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‘Manners Mighty” Gallant *Pradnt* Wise * Swift? Underhanded ‘erates Matias elle hw they do thing Te paper's description ofthe ation determines what Manne i Each the Poot enkant atonal ur damage in Conic, oolsretreshslowy one fill pol or wesk ores. Divide points between he sit Manner Ratings and 30 Pont between the si Manner Pools (max 10 per Poo. Drives ove (8 Lye Hat) * Fer 8) Fah or Jase” Hota Pride Gre Honesty “Cary Devs repent the cre motivations one ode tht defines the charter Choos 5 Drives rom the 12 available pple replacethe X with pate detaing who the Deve pesto ou may tke these, ith dierent pase) Aol hee Drive wou nape the Pets #1. Arollhare Drive would Hinder o Distract the gst ejecting Drive by purl chosing at gusts take toall Roll forthe rennder of th scene, wile a Major Vllation render al Drs unable nt narrative ammend sc toslfied url roles sta, Arts ‘The Ata cetae ec eg righ cer Itch oa ram 4, had ert lesen Spee Sread 12 Pits mong the 20 eit rs sector alls Dynasty {achP sores 1S yy Pn Th ive tn “Thy maybe pnt apis rom Mam ts ene ction yh pec whee ng toys est and eenc al be elt ‘Thee may ali be sent rg ply to crete extended amily embers. srvants oasebod hgh, (Dymaty NPCS Points na Dynasty NPC can be pet asf from any Manner Pool to pcorm actions seeded bythe PC Fah shuld io ree NIC afer ach completed vente. Alloters refs during the Yar End Phase ach yma oa Status - Acute Dy Pnts /10 The GM desribesasturtion andthe players desc ow ‘hele character respond Mos sti can be ese thou iking up he ds. The exiting nara anda ‘conversation ence the player andthe OM shoul enough {to determin the outcome, ered wht vetoes is dobar faire weal el Interesting the character en attempt an Aton. Actions apy, pial fro the player's description This ne the ‘Rating tht an be add othe ll Pls fom the Mars Tool aa be open to give an equal Bonustothe rll anda ‘single point roman Art's Pol can be pet for 3 Bo Roll de + Rating + Bonuses vs Difficulty [Dif of standard bt this can vary fom 2 bed ‘onthe conditions and spec deumstances The dierene teen the ffl nthe Dict ithe Margin, Opposed Actions When tna character arein dec opposition bath tke ae ‘Act andthe ide withthe higher Total succeeds. The ‘ntgeoattackr shoul dell pends i. extended Retons ora single Acton spread ‘erie theca votes need aed fachalladsits Maino the Teal Stitt sucess When a character iar by 3 rive ral anaural and succeeds on he ll sacri Suces nese reesh 2 point ofthe Poa wed ‘Using The Arts -Achrcercan we is ets te investigate a tuaton or dicover Infomation As ongashe as ascot in th rt ani atively esrb his ction, he ahold provide any snformation har nouldbe ascoverd by wg the Ar No ollie neded A character’ Calta, Homelands Religion uy ewe = ‘nts and count aehanga 1 Pint Po ‘oud spend pnt ofthe rts Pot or extra beet reasonable narrative mpat/conto. Pint the Arts rifrsh a the end of ach adventure, Conflict bens cach character choses the Manner they inthe re Tur, For the remandr ofthe confi, 1) Move resonable distance (0 /ésguaes/1 Zo00) 2) Take an Action. This sly on Attar Stunt, but hoc en te Uae ea tee eis to perkates Macks I atackit an posed Action ean to the defender abs Armor Bons. the stack ceeds he defender reduces the Polo the Manner hey wed the ‘iirence inet Artal Srcer bythe Afacke does Double Damage oe by the Geer llows the oaks an Stunts common feta include Taped obose oue a opectic Maer fr oe ter tects Damage, ading mip targets toa tack disrm/tip. exe ove, re plese te ection Io Damage and eth a Manners Pool drop below Othe churacerakes Wound, rermanetl los 105 points rom that Manners ttt ‘he rare impact. Until the character sabi he woud siflen, te Mares dopa dcop low fi chara) eT Ou Thee tthe ery ofthe opponent who eles Tokens When an opponent Ten Out ald one Refs Taken toa

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