundamental question whether such a random random graph is given by
discrete structure can converge to a continuous metric  n  n
space. We find emergent properties that resemble the 2
SGibbs = lnΩ = ln = ln 2 . (1)
space observed in our current universe that are fully de- m Rn

There are two limits for the above equation. For m = 0 fi (vk , vl ) = d(vk , vl ) as the distance for an arbitrary path
and R = 0 when all vertices are disconnected(isolated) between the two vertices. The action Eq. 4 becomes sim-
from each other, there is only one configuration of the ply Sgr = d(vk , vl ) whose minimization wields the dis-
graph, giving Ω = 1 and SGibbs = 0. The same is true tance for the path between the two vertices that consists
for the complete graph, when all vertices are connected of the minimum number of edges, that is, the geodesic
with each other which results in m = n(n−1) ,R = n−1 distance dg (vk , vl ) between the two vertices. Therefore
2 2 ,
Ω = 1 and SGibbs = 0. For the intermediate regime we have Sgr = min(d(vk , vl )) = dg (vk , vl ). In gen-
0 < R < n−1 eral, we can always split the set Vj into p subsets as
2 , the number of configurations Ω and the
entropy Eq. 1 peak at some value of R. This value can Vj = V1 , V2 , ..., Vp . Then if there are no edges between
be derived by setting the derivative of Eq. 1 to zero in the vertices contained in different subsets, that is the sub-
respect to R sets are disconnected and additionally if fi (Vj ) represents
a local quantity then we can split the functional as

fi ( V1 , V2 , ..., Vp ) = fi (V1 ) ⊗ fi (V2 ).... ⊗ fi (Vp ). (5)
dSGibbs (n, R)
dR ! This is analogous to separable states in quantum mechan-
′ ′
Γ (1 + 1/2(−1 + n)n − nR) Γ (1 + nR) ics, belonging to a composite space that can be factored
n − =0 into individual states belonging to separate subspaces.
Γ(1 + 1/2(−1 + n)n − nR) Γ(1 + nR)
For example if fi represents the mass for a set of ver-
(2) tices then the total mass of the set is simply the sum
which gives the value of R where the entropy is maxi- of the mass
 of the individual vertices contained in the
mized, set fm ( v1 , v2 , ..., vp ) = fm (v1 ) + fm (v2 ).... + fm (vp ).
In this case each subgraph in Eq. 5 contains only one
(n − 1) vertex.
R= . (3)
4 Assuming that the number of edges m in the graph
represents the total energy of the system, we can define
Now assume for example a physical quantity, or an a local energy at each vertex vi in the graph, as Eloc =
emergent geometrical property expressed as a functional Pi=n
d(i)/2, so that i=1 Eloc = m. In the language of Eq.
fi (Vj ) of a set of p vertices Vj = v1j , v2j , .., vpj belonging

4 the local energy can be represented by a functional
to the uniform random graph G(V, E). The functional
fE (vi ) = d(i)/2, with the indexes in the sums taking the
fi (Vj ) represents essentially a physical quantity for a sub-
values N1 = 1, N2 = n and aij = 1, giving Sgr = m.
graph Vj of the full uniform random graph. Then we can
formulate a physical theory on the graph, by defining the
N1 X
X N2
Sgr = aij fi (Vj ) (4) In order to implement an evolution mechanism for
i=1 j=1
the physical system described the graph we introduce
where aij are constants. The sums run over N1 different a toy model by removing edges from an initially com-
physical quantities(functionals) fi for N2 different sub- plete graph. We start with a complete graph at univer-
graphs Vj . By setting Eq. 4 equal to a constant value sal time t = 0. A complete graph has all its n vertices
(Sgr = a) we can also formulate a constraint equation for connected with each other, giving n(n − 1)/2 edges in
different physical quantities on subgraph structures. In total. We assume that the evolution of this physical sys-
general the functional fi (Vj ) represents a transformation tem is achieved by removing one edge at each time tick,
of a set of vertices belonging to the graph. The result of whose duration is represented by a fundamental quan-
the transformation can be for example another set of ver- tum of time tf . Essentially we consider a universal clock
tices, a scalar value of a physical quantity or an emergent whose subsequent ticks are represented by tf , where one
geometrical property like the distance for a path between edge is removed from the graph. Therefore we assume
two vertices in the graph, or the scalar curvature around that time is quantized in our model in fundamental time
a vertex. This way the functional can be used to define quantum tf , and is represented by an external update
a local or a global(topological) property for a set of ver- rule for the number of edges in the graph. All time inter-
tices belonging to the graph. In this approach all physical vals are expressed as ∆t = itf for integer i = 0, 1, 2, .....
quantities are different manifestations of local or global At each step of the graph evolution, the physical sys-
structural properties of the graph. In addition, equations tem is described by one of the possible configurations
Ω = (m
of motion for a physical theory formulated on the graph, 2) of the m edges among the n vertices. At each
can be obtained by minimizing the action given by Eq.4 step one of these configurations is picked randomly with
(δSgr = 0). the same probability to represent the physical state of
For example if the set Vj contains only two ver- the system. This evolution process leads to a monotonic
tices Vj = vk , vl , then we can define one functional decrease of the Gibbs entropy Eq. 1, after its maximum

value is reached at R = n−1 4 . This monotonic behavior a) b) DM =2.82 c) R=0.55
of the entropy can be used as a statistical definition of a 75 n=50000

universal arrow of time for the evolving random graph. n=5000 6

Dm =2.05

<α >

Additionally we expect that the physical properties of 4
25 2
the graph such as its dimensionality D and other emer- 2
gent geometrical properties, evolve with t, as the graphs 0
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
0 1 2 3 4 1e+05 2e+05
anneals by removing edges. In addition, we expect that 7

at the thermodynamic limit, for a large number of ver- 6 d) DM

e) DM f) R=0.55
tices (n → ∞) the emergent geometrical properties of 5

<d/ δ>
the graph should depend only on the ratio of edges over 4 n=200000


vertices R = m/n, i.e. the spatial density of the graph. 2

After k evolution steps from t = 0, corresponding to a 1 n=50000 1,5

time interval ∆t = ktf , the system will have reached the 0
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
1 2 3 4 0 5 10 15 20
D δ
value of the ratio 1-R

R= 2
⇒ n2 − n(1 + 2R) − 2k = 0. (6) Figure 1: a) The growth of the radius α of the uniform random
n graph as it evolves by removing one edge per a fundamental
Solving the above equation we get the value of n quantum of time. All curves c
follow an exponential growth of
the form α(t1 ) = aeb(10t1 ) with t1 = 1 − R with three fitting
p parameters a, b, c with c > 1. b) The scaling of the logarithm
(1 + 2R) + ((1 + 2R) + 8k of the number of vertices ln(V) versus the logarithm of the
n= . (7)
2 linear length scale ln(L), representing the different layers in
the procedure for calculating the dimension of the graph. We
Assuming that k ≫ R after the system has evolved suf- get two different slopes for small and large L, by fitting with
ficiently far from t = 0 then we have the formula ln(V) = δ +Dln(L), representing the microscopic
√ Dm and the macroscopic DM dimension of the graph. c)The
n ≈ 2k. (8) average dimensions of the graph versus its the number of ver-
tices n at ratio of edges over vertices R = 0.55 for 100 runs.
We have calculated numerically the radius of the graph The dimensions converge to the values DM ≈ 3 and Dm ≈ 2
as it evolves by the mechanism described above. The for large n. d) The evolution of average dimensions as edges
radius α of a graph can be defined as the minimum, over are removed from the graph via the evolution mechanism. e)
all vertices, of the eccentricity of that vertex. That is, The probability distributions of D. The two dimensions are
for x and y being two vertices of the graph G(V, E) its distributed normally, i.e. both the microscopic and macro-
radius is defined as scopic dimensional fluctuations follow the Gaussian form. f)
The average distance between the surfaces of two spheres, over
α = min ( max d(x, y)) (9) the distance between the sphere centers, dδ versus δ. We have
x∈V (G) y∈V (G) considered the average value of this quantity for 100 runs.
The black dashed curve at the constant value dδ = 1.625, cor-
where d(x, y) is the distance for an arbitrary path be- responds to a flat 3D manifold. This value is reached by the
tween x and y, determined by the number of edges in graph for ratio R = 0.55 at large δ. This result in conjunction
the path. The definition of the radius Eq. 9 gives an with the macroscopic dimension reaching the value DM ≈ 3
estimation of the spatial extent of the graph. in panel c), show that the graph converges approximately to
In the region of the ratio R > 0.5 the graph consists a flat 3D manifold at R = 0.55.
of a giant component(subgraph) and many small tree-
like components that are isolated(disconnected) from the
rest of the graph[21–23]. We have found an exponen-
tial growth of the radius α of the giant component, as
the graph evolves by removing one edge per fundamental
time tf . The result for different number of vertices n, for the limit n → ∞, the maximum radius occurs asymp-
the average radius hai over 100 runs of the graph, can be totically at R = 0.5. The
exponential growth follows the
seen in Fig. 1a. In all cases the radius reaches a maxi- form α(t1 ) = aeb(10t1 ) with t1 = 1 − R, with three fitting
mum value near the critical value of the ratio R = 0.5. At parameters a, b, c, represented by the fitting continuous
this ratio a phase transition occurs and the graph splits curves in Fig. 1a. The fitting parameters determine the
in many small disconnected components with a different rate of expansion. We have found that c > 1 for all the n
number of vertices each[21, 22] for R ≤ 0.5. In the oppo- studied. In addition, we have found the same exponential
site region R > 0.5, there is always a giant graph compo- growth for the geodesic distance dg (vj , vk ) between two
nent whose radius follows the exponential growth shown arbitrary vertices vj , vk in the graph. From Eq. 8, since
in Fig. 1a. The maximum radius reached near R = 0.5, k ≈ n2 , where k is the number of evolution steps, we can
increases for larger graphs corresponding to larger n. We see that larger graphs need more time to reach the same
expect that as the graph becomes larger, approaching ratio R and obtain the relevant geometrical properties.

IV. DIMENSION graph can be embedded into a D-dimensional manifold

without any crossing edges. In this case all the vertices
One of the central concepts characterizing a metric can be described approximately by an orthogonal coor-
space is its spatial dimension. The usual definition of the dinate system with D spatial directions (D independent
dimension counts the minimum number of coordinates in variables) and the graph resembles a D-manifold. The
an orthogonal coordinate system needed to describe all resemblance/convergence to the D-manifold for integer
the points of the metric space. We examine/address the values of D is further supported by curvature calcula-
fundamental question whether a random discrete struc- tions that we present also in the current manuscript.
ture like a uniform random graph G can converge to a We have calculated the spatial dimension for the giant
continuous metric space(D-dimensional manifold M ) at graph component, in the region R > 0.5 via the scaling
the limit of a large number of vertices G → M . We do approach presented above. We have performed the cal-
that by calculating the spatial dimension of the space culation by using the center of the graph component as
emerging by the connectivity properties of the graph. the origin of the scaling, in order to avoid boundary ef-
We follow a scaling approach by examining how the con- fects at the periphery of the graph, and also considered
nected vertices form an ambient space, in which the graph 100 runs of the random graph. For a fixed ratio R the
can be embedded so that it contains no crossing edges. value of the dimension will fluctuate among the different
This method is similar to the calculation of the frac- runs. Since the random graph is an ergodic system this
tal/Hausdorff dimension but without pre-embedding the method to study the statistical properties of D, like its
graph in an ambient space with a fixed coordinated sys- fluctuations and its average value, will be equivalent to
tem. Instead the dimension in our method is solely deter- using different vertices in the graph as origins of the scal-
mined by the connections between the vertices, and the ing method used to calculate D, as long as the periphery
metric space can emerge gradually as additional layers in of the graph is avoided. In Fig. 1b we show an example
the scaling are considered. We define a layer, LrG (vi ), of for the scaling of the logarithm of the number of vertices
radius r around a vertex vi belonging to the graph G, as ln V versus the logarithm of the scaling length ln L for
the set of vertices a graph with n = 200000 at ratio R = 0.55 for one run
of the graph. There are two distinct scaling behaviors
LrG (vi ) = {v ∈ G|dg (vi , v) = r, r ≥ 1}, (10) of the type Eq. 14, for small and large L, described by
two different slopes, represented by the two linear fitting
where dg (vi , v) is the minimum distance (geodesic) be- curves of different color in Fig 1b. For this reason we
tween vertices vi and v. Using the language of Eq. 4 we define two dimensions, a microscopic one Dm for small L
can define a functional fr (vi ) that acts on vertex vi as and a macroscopic one DM for large L. We have observed
1 similar linear growth behaviors for other R, which allows
fr (vi ) = LrG (vi ) \ Lr−1
G (vi ) \ ... \ LG (vi ), (11)
us to calculate the dimension of the random graph. The
ensuring that a layer at geodesic distance r does not con- linear growth becomes more clear with reduced statisti-
tain vertices that have been already included in the pre- cal fluctuations as R increases. The almost perfect linear
vious layers r − 1, ..., 1. The number of vertices after L growth of ln V with ln L for the two different scaling re-
layers is, gions shown in Fig 1b, implies that the graph obtains a
fractal structure near R = 0.5. This is consistent with
X the phase transition occuring at this critical R leading
|fr (vi )| = V(L), (12) to the appearance of many small disconnected compo-
r=1 nents(subgraphs) for R ≤ 0.5, instead of a giant one and
many tree-like ones for R > 0.5[21–23]. In addition we
which is equivalent to the action Eq. 4, where the sum note that the small tree-like graph components that ap-
over functionals runs over the different layers (N1 = L) pear in the region R > 0.5 alongside the giant compo-
and the sum over subgraphs contains only vertex vi nent, whose dimension we have studied, can be thought
(N2 = 1). The term V(L) counts the number of vertices as small isolated spaces of low dimensionality.
contained in a ball of radius L around vertex vi ,
As shown in Fig. 1c the average macroscopic dimen-
BG (vi ) = {v ∈ G|dg (vi , v) = r, r ≤ L}, (13) sion reaches the value DM ≈ 3 at R = 0.55 for a large
number of vertices n, at the end of the exponential expan-
that is V(L) = |BG (vi )|. If V(L) grows with L as sion of the graph, where the maximum radius is reached
in Fig. 1a. In addition the average microscopic dimen-
V(L) ∼ LD , (14) sion in Fig. 1c reaches the value Dm ≈ 2 for large n as
in other discrete model approaches for spacetime[11, 17].
that is if the graph locally at each vertex follows the ball Our result shows that a uniform random graph model-
topology, then we define the exponent D as the spatial ing of space leads to a random structure that resembles
dimension of the graph. Essentially Eq. 14 counts the macroscopically a 3D manifold, and microscopically a 2D
number of vertices contained in a geodesic ball of ra- manifold. In Fig. 1d we show the evolution of DM with
dius L and volume LD . When D is an integer then the R for n = 50000. The dimensionality of the random

graph evolves as it expands, implying an evolving dimen- surfaces. The scaling behavior of Eq. 15 with δ allows us
sionality of the emergent space. We note that in one of to extract the quantum Ricci curvature K(p, p′ ) via
our previous works[25] we have derived D ≈ 2, for small
graphs at R = 0.67, corresponding to the microscopic
d(S δ (p), S δ (p′ ))
dimension in the current paper. In this paper we make = c(1 − K(p, p′ )), (16)
also an analogy to 2D honeycomb lattices(graphene), and δ
compare the electronic properties of the two systems, im-
plying possible relativistic effects for the small random where c is a positive constant that depends on the metric
graphs, corresponding to small scales L in the current structure of the simplicial manifold under consideration.
model. We have performed the calculation for vertices near the
In Fig. 1e we show the fluctuations of the dimension, center of the graph in order to avoid finite size effects, in-
via the respective probability distributions for 100 runs duced by the periphery of the graph. In Fig. 1f we plot
of the random graph, at R = 0.55 and n = 200000. the average value of Eq. 16 for 100 runs of the graph
Both the micro and macro dimensions are distributed and for different ratios R for n = 50000. Also, we have
normally around the values Dm = 2 and DM = 3. As included the value of Eq. 16 for flat continuous 3D man-
the graph evolves, due to ergodicity, these dimensional ifolds dδ = 1.625, which is constant not depending on δ,
fluctuations will manifest along the different vertices in represented by the black dashed curve in Fig. 1f. For
the graph, which correspond to different spatial positions R = 0.95 the graph has a positive curvature since Eq.
in the emergent space. The fluctuations should follow the 15 decreases with δ. As R is reduced and the graph be-
normal distribution that we have shown, for small time comes less dense, the slope defined by Eq. 16 decreases
scales. A fundamental question that arises is whether and therefore the corresponding curvature becomes less
these dimensional fluctuations can manifest physically as positive. At R = 0.55 the calculated curvature of the
extra degrees of freedom for emergent particles propa- graph coincides with the value corresponding to the flat
gating inside the graph, which will act as a vacuum with 3D manifold. This result along with the dimensional-
the respective average dimensionality Dm = 2 for micro- ity reaching the value DM ≈ 3 for large n, suggests that
scopic and DM = 3 for macroscopic scales. the uniform random graph geometrically reduces approx-
imately to a flat 3D manifold at ratio R = 0.55. We
note that, since both the dimension and the curvature
V. CURVATURE emerge simultaneously out of the connectivity properties
of the random graph, their contribution to the geomet-
In order to study the curvature generated by the uni- rical properties can be mixed[19]. For example a graph
form random graphs, we use a general method formulated with a non-integer(fractional) dimension D can resemble
in reference [18, 19], which focuses on regular/periodic a manifold with integer value of the dimension closest to
lattices and triangulated surfaces in two dimensions (2D). D, with a non-zero curvature. For instance the graph at
The method is also valid for any discrete structure, like R = 0.95 where DM ≈ 5.4, resembles a five-dimensional
the uniform random graphs that we study in the current manifold with a positive curvature.
paper. The quantum Ricci curvature between two ver-
tices K(p, p′ ) in the graph can be defined by examining
how the average distance d between the surfaces of two
spheres centered at vertices p and p′ , changes with the VI. INFLATION
distance between the two vertices δ. This definition es-
sentially expresses how the curvature at vertex p changes
We can use Eq. 8 to estimate the number of the ver-
as we move in the direction of vertex p′ . The quantum
tices in the graph needed to reproduce the times conjec-
curvature converges to the regular Ricci scalar curvature
tured in cosmic inflation models. The inflationary epoch,
for continuous manifolds for large δ as shown in[18]. In
is conjectured to have lasted from 10−36 seconds after the
order to extract the quantum curvature we calculate the
Big Bang singularity, represented by a complete graph
following quantity
in our model, to some time between 10−33 and 10−32
d(S ǫ (p), S ǫ (p′ )) = seconds after the singularity. In addition, we can as-
sume that our model describes the exponential expan-
1 1 X X
sion of space until it reaches the dimensionality D=3,
ǫ ǫ ′
d(q, q ′ ), (15)
N0 (S (p)) N0 (S (p )) ǫ ǫ corresponding to ratio R = 0.5. We have assumed that
q∈S (p) q ∈S
′ (p′ )
every tick in our model lasts a fundamental quantum of
where we consider two spheres centered at vertices p and time tf . Assuming that this represents the Planck time
p′ , of radius ǫ, which is equal to the geodesic distance tf = tp = 10−44 s, we need k = 1012 ticks to reach the
δ between p and p′ , that is ǫ = δ. Also, d(q, q ′ ) is the time 10−32 seconds, where the inflationary epoch ends.
geodesic distance between vertices q and q ′ which lie at Then from Eq. 8 we get the number of vertices n ≈ 106
the surfaces of the two spheres and N0 (S ǫ (p)) ,N0 (S ǫ (p′ )) in the graph, needed to reproduce the times of the infla-
are the corresponding number of vertices lying at the tionary epoch.

VII. RELATIVISTIC EFFECTS quantities/functionals on different subgraphs as defined

above. For example we can define an operator
An Einstein-Hilbert-like action can be defined by us-
ing Eq. 4. We consider a functional that represents the ij ∂fi (Vj )
∂kl = , (18)
scalar curvature fi (vj ) = k(vj ) for a vertex vj , defined as ∂fk (Vl )
the sum of the quantum Ricci curvature K(vj , vk ) over
Pd(i) which expresses the change of a physical quantity fi on
its neighboring vertices vk as k(vj ) = cd vk K(vj , vk ), subgraph Vj relative to a physical quantity fk on sub-
where K is given by Eq. 16, d(i) is the degree of vj graph Vl . This way the notion of time dilation from rela-
and cd is a factor depending on the local dimension of tivity can emerge from our model. For example regions of
the graph. In addition by considering the analogy to the the graph with different curvatures could evolve at differ-
Einstein-Hilbert-like action we can define the rest of the ent rates, higher curvature corresponding to slower evo-

constants in Eq. 4 as aij = cij g, where g is the deter- lution rate. In this approach means of measuring time
minant of the metric g = detgµν for the vertex vj and like clocks are defined using the evolution of subgraph
cij is a normalization factor. Any graph can be consid- structures.
ered locally flat at a vertex and its nearest neighboring In addition it has been shown that the Lorentz invari-
area, so that the local metric ggr for any vertex in the ance can be formulated on discrete models like periodic
graph is a unit matrix. Each edge connecting the vertex lattices in various dimensions[26].
to its neighboring vertices can be considered as a spatial
direction(axis) for a local orthogonal coordinate system
of dimension D = d(i) defined at the vertex. Therefore
the local metric at this vertex is a unit matrix of size

d(i) × d(i) resulting in g = det(gµν ) = 1 and g = 1.
Note that the respective term in the Einstein-Hilbert ac- In our model all physical properties arise as differ-

tion has the form −g, in order to ensure that it takes ent manifestations of the connectivity properties of the
the value one, when spacetime is flat and the metric has graph, including space and matter/energy. By taking ac-
the property g = det(gµν ) = −1. In our case we assume count of this fundamental principle a mass-energy-space
that the metric contains only the space part, as time is equivalence naturally arises from our model. For exam-
simulated via an external update rule for the number of ple we can assign a nominal mass to each vertex in the
edges in the graph. Then the sum in the action for the graph, expressed by a functional f1 (vj ) = mv in Eq. 4,
graph Eq. 4, running over the different subgraphs, be- which satisfies the property Eq. 5, that is, the total mass
comes simply the sum of the scalar curvature k(vj ) over of a subgraph is simply the sum of the masses of the in-
all the vertices of the random graph (N2 = n). In order dividual vertices contained in the subgraph. In addition
to implement the integration over time also, as in the we can choose as a subraph the set of vertices contained
Einstein-Hilbert action, we can consider the evolution in a geodesic ball of radius L around vertex vj , which is
mechanism of the graph. As each step of the evolution, determined by a scaling relation of the type V = ǫ + ζLD
where one edge is removed from the graph, the physical (Eq. 14). The total mass contained in the ball of volume
system is described by one of the possible configurations W = (Llf )D is M = mv V, where lf is a fundamental
Ω = (m
2) of the m edges among the n vertices, which quantum of length, representing for example the edge
is picked randomly with the same probability to repre- length in the graph. The density of vertices in the graph
sent the physical state of the system. Then the sum over is
different functionals in Eq. 4 becomes the sum over the M mv ǫ
scalar curvatures k(vj ) for each step in the evolution of ρgr = = D ( D + ζ) . (19)
the graph where N1 = k determines the number of evo- W lf L
lution steps, corresponding to time interval ∆t = ktf .
Then the action of the graph Eq. 4 can be written as, Assuming that L ≫ 1 we have

k X
n ζmv
X ρgr = . (20)
Sgr = cij kn,m−i (vj ). (17) lfD
i=1 j=1
For D = 3 the above formula corresponds to the energy
The above action, can be minimized in respect to the density of the vacuum ρvacuum = ρgr , which is related to
different possible paths of the evolution of the graph, the cosmological constant Λ in EFE via Λ = κρvacuum
in order to derive classical equations of motion for the where κ = 8πGc4 is Einstein’s gravitational constant. Both
graph. This process is analogous to the minimization of D and ζ will fluctuate as we have shown in Fig. 1e and
the Einstein-Hilbert action in respect to the metric, that consequently the density ρgr will also fluctuate. Using
leads to the Einstein-field-equations(EFE). the language of Eq. 4 we can define two functionals for
A relative notion of time can emerge from our model the subgraph of vertices contained in a geodesic ball of
by considering the rate of change between two physical radius L around vertex vj , one for the mass f1 (vj ) = M =

the possible configurations Ω = (m

mv V and one for the volume f2 (vj ) = W = (Llf )D . By 2) of the m edges
setting Eq. 4 equal to zero we can write, among the n vertices, all having the same probability
to appear 1/Ω. All time intervals and macroscopic en-
a11 f1 (vj ) + a21 f2 (vj ) = 0 ⇒ a11 M + a21 W = 0 ergies along with uncertainties(statistical fluctuations)
a21 can be expressed in units of the two fundamental con-
⇒M =− W ⇒ M = ρgr W ⇒ M = ρvacuum W ⇒
a11 stants as ∆t = itf and ∆E = jEf where i, j are in-
Λ tegers i = 0, 1, 2, ...., j = 0, 1, 2, ..... In a time interval
M= W ∆t = ktf , where k is the number of time steps in the
graph evolution, the fluctuations of the Eloc will consist
The above formula can interpreted as a way to transform of the fluctuations of k independent statistical ensembles
between a volume of empty space W , and matter/energy with a different number of edges determined by the evo-
M , via the energy-density of the vacuum or the cosmo- lution mechanism. Based on this idea, and using Eq. 22,
logical constant. Therefore in our uniform random graph the variance of the local energy ∆E in a time interval ∆t
approach a unification of space and matter/energy, and can be written as
a way to transform between them via the cosmological
k Pk
constant emerges naturally. The unification can be con- X ∆(d(n, m − i)) ~
sidered as a natural extension of the mass–energy equiva- ∆E = ∆( Eloc (i)) = i=0 . (23)
2k 2 tf
lence E = mc2 in relativity, expressed as a mass-energy- i=0

space equivalence. Interestingly this equivalence is al- where k ≤ m. From the above equation we can see that
ready hinted in GR. For example the cosmological term the variance(uncertainty) of the local energy ∆E is in-
Λgµν can be moved freely on the left or the right side versely proportional to k, which determines the duration
of the EFE, interpreted either as an intrinsic curvature of the time interval ∆t = ktf , in which the measure of
of empty space or as a part of the stress-energy tensor the energy is performed, as in the Heisenberg uncertainty
Tµν , which represents the effects of matter/energy. If we principle. We can write
consider it as part of the stress-energy tensor then we
have ~ ki=0 ∆(d(n, m − i))
∆E∆t = . (24)
Λ 2k
Tµν = − gµν . (21)
κ By using Eq. 22 the sum(series) in the above equation,
excluding the factor ~2 , can be written as
The element T00 vac M
= WEc2 = W is the energy per unit
volume divided by c (mass density) resulting in M = − (1+k)(4k2 +k(2−12m+3(−1+n)n)+6m(2m+n−n2 ))
Λ 3kn2 (1+n)
κ W , since g00 = −1.
By taking the thermodynamic limit n → ∞ and con-
sidering that m = Rn, the above formula satisfies the
We can define generalized uncertainty principles, by 1
2R + 1 ≥ 1. (26)
using the statistical fluctuations of different physical k
quantities defined on the graph. For example we can
Therefore at the limit n → ∞ we have
use the product of the variances ∆A∆B, where A and
B are two different physical quantities, in analogy to the Pk
i=0 ∆(d(n, m − i))
Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Consider the local en- ≥ 1, (27)
ergy Eloc = d(i)/2 at each vertex, which will fluctuate,
following the hypergeometric distribution, with variance which transforms Eq. 24 to

∆(d(n, m)) ~ 2m(n2 − 2m − n) ~ ~

∆(Eloc ) = = , (22) ∆E∆t ≥ . (28)
2 tf 2n2 (1 + n) tf 2
Consequently, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle
where Ef = t~f is a fundamental unit of energy in our emerges naturally from the statistical fluctuations in our
model, expressed in units of fundamental quantum of model.
time tf , which determines the duration of each step in We can replace the fluctuations(variance) of the degree
the discrete evolution mechanism of the graph. Note that ∆(d(n, m − i)) in Eq. 24 with the variance of the dimen-
the variance from the above formula decreases with de- sion ∆D, which follows the Gaussian distribution as we
creasing m. For example at the limit n → ∞ we have have shown in Fig. 1e. Then if Eq. 27 is satisfied we end
∆(Eloc ) = 2 for m = 2n, R = 2 and ∆(Eloc ) = 1/2 up with an uncertainty principle for the dimension and
for m = n/2, R = 0.5. As each step of the graph evo- time ∆D∆t ≥ constant, implying that the dimensional
lution, where one edge is removed from the graph, we fluctuations could be detectable in high-energy experi-
assume that the physical system is described by one of ments involving short time scales.
The dimension and the volume are examples of effective network velocity vnt = ~1 πα 2
, where α is the
two commutable physical quantities in our model, slope of the DOS at E=0. In our model the fluctuations
that do not satisfy an uncertainty principle. Since of the dimension D lead to fluctuations of the volume
the dimension D fluctuates normally with variance of empty space W. By applying the mass-energy-space
∆D, the corresponding volume W = LD (for lf = equivalence that we have proposed the fluctuations of
1) will fluctuate log-normally with variance ∆W = the empty space can be transformed to massive particles,
(exp(∆D ln L) −1) exp(2hDi ln L+(∆D ln L) ) .
2 2
represented by persistent subgraph structures as decribed
above. These particles essentially emerge indirectly out
of the fluctuations of the dimension. This mechanism
X. EMERGENT PARTICLES bears similiratity to the quantum fluctuations of vaccuum
that give rise to virtual particles, obeying the Heisenberg
Finally, particles in our model can be thought as per- uncertainty principle, in quantum field theory.
sistent subgraph structures propagating inside the graph
which acts as a uniform background/vacuum for these
excitations. The equations of motion of these persistent
structures should follow the Lorentz transformation rules XI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
from relativity. For example we have shown the existence
of 0D and 1D persistent localized states in a previous We acknowledge support by the Project HPC-
study of the energy/spectral and localization properties EUROPA3, funded by the EC Research Innovation Ac-
of uniform random networks[25]. The 0D states lie at en- tion under the H2020 Programme. In particular, we
ergy E=0 while the 1D states occur at various non-zero gratefully acknowledge the computer resources and tech-
energies and are consisted of line of vertices of various nical support provided by ARIS-GRNET and the hospi-
lengths, resembling strings. In addition these emergent tality of the Department of Physics at the University of
particles could be transformed to empty space via the Ioannina in Greece.
mass-energy-space equivalence that we have proposed.
In the same work we have shown a linear behavior of
the density of states, leading to a linear energy disper-
sion E = ~vnt k relation at the band center of the system References
at energies E=0, as for relativistic massless particles with

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