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A Business Plan

Presented to

Gerlie Jane C. Torre

A Faculty of Senor High School Department

PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro College

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements in

ABM 009/Business Simulation Enterprise




March 2024



Introduction 11
Name of the Enterprise 33
Company Logo 4
Description of the Logo 4
Company Vision 5
Company Mission 5
Corporate Values 55
Significance of the Study 77
Definition of Terms 77


Rationale 9

Marketing Objectives 10
Target Market 12
Demand and Market Acceptability Analysis 13
SWOT Analysis 19
Competitor/Market Analysis 22
Marketing Mix - Product 23
Marketing Mix - Price 24
Marketing Mix - Place 25
Marketing Mix - Promotion 26
Distribution Channel
Marketing Budget

2 | CROOK8

Product Specification 32

Production Process 36
Quality Control and Components 38
Plant Location and Layout 39
Machineries and Equipment 41
Raw Materials 42
Indirect Materials and Utilities 45
Operation Schedule 48
Waste Management 49


Forms of Ownership 51

Organizational Structure 52
Officer’s Qualifications & Functions 53
Production Workers 61


Project Cost
Source of Financing
Sales Forecast 68

Monthly Financial Assumptions 70

Yearly Financial Statements 72

Five Year Projected 74

Financial Statements 76
Ratio Analysis 87
Interpretation 92
Recommendation 94

Conclusion 96


Survey Questionnaire 97

Tally Sheet Results 98




CROOK8 is a food business that offers a uniquely sweet combo

snack at a very affordable price in its best quality taste. The product is
called "Croquette" which are pieces of mashed potato balls that were
rolled in breadcrumbs and deep-fried until crispy. It comprises eight
croquettes, derived from the brand name "CROOK8", and it pairs well
with an iced tea for a gratifyingly tasty experience. The implementation of
the company started on January 31, 2024, and ended on February 29,
2024. Its stall is located at PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro College, Senior High
School, and Basic Education, Carmen Campus school grounds.

Their target market are the students from Basic Education; Grades
5 to 10. From the survey, the company discovered that 93% of the 60
respondents could afford and would be prepared to spend 45php, which
is the desired selling price of the product. Due to the snack's reasonable
price and appetizing flavor, the intended target market is likely to be
attracted, but they are also open to everyone who wants to purchase,
including all the students, workers, and anyone inside the campus, as
well as to engage in social media platforms. The company is going to set
up a physical store on the school grounds and will make sure that
appropriate garbage disposal and sanitation control are carefully adhered
during the operation.

Leveraging both social media and direct communication, the

company will actively engage with its potential customers and promote
its products to reach a wider audience and build a loyal customer base.
In managing the business, the company will take a general partnership
form of ownership and will operate under a shared responsibility model,

1 | CROOK8
ensuring fairness and efficient task distribution for continued growth
and success. The main objectives of the company are to ensure customer
satisfaction, evident in their exceptional service and through being
consistent with the product's quality, an increase in daily sales, and to
be open to customers' feedback on the product's quality and
improvements through their dedication to high-quality ingredients.

2 | CROOK8
Name of the Enterprise

The term “CROOK8” comes from the French word “croquette,”

which refers to a deep-fried roll made of a thick binder mixed with
breadcrumbs. The number eight represents the eight croquettes that the
company serves and a little trivia, if they tilt the “8” it will become
“infinity” which means the customers will come back to buy more to buy
the product because of its delicious taste and affordable price.

Through brainstorming, the team developed the unique name

“CROOK8.” The dish earned its place alongside incredibly delicious food
due to its flavorful and fragrant aroma. The goal of the team is to offer
their customers something worthy and affordable so that they will be
satisfied with the price and also surprised by how delicious the product
is. The decision to name the brand reflects the aim of the team to offer a
unique, curious, and highly worthy product to the customers.

In conclusion, the company is prepared to offer a straightforward,

delectable, and affordable product that will satisfy the customer’s need.
The business will offer excellent customer service to help clients get the
elegant products they desire.

3 | CROOK8
Company Logo with Description

Figure 1.1 Company Logo

CROOK8 is from the word “croquette”, which means a deep-fried

roll originating in French cuisine, consisting of a thick binder combined,
which is then breaded, and the number 8 symbolizes the eight serving
croquettes of the company. The logo's color and design are inspired by
the product's main ingredient, the potato. The color brown is usually
perceived as neutral and natural. Brown does a fantastic job of conveying
emotions related to the natural world, as well as connoting organic,
wholesome feelings in general. The chunky-bold logo design that is
simple and easily recognized makes the company powerful statement.
Presenting a very simple, and tidy design to the customers can
communicate a message of show that you are a well-organized and well-
thought-out brand, evoking a feeling of confidence.

4 | CROOK8
Vision and Mission of the Company


CROOK8 envisions being the leading food company that serves the
best quality and nutritious combo snack; to create moments of delight
and satisfaction, providing unforgettable experiences to satisfy the
customer's cravings.


CROOK8's mission is to deliver affordable yet high-quality goods

that are freshly served with a smile and courteous service, and made of
finest ingredients, making every bite of the snack much more enjoyable
with its unique flavor. By offering outstanding customer service in the
face of difficult circumstances, the business hopes to build strong
relationships with its valued customers and achieve long-term success.

Corporate Values


Emphasizing the importance of continuous improvement and

embracing creative and new ideas to improve products and services, and
to stay ahead of the competition.


By working together and supporting one another, successful

results will be achieved.

Customer Focus

Putting customers first in everything. Prioritizing their satisfaction,

and exceeding customer’s needs and expectations.

5 | CROOK8

Fostering an environment that value and honor dignity and

diversity. Treat everyone with kindness and fairness, and value their
opinions regardless of their position or background.


Be accountable for the actions, decisions, and its results to

minimize risks and negative impacts, and to breed trust among co-


Having an environment with a clear and open communication will

result to better condition with everyone.


Producing consistently high-quality products and complying with

food safety standards to please customers.


Having the willingness to take a risk for the work would make

everyone bold, innovative, and creative.

6 | CROOK8

7 | CROOK8
Significance of the Study

This study serves to direct business owners toward customized

tactics that boost customer satisfaction and assist them in making well-
informed decisions. These includes what kind of product they will
produce, who their intended market is, and how they plan to earn profit
out of it. By getting to know their customers preferences, the business
can enhance their products in order to fulfill the needs of their
consumers. In order for business owners to make strategic decisions,
this significant research emphasizes the importance of the business plan
that was developed to help them comprehend and analyze consumer
behavior, competition, and market dynamics. In addition to fostering
innovation, examining the business environment can assist "Crook8"
enhance its ability to satisfy the demands of the market and become
more competitive in the industry.

Definition of Terms

In order to have a better understanding about the content of the

business plan, the following are the terms used with given operational

Croquette - refers to CROOK8’s special snack. A crispy mashed potato

balls in breadcrumbs, served in sets of eight, tasty and affordable.

Gratifyingly - concerns to CROOK8’s ability to give pleasure and

satisfaction to the customers.

Ganache - refers to the glaze or the chocolate sauce used for the

Fostering Innovation – ability to being open to new ideas, committing to

adapt to the industry and market changes.

8 | CROOK8
Combo Snack – it is like a 2 in 1 mix of tasty treats, just like CROOK8’s
croquettes and iced tea.

Market dynamics – refers to the encompass forces like price,

competition, supply, demand, customer preferences, economic
conditions, and industry trends that influence market behavior.

Competitors – refers to competing business that could be seen as threat

to CROOK8’s sales.

Garbage Disposal – getting rid of waste properly, important part of

CROOK8’s plan is to keep the area clean and tidy during and after the
business operation.

Continuous Improvement – always finding ways to make things better,

a value that guides CROOK8 in enhancing its products and services.

Evoking – bringing a feeling or memory. It entails bringing forth or

eliciting a specific feeling.

9 | CROOK8


Tackled in this chapter are the tactics that the company will
employ to satisfy market demands and increase public awareness of its
brand. A review of the present situation and a comparison between the
product and its competitors are included. A marketing and financial
strategy for promoting the product is also outlined in this chapter.


CROOK8 exists to provide customers with a delightful snack

experience, combining the tastiness of potatoes with a sweet sauce in a
crunchy, rounded form. This business aims to create a memorable and
enjoyable treat, symbolizing joy, indulgence, and satisfaction. The
commitment to quality ingredients and careful handiwork ensures a
consistently delightful experience for customers.

What makes the company’s product so special is its unique blend

of flavors and texture. The potato provides a soft and natural taste, while
it is crispy golden brown. The vanilla and chocolate outer layer creates a
hint of sweetness that perfectly complements the taste of the potato.
Sweet foods like chocolate have numerous health benefits as well as
risks. Hence, maintaining sensible, positive, and moderate consumption
is necessary. With that, the combination of these flavors and textures
creates an irresistible snack that people have loved for generations.

CROOK8 is not only a delicious snack, but it is also an affordable

combo snack that can be enjoyed by anyone. The company goes beyond
being confectionery; it reflects the company's dedication to sustainability
through eco-friendly packaging, showcasing a commitment to quality,
creativity, and the well-being of customers.

10 | C R O O K 8
Marketing Objectives

CROOK8 is a recently established food company that focuses on

providing its customers with an exceptional and one-of-a-kind, delicious
snack experience. As a fresh participant in the market, the business
intends to grow its online presence and brand recognition in order to
gain more customers and expand its market share. They are committed
to guaranteeing every single one of their customers loves their combo
snack to its utmost enjoyment.

The company cherishes its customers and strives to increase the

lifetime worth of every customer while raising public awareness of the
company’s popularity. In order to expand its market, the business will
also concentrate on attracting new clients. As it has a direct impact on
the company’s accomplishments, customer satisfaction served as one of
their primary concerns. In addition to helping the company attract and
engage more customers, prioritizing the needs and wants of the
customers first may also boost sales and foster growth in the business.

The company aims to increase sales revenue, broaden their

customer base, strengthen customer loyalty, and increase profit margins
in line with their business goals. A variety of techniques, such as
creating targeted advertising strategies, offering high-quality products,
and offering excellent customer service can be applied to achieve these
objectives. Paying attention to the customers and their feedback might
help the business fully understand the demands of their target market
and use the information to enhance the products they offer.

CROOK8 aims to provide the highest quality products at the most

affordable price with top customer service to fulfill the needs and wants
of their cherished customers.

11 | C R O O K 8
The company specifically seeks to achieve the following objectives:

 To achieve a 10% increase in sales revenue within the second week

of operation through their physical stall, targeting people who
wants to try a one-of-a-kind and nutritious snack.

 To maintain competitiveness in the market and at the same time

increasing its growth and profitability, as well as establishing long-
lasting connections with its customers.

 To reach 100 followers on Facebook in the very first week of the

page’s launch, consistently posting promotional content to get
people interested in the business, acquire customers, and generate

 To boost sales of the products prior to the end of the month and
increase the general awareness of the company.

12 | C R O O K 8
Target Market

The grade, age, and gender are the factors that CROOK8 company
used to divide the market into multiple parts. The demographic kind of
market segmentation is widely used to segment target markets because
of how easily the demographic parameters can be quantified.

PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro College Senior High School - Carmen

Campus is divided into two (2) departments: (1) Senior High School (SHS)
Department, and (2) Basic Education (BED) Department. CROOK8
company mainly focused on the Basic Education department which has
a total of 478 students. They are the respondents to the survey
conducted for this research study. During the Product Sampling, they
were chosen as the participants as it was much more convenient and
cheaper for the reproduction.

According to the results from the survey, 58% out of 60

respondents are male students while 42% are female, which indicates
that there are more males respondents in the survey conducted. This
means that the male gender contributes the most significant share in the
market. On the Grade level factor, Grade 9 students have the highest
percentage of respondents with 33%, next is the Grade 8 students with
32%, Grade 10 students with the 20%, grade 7 students with the 6%,
Grade 5 students with the 3%, and lastly Grade 6 student with a 1%
respondent out of 60 respondents. And on the Age demographics, it
shows that 13 years old students have the highest percentage with the
27%, 14 and 15 years old have the same percentage with 25%, 16 years
old with 12%, 11 years old with 5%, and 10 and 11 years old students
with 3% out of 60 respondents.

In conclusion, the company’s target market will be the Grade 9

male students and 13 years old students of Basic Education Department
from PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro College, Carmen Campus.

13 | C R O O K 8
Demand and Market Acceptability Analysis

Average Percentile of the Respondent’s Answer

22% ₱101-₱200

Figure 2.4 Indicates the daily allowance of Basic Education Students

in PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro College, Carmen Campus,

The graph shows that, out of 60 respondents, 18% or 11

respondents said 20-50php are their daily allowance, also 22% or 13
respondents who said 51-100php, 43% or 26 respondents said 101-
200php, 14% or 7 respondents said 201-500, and 5% of the respondents
or equivalent to 3 respondents said 500-1000php is their daily
allowance. The graph above states that half of the Basic Education
students in PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College- Carmen Campus have
101-200php allowance every day. Based on the results of their daily
allowances, they have enough money to spend for their snacks, and buy
the product of CROOK8 amounting to 45php.

14 | C R O O K 8
11% ₱21-₱30
55% ₱31-₱40
₱41 & more

Figure 2.5 Indicates the money of Basic ED Students in PHINMA

Cagayan de Oro College- Carmen Campus spend in their daily snack

This graph shows that, out of 60 respondents, 17% or equivalent

to 10 respondents spends 10-20php for their snacks, 11% or 7
respondents spending 21-30php, 17% of the respondents spending 31-
40php, and a total of 55% or equivalent to 33 respondents spends 41php
and above for their daily snacks. It shows that most of the students
spend in the amount of 41php and more in order to buy their snack. The
result shows that the students can afford the product that CROOK8 will
be selling.

15 | C R O O K 8



Figure 2.6 Indicates the number of students in PHINMA Cagayan de

Oro College- Carmen Campus who are willing to buy Croquette
combo snack at 45php.

This graph shows that, out of 60 respondents, 93% or equivalent

to 56 Basic Education students answered “Yes” to the question of “Are
you willing to spend 45php to buy this combo snack? However 7% or
equivalent to 4 respondents answered “No”. It indicates that mostly of the
Basic Education students of PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro College- Carmen
Campus is satisfied with the product, and that they are willing to spend
45php just to buy the Croquette combo snack.

16 | C R O O K 8

Milk Chocolate
White Chocolate


Figure 2.7 Indicates the number of students in PHINMA Cagayan de

Oro College- Carmen Campus who chose their most preferred flavor
for the ganache.

This graph shows the answers from the question of which type of
flavor for a ganache does the students prefer. It shows that out of the 60
respondents, the milk chocolate have 82% or 49 responses, and the
white chocolate have 18% or 11 responses. The result shows that the
Basic Education students from PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro College-
Carmen Campus preferred the milk chocolate over the white chocolate to
use as a ganache. Both of the chocolates compliment the taste of the
potato, and the team decided that the two chocolates; milk and white will
be available during the operation. And, the customers will only choose
one (1) chocolates to ganache their croquette snack.

17 | C R O O K 8

Lemon Iced Tea

Apple Iced Tea


Figure 2.8 Indicates the number of students in PHINMA Cagayan de

Oro College- Carmen Campus who chose the flavor of juice they like
to go with the taste of the Croquettes.

This shows that, out of the 60 respondents, 18% or 11

respondents chose the iced tea with an Apple flavor and 82% or
equivalent to 49 respondents chose Lemon iced tea to go with the taste of
the croquettes. It shows that most of the students want lemon-flavored
iced tea rather than the apple-flavored juice. Because of the results, the
team decided to use the Lemon flavored iced tea as it generates more
respondents from the survey.

18 | C R O O K 8
18% Very Good
75% Very Bad

Figure 2.9 Indicates the number of students in PHINMA Cagayan de

Oro College- Carmen Campus rated the quality of the food.

After giving free tastes to the Basic Education students of PHINMA-

Cagayan de Oro College- Carmen Campus, they were given a survey form
and one of the questions where they will rate how satisfied they are with
the product. The graph shows their responses upon the given question.
The following choices are; Very Good, Good, Okay, Bad, and Very Bad.
Out of the 60 respondents, 75% or 45 students were very satisfied with
the quality of the food, 18% or 11 students were satisfied with the quality
of the food, 5% or 3 students were okay with the quality of the food, 2%
or 1 student was not satisfied with the quality of the food, and there were
0 responses or no student was not very satisfied with the quality of the

In conclusion, the company will be utilizing the results of the

survey conducted as it will serve as basis for making the products and its
services in an effective and efficient manner.

19 | C R O O K 8
SWOT Analysis

Figure 2.10 CROOK8 SWOT Analysis

20 | C R O O K 8

The strengths of the company include the following: (1) besides

selling only a completely delicious potato snack, CROOK8 sells its snack
with a refreshment beverage to quench their thirst; (2) the company
made sure to provide the best-tasting snack at a price where the
students can afford to help establish its reputation in the market; (3) the
company purposely hired employees that are skilled in providing an
efficient, quick, and friendly service to customers and building strong
relationships with everyone, and (4) the company is made up of a well-
knowledgeable team in terms of promoting and handling their business.


The considered weaknesses of the company are the following: (1)

the entire process is time-consuming in both preparing and cooking, the
team is working to be more efficient; (2) the company is a newly-opened
business and a fresh participant in the market, many people may not
know the company existed; (3) the lack of financial resources is also
considered a weakness due to the high price of the raw materials and
ingredients needed for the product; and (4) the price of ingredients is
unstable, it changes from time to time.


The opportunities of the company include the following: (1) the

company will be using its marketing team by doing sales talks with
potential customers to promote and encourage students to visit the stall
and buy a product; (2) there is a higher number of customers on the
internet, so the company will also be engaged in an online business for
more sales through social media marketing; (3) the company could
consider giving loyalty gifts and any other marketing strategy to promote

21 | C R O O K 8
the business; and (4) the best way to have a loyal customer is to build a
strong connection and relationship with them


The potential threats to the company are the following: (1)

competitors are the number one threat that the company considers,
since many newly established businesses are in the market, it will be a
problem to compete with similar products and prices; (2) due to high
demand, the product might sometimes be unavailable; (3) the interests of
customers are the most important factor of the company if their tastes
for one product shift to another, the company will need to develop
everything; and (4) the company may have difficulties in maintaining its
profit margins due to the increase in the price of ingredients from time to
time which may affect the condition of the company.

22 | C R O O K 8
Competition/Market Analysis


Mosa de Verde Food Samosa
Fry Day Delights Food Torta Fritas
Rosquilla Dulce Food Mini Donut
Sugar Burst Delights Food Cake Pops
Sweet Pocheco Food Chessy SweetTato
Jammies Food Jam Thumbprint Cookies
El Bhurja Food Egg Bhurji
Canteen Food and Drinks Viands, Soft drinks, Biscuits,
Snacks, etc.
Table 2.1 Analysis of Market Competition

From the table above, it is shown that the company of CROOK8 is

enclosed with competitive food and beverages value players in the
existing market namely, (1) Mosa de Verde, (2) Fry Day Delights, (3)
Rosquilla Dulce, (4) Sugar Burst Delights, (5) Sweet Pocheco, (6)
Jammies, (7) El Bhurja, and (8) Canteen.

These eight (8) businesses are the competitors of CROOK8. Sweet

Pocheco offers almost the same product of CROOK8, but its main
ingredient is sweet potato. On the other hand, the other food
establishments: Mosa de Verde, Fry Day Delights, Rosquilla Dulce, Sugar
Burst Delights, Jammies, and El Bhurja are the competitors which
serves a different genre of food but holds a better leverage of products.
The canteen is the big competitor of CROOK8 as the students tend to go
there every snack and lunch time. This means that the company needs
to improve and create effective marketing campaigns in order to outsell
its rivals in sales.

23 | C R O O K 8
Marketing Mix


Figure 2.11 CROOK’s Product and Packaging Design

CROOK8’s product is made of potato that is mashed and mixed

with sugar and flour. It is glazed with two chocolate flavor that will made
your taste buds good as it enters your mouth. The product is called
"croquette" which means a deep-fried roll originating in French cuisine,
consisting of a thick binder combined, which is then breaded. It is a
snack combo that when you see it, it makes your mouth water because
of the appealing golden brown outside layer of it. The company take
pride in sourcing the finest potatoes and paired by juices, ensuring that
each of it delivers a delectable experience that transcends the ordinary.

What makes this product more special is that besides the flavored
mashed potato in it, it has a chocolate glaze that makes it good and gives
customers great food pleasure, it also has some flavorful juice that
makes it even more good. This combo snack redefines the culinary
landscape, offering a burst flavor of juice and a satisfying crunch of
croquette that leaves a lasting impression on your palate. Overall, the
finished product is put in a cup with juice on the bottom and topped
with another small cup for 8 pieces of croquette and that symbolizes the
name of our company, "CROOK8". Moreover, by the looks and taste of it,
the customers will surely be coming back for more because one thing is
for sure, “Everyone has a room for a dessert or a snack.”

24 | C R O O K 8

The costing of the product reaches a total of 1,149.73Php which

results in 45 complete servings of the Croquette combo snack. If the total
cost for the expenses is divided by the number of the yields, then the cost
per unit would be 25.55Php. The company decided to add a markup of
75% on the Suggested Retail Price (SRP), which is equivalent to
19.16Php. Moreover, that makes the company decide to set the Selling
Price to 44.71Php. The company rounded off the price which makes the
price into 45Php.

CROOK8 ensures that the customers are satisfied with the service
they receive and the quality of the product which will encourage every
one of them to come and repeat purchasing.

The cost of materials and packaging are not insanely high because
the team searched for a supplier with good quality ingredients at
affordable prices for the business to have an income and gain more

25 | C R O O K 8





Figure 2.12 Geographical Location and Layout

CROOK8 is a food business located within the premises of

PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro Senior High School, Max Y. Suniel St., Cagayan
de Oro City, Misamis Oriental. The business location is in front of the
junior high school building, which offers easy accessibility to students
and teachers. The advantages of this location are numerous. Firstly, the
school has a large student population, providing a vast customer base for
the store. Secondly, the store's proximity to the classroom buildings
ensures a high footfall during break times and after school hours.
Thirdly, the store's location near the entrance gate makes it easily visible
and accessible. However, there are also some disadvantages associated
with this location. The store is in direct competition with other food
outlets located nearby, which may result in intense competition. The
store's operating hours may be restricted to specific times, which could
limit its potential revenue streams.

26 | C R O O K 8

The company will utilize both online and offline ways of marketing
to promote their products. The following outlines the tactics CROOK8 will
use to raise awareness about the product and get people interested in
buying it.


The team will create a Facebook Page to promote the products

of the company through uploading photos and promotional videos.
This can help keep the audience engaged and informed about the
product. To attract more customers, the team will be documenting
every customer who will buy the product at the stall, and will be
posted on the page with their permission. All publications on social
media must be accompanied by the hashtags, #CROOK8OnTheGo,
#SulitSaCROOK8, and tag @CROOK8 to recognized by its customers
and generate interest for those who are not familiar with it.


By engaging in face-to-face conversations, it has an opportunity

to address any objections or concerns that customers may have and
the customers might also provide a personalized recommendations to
the product, and create even more stronger connection and to
increase the likelihood of a sale. The marketing will give flyers to every
potential customers to promote the company.


Upon the launch of the company, the team will present a sheet
of paper with a printed logo that corresponds to the prices that the
customer can receive.

27 | C R O O K 8
When customers purchases the combo snack of CROOK8,
they are given the opportunity to write a letter on a sticky note
expressing their thoughts, feelings, or wishes related to love,
friendship, or any other sentiment they choose. These sticky notes
are then pasted onto the Freedom Wall, creating a colorful and
heartfelt display of messages. It's a creative way to foster a sense of
community and connection among customers while also adding a
touch of personalization to their experience.
By buying a set of CROOK8, at the last day of
implementation, the customer will have a chance to spin the wheel
of prizes. The wheel have eight portions, each portion contains one
reward that the customer can avail.
The customer has the chance of winning stickers and
freebies if they availed CROOK8 on our room to room vendors. The
promo was conducted during the last day of operation, where
customers will pick paper and the chosen paper contains prizes for

CROOK8 employees will actively interact with the potential

customers that can build a foundation of trust. By engaging in
face-to-face conversations, and the word-of-mouth marketing, it
will be an opportunity to provide a personalized recommendations
of the product. The customers may be the one who will then
recommend the product to their friends that will help to increase
the likelihood of the sales. This is a free advertising with much
effort that will benefit the company, because of how good the
assigned employee can persuade the customers.

28 | C R O O K 8
Distribution Channel

Product is directly
Producer Consumers
handed or delivered to
the consumers.

 Regular sanitation
and social distancing Consumers receive
Crook8 creates the
will be done to ensure the product.
health safety.

Figure 2.13 CROOK8's Direct Distribution Channel

CROOK8 has opted for a direct-to-consumer distribution channel,

allowing them to connect directly with their customers and maintain
control over the entire selling process. This strategy eliminates
intermediaries, streamlining operations and fostering stronger customer
relationships. As depicted in the accompanying illustration, the process
begins with CROOK8's production team meticulously crafting their
signature Potato Croquettes. From there, the product reaches the
customer via two routes:

1. Stall Sales: Consumers visit CROOK8's stall, located at Max Y.

Suniel St., Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City, where they can directly
purchase and receive the product.
2. Door-to-Door Sales: For customers within the target market of
PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro College, CROOK8 employs dedicated staff
who market the product directly at its source. This targeted

29 | C R O O K 8
approach ensures personalized service and convenience for
students and faculty.

Throughout the distribution process, the company adheres to strict

hygiene protocols, prioritizing the health and safety of both its employees
and customers. This commitment is evident in the meticulous sanitation
procedures followed during both stall sales and door-to-door deliveries.
By eliminating intermediaries and engaging directly with their target
market, CROOK8's direct distribution strategy fosters transparency,
builds trust, and allows them to adapt quickly to market changes. This
approach ultimately empowers them to deliver a superior customer
experience and achieve their business goals.

30 | C R O O K 8
Marketing Budget Plan

Regarding the budget necessary to carry out the actions proposed,

it is emphasized that those that need priority in finance are:


 SOCIAL MEDIA This budget is for the
MARKETING ₱100.00 internet connection of
the marketing
department in order to
post everyday activities
from the operation.
 PERSONAL SELLING This budget is for the
₱50.00 printed materials such
as Flyers that the team
will personally hand out
to potential customers.

 SCAN ME This budget is for the

(Opening Day Program) ₱100.00 printed material of the

 FREEDOM WALL This budget is for the

(Valentine’s Day and ₱50.00 materials used in
Panagtigi Days) making the freedom
 PICK ME UP This budget is intended
(Closing Day) ₱100.00 in buying the freebies,
and the materials used

31 | C R O O K 8
for the stickers and in
designing the freebies.
 WHEEL OF PRIZES This budget is for the
(Closing Day) ₱200.00 materials used in
making the wheel, for
the stickers, freebies
and in designing the

Table 2.2 CROOK8 Marketing Budget Plan

The table shows the breakdown of the promotional activities of the

business to encourage prospective customers to purchase its product. In
order for the business to meet the satisfaction from the needs and wants
of the customers, it must implement a plan. To have an increase in both
profit and sales, CROOK8’s Marketing budget plan is classified into two 2
categories: (1) Advertising/Promotion (Brand Improvements and
Increasing Awareness) and (2) Customer Loyalty Rewards (Opening Day
Program and Special Offerings).

On the first category, the total table specifies the total projected
cost of expenses for Brand Improvements and Increasing Awareness. The
budget cost is approximately 150.00Php composing of the following
activities a) Internet Connection and (b) Printed flyers.

32 | C R O O K 8
On the other hand, the second category which is the Customer
Loyalty Rewards are given funds in order to cover the expenses of the 2
activities that will be implemented during the Opening and Closing Day
and events of the school. The activities costs a total of 450.00Php.

In order to increase the company’s sales, it will engaged to the

promotions mentioned above and in cost-effective advertising activities as
to generate a profit.

33 | C R O O K 8


This chapter includes information on every process that occurs

within the business. It will discuss the product specification and process,
plant location, all materials involved, and operational activities.

Product Specification

Figure 3.1 CROOK’s Product and Packaging Design

CROOK8 sells a combo snack with eight (8) pieces of Croquette

and a refreshing juice. This product is a sweet treat or a mini indulgence
after a meal. This product is made up of potato that is mashed and
mixed with sugar and flour. It is glazed with two chocolate flavor that will
made your taste buds good as it enters your mouth.

The company takes pride in serving this combo snack as it

redefines the culinary landscape, offering a burst flavor of juice and a
satisfying crunch of croquette that leaves a lasting impression on the
customer’s palate. The following ingredients mentioned below must be
present in the process of production to arrive with quality products, and
the desired taste that CROOK8 wants to achieve.

34 | C R O O K 8

POTATO The main ingredient of Croquette.

 Rich in carbohydrates, which provide
 Low in fat and cholesterol, making it a
healthy choice
 Has an electrolyte which aids in the
workings of our heart, muscles, and
nervous system.

FLOUR  Provides structure and thickness to help

bind the ingredients together.
 Contains protein and fiber, essential for a
balanced diet
 Contains small amounts of vitamins and
minerals, such as iron and B vitamins.

EGGS  Act as a binding agent and help hold the

ingredients together.
 High in protein, essential for muscle growth
and repair.
 Contains choline, important for brain
health and development.

BREADCRUMBS  It provides a crispy and golden brown crust

to the croquette.
 It provides some dietary fiber.
 It helps in controlling blood sugar levels
and cholesterol levels.

BAKING POWDER  Helps baked goods rise, making them fluffy

35 | C R O O K 8
and light
 Good source of Calcium
 Cholesterol-Free

BLACK PEPPER  It gives enhances the taste of Croquette.

 Contains capsaicin, which has been shown
to have health benefits such as reducing
inflammation and pain.

WHITE SUGAR  Add sweetness to dishes, making them

more appealing to eat.
 Contains calories, which can provide energy
when consumed in moderation.

SALT  It flavors food and is used as a binder and

 Promotes good vascular health.
 Helps you stay hydrated.

OIL  It helps to cook the food evenly and add a

crispy texture.
 Contains healthy fats such as
monounsaturated and polyunsaturated
fats, which can reduce the risk of heart
disease when consumed in moderation.

MILK CHOCOLATE  Provides calcium which is essential for

strong bones
 Adds creaminess and sweetness to the

36 | C R O O K 8
WHITE  Contains cocoa butter which is rich in
CHOCOLATE healthy fats called stearic acid that may
help lower cholesterol levels.
 Adds creaminess and sweetness to the

ALL PURPOSE  Contains lactose which is essential for

CREAM people who are lactose intolerant but still
want the benefits of dairy products.
 It contains non-fat milk solid that provides
bone-building nutrients such as protein,
calcium, vitamin D and vitamin A.

LEMON ICED TEA  Contains antioxidants called catechins that

may help reduce the risk of cancer .
 Provides vitamin C, which is essential for
immune system function.

WATER Used to make the lemon Iced tea and in

preparation for the making process of the
 Essential for maintaining proper hydration
and bodily functions.

ICE Used to chill the ice tea and making them more
enjoyable to consume.
 Hydrate your body and even boost your
metabolism rate.

Table 3.1 Ingredients of Croquette and Juice, and its Benefits

37 | C R O O K 8
Production Process

This section contains the step by step process and procedure in

making the product.

Figure 3.2 “Croquette” Production Process

Boil the potatoes about 15 Drain the potatoes, then let Mash the potatoes using a
minutes. Put the peeled them chill for about 45 fork or potato masher.
and cut potatoes into a minutes. This not only
large pot, add 1tbsp salt. helps dry the potatoes, but
Boil them for another 15 to also firms them up a little.
20 minutes, or until they
turn tender.

Chill the croquettes in the

Scoop out enough mashed Mix in the flour, sugar,
fridge for 15 to 30 minutes.
potatoes and roll into oval- pepper, and salt using a
shaped balls. wooden spoon or rubber

Put a portion of Flour in a Lightly beat the remaining Put the breadcrumbs into
shallow dish. two eggs in a shallow dish another shallow dish.
using a fork or mini whisk.

Let the croquettes drain on Heat the oil in a skillet over

some folded paper towels medium-high heat. Place
before serving them, and to the skillet onto the stove,
and turn the heat up to Dip each croquette into the
cool a little. flour then to the egg
medium-high. Let the oil
heat up until it starts to mixture, and then dredge it
simmer. through the breadcrumbs.

38 | C R O O K 8
Figure 3.3 “Ganache” Production Process

Place chopped chocolate in a medium Heat the cream in a small saucepan over
heat-proof bowl. medium heat until it begins to gently

With a metal spoon or small rubber

Pour over chocolate, then let it sit for 2–3
spatula, very slowly stir until completely
minutes to gently soften the chocolate.
combined and chocolate has melted. The
finer you chopped the chocolate, the
quicker it will melt with the cream.

Now, the Ganache can be ready to use as

a drizzle to croquettes or you can let it sit
at room temperature to cool and thicken.

39 | C R O O K 8
Quality Control Components

A procedure or process known as “Quality Control” ensures that

the product’s quality continues to be maintained. It is the assessment of
the ingredients, materials, and method used to create the product. It
serves to ensure that the product is produced in line with a variety of
quality standards or that it meets the needs and desires of the

Listed below are the quality control features that are supposed to
be implemented to guarantee that high-quality products are being
produced and to ensure that essential protection and wellness standards
with regard to clients are fulfilled.

 Each staff member ought to be wearing PPE (personal protective

equipment) to keep the products from getting contaminated.
 Implement and follow established Good Manufacturing Practices
(GMPs) to ensure hygienic and safe production environments.
 A person who is in charge of purchasing the necessary supplies
should be careful in ensuring that the ingredients are not out of
 The ingredients are being monitored to guarantee that the taste of
the product is accurate.
 Personnel need to make sure that extra ingredients are stored in
the refrigerator or in a clean container.
 Checking the products on a regular basis during production to
detect any issues and maintain everything consistently excellent
 The servers must ensure that the packing is neat.
 Personnel have been thoroughly trained and fully knowledgeable
about the production process.

40 | C R O O K 8
Plant Location Layout

Figure 3.4 Plant Location

Figure 3.5 Plant Layout

41 | C R O O K 8
Figure 3.6 Stall Layout

The figures above shows the drawn layout of PHINMA Cagayan de

Oro College Main Campus, the structure of the building, and the
facilities of the school.

Figure 3.4 shows where the Crook8’s stall is located inside the
school campus. In order to locate the stall, walk through the hallway
entering the SHS Gate and just before you reach the Computer lab of the
school, you can see the sight of the stall.

Figure 3.5 shows the plant layout diagram and its corresponding
area. It is shown that on the left side is the cooking area, while on the
front are where the product should be displayed. And, the storage area
and packaging tools are below them.

In figure 3.6 demonstrates the stall layout to recognize the stall

when you visit and buy the products. The logo and design itself can be
easily recognized that it is the Crook8’s stall.

42 | C R O O K 8
Machineries and Equipment

Table 3.2 presents the machineries and equipment


Frying Pan Queen ₱50.00

(Rented) (1 month)

Induction Cooker Gwyneth ₱100.00

(Rented) (1 month)

Spoon UNITOP ₱14.00

(2 pcs)

Potato Masher UNITOP ₱45.00

Cooler Alibashier ₱50.00

(Rented) (1 month)

Mixing Bowl Gwyneth ₱30.00

(Rented) (1 month)

43 | C R O O K 8
Tong Febie ₱40.00
(2 pcs) (Rented) (1 month)

Water Container UNITOP ₱169.00

Plastic Container Gellian ₱80.00

(4 pcs) (Rented) (1 month)


Raw Materials and Utilities

Table 3.3 presents the raw materials


(1 Day)
2 kg
- Carmen Market ₱65.00 ₱130.00

44 | C R O O K 8

2 kg ₱42.00 ₱84.00
-Carmen Market

7 pcs ₱8.00 ₱56.00
- Carmen Market

Bread Crumbs
- RAM ₱79.18 ₱79.18

White Sugar
¼ kg ₱22.00 ₱22.00
- Carmen Market

2 tsp
- Carmen Market ₱1.00 ₱2.00

1 sachet
- Carmen Market ₱1.00 ₱1.00

Baking Powder
10g ₱0.34 ₱3.4
- Calumet

45 | C R O O K 8
1 kg
- Minola ₱25.00 ₱100.00

Milk Chocolate
200g ₱55.00 ₱55.00

Chocolate 200g
- GAISANO ₱55.00 ₱55.00

All Purpose
250ml ₱49.00 ₱49.00

Lemon Iced Tea

125g (250g)
- NESTEA ₱193.50 ₱96.75


½ galloon ₱15.00 ₱7.5

46 | C R O O K 8

10 pcs ₱3.00 ₱30.00


Table 3.4 presents the indirect materials


(1 Day)

Paper Cups
45 pcs ₱2.19 ₱98.55
- Monster Kitchen

Paper Bowls
45 pcs ₱1.46 ₱65.7

Bending Straw

45 pcs ₱0.25 ₱11.25


47 | C R O O K 8
Siomai Fork
45 pcs
- ORORAMA ₱0.28 ₱12.6

Disposable Face
5 pcs ₱0.90 ₱4.50

Hair Net
5 pcs
- UNITOP ₱6.00 ₱30.00

Gloves 30 pcs (100 pcs)
- UNITOP ₱0.20 ₱6.00

100 sheets ₱58.00 ₱5.80
- UNITOP (1000 sheets
for 2 weeks)

48 | C R O O K 8
As shown above, what is in the table is the list of materials and
ingredients that will be used to make the product. The supplier, brand,
quantity, unit cost, and the total cost of materials and components used
are also mentioned here. The ones listed here are already set for the
enterprise's one-day production cycle. These will make 45 complete
servings of the Croquette combo snack.

The cost of the materials and ingredients are not insanely high as
the team searched for a supplier with good quality ingredients at
affordable prices for the business to have enough income and gain more

In order to encourage every customer to return and make

additional purchases, CROOK8 wants to make sure they are pleased with
the quality of the product and the level of service they receive.

49 | C R O O K 8
Operation Schedule


Monday 9:00am - 4:00pm

Tuesday 9:00am - 4:00pm

Wednesday 10:30am - 1:00pm

2:00pm - 4:00pm

Thursday 10:30am - 1:00pm

2:00pm - 4:00pm

Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm

Table 3.5 presents the Operation Schedule of the business

The table above shows the operating schedule CROOK8 for its daily
business activities. Production time ranges from Monday, Tuesday, and
Friday, every 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Since the owners and their employees,
both have busy schedules during Wednesday and Thursday, the team
decided to sell their product from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm, and from 2:00
pm to 4:00 pm. This is in line with the information that Basic Education
Students of PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro College, Carmen Campus, the
target market of the enterprise, which shows that this is also the time for
them to go out of their designated room and have a snack.
50 | C R O O K 8
Waste Management

Disposal waste management is essential throughout the daily

operations of a business. Disposal of waste can be properly executed if
everyone in the business participates in separating wastes correctly
known to be non-biodegradable and biodegradable materials. In the food
business, waste is inevitable. Setting up a good waste system helps
throw away stuff correctly, making the workspace neat and caring for the

The table below shows accurate business segregation of waste once

ingredients have been used and their packaging is disposed of.

Paper cups are made of a

thin layer of plant-based
Biodegradable plastic (PLA), which should
be placed in dedicated bins
Paper Cups & Bowls
for biodegradable waste.
Plastic straws should be
properly disposed of in
Non- bins specifically designated
Biodegradable for non-biodegradable

Plastic Straws materials.

Disposable face masks,

typically made of non-
Non- biodegradable materials
Biodegradable like polypropylene, should
be disposed of in the non-
Face masks biodegradable waste bin.
Disposable gloves are
generally not

51 | C R O O K 8
they should be placed in
Non- bins designated for non-
Biodegradable biodegradable waste.

Disposable Gloves
Egg shells are made from a
natural source, which
makes them biodegradable
Biodegradable and should be disposed of
in biodegradable bins or
used directly in garden soil
Egg shells to provide nutrients.
Potato peels are
biodegradable and can be
Biodegradable decomposed easily; that’s
why they should be in a
Potato Peels biodegradable waste bin.
Plastic forks are made from
petroleum-based materials,
Non- which are not
Biodegradable compostable. They should
be disposed of in the non-
Disposable Mini Forks biodegradable waste bin.
Used cellophanes are
preferable to dispose in the
Non- non-biodegradable waste
Biodegradable bin.

Table 3.6 CROOK8’s Waste Management

52 | C R O O K 8


This chapter outlines the company's formal ownership structure as

well as the organized chain of command that governs the delegation of
duties and responsibilities along with the qualifications of each officer
and employee.

Form of Ownership

The form of ownership taken by CROOK8 is a general partnership.

It is an arrangement made by twenty-six (26) partners who shall share in
all assets, profits, and liabilities of the business. While maintaining a
good and fair partnership, all general partners will actively manage and
exercise control over the company. Mentioned below are the partners
who will equally distribute profits and even losses of the company.
Everyone holds a big role that can benefit CROOK8, they have the same
objective that can lead to the success of the company:

Lim, Trina Jeanne I. Parreño, Rejane Dee P.

Llanares, Yzalyn B. Perocho, Gellian Hilaine D.
Llovia, Clint Ian C. Piasidad, Maryrose A.
Luague, Glaiza Mae R. Quinto, Kimberly Ann P.
Lumna, Alibashier D. Sadlucap, Jess Jessie
Mangubat, Hilary L. Sapiay, Shairah Allyn Jane P.
Mendoza, Leika Jane D. Satorre, Gerald A.
Montecillo, Feona Antonette B. Sayson, Febie Heart T.
Montera, Jasmine P. Tambasacan, Gwyneth Love S.
Nambatac, Princes Mae L. Tejares, Queen Velle E.
Nangcas, Francin Mae - Tijano, Emerich A.
Pacteres, Joneal R. Torillo, Zoilo Pacifico. G.
Palagbas, Ninia R. Valde, Drexcy Loryn C.

53 | C R O O K 8
Organizational Structure

Figure 4.1 CROOK8’s Organizational Chart























54 | C R O O K 8
Officers’ Roles and Responsibilities

This section shows the roles and responsibilities given to every

officer of the company. The positions shouldered upon them were
measured according to how capable they were for handling their
respective roles. They were assigned on these positions in order to divide
management tasks and promote good work flow during operation.

Table 4.1 Officers’ Roles and Responsibilities


In the light of her remarkable
Tambasacan, record as a leader and with
Gwyneth Love S. considerable expertise in finance
analysis and critical thinking, she
has been appointed General
Manager. Because of her
efficiency in assigning duties and
encouraging teamwork, she had General
been the most suitable person for Manager
this position. She also has a high
level of communication skills and
an openness to accepting
suggestions, which ensures that
the management of the
commercial strategy is well-
balanced and inclusive.
He was given this position
Llovia, because of him being a critical Assistant
Clint Ian C. thinker and excellent General
communicator, he possesses Manager
traits that are crucial for a leader.

55 | C R O O K 8
He must assist the General
Manager in managing the entire
company in his capacity as
Assistant General Manager. In
the event that the General
Manager is not available, he is
also responsible for overseeing
most of the company's daily
operations and providing direct
feedback to the general manager.
She periodically monitors and
Parreño, inspects the company's
Rejane Dee P. accounting books to verify that Secretary
they are accurate and
comprehensive. She maintain and
organize office tasks, implement
procedures and carry out
additional administrative duties.
She oversees all the financial
Luague, activities including the reports,
Glaiza Mae R. budgeting, and records. Also as a
finance manager, she is in charge
of managing relationships with Finance
the investors and bank. The Head
finance manager is responsible
for all the financing activities and
strategies to achieve all of the
organizational goals in the
She will be responsible for issuing

56 | C R O O K 8
Llanares, preparing the financial
Yzalyn B. statements and record all the
financing activities of the whole Accountant
operation. The accountant’s
report should maintain the
records to be accurate including
the journals and financial
She is responsible for the
Tijano, financial planning and analysis of
Emerich A. the company, allowing the Financial
organization to make well- Analyst
informed commercial decisions.
He has a good communication
Satorre, skills and a creative mind behind
Gerald A. on strategies and known for Marketing
thinking outside the box. He is Head
responsible for planning,
implementing, and executing
marketing strategies to attract,
engage, and convert customers,
ultimately contributing to the
company's success and
promoting the company's product
This position is given to her
Quinto, because she is a pro at online
Kimberly Ann P. trends and she possesses Social Media
excellent written and vocal Coordinator
communication skills. She can
convey ideas clearly and

57 | C R O O K 8
consistently among various social
media platforms. She is assigned
to be a digital storyteller and
community builder for a company
on the social media platform.
A promotion specialist is assigned
Palagbas, to promote sales for a company
Ninia R. through various promotional
campaigns and activities that Promotion
include marketing campaigns, Specialist
advertising, promotions, and
sales. She is also well-known for
her soft skills, which include
arithmetic, communication, and
detail-oriented. Promotional
representatives persuade
customers to use sales
promotional advertising items.
He is responsible for planning,
Lumna, creating, and executing
Alibashier D. marketing campaigns to expand Marketing
their company's reach and Staff
potential customers. He is
responsible for all marketing
strategies and activities within
the company. Works with the
marketing head to set the overall
direction and objectives for
product and service offerings.
She is responsible for planning,

58 | C R O O K 8
Piasidad, creating, and executing
Maryrose A. marketing campaigns to expand
their company's reach and Marketing
potential customers. She was Staff
given the task of working in this
role since she has extraordinary
She was given this position
Lim, because of her workflow and keen
Trina Jeanne I. attention to every detail of Operation
operations. She has a strong Head
ability to lead and manage others.
Her strong analytical skills and
leadership drive the company's
operational excellence and
She was given this position
Valde, because of her extensive
Drexcy Loryn C. experience and her exceptional
project management skills. His Program
strategic mindset, effective Manager
communication skills, and ability
to drive projects from conception
to completion align seamlessly
with the company's goals.
She was given this position
Nambatac, because of her extensive and Operation
Princess Mae L. exceptional analytical skills. Her Analyst
keen attention to detail and
systematic approach make her a

59 | C R O O K 8
standout candidate for the
Operation Analyst role.
She was given this position
Montera, because of her optimizing
Jasmine P. workflow and ensuring that each
item is cleaned thoroughly and Operation
promptly. Her ability to multitask Worker
and prioritize allows her to tackle
even the largest pile of dirty
dishes with ease beyond her
technical skills, positive attitude
and cheerful demeanor make her
a joy to work with.
He was given this position
Sadlucap, because of he's exceptional talent
Jess Jessie for cleaning dishes, attention to
detail, efficiency, and positive Operation
attitude make him a standout in Worker
this task. He's dedication to
cleanliness and he's ability to
turn dishwashing into a
rewarding experience make him
an asset to any kitchen
She was given this position
Nangcas, because of her, exceptional talent
Francin Mae - for cleaning dishes. With her
meticulous attention to detail and Operation
a passion for cleanliness, she Worker
transforms the task of

60 | C R O O K 8
dishwashing into an art form. She
takes pride in ensuring that every
dishes sparkles with perfection.
She is skilled at maximizing
Sayson, inventory levels and negotiating
Febie Heart T. with suppliers. Her analytical
skills and ability to find ways to
save costs without sacrificing
quality make her an excellent fit Procurement
for this role. She is an excellent Head
leader as well, and is responsible
for overseeing and guiding their
group of procurement experts,
making sure they have the
knowledge needed to carry out
their duties well.
Whenever her mother goes
Mangubat, grocery shopping, her mother will
Hilary L. make her an assistant in Assistant
purchasing. Her experience can Procurement
be applied in her role to fulfill Manager
primary responsibilities,
including supporting the
preparation of purchase orders,
managing supplier
communications, conducting
market research, and assisting in
He has the analytical and
organizational abilities to oversee

61 | C R O O K 8
the purchase process efficiently.
Torillo, He is proficient in using various
Zoilo Pacifico G. software programs to track
inventory levels and monitor Purchasing
supplier performance. He has an Clerk
excellent communication skills to
collaborate with suppliers, and a
basic understanding of quality
control and food safety standards
to guarantee that all products
fulfill the requirements.
He has good communication
skills. Through his skills, he can
Pacteres, use it to identify cost-saving Purchasing
Joneal R. opportunities, negotiate effectively Agent
with suppliers to obtain favorable
terms, and have good
communication to work with

62 | C R O O K 8
Production Workers’ Duties and Responsibilities

Production workers hold the responsibility for ensuring that

production conditions are achieved. They have significance to the
functioning of the business for production assembling and
manufacturing procedure monitoring. Other than that, they are people in
the organization who organize the products for every direct selling in
business stall. They coordinate with other production employees to
guarantee the timely completion of tasks and the process of making
high-quality products.

Table 4.2 Production Workers’ Duties and Responsibilities


She was given this position since
Mendoza, she knows how to operate the
Leika Jane D. production equipment effectively. Production
She is also trustworthy and Head
reliable specially to cost
adjustments to ensure everything
runs smoothly. She will assign
tasks to every production worker
and provide them with the
necessary training for creating
the product.
She has been appointed to this
Tejares, role due to her ability to work Assistant
Queen Velle E. diligently on the products. She Production
will also help the production head Manager
by providing her with updates on
the product’s development. She
also gets along well with others

63 | C R O O K 8
and is adaptable when it comes to
working late.
She has been assigned to this
Perocho, task because of her exceptional Quality Control
Gellian Hilaine ability to determine whether or Inspector
D. not the production work satisfies
the required standards. She is
adept at maintaining meticulous
records and ensuring products
consistently meet or exceed
quality standards.
She has been selected for this
Sapiay, particular position because of her Production
Shairah Allyn attentive handling of daily and Planner
Jane P. weekly schedules for production
to guarantee that production
goals are achieved. She is
responsible for the monitoring of
material supplies, general
conditions, incoming orders, the
production process, market
changes, and inventory issues.
She has been delegated to this
Montecillo, task due to her expertise in Maintenance
Feona Antonette keeping their facilities functioning
B. properly. She is in charge of
keeping the equipment clean and
organized and ensuring that
everything is in proper working

64 | C R O O K 8


This chapter presents the financial aspect of the business

enterprise from the project cost, sales forecast, financial assumptions,
and financial statements, up to the ratio analysis. It includes an estimate
of the business's performance as well as an assumption of growth over
the course of its years in business.

Project Cost

This section shows the breakdown of overall cost for purchasing

the resources needed in creating the company’s product throughout its
first week of operation. It presents the cost of machineries and
equipment, direct materials, indirect materials, raw materials, and

Table 5.1 CROOK8’s Project Cost


EQUIPMENT (1 month)

Frying Pan 1 ₱50.00

(1 month rent)

Induction 1 ₱100.00
Cooker (1 month rent)

2 ₱14.00 ₱14.00

Potato Masher 1 ₱45.00 ₱45.00

65 | C R O O K 8
Cooler 1 ₱50.00
(1 month rent)

Mixing Bowl 1 ₱30.00

(1 month rent)

Tong 2 ₱20.00
(1 month rent)

Water Container 1 ₱169.00 ₱169.00

4 ₱20.00 ₱80.00
(1 month rent)

TOTAL: ₱578.00


MATERIALS (1 Day) ( 5 Days)

Paper Cups
45 pcs ₱2.19 ₱98.55 ₱492.75

Paper Bowls
45 pcs ₱1.46 ₱65.7 ₱328.5

45 pcs ₱0.25 ₱11.25 ₱56.25

66 | C R O O K 8
Siomai Fork 45 pcs ₱0.28 ₱12.6 ₱63.00

5 pcs ₱0.90 ₱4.50 ₱22.50
Face Mask

Hair Net 5 pcs ₱6.00 ₱30.00 ₱30.00

30 pcs ₱0.20 ₱6.00 ₱30.00

100 sheets ₱58.00 ₱5.80 ₱29.00
(1000 sheets
for 2 weeks)

TOTAL: ₱238.73 ₱1,052.00


MATERIALS (1 Day) ( 5 Days)

2 kg ₱65.00 ₱130.00 ₱650.00

Flour 2 kg ₱42.00 ₱84.00 ₱420.00

Eggs 7 pcs
₱8.00 ₱56.00 ₱280.00

67 | C R O O K 8
500g ₱79.18 ₱79.18 ₱395.9

White Sugar
¼ kg ₱22.00 ₱22.00 ₱110.00

2 tsp ₱1.00 ₱2.00 ₱10.00

1 sachet ₱1.00 ₱1.00 ₱5.00

Powder 10g ₱0.34 ₱3.40 ₱17.00

1 kg ₱25.00 ₱100.00 ₱500.00

200g ₱55.00 ₱55.00 ₱275.00

Chocolate 200g ₱55.00 ₱55.00 ₱275.00

All Purpose
Cream 500ml ₱49.00 ₱49.00 ₱245.00

Lemon Iced
125g ₱193.50 ₱96.75 ₱483.75

68 | C R O O K 8
Water ½ galloon ₱15.00 ₱7.50 37.50

Ice 10 pcs ₱4.00 ₱40.00 ₱200.00

TOTAL: ₱947.33 ₱3,904.15

STALL ₱3,000.00


69 | C R O O K 8
Source of Financing

In the business world, source funding has a significant impact on

cash flow, sales, and profit projections. It is an internal function that
enables a business to raise all the capital required to enter the market.
Furthermore, any company needs sufficient funding to cover all project
costs and still make a profit.

The total project cost of CROOK8 company is ₱8,100.65. Given

that the company is a general partnership form of business, each of the
partners contributed an equal and fair amount as a source of financing
since the company is still at its starting level.

The following are the owners of this business, and each of them
contributes an amount of ₱320.00. The money is then multiplied by
twenty-six (26), as for the general partners of the company. The result is
₱8,320.00, and it will be used as a starting capital for the business.

Lim, Trina Jeanne I. Parreño, Rejane Dee P.

Llanares, Yzalyn B. Perocho, Gellian Hilaine D.
Llovia, Clint Ian C. Piasidad, Maryrose A.
Luague, Glaiza Mae R. Quinto, Kimberly Ann P.
Lumna, Alibashier D. Sadlucap, Jess Jessie
Mangubat, Hilary L. Sapiay, Shairah Allyn Jane P.
Mendoza, Leika Jane D. Satorre, Gerald A.
Montecillo, Feona Antonette B. Sayson, Febie Heart T.
Montera, Jasmine P. Tambasacan, Gwyneth Love S.
Nambatac, Princes Mae L. Tejares, Queen Velle E.
Nangcas, Francin Mae - Tijano, Emerich A.
Pacteres, Joneal R. Torillo, Zoilo Pacifico. G.
Palagbas, Ninia R. Valde, Drexcy Loryn C.

70 | C R O O K 8
Sales Forecast

This section shows the computation of the expected demand for

the product according to the results of the market study and the market
competition analysis. The forecast of quantity sold for the next 5 years is
also computed and presented in table form.

Question in Number 3

Are you willing to spend 45php to buy this combo snack?

Yes___ No___

Yes - 93% of the total respondents are willing to buy the combo snack.

478 - Total population in the area.

8 - Existing business with the same or related to the product.

Expected Demand = 478/8 x 93%

= 56 daily demands

Product Yields = 56 sets

 Due to the consumer’s other purchasing options because of the

competitors, CROOK8 will only produce 20% of the daily demands
that the sale forecast indicated which is 45 set.
 And, the company will divide its sales forecast relating to the
expected demands of the customers. The company’s forecasted
sales in the 1st year of operation will have no increase. And, it will
provide a 10% increase in demand for the 2nd year, 20% increase
for 3rd year, 30% increase for the 4th year, and 40% increase in
demand for the 5th year.

71 | C R O O K 8
(No (10% (20% (30% (40%
Increase) Increase) Increase) Increase) Increase)

Daily 45 45 x 1.10 50 x 1.20 60 x 1.30 78 x 1.40

= 50 = 60 = 78 = 109

Weekly 45 x 5 225 x 1.10 248 x 298 x 387 x 1.40

= 225 =248 1.20 1.25 = 542
= 298 = 387

Monthly 45 x 20 900 x 1.10 990 x 1,188 x 1,544 x

= 900 =990 1.20 1.30 1.40
= 1,188 = 1,544 = 2,162

Yearly 45 x 220 9,900 x 10,890 x 13,068 x 16,988 x

=9,900 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40
= 10,890 = 13,068 = 16,988 = 23,783

Table 5.2 Quantity Sold for Five (5) Years

72 | C R O O K 8
Financial Assumptions

This chapter presents all of the financial assumptions that have a

direct impact on the anticipated financial statements of the company.
The monthly, annual, and five-year statements are where the
assumptions are classified.

Monthly Statements

Cost of Goods Manufactured

 The company has a total of ₱15,616.60 for the Raw Materials in

the first month operation.
 The company will start the operation with no Purchase Discounts
and Purchase Returns and Allowances.
 There is a total of ₱370.00 for Transportation In during the first
month of the operation.
 The business designates ₱200.00 for Raw Materials, End since the
remaining raw materials can be stored in containers without risks
of spoilage.
 Under the Manufacturing Overhead, Indirect Materials is ₱4,208,
total purchased of Tools and Equipment is ₱228.00 with the
salvage value of ₱1.00, and a useful life of 5 years, resulting to
₱3.79 for its Depreciation Expense. And, Miscellaneous Expense
amounting to ₱820.00. As a result, the total Manufacturing Head
is of ₱5,031.79.
 The company will have no Work in Process, End.

Cost of Goods Sold

 There are no sets of the product that have not been sold. There is
no Finished Goods Inventory.

73 | C R O O K 8
Statement of Financial Performance

 Sales assumption is ₱40,500.00 every month. This is based on the

sales forecast wherein 45 sets of the product will the company
produced, multiplied by the 20 days of business operation, there
would be 900 demands. It is then multiplied by the product price
of ₱45.00 to get the assumption of the total sales.
 Pre-Operating Expenses is 800.00, Operating Supplies is ₱200.00,
Advertising Expense is ₱600.00, Rent Expense is ₱350.00 for Tools
and Equipment. The company stall costs ₱3,000.00 with a salvage
value of ₱200.00 and a useful life of 5 years. By using the straight-
line method, the Depreciation Expense – Stall amounts to ₱46.67
Overall, the Operating Expenses amounts to a total of ₱1,646.67

Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity

 The company’s initial investment amounts to ₱8,320.00.

Cash Flow Statement

 Cash Balance, beginning is ₱8,320.00

 Net Cash Received from customers is ₱46,500.00.
 Under the Cash Outflow from Operating Activities, Goods
Purchased is ₱15,986.60, Manufacturing Overhead is
₱5,028.00, Pre-Operating Expense is ₱800.00, Operating
Supplies is ₱200.00. Payment for Tax is ₱5,305.48, and
Advertising Expense is ₱600.00.
 Under Investing Activities, Acquisition of Tools and Equipment
is ₱228.00 and Acquisition of Stall is ₱3,000.00.

Statement of Financial Position

 The company assumes that there will be no Accounts


74 | C R O O K 8
Yearly Statements

Cost of Goods Manufactured

 For the first year of operation, the Purchases – Raw Materials

amounts to ₱171,782.60. This amount was calculated by
multiplying the monthly statement amount by 11 months since the
company will start the operation in February.
 The company allocates a total of ₱200.00 for Purchases Returns &
Allowances and ₱300.00 for Purchases Discounts.
 The Transportation IN amounts to ₱4,070.00 after its value in the
monthly statement was multiplied by 11.
 The business designates ₱2,200.00 for Raw Materials, End for the
1st year of operation.
 Every account in the Manufacturing Overhead follows the same
calculation wherein the values of the accounts were taken from the
monthly statement and multiplied by 11 months of business
operation. The accounts under Manufacturing Overhead are as
follows, with their corresponding calculated amounts: ₱46,288.00
for Indirect Materials, ₱45.48 for Depreciation Expense - Tools and
Equipment, and ₱9,020.00 for Miscellaneous Expense.
 The business assumes that Repairs & Maintenance – Tools and
Equipment will amount to ₱150.00 for the 1st year of operation.
 The company designates ₱300.00 for Work in Process, End.

Cost of Goods Sold

 The company projects that there will be a Finished Goods

Inventory, End amounting to ₱150.00

75 | C R O O K 8
Statement of Financial Performance

 Projected sales for the 1st year amounts to ₱445,500.00 which was
a result of multiplying the projected monthly sales by 11 months.
 The Operating Expenses assumptions for the 1st year are as
follows: Pre-Operating Expense is ₱800.00, Rent Expense for Tool
and Equipment is ₱3,850, Depreciation Expense is ₱513.37,
Operating Supplies is ₱2,200.00, and Advertising Expense is
₱6,600.00. The total Operating Expenses is ₱445,613.37.

Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity

 The company starts with a ₱8,320.00 capital.

 50% of CROOK8’s yearly profit will be shared among the 26
general partners.

Statement of Cash Flows

 The initial cash balance is ₱8,320 for the 1st year.

 The company will only invest on the Acquisition of Equipment
amounting to ₱228.00 and Acquisition of Stall amounting to

Statement of Financial Position

 The company will have no Accounts Receivable.

76 | C R O O K 8
5-Year Statements

Cost of Goods Manufactured

 The 2nd year of operations will have Purchases - Raw Materials

amounting to ₱187,399.20. This is calculated using its project
monthly amount multiplied by 12 months. It will then have a 10%
increase each year starting on the 3rd year.
 The Purchase Discounts and Purchase Returns and Allowances
will have a consistent 5% increase starting on the 2nd year.
 For the Transportation In, it will have an increase of 5% every year.
 Raw Materials Inventory, End will have 20% increase in the 2nd
year and a consistent 10% in the following years.
 Indirect Materials is ₱50,496, this is the result of multiplying the
projected monthly amount into 12 months.
 Depreciation Expense – Tools and Equipment will have a
consistent 100% increase each year.
 Miscellaneous Expense will have an increase by 5% every year.
 Work in Process, End will have a 20% decrease for the second year.
And, a consistent 5% increase starting on the 3rd year.

Cost of Goods Sold

 The company assumes a consistent 5% increase for the Finished

Goods Inventory, End for each year.

Statement of Financial Performance

 The business projects the sales starting from the 2nd year to be
increased by 10%, 20% for 3rd year, 30% for 4th year, and 40% for
the 5th year. This is based from the Sales Forecast.

77 | C R O O K 8
 Depreciation Expense – Stall will have a total of ₱560.04 as the
monthly expense is multiplied by 12 months. And, by the 3rd year,
it will have a 100% increase each year.
 Operating Supplies and Advertising Expense will have a consistent
10% increase for 4 subsequent years.

Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity

 Withdrawals of the general partners will maintain a 50% profit


Statement of Cash Flows

 The company will only invest on the Acquisition of Equipment

amounting to ₱228.00 and Acquisition of Stall amounting to
₱3,000.00, so there will be no other investing activities for the
following years.

Statement of Financial Position

 Accumulated Depreciation for the Stall and Equipment will have a

consistent 100% increase each year starting on the 3rd year of
 The company will have no Accounts Receivable.

78 | C R O O K 8
CROOK8 Company

Statement of Cost of Goods Manufactured

For the Month Ended February 29, 2024

79 | C R O O K 8
CROOK8 Company

Statement of Cost of Goods Sold

For the Month Ended February 29, 2024

80 | C R O O K 8
CROOK8 Company

Statement of Financial Performance

For the Month Ended February 29, 2024

81 | C R O O K 8
CROOK8 Company

Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity

For the Month Ended February 29, 2024

82 | C R O O K 8
CROOK8 Company

Cash Flow Statement

For the Month Ended February 29, 2024

83 | C R O O K 8
CROOK8 Company

Statement of Financial Position

As of February 29, 2024

84 | C R O O K 8
CROOK8 Company

Statement of Cost of Goods Manufactured

For the Year 2024-2028

85 | C R O O K 8
CROOK8 Company

Statement of Cost of Goods Sold

For the Year 2024-2028

86 | C R O O K 8
CROOK8 Company

Statement of Financial Performance

For the Year 2024-2028

87 | C R O O K 8
CROOK8 Company

Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity

For the Year 2024-2028

88 | C R O O K 8
CROOK8 Company

Statement of Financial Position

For the Year 2024-2028

89 | C R O O K 8
Ratio Analysis

This section of the paper presents the company's ratio analysis,

which will give insights into the company's liquidity, operational
efficiency, and profitability.

Return On Sales

Operating Profit
Return on Sales = x 100

Table 5.3 The 5 (Five) Year Return on Sales of the company.

Year Operating Sales Return on

Profit (net Sales
income before

2024 ₱ 203,334.34 ₱ 445,500 45.64%

2025 ₱ 224,896.08 ₱ 490,050 45.89%

2026 ₱ 297,328.10 ₱ 588,060 50.56%

2027 ₱ 445,846.35 ₱ 764,478 58.32%

2028 ₱ 720,982.46 ₱ 1,070,269.20 67.36%

90 | C R O O K 8
Equity Ratio

Owner’s Equity
Equity Ratio = x 100
Total Assets

Table 5.4 The 5 (Five) Year Equity Ratio of the company.

Year Owner’s Total Equity

Equity Assets Ratio

2024 ₱ 75,327.02 ₱ 75,327.02 100%

2025 ₱ 116,377.14 ₱ 116,377.14 100%

2026 ₱ 162,253.40 ₱ 162,253.40 100%

2027 ₱ 237,172.92 ₱ 237,172.92 100%

2028 ₱ 370,930.32 ₱ 370,930.32 100%

91 | C R O O K 8
Operating Margin

Operating Profit
Operating Margin = x 100
Net Sales

Table 5.5 The 5 (Five) Year Operating Margin of the company.

Year Operating Net Operating

Profit Sales Margin

2024 ₱ 203,334.34 ₱ 445,500 45.64%

2025 ₱ 224,896.08 ₱ 490,050 45.89%

2026 ₱ 297,328.10 ₱ 588,060 50.56%

2027 ₱ 445,846.35 ₱ 764,478 58.32%

2028 ₱ 720,982.46 ₱ 1,070,269.20 67.36%

92 | C R O O K 8
Return On Investment

Net Income
Return on Investment =
Net Year Cash Flow

Table 5.6 The 5 (Five) Year Return on Investment of the company.

Year Net Net Year Return on

Income Cash Flow Investment

2024 ₱ 142,334.04 ₱ 70,004.08 2.03:1

2025 ₱ 157, 427.26 ₱ 111,213.42 1.42:1

2026 ₱ 208,129.67 ₱ 157,408.39 1.32:1

2027 ₱ 312,092.44 ₱ 232,619.07 1.34:1

2028 ₱ 504,687.72 ₱ 366,637.40 1.38:1

93 | C R O O K 8
Gross Profit Margin

Sales - Cost of Goods Sold

Gross Profit Margin =

Table 5.7 The 5 (Five) Year Gross Profit Margin of the company.

Year Sales Cost of Gross Profit

Goods Sold Margin

2024 ₱ 445,500 ₱ 228,202.29 0.49

2025 ₱ 490,050 ₱ 250,713.88 0.49

2026 ₱ 588,060 ₱ 275,323.86 0.53

2027 ₱ 764,478 ₱ 302,158.82 0.56

2028 ₱ 1,070,269.20 ₱ 331,642.62 0.69

94 | C R O O K 8

The results from Table 5.3 shows that in year 2024, the company's
ROS results to 45.64%. In year 2025, pertaining to previous year, it
increases by 0.25%, having 45.89%. In year 2026, it continued to
increase, having 50.56% ROS. In year 2027, ROS continued to increase,
58.32%. Lastly, in year 2028, by far the most productive increase of
9.04% from the previous year, resulting to 67.36% ROS. Comparing the
first to fifth year, the company's ROS is constant in increasing each year
of the operation.

The results of table 5.4 shows the five-year computation of Equity

Ratio of the company. From first to fifth year, the company do not have
any debts, resulting to have 100% equity ratio each year. All the assets of
the company are financed by the company's funds and investments of
the partners.

Table 5.5, which displays the computation results for the

company's five-year operating margin, it is 45.64% in 2024, 45.89% in
2025, 50.56% in 2026, 58.32% in 2027, and 67.36% in 2028. The
operating margin performs well in the first year and has continued to do
so, maintaining a value above 45%, the business is considered to have a
balance between growth and profitability

Table 5.6 shows that, for the next five years, the company's Return
on Investment will be 2.03:1 in 2024, 1.42:1 in 2025, 1.32:1 in 2026,
1.34:1 in 2027, and 1.38:1 in 2028. This demonstrates how, in contrast
to net income and initial investment, ROI cash flows decline over the
course of a year. This is predicated on the idea that costs will rise in
tandem with the company's growth. This implies that while revenues can
rise, the return on investment will decrease due to increased costs. This
is merely an indication of commercial profitability rather than a clue that

95 | C R O O K 8
the company is not doing well. Furthermore, it demonstrates that there
will be a significant return on investment in the first year of operation.

Table 5.7 shows that, over the five-year period from 2024 to 2028,
the company's gross profit margin consistently improved, starting at 0.49
in 2024 and gradually increased to 0.69 in 2028. This indicates a
positive Trent in the percentage of revenue retained as gross profit after
deducting the cost of goods sold, reflecting potentially improved efficiency
and profitability in the company's core operations.

96 | C R O O K 8

CROOK8 business plan provides clear details in every operation of

how the business manages it and how it works. This well-written
business plan gives insight to the readers on having a unique selling
proposition and unique brand identity. For recommendation, the
following are to whom we will recommend our business plan:

 Consumers - This business plan is recommended to them because

sharing information about our business, with the customers is
critical for market validation and understanding their
requirements. It aids in the development of products or services
that resonate with the target audience, fostering brand loyalty and
ensuring long-term success. It can provide them with information
about the company's location, pricing, quality control, packaging,
organizational structure, and other details. Knowing important
details about the company can help build trust and encourage
customers to buy from it.
 Potential investors - This business plan is recommended to
potential investors because securing a fun is a crucial step for our
business. This can also provide valuable insight, connections,
guidance in a key business decision and increase credibility that
can help the business grow and succeed. Potential investors are
the biggest advocates that generate the business and navigate the
ups and downs of the business journey. It can help to support and
provide profit benefit to thrive the business harder to achieve
future goals.
 Government - By presenting our business plan to the government,
we can demonstrate our commitment to our business and the
community. A well-crafted business plan can help us secure
government grants or loans, which can be crucial for our

97 | C R O O K 8
business's growth and success. Moreover, engaging with the
government can help us shape policies and regulations that affect
our industry, which can have a significant impact on our economic
 Entrepreneurs - The business plan can help entrepreneurs
identify the potential opportunities and challenges of starting a
business. It also provides a roadmap for how to overcome
challenges and risks. It can also guide them to best practices for
product development, financial management, and marketing
strategies. With the right resources and guidance, entrepreneurs
can make informed decisions about their business plans, which
can lead them to be successful entrepreneurs.

98 | C R O O K 8

CROOK8's business plan is not merely a document, it's a

meticulously crafted score for a future symphony of success. Each
section, like scenes in a thrilling adventure, shows why this venture is
destined for the spotlight. The plan outlines the identity of the company,
the marketing plan, the operating plan, the financial projections, and the
management team, the cast of people, and has the smarts and the fire to
make it all happen. It sets a direction that will help the business operate
effectively and efficiently in the long run. And, act as a roadmap to help
the business take the appropriate actions to achieve its business

This isn't simply a plan for entering the market; it's a declaration
of intent to rewrite the industry's entire score. With the mission of
delivering affordable yet high-quality goods, making every bite of the
snack much more enjoyable with its unique flavor, CROOK8 stands
poised to disrupt the status quo, to captivate audiences with its
innovative approach and leave an indelible mark on the landscape.
Investing in CROOK8 is about joining a team whose commitment to
excellence burns brighter than any competitor's spotlight.

CROOK8 doesn't just cook, they conduct culinary symphonies.

Moreover, the company’s magic extends beyond the plate; their warm
service harmonizes with the food, creating a community around the
table. The company envisions to be the leading food company that serves
the best quality and nutritious combo snack, and to create moments of
delight and satisfaction, providing unforgettable experiences to satisfy
the customer's cravings. This dedication will win over customers
surpassing expectations and leaving a lasting impression on their hearts
and stomachs.

99 | C R O O K 8

Name (Optional): _______________________________________

Grade:  Grade 5  Grade 6  Grade 7

 Grade 8  Grade 9  Grade 10

Age:  10  11  12 13

 14  15  16

Gender:  Male  Female

1. How much is your daily allowance?

 ₱20-₱50  ₱51-₱100  ₱101-₱200

 ₱201-₱500  ₱500-₱1000

2. How much money do you spend for your daily snack?

 ₱10-₱20  ₱21-₱30  ₱31-₱40  ₱41 & more

3. Are you willing to spend ₱45 to buy this combo snack?

 Yes  No

4. What is your most preferred flavor for the ganache?

 Milk chocolate  White chocolate

5. What flavor of juice do you like to go with the taste of Croquette?

 Iced Tea  Apple

6. How would you rate the quality of our food?

 Very Good  Good  Okay  Bad  Very Bad

100 | C R O O K 8
Tally Sheet Results


Tally Total


5 II 2
6 I 1
7 IIIII - I 6
10 IIIII - IIIII - II 12


10 II 2
11 III 3
12 II 2
16 IIIII - II 7




101 | C R O O K 8
Results of Survey From Basic Education Students (Grade 5 to 10)
of PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College

Tally Total

Question #1 How much is your daily allowance?

 ₱20-₱50 II 2
 ₱51-₱100 IIIII - IIIII - III 13
 ₱101-₱200 IIIII - IIIII - IIIII - IIIII - IIIII - I 26
 ₱201-₱500 IIIII - II 7
 ₱500-₱1000 III 3

Question #2 How much money do you spend for your daily snack?

 ₱10-₱20 IIIII - IIIII 10

 ₱21-₱30 IIIII - II 7
 ₱31-₱40 IIIII - IIIII 10
 ₱41 & more IIIII - IIIII - IIIII - IIIII - IIIII - IIIII - 33

Question #3 Are you willing to spend ₱50 to buy this combo snack?


 No IIII 4

102 | C R O O K 8
Question #4 What is your most preferred flavor for the ganache?

 Milk Chocolate IIIII - IIIII - IIIII - IIIII - IIIII - IIIII -


 White Chocolate IIIII - IIIII - I 11


Question #5 What flavor of juice do you like to go with the taste of



 Apple Iced Tea IIIII - IIIII - I 11

Question #6 How would you rate the quality of our food?


 Good IIIII - IIIII - I 11
 Okay III 3
 Bad I 1
 Very Bad

103 | C R O O K 8
104 | C R O O K 8

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