Second Term Worksheets A2.1 - Ver2024

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1. Look at Samantha’s planner and answer the questions.

Give complete answers, follow

the example.

My planner
Mon. • arrive in Mexico, 2:15 pm
Tues. • have lunch with the UAEH rector, 1:30 pm
• give a talk at the UAEH, 4:30 pm
Wed. • meet with the UAEH Sociology staff, 9am
• depart for San Antonio, 2:45 pm
Thurs. • have lunch with my coworkers, 1 pm
Fri. • go to the movies with my family, 6 pm
Sat. • visit my dentist, 9 am
Sun. • take out my family for breakfast, 8 am

• When is Samantha arriving in Mexico? She’s arriving in Mexico on Monday at 2:15 pm.
• What is she doing on Tuesday at 1:30 pm? She’s having lunch with the UAEH rector,
1:30 pm
• What is she doing on Tuesday at 4:30 pm?
• Who is she meeting with on Wednesday at 9am?
• When is she departing for San Antonio?
• Is she having lunch with her co-workers on Thursday?
• What is she doing on Friday at 6 pm?
• What is she doing on Saturday?
• When is she taking out her family for breakfast?

2. Now think about some arrangements (definite plans) you and these people have for
the next week. Then, complete the sentences. Follow the example.

Mon. I’m giving a presentation on Mondy at 7am.

Mon. I’m
Tues. My friend is
Wed. The teacher is
Thurs. My classmates are
Fri. My family is
Sat. I’m
Sun. My friend and I are

3. Read the information and answer the exercises.


Definite plans and arrangements

4. Listen and repeat, then check the activities you plan to do the next university vacation.
Then share your plans to the class. Follow the example.
 take an English course.  visit my friends or relatives
 take cooking lessons.  relax at the beach.
 take handcraft lessons.  relax in front of the TV.
 take a summer course.  stay home and do the usual things.
 go camping  catch up on my reading.
 go fishing  fix up or redecorate my house.
 go biking  study my school notes.
 go swimming  watch videos on my computer or
 go hiking cellphone
 visit an interesting place
5. Share your plans for the next university vacation with your class. Follow the example.

I’m going to stay home and do the usual things.

I’m going to …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

6. Read about Samantha’s family plans for their next vacation.

(Me) Her son Her Her husband

Samantha daughter
I’m going to He’s going to relax She’s going to He’s going to paint
redecorate my in front of the TV. study her school his car.
living room notes.

7. Complete the sentences with your plans and other people’s plans or intentions for the
next university vacation.

My friend is
My classmates and I are
My teacher is
The coordinator is
My friend and I are

9. Read and answer the activity.


• PREDICTIONS = “What’s going to
happen?” (Present evidence)

8. According to your opinion write true of false about the future in 10 years.

• Technology and artificial intelligence will replace many jobs.

• Most of the students will use tablets instead of notebooks.
• Education in Mexico will improve.
• There will be more unemployment in Mexico.
• Teachers and doctors will be better paid.
• Crime in my town will increase.
• The internet connection in this school will be better.
• I will be rich.
• People will have more values.
• There will be flying cars.

9. Write some future predictions about your life, school and country.

1. Read the text about a nursing student’s plans after university and put the
underlined sentences in the correct place in the chart.

I am graduating tomorrow evening and like any graduate, I have some plans after
university. First, I’m going to do some volunteer work in order to get more experience.
Actually, I have been searching for some volunteer programs on the internet and some
calls open next month, so I might apply for the Red Cross. Second, I’m going to look for a
job according to my skills in order to expand my experience and save some money to go on
a trip. Perhaps I will visit some interesting places in Mexico. It depends on the money that
I get. After that, I am going to continue my studies. I would like to do a specialization in

Nothing is written in stone and the future might change, but I will work hard and study a
lot to make my dreams come true.

Definite plans
Plans and intentions
Unplanned intention
Scheduled activity

15. Read and answer.


Complete the sentences with be going to and

write I if it is an intention or P if it is a
• Plans and intentions
He ________________(bake) a cake.
-They are going to watch a film
this weekend
• Predictions (objective
The teacher_____________(drink) some

-Look the sky is

cloudy. It’s going to They _____________(see) a movie.

-I’m going to vomit

I__________________(win) this race.

He ____________________(cry)


• Unplanned intentions
-She_____________probably________(do) a master’s
-I’ll probably go to the party. degree after university.
-Perhaps I’ll buy a car with my
Christmas bonus. -I__________(get) married when I turn 30.
-Maybe I’ll visit my aunt in Atlanta
next year.

• Predictions about the future

(opinion/ no evidence) -She ______(scream) if you show her the spider.
-In the future,
artificial intelligence -Many jobs __________(disappear) in the next 20
will replace actors. -I think you_________(get) the job.
-I think she won’t

• Spontaneous decisions. -It’s boiling here! I____________(open) the

-Wait, I will help you.
-I’m hungry. I’ll eat a sandwich. -A: Is Mary coming?
-It’s cold. I’ll close the door. B: I’m not sure. I____(call)her.
• Promises.

-I won’t’ tell your secret. -She said, she _______(phone) me later.

-I’ll study harder next time. -I__________(save) money to buy a new phone.

• Offers

-If your computer doesn’t work, I -Jenny and Chris _________(show) you the way
will send the email for you. home.
-Those bags look heavy. I______(help) you.

• Request
-__________you________(go) with me to the party?
-Will you marry me? -___________you________(help) me?

• Forecast -It ___________(be) cloudy tomorrow.

-It____________(be) snowy tomorrow.
-It will be sunny tomorrow.

• Conational sentences
-If she invites me, I’ll go. -If the teacher doesn’t come. We __________(go)
for breakfast.
-If you don’t quit smoking, you’ll -If you pay me, I_________(give) the book.
get lung cancer.


Present continuous
for future
-We___________(fly) to London tomorrow.
• Definite plans
(arrangements) -They___________(have) a party tonight.

We are getting married on July -The teacher__________(not/come) today. She

7th. went to a congress.

-I ___________(visit) my girlfriend today evening.

-We _______________(take) the exam today


Simple present for
-This class______(finish) at 8pm.
• Scheduled activities
-Coppel __________(open) at 11 am.
-The bus leaves at 7 pm.
-The stores open at 8 am. -We _____________(have) an exam tomorrow.

start, close, open, begin, end, leave, -The Garza bus __________(leave) at 7pm.
finish, come, return, have, be
- The fast-food places ____________(close) at

Future continuous

• Actions in progress in the

future -The baby _________(sleep) in the afternoon.

- I will be celebrating my -She ____________(study) at the library tonight.

birthday tomorrow at 7 pm.
-She _______________(cook) at this time.
Time phrases
-The president ______________(fly) to London by
at / by (3:00, noon, midnight) this time tomorrow.
at that time…
by this time tomorrow… -I___________(work) by noon.
at this time tomorrow…



• Future possibility -I ______________apply for a residence program.

-It might rain later, so I’ll take my -My family and I ______________travel to USA
umbrella. next summer.

-I might apply for a scholarship -She isn’t here today. She ___________be sick.
after university.

+ MIGTH + INF. V + C

. Will or going to

Circle the correct answer

1. Oh look! It is going to/ will snow soon.

2. Next summer I am going to/ will backpack around Europe.

3. Ring! Ring! I am going to/ I’ll answer it.

4. I think our team is going to/ will win the match.

5. In 2055 robots are going to/ will be our teachers.

6. Tonight we are going to have/ will have a birthday party for my brother.

7. Sponge Bob is going to/ will work at the Crabby Patty tonight.

8. My friends are going to/ will go to the movies tonight.

9. I doubt that he is going to/ will pass the English test.

10. He is going to/ will study for the test tomorrow.

11. Be careful! You are going to/ will drop the dishes.

12. During summer vacation we are going to/ will go swimming every day.

13. I’m sure that you are going to/ will find your lost ring.

14. I am going to/ will help you carry your books.

15. Look out! That dog is going to/ will bite you if you get near him.


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