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Chapter one

I put my bags on my bed and fall next to them with a sigh.

I'm exhausted but I still love shopping. Okay, only when I do
find something nice if not I hate it. The only thing I love
more than anything in this world is Elle. I'd go nuts if I
wouldn't have her.

I look at my phone to check the time and realize I have two

hours left until dinner. Father told me to dress nicely since
we're expecting guests tonight. Well actually he does, I

I stand up, stretch my tired muscles and for once I decide to

do all the work alone instead of asking my maid to help me
like I usually do. It does take me a couple of minutes to
decide which brand I'm going to start with. Cartier, Prada,
Gucci, Sephora, Urban Outfitters or Victoria's secret? Okay,
stupid question. Sephora obviously.

After half an hour I'm finally done and I gotta say, I am proud
of my work. Okay enough let's just get ready and get this
wonderful night over with.
Sometimes I wished I was a boy. I mean, boys don't get their
period, they can throw any clothes on them and still manage
to look good. (Applies to the handsome guys with sense of
fashion) and on top of all, they don't have to do their
makeup. Like how awesome is that?

Yes, I know there are smarty asses who always say 'Lexi
you aren't forced to do your makeup', but those people who
say that have no idea who my mother really is.

It took me almost an hour to decide what to wear. My outfit

had to be perfect. Normally I must call my mother because
she's the one who chooses my outfits most of the time but
right now, I feel like rebelling a little bit and choose my
outfit by myself. Talk about me being badass. In the end, I
decided to wear some grey pants and a strapless blacktop.
My outfit is then combined with my favorite white old school

My hair is styled in a messy yet sexy looking bun and my

makeup is perfectly refreshed. God, I'd love nothing more
than Netflix and food right now but life ain't fair.

I look good, like really good. Thank god for confidence

otherwise the people out there would eat me alive. I take a
few pictures for my Instagram and post a story. At least I'm
allowed to have my own social media profiles. Just imagine
your Mother would control your profile. People would think
I'm a stuck up bitch who gets everything she wants. Scratch
that, people already think that.

I do get everything I want but that only because I know how

to choose my words wisely. A simple 'Mother, what would
people think of us?' is enough to get me what I want. Not
very nice but shopping and Elle are the only things keeping
me at bay in this world. My missions as well...

Lost in thoughts, I almost missed the knock on my door.

"Miss, Sir called to tell you that the guests arrived. He
expects you to come down" Alfred stands in the door with
his best suit. Does he have a new pair of gloves too? Must
be very important guests tonight. Can't Father text me or
something? That lazy?

"Fred" I tilt an eyebrow. The mirror image shows an almost

embarrassed Fred who rubs his neck nervously. "Right sorry

I chuckle lowly in response "I'll be right out" He nods and he

leaves me alone. Okay, deep breath Lexi, only a couple of
hours and you're free to do what you want. I push my
bedroom door open and leave my room. I walk down the
glassy stairs and make my way to the dining room. I can
already hear muffled chatter from the inside.

I thank a maid with a smile when she opens the door and I
have nothing left than to walk inside and greet the guests.

"Good Evening" I greet formally with a monotone tone. The

couple turns around and I'm astounded at how beautiful the
woman is. I have no idea who they are so I guess Father
made some new business or I'm simply perfectly good at
being ignorant.

"Oh my. James, you didn't tell us how beautiful your

daughter is!" What just happened?

The beautiful woman has dark hair which reaches her

shoulders and a stunning body. She walks over to me and
hugs me tightly. I hug her backless tightly, feeling extremely

Her lips are deep red and her black knee-length dress hugs
her curves perfectly. She looks like a woman in her mid-
thirties and strongly reminds me of Penélope Cruz. This
woman knows how to dress and impress that's for sure. God,
I wish I'll look this good when I'm in my thirties.
"Thank you" I give her a thankful smile. For a split second, I
take a look at my parents and so far my father looks
satisfied for once. My mother, on the other hand, is probably
jealous because she's not in the center of attention.

I was so engrossed in admiring the woman's beauty, that I

didn't notice the second person standing in front of me. His
blue eyes are scanning me from head to toe, his black hair is
gelled back and if you look closely you can see that it starts

He looks, is intimidating. He seems like someone you

obviously don't want to mess with. But unfortunately for him,
he can't intimidate me, even if he purposely tried to. I have
no idea why but something about him seems familiar. I'm
convinced that I already saw him somewhere, I just don't
know where.

"Hello," I greet.

He steps forward and closes the space between us with a

hug. What is it with these people and their hugs? I never get
hugged by my fathers 'friends'. He lifts my hand gives a light
peck at the back of it.
"I'm Damon Hamilton." He steps back with a smile. "And
this.." he reaches for the Penélope Cruz lookalike "is my
wife Valentina." He introduces.


"Let's start shall we?" Father interrupts impatiently.

I roll my eyes when nobody watches and I take a seat at the

table. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton must be very important guests
otherwise Father wouldn't have made sure that the good
crockery is set. Even the tablecloth that we use when the
President is dining with us is set on the table. And the silver
cutlery is arranged in the right order next to the plates.

You'd think the King himself is visiting us.

Next to me sits Mother, in front of us Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton

and at the head of the table Father. But there's one person
missing. "Where's Victoria?" I ask.

"Your sister is still in Paris with her husband. They'll return

tomorrow" Mother answers. Right there was something
about Paris. "Shouldn't she be here already? She did say
she's coming today" Mother sighs annoyed but she replies
"Yes but her and her husband decided to stay another day
with" There's this way she's empathizing the word husband..
she's been emphasizing that word for a while now. I just
hope she doesn't think what I think she's thinking because
damn, I'm only 17.

I answer with a single okay which probably nobody heard

but oh well. The maids enter with trays full of food. After
they fill out plates they leave immediately and we start
eating. Father and Mr. Hamilton are talking about business
and Mother and Mrs. Hamilton talk about the latest fashion

Well mostly mother, Mrs. Hamilton just listens and throws a

comment here and there. Well either I'm crazy and she looks
like my mother is the last person she wants to talk to right
now or ... there's no or.

Those two people were friendlier than my parents have ever

been. That's sad.

My gaze is somehow fixed on Mr. Hamilton the whole time. I

know him but I just don't know how or where from. He
seems un normally familiar. As we finish the food the maids
collect the empty plates quickly and leave the room fast.
Very fast.

It's almost safe to say Mr. Hamilton is the - "You're getting

married" My father sternly says.
I almost choke on my water and spit it out but I can calm
down right on time.


"Seeking for attention?" My mother quietly growls but I

smartly choose to ignore her.

"Say what?" I spit louder than I intend to. Well actually...

"That's why we're here" Mrs. Hamilton carefully starts,

uncertain of her own words even.

"I'm sorry Father but that is complete bullshit" I cross my

arms. I know I should choose my words wisely but to hell
with that. I am not getting married.

"Don't you dare to raise your voice" He threatens with a low

voice. I don't care what damn consequences I'll have to face
but I refuse to tie myself to a person I have never seen my
entire life. "Or what?" I see pearls of sweat rolling down my
Mothers forehead.

"Alexandria Evangeline hear your father out for heaven's

sake" Mother orders. Heaven's sake... no, she didn't... I have
to control myself this is not a situation to laugh about.

Father shoots Mother a grateful smile and looks at me,

rolling his eyes and continuing "I and Damon made a deal
and it's sealed by you getting married " Dear Lord of hell
how horrible. The look in my Fathers eyes is dark,
mischievous glint dancing in his eyes. There's more to that
but I know that man sitting at the head of the table well
enough to know that before he'll tell his real purpose of this
'deal' he'd die first.

I nod my head, my eyebrows raised, waiting for him to

continue. I can't believe I'm still listening to this. What
century are we in? The 18th century?

"You know I have enemies" he continuous. Do you mean

your illegal enemies?

"If the government finds out about my actions, we will lose

everything. Our money, mansion, belongings, everything and
I end up in prison." Correction. You do, I don't. I'm smart and
hid my money from my missions.

"Damon being the King of Mafia, he can protect me from my

enemies and I can protect him from the government" He

The King of the mafia! That's why his name is so familiar.

That's why he is so familiar. I knew it.

Damon Hamilton,
The king of the mafia. Powerful and he kills without blinking.
He's dangerous, ruthless, intimidating, scary and not to
mess with. He's the kind of person parents warn their
children from. But he doesn't have any effect of any one of
the above on me. How could he? If he would intimidate me
then the job I do would certainly not be for me. Nothing
scares me. Nothing. With the exception of losing Elle.

"You're getting married to their son in three weeks," My

mother says in a duh tone. Dude don't speak like I was
supposed to know that you 'dealt' my life away.

"I'm sorry that he's not here. He has a business to attend"

Mrs. Hamilton says apologetically.

He has mafia stuff to do. Nothing more nothing less. Luca

Hamilton has mafia stuff to deal with right at the moment.
He probably doesn't even want to be here. I don't blame him.
I'd rather spend time with Lucifer right now.

No word in the English vocabulary can express how mad I

am right now. I'd love to shout at Father, question his
actions. Why I have to be the one paying for his actions. I
need to know the real reason. Father can protect himself
from his 'enemies' and the King of the entire Mafia doesn't
need help from the vice president.
Don't show you're weak Lexi. It doesn't matter how bad my
relationship with Father is don't let others question his
existence as a vice president if he can't even keep his
daughter under control. Wouldn't be a stupid idea if I think
about it.

"Excuse me" I mumble and abruptly stand up. I leave the

dining room and walk back to my room while I dial Elle's

"Meet me at Cloak and Dagger in half an hour. Apparently,

I'm engaged" I roll my eyes and hang up before she can say
anything. I'd love to see her face expression right now. It's
not often that her best friend is getting hitched in three
weeks. Damn those people for still being my legal guardians
until I'm 18. They could basically do anything to me if they
want to. If they want to sell me to human trafficking, hell
they could do that. I'm known everywhere I go. I couldn't
even escape if I tried to.

I quickly change into a black curve-hugging dress which

emphasizes my shoulders and ends on my mid-thigh.
Stepping into some black heels I grab my phone and my
keys and I'm good to go. I swear if some guard dares to
follow me, I will murder him myself.
I walk out of the door and pass the guards and gates. I don't
bother telling the guards where I go and luckily they don't
bother asking me and neither does anyone follow me. I climb
into my car, start the engine and drive off.

As soon as I see a free spot, I park my car and make my way

to the entrance where Elle is waiting for me impatiently.

As soon as she sees me she runs into my arms. "I want

every detail" She demands the moment she pulls back.

We make our way inside the club, pass the dancing crowd,
the full bar and look for a booth. We quickly order our drinks
and I tell her everything that happened.

"I knew your father is cruel but that is the cherry on top"
She shakes her head in disbelief. To be honest, I feel like I'm
trapped in some weird movie.

"I know." I sigh, sinking into the seat.

"And how do you feel?" She asks with concern in her voice.

"Honestly. I already waited for this day. It happened to my

sister and I knew it would happen to me too at some point" I
honestly tell.

"But she wanted to. She agreed that's the difference and the
fact that you waited for this day shows the facts" Neither
one of us say anything for a while. We're both deep in
thought and for a moment I think Elle is spaced out but she
quickly adds "Your father is a smart man"

"I know. I'm getting married to the freaking son of the

Damon Hamilton" I cry. "God I hope I won't have the
constant feeling to kill him... don't tell your father a thing,
please" I beg.

"Are you stupid? My father may be the President but that

doesn't mean he has to know everything." She raises her
eyebrow. Ironic the way she says it. He kinda does need to
know that the man who is in charge of the country if
something happens to him deals with the mafia.

"You're right" I rub my temples.

"Oh and by the way. We got a mission." She smirks

I immediately tilt my eyebrows and look at her. Joy is almost

filling my heart at those words. Finally some good news.

"Your next victim is Dillon Jones" She informs.

"When and where?" I ask.

"He's tomorrow at the gala," She says and continues with

further information about this Dillon Jones dude.
"Perfect" I smirk when she's done. "Now let's dance" I stand
up and grab her arms.

We walk to the dance floor and find a perfect spot for us so

we can start dancing. After a while of swaying my hips along
with the music and enjoying my time with my best friend
while trying to forget about my parents, I decided to take
some air due to the fact that it slowly starts to smell in here.
It really sucks that I can't get drunk. And the feeling of
punching something rises again immediately.

"I'm going out for some air" I shout into my best friends ear.
She nods and keeps dancing, knowing full well I can take
care of myself if anything happens. I make my way through
the crowd and walk to the back until I reach a door and open
it. I step outside and look around. Oh really? The alley is
dark and basically screams danger. This looks like the alley
where Batman found Deadshot. Not that I mind the
dangerous touch or anything I really like but it's so cliché.
There's only a drunk pervert left and the cliché is completed.

A girl needing fresh air, a drunk pervert and an alley like this
is the perfect starter pack for a cliché scene in a bad boy
fiction. Oh, and we need the infamous bad boy who saves
the future love of his life. Man those stories are always the
best. It shows exactly how life doesn't work and that's

"NO!" A voice shouts. Sounds already interesting.

"Tell me!" Another sexy voice shouts. That would be my cue

to leave but, I don't really work like that. Why am I doing
exactly what I am not supposed to be doing? However, I
walk towards the voices and stop as I see a tall man
towering over a body. He has his hands on the person's

I should leave. I really should leave. But damn is this


A gun is pointed at the man under the man with the sexy
voice. I lean against the wall and look at the scene in front
of me smirking. This should be interesting. I can't wait for
the person with the sexy voice to notice that he's being

"Tell me!" He shouts once again.

"He looks like James Rhodes but claims he's some dude
named Deacon" The man stutters. Holy shit I've never been
this happy that I dug my nose into things that weren't my
business. Father, what are you hiding?
The trigger is pulled and the bullet hits the mans head. The
lifeless body falls immediately to the ground like a fly and
blood is pouring out of his fresh wound. There is so much
blood. Cool.

It won't last long until he notices me.

Chapter two:
I stop my tracks and turn round to the tall man with the sexy
voice. I can't really see him since it's really dark but from
our distance, he doesn't look bad. Like at all.

I slowly walk forward and before he gets the chance to say

something I speak up "Before you ask, yes I saw you kill the

He stands still for a second, not saying anything. It seems

like he needs a second to process how easy I just said that.

He starts walking until he stands right in front of me. Man,

he smells delicious. And from what I can see, he really
doesn't look bad. The darkness suits him. It makes him
hotter than he already is. And he's built well. Very well.

"Who are you?" He asks. Mmmh that voice. I love that

question. Now, what do I say? Am I Lexi, Alexandria or do I
let the bomb burst and tell him I'm Ghost? Just imagine the
look on his face if I say that.

"That's how it's going to work," I smirk. First I wanna know

his name, even if he seems un normally familiar. I know him.
I just know it but I can't put my finger on it. It's probably
because of the darkness.
"And who are you to decide?" He asks, his voice deep. His
voice is panty-moistening.

"You won't kidnap me because I witnessed how you killed a

man who was working for a dude who looked like my dear
father" I ramble sarcastically. It's after a minute that I
realize what I just said. Shit.

His gun is immediately pointed at my forehead. Seriously?

"Please." I start rolling my eyes. "There's not even a bullet


"Oh really?" He raises an eyebrow and pulls the safety-


"Come on" I roll my eyes. "Do it." I tilt my chin at the gun.
"Shoot me" I challenge, smirking.

I cross my arms, waiting for him to shoot a none existent

bullet through my head. He knew his mission tonight and he
knew that he wasn't going to need more than one bullet to
kill the man.

He immediately shoots but there's indeed no bullet hitting

my head. I smirk and his eyes are wide as he realizes I didn't
move a muscle. Didn't even blink.

"What are you even doing here?" He asks.

I shrug. "Clearing my head" I answer and somehow I get the
feeling that I can fully trust this man in front of him.

"Obviously but why?" He rolls his eyes. "have you ever been

"No, lord knows the consequences if I would be drinking," I

tell him honestly and I don't know what came over me but
with my gut telling me I can tell him everything I go on "My
cruel Father is forcing me to marry a man I've never seen in
my life," I answer honestly.

He smirks. His eyes glint in a way as if he knows something

I don't. Or it's just the darkness and I am completely wrong.
"If it helps you somehow I'm forced into marriage too"

"Really?" I raise my eyebrows. What a coincidence.

He nods his head shrugging "Just hope we'll get along" he

added. Huh.

"You know the two of us" He added. It takes me a minute to

let his words sink and get what he is saying and when I do
my eyes go wide. "Luca?" I ask dumbfounded.

Are you even serious right now? Of course, it's him.

"In the flesh" He smirks. God his smirk is sexy. Like really
"Lexi where are you?" I suddenly hear the worried voice of
my best friend shouting. I've been out that long?

That is my cue to leave. I turn around and start walking.

2..1.. "Where do you think you're going?" He asks following

"Away," I say in a duh tone.

Guess you never chased Ghost.

"See you soon," I say one last time and quickly make my
way inside the club and drag Elle with me.

"Meet me at McDonalds," I say and step into my car. I start

the engine and drive through the busy streets of Washington,

I can't believe what just happened.

I park my black BMW and walk inside McDonald's. I take a

seat next to Elle and tell her what happened.

"Was he hot?" She asks with raised eyebrows.

"Are you serious?" I tilt my eyebrows and eventually give in.

"I mean yeah he looked good but I didn't see much since it
was dark" I shrug.
She chuckles and shakes her head. "I really don't want to go
to that gala" She cries.

"Me neither. I just met my fiancé" I roll my eyes.

I close the door behind me and lean against it. I'm fucked.
Like really fucked. Today started with me getting up, going
to school, going to the mall and coming back home. Normal

And bam. Plot twist, I'm getting married to a man I never

saw. Scratch that, I did see him. Live in action. I even got a
look at my soon to be a different lifestyle. That's probably
the best part.

I can't believe Father gets to decide what happens with my

life. I'm 17 years old. I'm not ready for marriage. Heck, I've
never even had a boyfriend.

But I know better than to disobey my father. You always

know better than to disobey the vice President of The United
States of America. Sometimes I'm such a chicken. Why am I
even listening to him? I could just disappear.

Wait you can't. The whole continent knows how you look
and who you are.

James Rhodes:
The gala tomorrow is your engagement party.

I expect you to announce your engagement.

You motherf...

To James Rhodes:

When did you make the deal?

James Rhodes:

A month ago

My eyes widen as I read those letters. A month ago. And he

decided to spill the tea the night before my engagement
party? Is he for real? But let's be honest, I probably would've
done something against it if he told me sooner. Great plans
take time.

But one thing is for sure, Father is a smart man. Very smart
man. Hell, he made sure I won't get a divorce. For some
reason, he made sure I stay married. Does he really hate me
that much?

Mafia marriage works like this: Once married there's no way

back. I either stay married or I die. Till death do us
apart.Like literally. And even if I'm not a big fan of my life,
I'm really not looking forward to dying anytime soon.
I wake up tired and unmotivated. I walk to the bathroom do
my business and tie my hair into a messy bun. I step into
some sweatpants and my favorite hoodie. I really really don't
want to dress up. It's at school. I just hope Mother won't say

When people hear daughter of the vice President, they

expect makeup artists and personal designers to dress you,
do your makeup and your hair every morning. But come on,
do I look like a Kardashian?

I grab my bag and run downstairs. I quickly eat some fruits

and drive to school myself and do a little happy dance in my
car because of no one's home.

Silver Stone Academy. The most expensive private school in


Presidents and vice presidents daughters aka Elle and me,

children of producers, CEO's, actors, singers and more
attend this school.

Even here are cliques. The wanna be Malibu barbie with her
minions, the jocks, nerds, punks, normal people who do have
standards unlike the 'popular' and last but not least the 'Bad
Guys' of the school. Elite Cliques. It's just like in a regular
High School only with more money.
The Bad Guys where once a pair of bad girls and a pair of
bad boys but those pairs started to become friends a few
weeks ago.

Those people are me, Elle, Zach, and Cody. A pair of twins
aren't as bad as others say. They're goofy as hell and I can't
imagine them as dangerous. Like at all.

I know they're involved in the mafia world. It's obvious. That

and they told us. They just didn't tell us who they are
working for. And I don't really care who they're working for
so it's cool.

I and Elle are the 'bad girls' of the school because we love to
wear black, actually stand up for ourselves and throw
sarcastic and sassy comments at teachers from time to
time. Completly dumb the title.

I enter the empty halls and realize I'm obviously late for
some reason. I thought I left the house on time? I open the
door leading to my class and walk inside.

"You're late" The teacher states. I had no idea Captain


"I'm aware of that" I cross my arms.

"Why?" Why do teachers always keep asking the obvious?
The thing is they don't even care why you're late so I don't
see why they keep asking us. Probably too lazy to teach but
then again it's their job.

"Well hell isn't on my gps tracker" I sass. And I wonder why

teachers hate me.

"Just sit down" The teacher waves off. HA gotcha. Ain't a

comeback right?

I walk in the back and sit down at the empty seat next to
the window. The seat in the back by the window is the best.
Like literally. No one is bothering you. The teacher doesn't
notice a shit you do. You could tattoo yourself and the
teacher wouldn't notice.

After long hours of Calculus and Biology, I make my way to

the cafeteria and take a seat at our usual table.

"Bestie" Cody screams and kisses my cheek. I roll my eyes

playfully and kiss his cheek as well.

"Hey" I smile.

"Where's Elle?" Zach asks as Cody sits back down.

It's really cute how he always asks where she is. What she's
doing and so on. They'd make such a cute couple. Like
imagine Grayson Dolan and Madelaine Petsch having a baby.

"I don't know" I shrug. I take my lunch box and start eating
my Italian pasta salad which consists of green olives,
tomatoes, mozzarella, basil and red onion and pasta. My love
for this salad can't be described. And they say I'm a useless

"Hey, guys" Elle greets as she sits down.

Zach hugs her and kisses her cheek. If they're not going to
get married anytime soon I'm going to lose hope for love.


If they're not going to get married soon I'm going to lose

hope for love

My eyes widen as I read those words. I almost choke on my

food. Can this dude read minds?

"Can you read minds?" I whisper as soon as I calmed down.

"No why?"

"Because you just texted the words I literally thought of" I

breathe out.
"Told ya, we are soulmates" He smirks. I chuckle at his
words and he does too.

"I got news" I speak up.

All attention is on me. "I'm getting married," I tell like it's

the most normal thing.

Zach and Cody's eyes are wide open. Same with their

"Actually against my will. It's arranged" I roll my eyes.

"Why?" They ask in unison.

I shrug. "My father is a cruel man" I partly admit. I can't tell

them the real reason. No matter how much I trust them.

I would have to tell them everything. Everything from the

age of 10 and I really don't wanna do that right now.

"And who's your fiancé?" Zach asks.

"Wait and see at my engagement party tonight" I'd love to

see the look on their faces when they realize I'm getting
hitched to the soon to be King of the entire Mafia. Now
that's something I'm looking forward to and by the look on
Elle's face, she can't wait either.

"You are breaking my heart" Cody wipes a fake tear away.

"I thought it's a gala?" Zach scrunches his nose.

"That's our engagement party. Though it's a gala as well

until Father broke the news last night through a text" I roll
my eyes. "Oh and he made this deal a month ago"

"What a pathetic little asshole" Elle shouts. "Through a text?

Really?" E, you make it sound like a dude broke up through a
text. The whole cafeteria quietens and everyone looks at our

Oh, I already know the new rumors. Sometimes I feel like I'm
trapped in some weird movie. We have everything. The
cliques, the Queen B or as I love to call her wanna be Malibu
Barbie, teachers who literally don't give a shit about
anything. There's only the new popular Bad Boy left with
some sort of issues and BAM you have a story. We need a
romantic storyline about the new guy and some chick from
this school and voilà, you have the ultimate Fan-Fiction. (or
movie whatever) But with more money because of this
snobby school.

"Elle calms down," Zach says and rubs her back. She
immediately calms down and looks down at her hands. Is
she embarrassed?

Cody and I give each other a knowing look and smirk.

"But you're the love of my life how can you get married to
another man?" Cody fake cries. You'd think he's serious if
you wouldn't know him.

"You're gay" Elle giggles. "Besides just wait and see until
you see her fiancé. You'll want to marry him instead" She

"That hot?" Cody's eyes rise.

Elle nods "Yup. Lexi is a lucky girl" She winks.

"The luckiest" I mutter sarcastically.

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see until tonight" Zach
claps his hands, ending the discussion. I shot him a thankful
smile and he nods in response. Thank god for a serious
person otherwise I'd go nuts with Elle and Cody.
Chapter Three:

'Our reporter Lucas Rawenwood was life at the crime scene

this morning. Another murder occurred approximately at 4
am this morning. And the murder was no other than Ghost
herself again. The court medic informed that his death was
caused by the slit on his throat. The weapon used for the
murder was a dagger. The others cuts on his body were
made after his death'

"What are you laughing at?" Paul asks in-between

straightening my hair. I shake my head chuckling and hand
him my phone. I watch him as he reads the article and see
his lips smiling in amusement.

"Ghost puts the entire FBI to shame" I look at him through

the mirror and see him rolling his eyes smiling. I chuckle
one more time before replying "I know" Oh I know.

I take a look in the mirror and I'm more than satisfied. Paul
did an incredible job with my makeup. My kinda light
smokey eyes are kept simple. It's the perfect combination
with my deep red lipstick which is matching my dress

My floor-length deep red dress has a slit on the side of my

leg and starts on my mid-thigh. My shoulders perfectly
empathize and my cleavage is showing off in an appropriate
way. Not to brag or something but this dress looks gorgeous
on me.

My long dark hair is straight and falls over my shoulders. To

say I look good is an understatement. I look gorgeous. I'm
happy and for once I feel like myself. I have no idea what
the deal with my mother is lately but I'm more than happy
that she didn't choose how I was going to look tonight.

"You did an amazing job Paul" I turn around and smile.

"You're so beautiful" He wipes off a small tear that escaped

his left eye. Always a drama queen when it comes to me but
I really appreciate his work.

I walk over to him and give him a short hug. "You're

amazing" There's no doubt about that. If Paul wasn't
married, I would've introduced him to Cody a long time ago.
"You're the one who's amazing here babe" He holds onto my
shoulders. "You turn every gay one straight. Even me and
I'm the epitome of the gay existence" And he is. I haven't
met a guy that is gayer than Paul.

Like literally. Sometimes he wears dresses and heels. He

always wears makeup. I've never seen his bare. Ever. Even
his voice is gay. I've met Paul's husband once. He is the men
in the relationship. Paul is extremely enthusiastic. And quite
the drama queen sometimes.

"What would I do without you?" I playfully roll my eyes. Like

really what would I do without him? I love dressing up and
stuff but if it wasn't for him I would probably go in sweats to
the gala- engagement party, sorry.

"Not attending your engagement party tonight that's for

sure" He laughs.

I chuckle. I give him a short kiss on the cheek. "Thank you

for making my life bearable" I look at him seriously. "You're
the daughter of the vice president of The United States of
America. Many girls would kill to be in your place" He raises
an eyebrow. If only he knew. I simply shrug my shoulders.
Sure he's my fairy godmother but only Elle knows the real
business in this household.

A knock on the door interrupts us. "Come in" I shout.

"Miss, the driver is here" Our butler informs. This again. God,
I can't stand those formalities. Especially from butlers, Fred
*cough, who basically knew me since the day I was born.

I nod and he leaves, deciding not to say anything yet. I look

back to Paul "It's time" I fake smile. God knows how hard I
faked it. I'm not ready at all. Not even a little bit. But damn
I'm perfect at fake smiling. Only Elle and the twins know
when it's fake or not. It's creepy sometimes. Sometimes I do
it without realizing it. I spend that much time with toxic
people. God, I hate human beings. They're so exhausting
and fake. Especially the daughters of my others 'friends'.

"Have fun darlin'" He smirks.

"I won't" I roll my eyes "Shoutout to the best stylist in the

universe" I high five him.

I hug him goodbye and walk downstairs. "You're parents

already left, Miss" Alfred tells.

Sigh. What else did I expect?

He calls me, Miss. Twice. "Fred, how many time have I told
you to screw those formalities?" I playfully raise an

He chuckles. "Habits" He shrugs.

"I'm not my parents and I'm not Victoria," I say. "You know
me since the day I was born."

"I know Lexi" He smiles.

"Well then, I have an engagement party to attend" I take a

deep breath to calm my nerves.

He opens the front door to let me walk outside. I give him a

thankful smile and step into the warm night breeze. I walk
past the guards standing at the door and step into the
limousine. Once I'm inside the chauffeur closes my door and
walks to the driver's seat.

I pull my dress aside, checking if my items are on me for the

millionth time. It's like an old habit. I always have to check
at least a hundred times if my guns and daggers are really
fixed on my tight and I smile in satisfaction when I see them
fixed in a perfect position. Even if the dress is slightly tight,
my weapons are still invisible. Another thing I hate about
formal attire. I never can hide my weapons properly. And it
really sucks to hide small daggers in my bra. And the
'lipstick' in my clutch is definitely not enough.

I lean my head against the window and stare outside as we

drive through the city. Fate sure has a fun way to handle my
life that's for sure. But there's one tiny problem with this
whole engagement thing - will I tell him or not?

My driver opens to door to let me step out of the limousine.

As soon as I step outside a flash of cameras greet me. I
walk over the red carpet and keep my face straight ignoring
their questions and stop in front of the huge glass doors.
Servants hold the door open to let me walk into the glorious
building. Two pillars are on each side of the entrance. The
same red carpet leads to a big room. The guests, I suppose,
are inside.

To the left, a staircase which leads to something upstairs.

To the right, the toilets and the janitors closet. I walk
straight forward. Another servant opens the door as soon as
I reach it. Nose up, chest out. Confidence is key.

"You're late" My father spits when he reaches me.

"I'm fashionably late, father" I try my hardest not to sound

rude. What happens behind closed doors stays behind closed
doors. Simple.

"I see you dressed properly. The dress is just perfect for this
occasion" My mother speaks with nothing but venom in her
voice. Oh, shut up. I can dress and my clothing style is much
better than yours.
"It's a Dolce&Gabbana. What else did you expect?" I fake a
smile at her. Talks as if I'm dressing like a bimbo. She
frowns and decides to ignore me. Did cat catch your tongue?

"And also. I don't see why it's so bad that I'm late" I mimic
father. "When are we going to announce the engagement?"

"You'll see, Alexandria Evangeline" He almost whispers. And

he's using my full name. Dude come on.

Before I can question him again, my sister interrupts us.

"Whatever is happening let's calm down. People are
watching" She whispers raising her eyebrows. I picked her
up this morning after I ran some errands and I decided to
treat us with some breakfast at Starbucks. Our relationship
is ... what is the right word?

"Oh my, what would they think about us now?" My mother

panics, bringing me back to the conversation. "Look what
you did Alexandria" She spits and I roll my eyes.

My fathers face immediately softens and he smiles. "Of

course Tori. You're right." He says with such love it makes
me sick. Jesus I can't wait to get out of here.

Mother brushes her blonde locks out of her face and smiles
as nothing happened. This woman is so fake china must be
jealous. I lost count on how many times she went to the
surgeon and made sure her wrinkles disappeared. Or when
she sucked off her fat. Or her fake boobs. Her chest doesn't
look like Sam's stepmom from another cinderella story but
still. Plastic surgery is plastic surgery. Or when she -okay I
could do this all day and still not be finished by the end of
next week.

I'm surprised my sister never did stuff like that. It seems like
both of us and Elle are the only ones who are completely
natural. I'm not saying that I hate people who do this kind of
stuff. By all means, if you feel good to do it. But especially
the daughters of my mom's friends are very... they rather
look like dolls than human beings. That is really extreme.

Even if Mother scolded my sister for her thin lips, Victoria

always told her she didn't mind them. She said she loves
them. Or when Mother suggested that she could get rid off a
few ribs so her waist could be smaller.

Even if Victoria is skinny and looks like Victoria's Secret

Model, much to Mothers dislike because in her eyes Victoria
is not skinny enough she's happy the way she is. And that is
something I appreciate about her. I'm surprised she still
loves that woman.
"I'm going to look for Elle," I say. One more minute with
them and I'm going to freak out. Like really freak out. I make
my way through the crowd and look for a petite redhead.
Once I spot my favorite person I decide to scare her a little.
Before I get the chance to do anything she turns around with
a big smile.

"Lexi" She hugs me tightly. I hug her back and smile. A

genuine one this time. And it feels good.

"What's up" I smirk.

"The sky" She winks. I facepalm myself and chuckle.

"Dillon Jones is here right?" I ask quietly, making sure

nobody hears us.

She nods and points at a man in a navy suit. His brown hair
is almost unnoticeable because it's really grey. He sure
looks old for a 47-year-old man. Divorced. Three times and is
currently engaged. No children and he doesn't hide the fact
that he's mostly occupied in being a sugar daddy. He holds a
glass of beer and laughs. A woman passes him and he
basically eyefucks her. He is that kind of man. And he's

"The only thing I'm looking forward to tonight" I sigh.

"I don't like him," She says obviously meaning father.

"Me neither" I shrug. "I'd rather do my homework," I say. And

I never do my homework.

"Well, besides. Dillon Jones is here" She smirks "A reason to

be here tonight" She raises her eyebrow playfully.

"The only reason" I smirk devilish.

Being the daughter of the vice president has quiet its perks
but constantly attending galas is exhausting. Always buying
a new dress, making sure makeup, heels and jewelry's are
perfect. Don't get me wrong, I love those things but being
forced to focus and to think about it is annoying and nerve-

It's always the same. Buying a dress, Paul doing my makeup,

looking for the perfect jewelry, driving to the gala or event.
Fake smiling the whole evening. Pretending to be someone
I'm not an answering a question like 'When are you thinking
to settle down?'

First of all, I'm 17. I'm still in High School and second of all,
I've never been in love for that matter. So I don't think to
settle down anytime soon. Except now. I'm actually engaged
so this 'soon' came faster than I thought and for my liking.
"I don't even know the guy," I say after a while.

"Here you are" My sister suddenly interrupts.

"Here I am" I repeat. "With your sister in law aka my best

friend," I say.

"Of course" She smiles and greets Elle. "Come on, Dad says
he's here" She grabs my arm. Dad

I brush her off. "Victoria I can walk myself"

"Come on," She says and drags me to the front.

I look back at Elle and give her an apologetic smile. "Go find
the twins" I shout after her.

We stop near the stage standing next to my mother and Mrs.

Hamilton. Mrs. Hamilton and mother were engulfed in
conversation but the moment Mrs. Hamilton sees me, her
face lights up and my mood does the same.

"Hey Mrs. Hamilton" I smile and hug her.

"Please call me Valentina. Mrs. Hamilton makes me feel old"

She chuckles. "How are you?" She asks.

"I have no idea" I admit. She's about to say something when

my father and Mr. Hamilton approach us.
"Hey, Mr. Hamilton" I greet smiling. Is it weird that the most
powerful man in the crime scene makes me smile? Like I'm
content to see him. Most people would shit their pants and
by the looks of the guests they do but I'm like, 'sup bro. God,
I'm such a weirdo.

"Please call me Damon. You're family" He smiles and I do

too. Aww, that was a way too cute. And that coming from
Damon Hamilton.

A tall muscular man approaches us. Wow. He. Is. Handsome.

His expensive black Armani suit hugs his lean and muscular
body perfectly. Like it's personally made for himself. His
face is literally sculpted by some gods. And even his beard
is perfectly shaved. His black hair looks so soft, I just want
to run my hands through it. His tan skin is the perfect
contrast to his ice-blue eyes. Those god damn beautiful ice
blue eyes.

Finally some light and not this stupid dark alley where I
barely even recognized him. It should be a crime to be
allowed to look this hot.

Our eyes meet and my breath is stuck in my throat. A

knowing smile makes its way on his face and I can't help to
hold my breath. When did I become so awkward? Like this
never happens? There's this strange feeling in my chest.
Weird. It never happened before.

Eh it's probably nothing

I look at my father. "What?" He growls.

"Nothin'" I look away. Asshole.

"Alexandria my dear" Valentina starts.

"Please call me Lexi" I smile with a plea in my eyes. I hate

that name. She nods immediately and speaks up. "This is our
son Luca," She says and points at the handsome peace of
man that joined us.

I look at up at him and see him already staring at me. Luca

Hamilton is almost a young copy of his father.

The difference: Luca is 1000 times hotter.

"It's a pleasure to see you again" He speaks up. I could

listen to his god damn voice for the rest of my life without
getting tired of for a second.

I'm not normal.

"You two know each other?" Mother asks. I huff and roll my
eyes nodding. Isn't it obvious? I don't really have it in me to
talk right now. I'm still looking at Luca and he is still looking
at me.

"Let's give them some privacy before the announcement,"

Damon says making me break eye contact and watch
everyone leave. Now there are just the two of us and I look
back at him (he is still looking at me!!!!!)

"How are you feeling?" His eyes hold such care that makes
me want to tell him my deepest anxieties. Is that normal?

Or I'm just imagining things and he just wants to be friendly.

"I could ask you the same" I record when I can't think of an
answer for his question.

"Touché" He smirks.

"Let's do the announcement," I say. He nods and takes my

hand making this stupid tingles spread all over my body at
the impact. We make our way to the stage and wait for the
staff to give us the microphones. As soon as we're all set up
we look at each other one more time and nod to reassure us
for the change of the rest of our lives. We walk up the steps.

"Ready?" He whispers.

I take a deep breath. "Not even a little bit" I admit.

It's showtime
Chapter Four :

Be cool.
My fiancé steps closer until he's inches apart. He's not
really helping right now. We're going to announce the
biggest change in our lives and what does he do? He grabs
my waist and pulls me closer and rests his hand on my
waist. Thanks a lot. Like we can make our announcement
two feet apart too you know.

He seems so cool and totally relaxed while I on the other

hand... I'm completely tense and nervous and ugh I want to
sleep. Who wouldn't be serious?

Victoria wasn't, a voice in my head reminds me. Yeah, she

did had a crush on Elles brother when she got engaged to
him. How could she not be nervous? She was so happy that
she took her friends to Bali to celebrate.

"Loosen up" He whispers into my ear which only causes

goosebumps spreading all over my body. And making the
situation worse. But god damn his touch.

"Ladies and Gentlemen" Luca speaks up. "Can we have your

attention please?"

The crowd quiets down. They all look at us waiting for us to

continue. Should I say something? I should say something
yeah. I decide to speak up. "A couple of weeks ago my
father, the vice president organized this gala." I start. I hate
when I always have to mention my father in every. god.
gamn. speech. I continue "That's not true," I say.

BAM there said it.

Liar liar pants on fire. That's not a gala no no

"You are here for an engagement party" Luca enlightens.

"We are here to announce our engagement" BOOM. There.
Said it. No way back.


The crowd is quiet for a minute. Are they going to react or

something? "In case you didn't know we're Alexandria
Rhodes and Luca Hamilton" Are you serious? Of course, they
know who you are.

You're the Vice Presidents daughter and Luca is Americas

most powerful businessman. And bachelor who has a
different woman by his side every week...


I'm engaged to a womanizer. Where is Lucifer when I need

him? How could I forget that? Oh my god. I'm the fiancé of a
damn player.

Nice work James. Nice. Work.

I love my life so much.

The crowd cheers and applauds. Now they're reacting?

Brainless idiots. And to think half of the people here rule the
country. I look at Zach and Cody with mouths wide open.

I look at my father who has a stern facial expression and my

mother who is literally eye-fucking my fiancé. Bitch the
fuck? Go eye raping your own husband. There's only one
thing I can do. Which will be appropriate and it will make
even the suspicious ones convince that we are in fact

I grab his bow tie making him look at me and before he gets
the chance to do something I pull him down and place my
lips on his. His lips are softer than cotton candy. There's
this weird feeling in my chest again. His lips slowly start
moving against mine and before the whole situation gets out
of hand because honestly, this kiss is amazing I pull back
but he pulls me back in and kisses me once again. There's
no doubt that this kiss is passionate and sweet. His grip on
my waist is tight keeping me exactly where I am. My palms
are resting on his cheeks. Then we pull back and I rest my
forehead for a split second against his.
I take a deep breath. I step back and I realize what just
happened. I kissed the prince of the mafia.

God damn, that was one first kiss. His eyes are locked with
mine and he smirks. He leans down and his lips almost
touch my ear as he whispers "Amazing kiss don't you

I shiver at his touch his words. Something is clearly wrong

with me. My words are stuck in my throat and I'm gaping
like a stupid idiot who has never talked in her entire life.

We walk down the stage, get rid of the microphones and

make our way back. He walks away to talk with some
'business' man, which I really don't mind and I make my way
to Elle and the twins.

"I can't believe it" Zach says.

"You are his fiancé?"Cody asks

I nod. "Girl. He is our best friend" Zach tells. Wait... what?

He's the mysterious guy who's too cool for high school? My
eyes are wide and I turn to look at a speechless Elle.

"Yes. He's our boss. Zach is his right hand and I'm in charge
for the shipment" Cody tells. Wait.. their boss?
"Wow" I let out a breath. Talk about plot twists. When did
my life take a 180° turn?

"We're going to talk to him," Zach says.

"Congratulations by the way" Cody laughs. Gee thanks.

"Thank you" I smirk sarcastically and show him my middle

"I didn't see that coming," Elle says.

"Me neither" I admit.

"Care to tell why you kissed him like you tried to prove a
point?" She raises her eyebrow.

"Because I did. Mother was eye-fucking him" I shrug. Just

like that.

"Were you jealous?" She mocks me.

"No." Yes " I don't even know him. And I'm going to take
care of Dillon now" I say and walk away. I need to take my
mind off things.

"Good luck" she shouts.

I wink and make my way to the bar. I knew he'd be here. I

smirk at Dillon Jones and lightly brush his shoulder. I walk
out of the big room the gala is in and leave. I make my way
up the stairs and glance back and see him following me.
Perfect. I smirk. I step inside a room and wait for him. He
steps inside and I switch the light on and close the door
once he's inside. You are dead honey.

"My my what are you doing here?" He licks his lips.

Yuck. To think that some girls like that? Like where is your

"Thought we could have a little fun" I smile innocently. I

should start a career as an actress. I'd earn much more
money than the father does.

Well actually I'll be the one having fun here

"What a nasty little girl" He steps closer. Naah I'm just going
to enjoy killing you that's all.

"Have you ever heard of Ghost?" I ask looking up at him

through my lashes.

He nods. "A feisty one. She's a dangerous little kitten who

can kill anyone with a blink of an eye" He admits.

"Well, she's an Assassin after all" I shrug my shoulders.

So he does know. Perfect

I make my way to my slit and reach for my dagger.

"Turn around" I order and he does as I say. Just like that.

Stupid man. I roll my eyes.

Gun is easier and quicker but it makes a hell of loud noise.

And we don't want any attention right now. Dagger. A little
challenging but not a single noise will be heard.


"You can turn around now," I say.

I bet he thinks I'm half-naked. I try not to laugh. Do. Not.

Laugh now. You're on a mission young lady. He turns around
smirking but his smirk leaves his face the moment he sees
the dagger dancing through my fingers in my hand.

"You know" I swing the dagger around just for the extra act
to scare him more. And they say Joker is crazy.

"It was quite an offer from your dear friend." I chuckle. "Two
Million for your head?" I grin. "He must really hate you"


"Of course I am honey" I cut him off. Throwing my dagger in

the air and catching it with my other hand. Guess what I'm
doing when I'm bored.
"Or did you really think I'd sleep with a disgusting man like
you?" I raise an eyebrow.

His face is emotionless. He gulps. He gulps.

"You did? How could you... I'm engaged" Now I feel bad for
him. He really thought I'd to the deed with him. God, I hate
men like him. He really thinks I'd sleep with him ten minutes
after I announced my engagement. He's stupid. I step
forward and he tries to punch me but fails.

"John Johnson says hi" I smile and stab him with one move.
A minute he is in front of me thinking I'm going to sleep with
him and the next he's lying at my feet. Dead.

"G-Ghost" He mutters with his last breath. I smirk in

satisfaction. Now he's dead.

Too easy.

I hide my dagger under my dress and walk out of the room

fast. I go to the toilets and quickly wash my dagger and
place it back where it was. I walk out of the toilets and walk
back inside. I see Elle spotting me. I nod and she grabs her

Probably texting Johnson the job is done. Man, this was fun.
Elle's about to walk towards me but stops when she sees my
fiancé blocking my way. Should I be happy or not? Questions

"Can I have this dance?" He holds his hand for me to take. "I
guess" I shrug and place my hand in his. It's our engagement
party after all. It would be a shame if we wouldn't dance.

We walk in the middle of the dance floor. He pulls me close.

His hands resting on each side of my waist and my hands
placed around his neck. I look up at him and he looks down
at me.

"Did you know about this?" I ask after a while.

He nods. "I found out a week ago" He admits.

I nod. "You?" He asks.

"Found out yesterday" I shrug. "I told you yesterday

remember?" I sigh.

He nods. "Why do you hate him?"

"Long story, "I say with a tone signalizing I don't want to

talk about it. "He's a smart man." I look past him at my
father who holds his eyes on us.

"How come?" He asks.

"He made sure I stay married" I answer and he nods. "My
father wants to retire. I want to be the King.."-

"But a Prince can only become the King if he has a Queen" I

cut him off looking back at him.

"Exactly," He says. "How do you know this?" He raises an


I smirk. "Let's just say I'm pretty aware of the mafia world" I
smile at the memories how everything started. He nods and
we keep on dancing along with the music.

" The twins told me you're their best friend?" I say after a

"Yes. They told me as soon as they found out." He says.

"Did you invite them too?" I ask.

"Yes but they told me they promised a friend of theirs to go

to their gala"

"That was me" I smile. "Those two are my besties" I smirk.

"Guess we have to share our friends then" He grins.

I just nod and he keeps smirking. Why in the name of God is

his smirk so sexy?
"About the kiss" I start but before I can say something
mother interrupts me.

"You guys are such a lovely couple" My mother claps her


Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't roll your eyes

"Lexi, have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?"

Valentina asks. Why do I have the feeling that she's trying to
calm me down? Like she knows exactly when to intervene?

"I don't know" I answer honestly.

"You're so beautiful, my dear. You look absolutely gorgeous"

"Thank you, you too" I smile and suddenly feel Luca leaning
down slowly and stopping at my ear. "My mom is right" He
whispers. I've never been so grateful as in this very moment
that I'm a pro at keeping poker faces.

"Since you two get along so well why don't you move in with
your fiancé Alexandria?" My mother asks enthusiastically.
Come again?

"What?" I blink. I'm not dreaming, am I?

"I'm not sure-" Luca starts. Yeah me too.

"Nonsense. This idea is amazing" Mother cuts him off.

"Mother please let other finish when they talk" I spit. Am I
getting defensive?

She scoffs and I ignore it.

"This way you two could get to know each other better.
Since you're going to spend a lifetime together" Father
decides to join this discussion I see. Don't we get a say in
this? He keeps looking at Damon and Valentina. What are
you waiting for? Their confirmation? But there's something
about the way he looks at them right now.

"Sounds peachy" I grit through my teeth.

"This idea is amazing," Valentina says smiling with a glint in

her eyes. She kept looking between Luca and I the whole
night. She probably thinks I didn't notice it but I did. I just
decided to pretend that I didn't see anything but I did. And
right now it's obvious. I sigh.

"Alright," Luca says. It's crazy how simple he says it. But
let's look at the bright side. I won't be living with my parents
anymore. But still.

"Excuse me," I say and walk away. I can't stand this

anymore. I tried to be calm and collected but now it's too
I walk through the room and enter a hall trying to find a
balcony. Once I find one I push the door open and step
outside and look over the city.

"I'm literally one day engaged and I'm forced to move in with
a guy I don't even know" I mumble to myself. "Of course.
Those bimbos couldn't wait to get rid of me" I should stop
talking to me.

"Really? Interesting" A voice interrupts.

I quickly turn around and see Luca in the doorway.

"Didn't even notice?" He says sarcastically. Father and

Mother should start working on their activities in public
more. Wouldn't want mommy to know that one person saw
through her act tonight. Because - what would they think of

I roll my eyes. "Leave me alone," I say and walk past him

back inside.

I have enough of it. I can't believe it. He gets to decide what

happens in my life. I hate him. I don't have a say in any of his
decisions. Just wait, I'll find out the real reason why they
accepted you deal Father. Because belief me my fiancé
doesn't look like a person to tie himself down at the age of

The only good thing: I'm moving out and won't need to see
that scumbag and his gold-digging bitch ever again

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