Grizz Phys 2 Week Programme - 2

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MONDAY Grizz Phys Warm Up (refer to bottom of the page)

1 Mile Run Best Effort

(record time)

5 Minute Rest

Max Reps
• Pull ups over hand grip without dropping of the bar (note scores)
• Press ups in 2 minutes (note scores)
• Sit ups in 2 minutes (note scores)

2 Minute Rest

Circuit for time:

• 5 rounds
• 5 burpees
• 10 press ups
• 20 crunches
• 30 air squats

Grizz Phys Cool Down (refer to bottom of the page)

TUESDAY Grizz Phys Warm Up

Circuit for time: (20-30kg power bag):

3 rounds
• 15 cleans
• 12 shoulder press
• 9 burpees

400m Run

2 rounds
• 15 cleans
• 12 shoulder press
• 9 burpees

400m Run

1 round
• 15 cleans
• 12 shoulder press
• 9 burpees
400m Run

Grizz Phys Cool Down

WEDNESDAY Rest day, active recovery (refer to bottom of the page)
THURSDAY Grizz Phys Warm Up

3 Mile Run Best Effort (note time)

5 Minute Rest

AMRAP 20 minutes: (as many rounds as possible)

• 12 squat cleans (20-30kg power bag)
• 6 toes to bar
• 3 pull ups

Grizz Phys Cool Down

FRIDAY Grizz Phys Warm Up

Circuit for time:

10 burpees

10 burpees
25 press ups

10 burpees
25 press ups
50 lunges (25 each leg)

10 burpees
25 press ups
50 lunges (25 each leg)
100 butterfly sit ups

10 burpees
25 press ups
50 lunges (25 each leg)
100 butterfly sit ups
150 air squats

Grizz Phys Cool Down

SATURDAY Grizz Phys Warm Up

Circuit for time:

• 21 thrusters (20-30kg power bag)
• 21 burpee power bag jump overs
• 15 thrusters (20-30kg power bag)
• 15 burpee power bag jump overs
• 9 thrusters (20-30kg power bag)
• 9 burpee power bag jump overs
1 Mile Run

• 21 hand release press ups

• 21 leg raises
• 15 hand release press ups
• 15 leg raises
• 9 hand release press ups
• 9 leg raises

Grizz Phys Cool Down

SUNDAY Rest day, active recovery
MONDAY Grizz Phys Warm Up

20m Bleep Test (note score)

5 Minute Rest

Max Reps:
• Pull ups over hand grip without dropping of the bar (note scores)
• Press ups in 2 minutes (note scores)
• Sit ups in 2 minutes (note scores)

Grizz Phys Cool Down

TUESDAY Rest day, active recovery
WEDNESDAY Grizz Phys Warm Up

Circuit for time:

• 20 burpees
• 400m run
• 18 burpees
• 400m run
• 16 burpees
• 400m run
• 14 burpees
• 400m run
• 12 burpees
• 400m run
• 10 burpees
• 400m run
• 8 burpees
• 400m run
• 6 burpees
• 400m run
• 4 burpees
• 400m run
• 2 burpees
• 400m run
Grizz Phys Cool Down
THURSDAY Grizz Phys Warm Up

Circuit for time:

• 20 thrusters (20-30kg power bag)
• 40 sit ups
• 80 power bag squats (20-30kg)
• 20 pull ups
• 60 squat thrusts
• 20 pull ups
• 80 power bag squats (20-30kg)
• 40 sit ups
• 20 thrusters (20-30kg power bag)

Grizz Phys Cool Down

FRIDAY Grizz Phys Warm Up

Circuit for time:

• 10k bike ride
• 1 mile run

5 Minute Rest

Circuit for time:

4 rounds
• 50m farmers carry's (2x 20-30kg power bags)
• 20 deadlifts high pull (1x 20-30kg power bag)
• 20 jumping lunges (10 each leg)

Grizz Phys Cool Down

SATURDAY Grizz Phys Warm Up

5 Minute Burpee Challenge (as many burpees as possible within 5


Grizz Phys Cool Down and Active Recovery

Grizz Phys Warm Up:

Purpose – To prepare the body for aerobic activity, raise your cardiovascular system and
increase the blood flow to muscles. This will reduce muscle soreness and help lessen the
risk of injury during physical activity.

Warm Up in a 20m space:

• 3 sets of lunge walk out jog back
• 3 sets of jump squats out jog back
• 2 sets of bear crawls out sprint back
• 1 set of burpee jump outs sprint back
• 3 sets of sprint out and jog back

Grizz Phys Cool Down:

Purpose – To gradually reduce heart rate and blood pressure throughout the body, this will
help regulate blood flow and reduce muscle soreness and help lessen the risk of injury.

Cool down:
• 3 minute gentle jog
• 2 minute walk

Dynamic stretches: (hold every stretch for 15-30 seconds)

• Cobra lift
• Camel stretch
• Gluteal stretch
• Quadruped arm and leg raise
• QL stretch
• Back Extension
• Glute stretch
• Quadricep stretch
• Shoulder stretch
• Strait leg calf stretch
• Thigh stretch

Grizz Phys Active Recovery

Purpose – To engage in a low intensity exercise for example a short walk, light bike ride,
gentle swim, this allows blood to flow through the muscles and oxygenate the body. Like
warming up and cooling down this helps reduce muscle soreness and lessens the risk of
Scoring System:

We recommend the following scores to dictate which tier to begin the 8 week training
programme with. Whichever tier you score the most in is your recommended start point for
the programme.


1 Mile run Sub 6 minutes 6 to 8 minutes 8 minute plus
Pull ups 13 plus 9 to 12 1 to 8

Press ups 2 minutes 70 plus 40 to 69 40 and below

Sit ups 2 minutes 80 plus 50 to 80 40 and below
3 Mile run Sub 20 minutes 20 to 25 minutes 25 plus minutes
Bleep test Level 12 plus Level 9 to 12 Level 9 and below
5 minute burpee 85 plus 60 to 85 59 and below

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