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King’s Business School, King’s College London

Cover Sheet for King’s Business School 23/24

Candidate ID: AE 39770

Module Code: 7QQMM203

Module Name: Principles of Finance

Word Count: 870

Please complete the above candidate and module information and attach to the
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Where applicable students should clearly state the question(s) they are answering
(e.g. Question 1, Part A) so it can be clearly identified for markers.


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Question I Candidate No
-: AE39770 .

a) Bond is a financial instrument for corperates firms ,

debt When bonds bonds
to issue .

they issue to investors ,

they treat as

a contract that receives a

lump-sum amount of
berrowing from investors at first

of from
they were
legally to binded
interest (in terms
compen payments) to investors

back band
time to time , and
eventually repaying the principal to investers when the

. Therefore ,
from The
perspective of a firms the face value of the bend equals
the principal of debt the firm wants to borrow from bendhelders per unit of bend.
From the of bendholder (invester) the of a bend should equals
perspective ,

the value of flow the bead which equals the

present expensed cash
generated by ,
of of future discounted of the face
payments plus
value the sum all the value
compen ,

value of a bend

Given that the fixed each time is C and the face

coupen payment ,

value of the bend is F, Assume the band is compounded annually; and the term

structure of interest rate is flat such that ri = =

r3 =... =

o + +
(B) Fair
of bond = cot +

where n =
tenor of the bend, and C = C =
G =
Cy =
C ,
and r = annual interest rate

By simplification ,
PB =
C (If ir +pirer +
chris +
chryu) +
c rm

Using the
annuity -
we have

n= ,

C=(t-rcirsn) · C

↓ Fair
of bend LPBS = Lv -

riversal C +
pirs ·

For an investor, if the cost of investment is smaller than the present value

of cashflow the investment the investment profitable and invester

generate , is

should invest
As there is no further information about the risk levels of the investments

in Stock (1) and stock (2) ,

I would consider
return for the portfolio .

A higher return when believed be underpriced

stack can
generate expected one is to more

in the current market

Since there is we information about the current market prices of Stock A and

my perifoli
B, I could not which stacks to be more
hearty weighted in .

whichever the stock is more underpriced I would invest more in it.

However, if the between And

Bexcept from that
everything were same stack Stock B
dividend but stock A does not It is indifferent for to invest in either
growing . me

higher of dividents from stock B offsetted

stocks as the
present value is
by the higher
price stock B, where
D/Cr-g) > Dir ,
assume that both stocks
the same

dividend So , for diversification I would equal stock A

payment risk
purpose , put weights on

and B (50 % each) in

perefore .

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