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###########################(Windows Servers
- Waht is a Protocol?
- Protocols are simply an agreed upon way to communicate.
For instance, we here on Hackers-Arise have agreed upon the
English language with all its rules and grammar as our way to communicate. That is
our protocol. If we did not have an agreed upon way to communicate,
People would be using many languages, grammar, and rules
and none of us would understand each other.
- Protocols are similar. A protocol simply defines a way of
communication with all its rules. These rules are usually defined by a RFC (Request
for Comments).
- There are many, many protocols in use on the internet. These
include TCP, IP, UDP, FTP, HTTP, SMTP, etc., and each has (Its Own Set of Rules)
that must be complied with in order to communicate effectively,
(Similar to the rules we use in communication via written
languages). Probably the two most important protocols for use over the internet are
(IP) and (TCP).

- What is Active Directory?
Active Directory is a (Directory Service Database).
Authentication through advanced ways of authentication, such as
(Kerberos Token) and (Client Certificate) are also possible.

- What is the Structure of Active Directory?
The Active Directory structure consists of the following

- Users and Computers :–

Items that represent a Particular (User Account) or
(Computer) in a company; each user account is described by its attributes, e.g.,
name, email address, location, etc.

- Organizational Units (OU) :–
Used to organize users, groups, computers, and other
organizational units.

- Domains :–
Collection of users, groups, computers, OUs.

- Trees :–
One or more domains in a logical hierarchy that
defines trust between domains, i.e., who can access what.

- Forest :–
A top-tier in the hierarchy that contains a group of

- What is LDAP?
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a protocol that
applications can use to speak to directory services such as Active Directory. The
LDAP protocol queries user information to read, modify or update it.
During user authentication, LDAP can bind to the directory
service database, such as Active Directory. While advanced ways of authentication
such as Kerberos token and client certificate are possible, the simplest
authentication is simply checking the username and password the user entered into
the application log-in form against the information stored in a directory server.
If the entered information is correct, the user gets logged in. Otherwise, the user
is denied access.
- Sometimes people use the name LDAP when they mean an (LDAP
Server). An LDAP server is any (Directory Server) that supports the (LDAP
Protocol). Examples of LDAP servers include FreeIPA, OpenLDAP, Apache Directory
Server, and Active Directory.

- The Clustering Technology:
- (Cluster), in a (Computer System), is a (Group of Servers and
other Resources) that act like a (Single System) and enable (High Availability),
(Load Balancing) and (Parallel Processing).
These (Systems) can range from a (Two-node System) of two
personal computers (PCs) to a (Supercomputer) that has a (Cluster Architecture).
- (Clustering Software):
Enables you to configure (Servers) for (Redundancy) to
prevent (Downtime) and (Data Loss). A (Primary Server) is (Clustered) with one or
more (Secondary Servers).
- (Data Points):
In (Data Analysis) and (Statistics), a (Data Point) is a
(Fact) or any piece of (Information) that (Describes:
- One Unit of Observation),
- At One Point in Time,
- At The (Data Collection Level).
- It most commonly appears as (One Cell) in a (Data
- (Data Points) are best understood as the (Values) of
the (Units of Observation). A (Unit of Observation) is the “things” that your data
Example: Imagine you’re collecting (Data) on
(Persons). Each (Specific Person's Instance) is (One Unit of Observation), each
collected piece of (Inofrmation) about such Person's(Instance) , (ID, Name,
Age, ...), is a (Diminsion),
And each Diminsion's (Value) is a (Data Point).
- (Data Points) have (Different Types):
- Numeric Data Item Types (Integer, Tiny
Integer, Big Integer, Float, Real) .
- Date and Time Data Item Types (Date,
Time, Date Time, TimeStamp, Year) .
- Character and String Data Item Types
(CHAR(Fixed Lenghy Characters, 8,000 Characters Max.) , VARCHAR(Variable Lenghy
Characters, 8,000 Characters Max.), TEXT(Same as VarChar but Max is 2-GB instead of
a Specific Lenght)).
- Unicode Character and String Item Types:
Unicode is a way of Structuring Data in the form of (U+0000), where the (0’s)
can be any (Type):
- (NCHAR) – fixed length
with maximum length of 8,000 characters.
- (NVARCHAR) – variable length
with maximum of 8,000 characters.
- (NTEXT) – variable length
storage, only now the maximum is 1GB rather than a specific length.
- Binary Data Item Types:
- Binary: (Fixed
Length) with maximum of 8,000 bytes.
- VarBinary: (Variable Lenght
Storage) with a maximum of 8,000 bytes.
- Miscellaneous Data Item Types:
(BLOB) : Carries (Big Binary
(CLOB) : Character Large
Object, is a type of (Sub-Character) that carries (Unicode Texts) up to 2-GB.
(XML) : Is a (Specific Data Type)
that stores (XML Data). (XML) stands for (Extensible Markups Language), and is
common in Databases.
- A (Data Point) in A (Data Table) represents (One
Cell) in the (Table).

- Clustering technologies are broadly divided into (Six

- Hierarchical Clustering:
- Partition Clustering:
- Density-Based Clustering:
- Model-Based Clustering:
- Grid-Based Clustering:
= Modern Clustering:
- The Replication Technology:

- (Microsoft Windows Server OS):

- Windows Server is the platform for building an infrastructure of
(Connected Applications, Networks, and Web Services), from the (Workgroup) to the
(Data Center).
- It bridges on-premises environments with Azure, adding additional
layers of security while helping you modernize your (Applications and
- Is an Enterprise-Class Server Operating Systems designed to:
- Share Services with Multiple Users, and
- Provide Extensive Administrative Control of (Data Storage),
(Applications) and (Corporate Networks).

- Network System:
- Computer Networking System refers to (Interconnected Computing
Devices) that can (Exchange Data) and (Share Resources) with each other. These
(Networked Devices) use a (System of Rules), called (Communications Protocols),
To (Transmit Information) over (Physical) or (Wireless)
- Network Components:
- Hardware Components: Are the (Server, Client, Peer,
Transmission Medium, and Connecting Devices[Router, Switch, Hub, Access
- Software Components: Are (Operating System and


- Microsoft Networking:
Microsoft Networking referes to (Samba), a (Network Protocol) that
allows (Data) to be accessed over a (Computer Network) and provides (File and Print
Services) to (Windows Clients).

- (Client for Microsoft Networks):
The "Client for Microsoft Networks" is the basic component of Windows
networking. It allows a computer to access resources on a Microsoft network, and is
installed by default. If your computer is connected to your cable modem by
You need to leave this item checked.

- What is the advantage of (UEFI) boot?
UEFI boot has many advantages over BIOS mode. Those are:
- (UEFI) Supports unlimited number of partitions,
- (UEFI) support the disk which is larger than 2 TB.
- Computers that use [(UEFI) firmware] can boot faster than
- (UEFI) also has more (Advanced Security Deatures) such as
(Secure Startup), which helps to keep your computer more secure.


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