Basic Data Communication Concept - Lecturer

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First Week


Basic Data Communication Concept

Data Communication comprises two words, Data can be inform of a text, image, audio, video,
and multimedia files while Communication is an act of sending or receiving data. Data
communications can then be referred to as the movement of encoded digital data (Binary form)
between multiple computers devices within a data network through a wired or wireless
transmission medium. The transmission process depends on characteristic of transmission
medium and quality of the signal being transmitted. It uses electromagnetic waves which is
classified into guided (twisted pair, coaxial cable and optical fiber) and unguided (propagation
through air, seawater) electromagnetic waves.

The characteristics of twisted pair cable include:

(i) Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) and Shielded Twisted Pair (STP): Twisted pair cable
comes in two main varieties: unshielded twisted pair (UTP) and shielded twisted pair
(STP). UTP is the most common and is typically used for applications such as
Ethernet. STP has an additional layer of shielding to further protect against
interference and is often used in more demanding applications such as industrial

(ii) Twisted Pair Category: Twisted pair cable is categorized based on the number of
twists per inch and the overall quality of the cable. Categories range from Cat3 (used
for voice communications) to Cat7 (used for high-speed data transmission).
(iii) Bandwidth: Twisted pair cable has a limited bandwidth compared to other types of
cables such as fiber optic cables. This limits the maximum amount of data that can be
transmitted over a single cable

(iv) Length: The maximum length of twisted pair cable varies depending on the category
and quality of the cable. Generally, UTP cables can transmit data reliably up to 100
meters (328 feet), while STP cables can transmit data up to 600 meters (1,968 feet).

(v) Cost: Twisted pair cable is relatively inexpensive compared to other types of cables
such as fiber optic cables. This makes it a popular choice for many applications.

(vi) Easy to Install: Twisted pair cable is easy to install and maintain, making it a popular
choice for both commercial and residential applications.

Coaxial Cable and its Characteristic.

(i) Impedance: Coaxial cable has a defined characteristic impedance that is usually 50 or
75 ohms. This impedance helps to reduce signal reflections and ensures that signals
are transmitted accurately and efficiently.

(ii) Bandwidth: Coaxial cable has a higher bandwidth compared to twisted pair cable,
which allows it to transmit data at higher speeds and over longer distances. This
makes it a popular choice for cable TV and internet applications.

(iii) Shielding: The conductive shield in coaxial cable provides excellent protection
against electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI).
This makes it a popular choice for applications that require high levels of signal
integrity, such as medical equipment and aerospace systems.
(iv) Attenuation: Coaxial cable has low levels of attenuation (signal loss) compared to
other types of cables, which allows signals to be transmitted over longer distances
without the need for signal amplification.

(v) Cost: Coaxial cable is more expensive than twisted pair cable, but less expensive than
fiber optic cable. It is a popular choice for applications that require high bandwidth
and reliable signal transmission, but where cost is a consideration.

(vi) Length: The maximum length of coaxial cable depends on the quality of the cable
and the frequency of the signal being transmitted. Generally, high-quality coaxial
cable can transmit data reliably up to several kilometers.

Fiber Optic Cable and its Characteristic.

The characteristics of fiber optic cable include:

(i) Bandwidth: Fiber optic cable has an extremely high bandwidth compared to other
types of cables. This allows it to transmit large amounts of data over long distances at
very high speeds.

(ii) Low Attenuation: Fiber optic cable has very low levels of attenuation, which means
that it can transmit signals over very long distances without the need for signal

(iii) Immunity to Electromagnetic Interference: Unlike copper cables, fiber optic cables
are immune to electromagnetic interference, which means that they can be used in
environments where there is a high level of electrical noise.

(iv) Security: Fiber optic cable is difficult to tap without being detected, which makes it a
popular choice for applications that require high levels of security, such as military
and government networks.

(v) Lightweight: Fiber optic cable is much lighter than copper cable, which makes it
easier to install and maintain.
(vi) Cost: Fiber optic cable is more expensive than copper cable, but it is becoming
increasingly cost-effective as the technology becomes more widely used.

(vii) Distance: The maximum distance that fiber optic cable can transmit data without the
need for signal regeneration depends on the type of cable and the transmission speed.
In general, single-mode fiber optic cable can transmit data over longer distances than
multi-mode fiber optic cable.

Analog and Digital Signal

Analog and digital signals are the types of signals for carrying information. The term analog
signal denote a continuous signal that takes a continuous value and represents physical

Analog signal

Figure above represent Analog because the signal varies with time. The time frequency is plotted
on x-axis while the voltage is plotted on the y-axis of the Table. The frequency drawn on the
table can be used to determine maximum and minimum range value. Good example of analog
signal are
(i) Voltage that light bulbs -220V and +220V
(ii) audio signals
Digital signals are time separated signals which are generated using digital modulation. It is
denoted by square waves. It uses a continuous range of values that help you to represent

Digital Signal

Different Between Analog and Digital Signal

Analog signal Digital signal

Digital signals are not continuous, they are discrete
Analog signals are continuous signals.
We can represent analog signals in the We can represent digital signals in the form of square
form of sign waves. waves.
The values of voltage will be in a
The values of voltage will be discontinuous.
continuous range
Records the information as it is. Converts the information into binary form.
Digital electronic devices like computers,
These signals are used in analog devices.
smartphones, smartwatches, etc. use these signals
Examples: Any natural sound, human Electronic signals, computer signals, data read by
voice, data read by analog devices. digital devices.

The main differences between analog and digital signals in terms of Representation, Accuracy,
Processing, Storage, Bandwidth and Transmission are as follows:
(i) Representation: Analog signals are continuous, while digital signals are discrete.
Analog signals represent data as a continuous waveform that varies in amplitude and
frequency over time, whereas digital signals represent data as a series of 1s and 0s.

(ii) Accuracy: Digital signals are more accurate than analog signals because they are less
prone to noise and interference. Analog signals are susceptible to distortion from
external factors such as electromagnetic interference, which can cause signal
degradation and loss of information.

(iii) Processing: Digital signals can be easily processed and manipulated using computers
and other digital devices. Analog signals require specialized hardware to be processed
and manipulated.

(iv) Storage: Digital signals can be easily stored and retrieved without degradation of
quality, while analog signals are difficult to store and retrieve without loss of quality
over time.

(v) Bandwidth: Analog signals have a limited bandwidth, which means they can only
transmit a certain amount of information at a time. Digital signals have a higher
bandwidth, which means they can transmit more data at a faster rate.

(vi) Transmission: Analog signals are transmitted over a continuous wave, while digital
signals are transmitted in packets or bits. This makes digital signals more reliable and
less susceptible to noise and interference.

Applications of Communication & Computer Network

Computer systems and peripherals are connected to form a network.They provide numerous

 Resource sharing such as printers and storage devices

 Exchange of information by means of e-Mails and FTP
 Information sharing by using Web or Internet
 Interaction with other users using dynamic web pages
 IP phones
 Video conferences
 Instant messaging

Component of Data Communication

1. Message :
This is most useful asset of a data communication system. The message simply refers to
data or piece of information which is to be communicated. A message could be in any
form, it may be in form of a text file, an audio file, a video file, etc.
2. Sender :
To transfer message from source to destination, someone must be there who will play
role of a source. Sender plays part of a source in data communication system. It is simple
a device that sends data message. The device could be in form of a computer, mobile,
telephone, laptop, video camera, or a workstation, etc.
3. Receiver :
It is destination where finally message sent by source has arrived. It is a device that
receives message. Same as sender, receiver can also be in form of a computer, telephone
mobile, workstation, etc.
4. Transmission Medium:
In entire process of data communication, there must be something which could act as a
bridge between sender and receiver, Transmission medium plays that part. It is physical
path by which data or message travels from sender to receiver. Transmission medium
could be guided (with wires) or unguided (without wires), for example, twisted pair
cable, fiber optic cable, radio waves, microwaves, etc.
5. Set of rules (Protocol):
To govern data communications, various sets of rules had been already designed by the
designers of the communication systems, which represent a kind of agreement between
communicating devices. These are defined as protocol. In simple terms, the protocol is a
set of rules that govern data communication. If two different devices are connected but
there is no protocol among them, there would not be any kind of communication between
those two devices. Thus the protocol is necessary for data communication to take place.
6. Bandwidth: Bandwidth refers to the amount of data that can be transmitted over a
network in a given period. The higher the bandwidth, the more data that can be
transmitted in a shorter amount of time.
7. Latency: Latency refers to the time it takes for data to be transmitted from one device to
another. Low latency networks are important for real-time applications such as video
conferencing and online gaming.
8. Error Detection and Correction: Errors can occur during data transmission, and error
detection and correction techniques are used to ensure that the transmitted data is
accurate. Techniques such as checksums and parity bits are used to detect and correct
errors in data transmission.


Data Communication Equipment (DCE)

Data Communication Equipment denotes any devices that we use in establishing, maintaining
and tearing down of communication session between connected devices. DCE is connected to the
data terminal equipment (DTE) and data transmission circuit (DTC) to convert transmission
signals. It serves as an interface between a DTE. It is concerned with communications aspect of
data by converting signals to a format appropriate to transmission medium and introduces it onto
network line. Examples of DCE include modem, ISDN adaptors, satellites and network interface
cards, etc.

Example of DCE

This device is responsible for Modulation and Demodulation between digital
data (1s and 0s) and Analog signal of a phone line. It is used to connect
Computer and other network devices to the internet
(ii) ISDN ( Integrated Services Digital Network) An international standard for switched,
digital dial-up telephone service for voice and data. Analog telephones and fax
machines are converted into digital by the ISDN terminal adapter (see below).
(iii) Satellite
This is an artificial object that has been purposely placed into orbit. It is a
communications system that have capability of receiving radio signals from the
Earth and retransmit those signals back to the Earth with help of transponder
(iv) Microwave stations and Base stations:
Microwave station and base denote a structure housing the equipment meant for
microwaves signal transmission and other necessary antenna systems that uses
microwave frequency channel.

(v) Network interface cards (NIC).

A network interface is the point of interconnection between a computer and a
private or public network.
(1) List and Mention 3 types of satellites

(ii) In what other area do we use satellite?

(iii) Mention 3 uses of microwaves in data communication

(iv) How does a microwave tower work


(v) What do microwave towers transmit?


What is the purpose of network interface in a network?


What are the different types of network interfaces?


Refrence :

Yekini N See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at:

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