7 KL Writing A Recipe

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Term 1

School: Daryn lyceum

Unit 1 "Our world"
Date: Teacher’s name: Mailanova Zh.

Grade 7 «А» «Ә» Number present: Number absent:

Theme of the lesson: Writing: A recipe

7.W4 use with some support style and register appropriate to a limited variety of
Learning written genres on general and curricular topics
objectives(s) that 7.W8 spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a growing range of
this lesson is familiar general and curricular topics
contributing to 7.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of
perspectives on the world
All learners will be able to:
 Understand the general writing structure of instructions about food
 Recognize and use key phrases for writing a recipe
Lesson objectives
Most learners will be able to:
 Write a recipe using necessary skills.
Some learners will be able to:
 Express their ideas in writing a recipe
Value links Being environmentally conscious/friendly, actively.
Cross curricular
Food Science
Previous learning Practice offering and asking for help.
Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional information, playing the
Use of ICT
audio files.
Health and Safety Breaks and physical activities used.
Planned activities Resources
The lesson greeting.
The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting
students know what to anticipate from the lesson.
Warm up.
Write the following words on the board: ON THE
chicken bread cheese pasta mushrooms tomatoes
the lesson
 Ask students to select three items from the
ingredients list on the board and say what
kind of dish they could make with them.
 Encourage them to be inventive and to give
their dish a name.

Activities ⚫ Exercise 1
Ask the students to read the recipe. You may wish to
assign a student or students to read it aloud.
• Review the actions (verbs) that are featured in the
recipe and check students understand their meaning,
eg seal, shake, open, clean.
• Give students a short time to match the phrases
with their definitions.
• Check the answers together orally.
1/c 2/f 3/a 4/d 5/b/ 6/e

⚫ Exercise 2
Ask the students to read the recipe again and answer
the questions as quickly as they can. ⚫ Check the
answers together orally.
1 homemade vanilla ice cream
2 five/5 minutes
3 sugar, milk, vanilla, rock salt
4 one/1 small plastic food storage bag, ice cubes
5 the ice cubes, the rock salt, the small bag
6 Shake the large bag for about five minutes until the
ice cream is formed
7 about one scoop of ice

Cool down!
Aim: to personalise the recipe students have just read
• Ask students what they like and/or don't like about
the recipe they've just read, eg It's good that it only
takes five minutes, but it's bad that it doesn't make
much ice cream.

Ask students if they're going to try the recipe at

home. Encourage them to give reasons.

Ending the Giving the hometask. Exercise 1.2 WB p.61

lesson Self-assessment.

Category 4 3 2 1
Ideas All ideas were Most ideas were Ideas were The email seemed
expressed in a clear expressed in a somewhat to be a collection
and organized way. pretty clear organized, but of unrelated
It was easy to manner, but the were not very sentences. It was
figure out what the organization could clear. It took more very difficult to
email was about. have been better. than one reading to figure out what the
figure out what the email was about.
email was about.
Format Complies with all Complies with Complies with Complies with few
the requirements most of the several of the of the requirements
for an email. requirements for an requirements for an for an email.
email. email.
Sentences and Sentences and Most sentences are Some sentences are Many sentence
Paragraphs paragraphs are complete and well- complete and well- fragments or run-
complete, well- constructed. constructed. on sentences and
constructed and of Paragraphing is Paragraphing needs paragraphing needs
varied structure. generally done some work. lots of work.
Grammar & Writer makes few Writer makes some Writer makes quite Writer makes very
spelling or no errors in errors in grammar a lot of errors in frequent errors in
grammar or and/or spelling but grammar and/or grammar and/or
spelling. the errors do not spelling spelling.

Additional information
Differentiation –
how do you plan to give more Assessment –
Critical thinking
support? How do you plan to how are you planning to check
challenge the more able learners’ learning?
Differentiation can be achieved Assessment criteria: Students think critically,
through the selection of activities, 1. Consider different perspectives exploring, developing,
identification of learning outcomes on the world in a written form. evaluating and making choices
for a certain student, provision of 2. Apply topic related vocabulary about their own and others’
individual support to learners, in speech appropriately arranging ideas
selection of learning materials and words and phrases into well-
resources based on the individual formed sentences.
abilities of learners. 3. Evolve arguments, reasons,
and evidence for a limited range
of written genres.

A learner:
 uses appropriate subject-
specific vocabulary.
 writes an email with
introduction, main body and
 includes examples and reasons
where necessary.

 Observation
 Feedback on the work
 Self-assessment (rubric)

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