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Found Words:
Pollution Earthquake
Vulnerability Droughts
Landslides Cyclone
Meaning: Pollution refers to the introduction of harmful or unwanted substances
into the environment, which can have detrimental effects on the natural world and
human health. These substances, known as pollutants, can be in various forms,
including Air Pollution, Water Pollution and etc.,
Pollution can have far-reaching consequences for the environment, ecosystems,
and human well-being. Efforts to reduce pollution typically involve regulations,
cleaner technologies, waste management, and public awareness campaigns to
mitigate its adverse effects and protect the planet.
Meaning: The term "vulnerability" refers to the state of being susceptible to
harm, damage, or adverse effects. It implies a lack of resistance or defense
against various risks, threats, or challenges. Vulnerability can apply to
individuals, communities, systems, or even objects. Types of these are risk
factors, and exposure to risks.
Meaning: A landslide is a geological phenomenon characterized by the mass
movement of rock, soil, and debris down a slope or hillside. Landslides can vary
in size and speed, ranging from slow and gradual movements to rapid and
destructive events. They are typically triggered by a variety of factors and can
have serious consequences for both human communities and the natural
4. Word: HAZARDS
Meaning: Hazards are natural or human-made events or conditions that have
the potential to cause harm, damage, or adverse effects to people, property, the
environment, or society as a whole. Hazards can take various forms and can
result in a wide range of consequences. They are a key focus in fields like
disaster management, public safety, and risk assessment.

Meaning: A disaster is a sudden and often catastrophic event that causes
significant damage, destruction, disruption, and distress to people, property, and
the environment. Disasters can result from natural processes, human activities,
or a combination of both. They typically overwhelm the affected community's
ability to cope and require external assistance for recovery. Disasters can take
various forms, and their impacts can be widespread and long-lasting. Natural
Disaster is the commonly type of disaster.
Meaning: An earthquake is a sudden and violent shaking of the ground
caused by the movement of the Earth's tectonic plates beneath the Earth's
surface. These movements result in the release of energy in the form of seismic
waves, which propagate through the Earth, causing the ground to shake.
Earthquakes can vary in size and intensity, ranging from minor tremors that go
unnoticed to major quakes that can cause widespread destruction and loss of
life. Example of these are Tectonic and Oceanic Earthquakes.

Meaning: Droughts are prolonged periods of abnormally low precipitation,
resulting in water scarcity and often leading to adverse impacts on ecosystems,
agriculture, water supplies, and society as a whole. Droughts can vary in
intensity, duration, and geographic extent, and they can have serious economic,
environmental, and social consequences. Main causes of droughts are Human
Activities and Agricultural Processes.
8. Word: ARSON
Meaning: Commonly defined by statute as the willful or malicious damage or
destruction of property by means of fire or explosion. In English common law,
arson referred to the burning of another person's dwellings under circumstances
that endangered human life.
9. Word: CYCLONE
Meaning: They are intense circular storms that originate over warm tropical
oceans, and have maximum sustained wind speeds exceeding 119 kilometres
per hour and heavy rains. However, the greatest damage to life and property is
not from the wind, but from secondary events such as storm surges, flooding,
landslides and tornadoes.

I only found nine out of 10, thank you so much! <3

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