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29 JANUARY 2024
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................... 2

DEFINITION ........................................................................................................................... 4


a) Method of Staffing System ............................................................................................... 7

b) Issues or Challenges in Delivering Services ................................................................... 11

c) Sources of Local Government Income ........................................................................... 16

d) Activities or Program organized by Local Government ................................................. 18

CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................... 21

APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................ 22

REFERENCES....................................................................................................................... 24


The existence of local government has always been defended on the basis that it is a
crucial aspect of the process of democratization and intensification of mass participation in the
decision-making process. No political system is considered complete and democratic if it does
not have a system of local government.

Local governance has a dual role. The organisation serves two purposes which is
administering goods and services and engaging residents in identifying and meeting local
public needs. Local representative government combines representation with administration at
the local level under government frameworks. To comprehend the purpose and structure of
local government, it is necessary to define it as well as grasp what local government democracy
and ideals include. The relevance of local governance will be discussed. With these aspects of
local government in mind, attention will be directed towards the typical structure of local
government. The administrative structure of local government forms the basic framework
where in local public policy is determined and implemented. Therefore, attention will be
directed to the composition of councils and their activities.

Local governance is made up of several local administrations. Local authorities are

established to provide services in specific geographic regions, as central government cannot
meet all societal needs. Local authorities in developing countries, particularly in Africa,
provide a variety of urban services such as parks, street cleaning, sanitation, refuse collection,
road construction and maintenance, housing, water and sewerage, primary education, clinics,
residential and industrial estates, planning and zoning, fire and ambulance services, camping
sites, and recreational facilities.

Local government plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between government and
citizens, as it focuses on specific geographic areas and the issues they face. This allows local
governments to better understand and solve these issues. Local governments offer more
opportunities for community involvement due to their smaller jurisdiction compared to larger
levels of government. As a result, citizens' talents, ideas, and creativity may be more fully used.
Local government channels are made up of many roles working together to provide community
services. The Council is the central institution of local administration. A council is an integral
component of all units of local representative government.

Local government is a vital part of national or state government that serves a specific
area. Its functions complement those of the central government and benefit local residents by

addressing common community needs. All communities have challenges and needs that their
members share and can only be addressed via collaborative efforts, typically through
government. Just as government in general is the means by which all people can do together
what they cannot do alone, or cannot do as economically or effectively, so is local government
the means by which the residents of a local community can accomplish together what neither
the national or state government, nor the individual residents, can accomplish alone.

The presentation highlights the need to consider key ideas and viewpoints while
redesigning municipal government. Efficient and democratic local government restructuring
requires a multi-disciplinary strategy that includes administrative processes and environmental
considerations. This assignment concludes that using interdisciplinary concepts may
significantly improve the efficacy and efficiency of municipal governments.

Local government that has been chosen in this assignment is Majlis Perbandaran Klang
(MPK). Klang Local Authority was previously known as the Klang Health Board. It was
established in May 1890 to govern Klang town. Its formal boundaries were established in 1895,
and it was later merged with Port Swettenham in December 1945 to form the Klang Municipal
Board. In 1954, the Klang Municipal Council was founded, bringing about more administrative
changes. With this new administrative organisation, Klang grew swiftly until 1971, when Port
Klang, Kapar, and Meru were merged to create the Klang District Council. Klang District
Council was elevated to Klang Municipal Council on January 1, 1977, after the implementation
of the Local Government Act 1976 (Act 171) and the reform of all local administrations.

Figure 1 show the year of establishment of Majlis Perbandaran Klang (MPK)


Figure 2 shows the logo of Majlis Perbandaran Klang (MPK)

Klang is one of the oldest cities in Malaysia. According to history, Klang has been
populated from about 2,000 years ago. The earliest entries on Klang were written around 600
years ago, under the reign of Majapahit's government. Here were the times of Klang's
resurrection, which were previously unrelated to any place. Furthermore, during the time,
Sultan Suleiman ruled over Klang, a major force. However, due to misconceptions, a civil war
broke out between Raja Mahadi and Raja Abdullah, Sultan Suleiman's successor. Klang was
in disarray at the time, reflecting the fight for dominance. Raja Mahadi's City, located near
Klang's Municipal Council, was part of the abandonment from the civil war that was started a
long time ago.

The present MPK Building Site was previously a building site for Raja Mahadi City
and has since become an essential wall of defence to prevent adversaries from advancing after
the war was declared. However, because to the passage of time and the fragility of the building's
construction, the city created in 1860 was demolished in half. All that remains is the archway,
which has become a symbol of Raja Mahadi's empire's might. However, many historical relics
have been buried as a result of the changes brought about by time and tide. One of them is a
source that said Raja Mahadi's Town was situated at the top of the hill and it has a tunnel that
can penetrate to Klang River.But the tunnel has long been buried.

Klang, 21 September 2021 - According to MPK Chairman, Dr Ahmad Fadzli bin

Ahmad Tajuddin, when the elements of historical heritage become the core and applied in every
urban or rural development planning, there is no doubt that Klang will become a prosperous

district and become a leader in honoring the country's heritage. Heritage is a historical legacy
that is very valuable to a person country. The importance of heritage causes many countries in
the world to strive to conserve and care for these materials. But to keep and to preserve the
heritage there must be a continuous effort so that its value can be maintained for future
generations to look at and refer to. Likewise, in the Klang district which has historical and
heritage value for preserved and cared for.

16 August 2021 - According to Dr. Ahmad Fadzli bin Ahmad Tajuddin, as a civil
servant in MPK, we need to cultivate values that emphasizing aspects of cultivating patriotism,
the noble values of civil servants towards the government and country. This is part of the
process character development transformation of employees’ public to spiritually balanced
people and physical. The same goes for emphasis element of patriotic spirit that needs to be
instilled in the soul of civil servants. Therefore, effort continued through solid support from all
management up to the level implementation is very important to ensure sustainability civil
servants especially in MPK.

21 September 2021 - According to Dr. Mardiana binti Nordin, Early records about
Klang have been found in foreign history manuscripts for example in the Chinese Report.
Klang is recorded in the Tang Dynasty and navigation maps Admiral Cheng Ho. In the Malay
world, Nagarakertagama manuscript of Prapanca writing in 1365 has recorded Klang is the
territory of Majapahit. Klang is also mentioned in SulalatusSalatin (Malay History) especially
about Tun Perak, Klang army and stopover Raja Muzaffar, the son of Sultan Mahmud of
Malacca Klang the other two manuscripts are Tuhfat Al-Nafis and Hikayat Negeri Johor that
tells the story of King Jaafar in Klang.

According to Dr. Ling Tek Soon, 'Ba Sheng' is Klang's call for the Chinese community
in Klang who is believed to have originated from the Malay word 'pasang'. Majority the
Chinese community in Klang is a Hokkien tribe. There are 3 ways to get to know the Chinese
community humans (culture), gods and ghosts. Culture Chinese society is viewed from the
aspect of clubs and associations Chinese, Chinese newspapers and Chinese schools. Among
the prominent Chinese figures in Klang are Yeo Guan Hup, Goh Hock Huat, Li Kim Chuan
and Chan Ah Choo.

According to Prof. Emeritus Datuk Abdullah Zakaria, King Abdullah was given a will
by Sultan Muhammad and Sultan Abdul Samad as the Klang Magnifier and with the help of
his brother Raja Jumaat, has worked tin mining and bringing in labor Chinese. The state capital

of Selangor moved from Klang to Kuala Lumpur in 1880 and then back to Klang in 1972. The
Klang War colored the sultanate and the history of Selangor because this war dragged on
between King Mahadi and King Abdullah as well involving supporters of various nationalities.
Klang and Selangor Sultanate very closely related and inseparable, even can be called Klang,
Royal Selangor.


a) Method of staffing system

Every development, company, school, everything needs workers for our development
to work. If there are no employees how development, companies and schools can be carried
out, it is impossible for one person to handle everything at one time. If only one person handles
a company, that will put a lot of pressure on the company owner. How to find an employee?
There are many ways to recruit civilians to be employees in our company for example. Tapping
into an international talent pool, advertise externally to your company, using digital and
traditional marketing strategies, including job boards, social media, and web advertising, using
recruitment agencies and leveraging the potential of today's remote workforce. However, every
company needs to know how to choose good employees, responsible employees and also needs
to know how to ensure that the work given is appropriate to their abilities and skills. Because
if it is not suitable or the person is less responsible and so on, firstly, we have wasted money
to give him training for the scope of work that he should know but he is less capable in the task
or scope of work given. Second, the task given is not completed because the person is not
responsible in carrying out the work. and the last is, our company is likely to fall and regress,
not as advanced as other companies, due to the employees being recruited not matching the
position and scope of work given. That's important, companies need to be careful and clever in
recruiting employees.

MPK used one method of staffing which is Open (United) System. What is Open
System in staffing management in Local Government (LG)? An open system is a system that
permits the inflow and outflow of information, materials, and energies between it and the
environment, allowing adaptation to the exchange. The open system definition is based on the
exchange of materials, information, and energies, making it markedly different from closed
and isolated systems. Open systems enable material entry and outflow, whereas closed systems
do not. Isolated systems prevent the exchange of materials and energy. Open systems interact
with their surroundings by exchanging information, materials, and energy in order to evolve
and renew themselves. Entropy is high in closed systems, but low in open systems. When open
systems absorb information, energy, or materials, they grow more complicated and diverse,
resulting in negative entropy. According to open system theory, the environment has a
significant impact on all organisations. An organization's environment may include social,

political, and economic elements, as well as other organisations. The open system model
includes inputs, outputs, objectives, and procedures that enable the system to work.

There are a few ways how they recruit their employees. The first one is advertising job
vacancies at least one (1) time within three (3) months if there is a need and the approval
of the top management. Placing a help wanted print ad starts with determining where to place
it. The optimal media depends on the work, for example, local paper, web, Wall Street
publication, or technical publication. The local newspaper or the internet is typically the finest.
The local newspaper or the Web is usually the best source of blue-collar help, clerical
employees, and lower-level administrative employees. Professionals can advertise online or in
trade periodicals including American Psychologist, Sales Management, Chemical Engineering,
and American Banker. Posting help needed advertising in periodicals like the Wall Street
Journal might help find middle or senior management candidates. One disadvantage of print
advertising is the potential delay between insertion and publication, which can be up to a week.
After job advertisement, it’s time to prepare for job interview session. Job interview session is
to be held at least one (1) time within one (1) month if there is a need and the approval
of the top management. Interviews are conducted face-to-face, which is, walk-in interviews.
The interview is conducted to gather information about yourself in order to evaluate whether
or not you are suitable for the position offered. The next step is to see the person's personality
before being accepted as an employee. Employers will judge a person by the way he talks,
dresses, to see if he is brave, someone who has all the characteristics they want and more.
during the interview, the interview panel will ask various questions and give 'pressure', to assess
the level of a person's personality, because that personality will reflect whether a person is
suitable for the job offered or not. and the last is that the average employer wants an employee
who has a mature and honest attitude. This is to ensure workplace harmony and good
productivity among employees.
Next MPK method of staffing is, college recruiting and intern as sources of candidates.
College recruiting is a valuable source of management trainees, as well as professional and
technical staff. Campus recruiting has two major issues. First, it is pricey. Schedules must be
established well in advance, firm brochures created, and significant recruitment time spent on
campus. Second, more than normal, the recruiter must be approachable and successful. Many
students claim that some recruiters are unprepared, show little attention, seem superior, and do
not know what questions to ask. Campus recruiters should have two aims. The primary purpose
is to determine whether an applicant is worthy of further consideration. Which characteristics

you seek for are determined by your unique recruitment goals. However, the checklist in Figure
2 is typical.

Figure 2 shows the candidate evaluation form for on/off campus use
Motivation, communication skills, education, looks, and attitude are all traits that might be
evaluated. The second goal is to attract ("recruit") qualified people to your organisation. A
genuine and casual approach, respect for the applicant, and timely follow-up letters can all
assist here. Internships are a popular way for college students to acquire jobs. Internships may
be mutually beneficial circumstances. An internship may allow students to polish business
skills, meet possible employers, and learn more about their career interests (and dislikes).
Employers may utilise interns to make valuable contributions while assessing them as potential
full-time workers. Many reviews have been given by previous interns who have done
internships at MPK. All the reviews given are very satisfactory such as, "easy to access.
Customer oriented company. Providing services to Majlis Perbandaran Klang. Have online
apps for inquiry and payment gateway. he has learned to be multitasking while intern in MPK",
"Relax and peacefully environment", “know about clerical job, learned how to use scanning
machine for documents and building plan”, and “get a new cultured work Enjoy with workplace
culture and easy cooperative between staff”.
And the last method is recruiting via the internet. You may not be able to fill your
recruiting needs with internal candidates. In that case, one turns to outside sources, often
starting with the Internet. now the times have changed and the times are also becoming more
sophisticated going forward, MPK must also follow the way people now want to get a job.
otherwise they will fall behind. There are many websites that can be used as a platform for the
public to apply for the job, for example, JobStreet, Maukerja, Indeed, LinkedIn and many more.
Through this method they will also get more people who need work, that is we will get
applications from people all around the world. And it is very likely that the person who applied
for the job in that place is suitable for the job given. This method is also one of how MPK
wants to find employees in a simple way and does not require a lot of cost to handle these
things. This is the link where the
public can register to work at MPK by clicking on the link. All the details about the jobs
provided are in the file and the public who want to work there must meet and pass the

b) Issues or challenges in delivering services.

The Klang district has many issues and challenges. Therefore, the Majlis Perbandaran
Klang (MPK) needs to take action as soon as possible to prevent this problem from getting
worse. Also, MPK has made a draft Majlis Perbandaran Klang Local Plan (Replacement) 2035.
This draft is a new development plan to replace the previous local plan, Majlis Perbandaran
Klang Local Plan (4th Amendment) 2020. The MPKLP 2035 (Replacement) is planned to align
with PLANMalaysia’s 6 dimensions of sustainable development as implemented in the
MURNInets system which is:

• Dimension 1: Optimum Land Use and Natural Resources

• Dimension 2: Competitive Economy
• Dimension 3: Prosperous Community
• Dimension 4: Efficient Infrastructure and Transportation System
• Dimension 5: High Quality Environment
• Dimension 6: Effective Governance

This Local Plan takes into account fifteen (15) planning sectors and adjusted
accordingly into six (6) development dimensions. The sectors are 1) Land Use Planning, 2)
Demography, Labour and Human Resources, 3) Economy Fundamentals and Settlement Poles,
4) Commercial and Industrial, 5) Housing and Village Settlement, 6) Community Facilities, 7)
Landscape and Urban Design, 8) Traffic Management and Public Transport, 9) Agriculture,
livestock and fisheries, 10) Tourism, 11) Environment and Forestry, 12) Infrastructure and
Utilities, 13) Management and Implementation, 14) Sustainability Assessment, and 15)
Geographic Information System (GIS).

In this topic, only five issues or challenges that will be discussed. The first issues are,
incomprehensive development of land use planning of small lots. One of the main problems is
population migration causing the population density in the city to increase and current needs
to change, further affecting the pattern of physical development and social well-being in the
city. Therefore, the authorities need to make efficient urban planning and management that can
influence the development of a city and become an important aspect in determining the
boundaries of urban growth. The main focus in determining the boundaries of urban growth is
population density, development intensity, natural physical conditions such as rivers and
mountains, current and future land use patterns, administrative area boundaries and city center

The proposed land use for MPKLP 2035 (Replacement) considers current development
trends, Klang District development potentials, development strategy of MPKLP 2035
(Replacement), population projections, housing unit requirements, and projection of business
and industrial space requirements, infrastructure and public utilities by 2035. Establishing a
land budget is crucial for optimising land usage. This strategy controls the supply of dwelling
units, commercial space, and industries, reducing waste and ensuring enough land. MPKLP
2035 (Replacement) land use recommendations consider food security, Environmentally
Sensitive Areas (KSAS) development zones, disaster risk zones, and city boundaries to ensure
sustainable planning. By 2035, these characteristics will be used to determine the optimum land
use for a given region.

Second issues are, Limited attention given to local economic activities. Such as, a
trader, an agriculturist, a manufacturer, a doctor, a teacher, and laborers working in a factory.
This will make them a loss from an economic point of view, which is a form of loss that can
be seen roughly or a form of loss that can be evaluated based on the results that should be
obtained by MPK. Therefore, MPK must strengthen the development of commercial activities
in the area of local plans, such as, encouraging the growth of small and medium commercial
activities and increasing resident involvement in the business sector as an economic resource.
The main economic resources that contribute to economic development in Klang are the
economic base and settlement patterns, commercial and industrial, tourism, agriculture, animal
husbandry and fisheries.

Next issues are, Placement of low-cost housing at the outskirts and Lack of or no public
utilities for specific developments at villages. According to Katimah Rostam (1988:20) cities
exist through a process known as urbanization or urbanization. Urbanization is usually defined
as a process of change whether population, settlement, way of life, work and economic
activities, human thinking or others towards the city. The rapid development of urbanization in
big cities in the modern era in the 21st century is becoming increasingly noticeable, especially
for most developing countries. According to Anuar Amir (2004) this is because urbanization
is considered important as a catalyst for the country's economic growth in addition to being
able to improve the standard of living of the population. According to the plan that has been
designed by MPK which is MPKLP they should ensure residents have access to adequate and
affordable places to live and ensure controlled and planned housing development planning as
well as preserving cultural heritage characteristics. How are they going to make sure their plans
go smoothly? is through the redevelopment of housing brownfield sites, the retention of

traditional villages as future heritage elements through the preparation of Special Area Plan
(RKK) and proposed rural settlement centre through the provision of centralized facilities.

After that, the fourth issue are, Klang Lack of Carbon City Application. Sustainable
cities are defined as places where people want to live now and in the future, where they meet
the diverse needs of current and future populations, are environmentally conscious, and ensure
that their lifestyle and consumption do not have a negative impact on the environment, preserve
their natural ecology, and contribute to a high standard of living. Sustainable cities are safe,
inclusive, well-planned, developed, and managed, providing equitable opportunity and great
urban services to everyone. Majlis Perbandaran Klang (MPK) has developed a Low Carbon
City Framework (2017-2027) to guide Klang Development towards becoming a low-carbon
city, similar to other Malaysian municipal councils. The Low Carbon Cities Framework
(LCCF) is one of the Ministry's 2010-2011 projects aimed at reducing the country's overall
carbon footprint.

Figure 3 shows MPK Low carbon City Team

These projects were led by a group of MPK officials. They have to ensure that all of
the action plans are executed and implemented smoothly internally and externally. To execute
and implement the low-carbon city initiatives in their township, an action plan has to be
planned accordingly. The objectives of the Low Carbon City Action Plan (LCCAP), the first
one is to have efficient, competitive, consistent, and systematic governance and work
procedures in managing a low-carbon city. To ensure at 5% reduction of carbon emissions by
the year 2027 (as compared to 2017). Next is to plan and control the city’s development to
achieve a healthy environment, suitable for outdoor recreational activities, and integrate it with
the principle of a green community. After that, investigating a low-carbon culture in the

Klang’s community to obtain a higher quality of the environment through maintaining and
conserving the environment. And the last one is to improve MPK’s image and to be
acknowledged at the local and international stage as a low-carbon city. MPK has also initiated
a few events and awareness of the low-carbon city initiatives. The awareness events such as
Electric Vehicle (EV) charger installation, Colloquium Low Carbon City event at Gold Coast
Morib, Earth Hour program at MPK Jabatan Perancangan Bandar, Energy Audit at MPK Office
and building, Energy saving campaign at MPK building, and many other events with
communities. according to the MPKLP (Replacement) 2035, the strategy to improve this issue
is to apply green development elements and low carbon cities in main cities in Klang district.

And the last challenges or issues that happening in Klang district is high rate of road
accidents and poor road condition and dangerous intersection.

Figure 4 shows district with the highest number of motorcycle accidents in Klang
Valley, Jalan Bandar and Petaling Jaya

Result from Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) Road Accident Analysis
and Database System (M-ROADS) in year 2008 shows that Klang Valley has the highest
number of motorcycle accidents and the second place is Jalan Raya Bandar and the lowest
number of motorcycle accidents is in Petaling jaya. From the result Klang Valley have 121
fatal cases, 215 serious injury, 120 gets injured, 3521 damage and total are 5347 accidents.
Ethnic groupings, monthly income, alcohol and drug usage, and road type were all significant
predictors of fatal (vs non-fatal) injuries. Alcohol and drug usage were shown to be the biggest
predictors. To minimise the number and severity of motorcycle-related injuries, poor and
middle-income nations must address factors such as motorcyclists, road user behaviour, and
the road environment, as well as pre-hospitalisation emergency treatment. So, MPK plan to
creating a comprehensive and effective transportation network system, such as, Proposed
Establishment of Accessibility Between Regions, Proposed Road Hierarchy Settings, Proposed

Construction of New Road Network and New Intersection and many more in MPKLP
Dimension 5: Efficient Infrastructure and Transportation System, 5 Sub-Strategies and 32

c) Sources of Local Government income.

The Majlis Perbandaran Klang (MPK) has many sources of income. Most of the sources
of income come from tax. MPK revenue sources are tax assessments, asset management,
licenses, cities planning, permits, penalties and charges imposed on the community.

The first source of income is assessment tax. As we all know, every local council in
Malaysia imposes an assessment tax provided residential units to the community. Therefore,
the assessment rate or assessment tax will come every Six months. nowadays improvements or
repairs to properties will impact on the assessment rate that can make the value of the
assessment rate increase as a state in the Government act, which is the assessment rate that
cannot be exceeded thirty five percent of the property value in a given year.

The second source of income is the asset management. The Asset management is one
of the sources of income in the Majlis Perbandaran Klang (MPK). The income obtained from
the management of this asset is by renting the council hall. Each council in the states that exist
in Malaysia have their own councils that are open to do event. Therefore, renting the council
hall is one of the sources of income at MPK. Local councils also have special properties such
as airports.

Besides that, licenses and permit. The definition of a license is a permit or pass from a
state authority to be possessed or used to do a certain thing, or carry on a trade. The license is
divided into two units namely licenses and permits. license has two types namely trade and
industry. Trade is the concept of selling and buying goods and services. Trade will also be
subject to a levy on advertising and store ads.

Besides, A permit is generally an official permission to do something or an official

document for give someone permission to do something important. There are many types of
permits, for example is festival permit, market permit, ads permit and banner permit.

Lastly is the penalty and charge. Penalties and charges will be imposed in case of delay
in making taxes payment, permit and license renewal of vehicles such as motorbikes, cars and
others. In addition, to detect errors, the operation team will check and then send notices to
people who haven't renewed vehicle license. If a person does not register for a license or does
not have a license, that person will be fined accordingly. Unlicensed licenses are also denied
because the land has to do activities outside the zone area. For example, land requested for

industry activity but the land is not under zoning industry. For charges, will be stated at
discretion of the immigration and prosecution unit.

d) Activities or program organized by Local Government.

Healthy and Prosperous Community Program with MPK

05th March- Klang Municipal Council Level Healthy and Prosperous Community
Program 2023 - Permai Village Park 3, Meru with the cooperation of the N42A Meru Resident
Committee. The program was inaugurated by Ybrs. TPR. Puan Noraini binti Haji Roslan,
Chairman of the MPK. The program with the community this time has involved cooperation
from KRT Taman Desa Permai 3, Meru and the Residents' Association of Taman Desa Permai
3, Meru who also act as joint secretariat in coordinating and making the program successful.
In addition to being assisted by Mr. Chow Pung Meng as Area Council Member for Zone
N42A. Various activities have been carried out such as aerobics, mutual aid, sports competition
with the community, upcycle competition, children's coloring, yellow glutinous rice
composition competition and batik fabric composition for women by PWB Meru. Free health
check-ups and dental check-ups are also provided in collaboration with Meru Health Clinic and
Meru Dental Clinic. The completion of the program was also completed with a Scammer
Prevention Briefing by the North Klang Inpatient Department (IPD) and a General Fire
Extinguishing Demonstration by the Kapar Fire and Rescue Station. Compound checks and
assessment tax payment counters are also provided by the Council to make it easier for the
resident community to make any checks or transactions.

KLANG - The MPK in collaboration with Agencies, the Klang Parliamentary Office
and NGOs organized joint efforts to clean up and give food baskets to residents around Jalan
Sungai Keramat, Kapar. Selangor State Industry and Trade EXCO, YB. Dato' Teng Chang
Khim and the Bandar Baru Klang assemblyman were present to jointly go to the field to clean
up the areas affected by the flood with volunteers led by the Deputy Speaker, Puan Elya Marini
Darmin as well as food basket assistance coordinated by the office of the Klang Member of
Parliament. The program started with the release ceremony of the getong-royong program as
well as a post-flood briefing by the MPK Environmental Services Director, Mr. Zaireezal
Ahmad Zainuddin to explain the initiatives carried out by MPK in assisting the cleaning
activities in the affected areas. Also present, Klang Member of Parliament, YB. Charles
Santiago, Klang District Officer, Area Council Members to the program today

KLANG, NOV 25: More than 500 visitors cheered the Klang Royal City Heritage
Festival 2023 organized by the MPK at the Kota Raja Stadium here, today. Its president,
Noraini Roslan, said the heritage festival, which has the cooperation of the Ministry of

Tourism, Arts and Culture, aims to introduce the history, heritage and culture of the Klang
community as a tourism product. "It is in line with MPK's desire and role to realize Klang as a
city that has the charm of history and heritage in accordance with the title of Klang Royal City.
"What's more interesting, this festival can increase the awareness of the young generation to
the customs and uniqueness of the race so that it can be inherited and not lost over time," he
said. The inauguration of the MPK Heritage Fiesta 2023 was completed by Borhan Aman
Shah's cultural EXCO. The two-day program saw a variety of interesting activities provided
including traditional food festivals, traditional sports competitions, tourism exhibitions,
cultural dance performances and craft art exhibitions.

PULAU KETAM- The Crab Discovery Walk 2022 program is organized by the Lion
Club of Mid Valley in collaboration with the Village Community Management Council
(MPKK) Bagan Pulau Ketam and the MPK gathered at SMK Pulau Ketam. More than 500
participants have participated in this program. The program was inaugurated by YM Tengku
Dato' Hishammuddin Zaizi Bin YAM Tengku Bandahara Azmah Shah. Also present and
participating in this 'Fun Walk' are Pandamaran Assemblyman, YB Tony leong Tuck Chee,
Deputy YDP MPK, Puan Elya Marini Darmin, Mr. Tan Teoh Teik Choon (Lions District
Governor 308 B1 Malaysia This 5 KM walking activity received participation from inside and
outside Malaysia including from Singapore. Crab Island is one of the most unique and
interesting tourist destinations to visit.

KLANG, 17 DEC: More than 2,000 people of various races including people with
disabilities (OKU) participated in the Footer Klang City Quarter Marathon in conjunction with
the last edition of Car Free Day 2023 organized by the Klang Municipal Council (MPK) today.
The program involves a 10-kilometer (km) run for the open and veteran categories, Fun Run
(five km) and Fun Walk Kasih Keluarga OKU (one km) starting from the grounds of the Centro
Mall shopping center here. Yang Dipertua MPK Datin Paduka Noraini Roslan said the event
in collaboration with the Footer company not only aims to foster healthy living practices, but
also to create unity and ensure that no individual is left behind in the development process. "In
the effort to achieve city status, we cannot leave groups that were previously marginalized such
as the disabled. They usually find it difficult to participate in any healthy activities such as
running and walking. "However today, we are bringing those who are made up of 10 disabled
associations with a special running route prepared. We see that they are happy to be celebrated
in the mainstream and feel the same joy as everyone else," he said when met. "MPK also
believes that cooperation with stakeholders will provide long-term benefits. This long-term

process will give birth to Klang as a dream city that provides quality services and satisfies the
community," he said. In addition to the run, also held in conjunction with the Vehicle Free Day
are exhibitions of various agencies and lucky draws. In the same program, the local authority
also contributed RM500 to 10 disabled organizations in recognition of the abilities of the
people involved.


In conclusion, based on TPr.Hajah Noraini Binti Roslan, Chairman of the Majlis

Perbandaran Klang, she said that the MPK has set a vision to make Klang a Royal City and a
Sustainable Heritage in 2030. In addition, provide quality services in Business Control
management activities, Land and Infrastructure Development Control, Law Enforcement,
Assessment and Rating, Support Activities and administration. MPK is committed to ensure
all strategic planning so that the Council is on the right track by setting a mission to implement
quality services, with integrity, as well as holistic City governance and planning by prioritizing
elements of heritage and history in line with the implementation of the ISO 9001:2015 Quality
Management System and Objectives. MPK is also committed to meet every legal requirement
including relevant acts, customer requirements, quality management systems and also all
requirements from interested parties related to the MS ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management
System. They believe that through this commitment they will able to meet the needs and
expectations of customers and stakeholders consistently in addition to being able to increase
the level of customer satisfaction.

In the nutshell, throughout the research in producing this assignment, we found that the
Majlis Perbandaran Klang is a developed city and very concerned about their citizens and
society. Because of the many contributions and responsibilities, they have given, this shows
that MPK is a local government that is disciplined when doing their job. besides that, in line
with MPK's vision and mission which is to provide the best service to the people of Klang has
been proven by the existence of various activities and always listening to complaints from the
people of Klang. Next, MPK's hope is to make "Klang a Holistic and Sustainable International
Township". Not only that, but the hope of the people of Klang who want a local government
that can carry out its responsibilities and provide the best and always be close to the people of
Klang. Also hope that MPK can maintain their objectives in Maintaining and preserving the
image of Klang as a Royal and Historic City, produce a more comfortable, balanced and safe
life, Make Klang the catalyst for development and Create a harmonious civil society.

In addition, we also hope that the planning they do can solve the problems that the
citizens are facing now. If they do not carry out their responsibilities properly, then the people's
hopes for MPK will be destroyed. Not only that, the name of the MPK local government will
also be tarnished throughout Malaysia and could lead to bigger problems if not prevented


Figure 5 Show the map of Klang District

Figure 6 Shows MPK job advertisement 2024

Figure 7,8 and 9 Show the pictures of activities or program that organized by Majlis
Perbandaran Klang (KPM)

Figure 10 Shows the building of Majlis Perbandaran Klang (MPK)



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