Lead Magnet Quick Step Guide

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Lead Magnet Quick Step Guide

Step One

Consider your subject matter. You cannot move forward without doing
this. Basically you just need to decided what you want to do and what
the end goal is. For example, I want to build a list regarding Twitter,
how to use it and how to benefit from it. Therefore I am going to
create a lead magnet on how to get more followers.

Step Two

Consider the title. The title is essential because the title in itself has to
pose or solve an issue a prospect may have or desire. The easiest way
is to create list. They are intriguing and interesting and number and
list are what people like, just look at your own social media feeds for
good example. So I am moving forward and creating a lead magnet
called 7 Ways To Get More Twitter Followers.

Step Three

Consider how you will produce the lead magnet. The two best options
are a video or a pdf. The quickest way is to record a quick video on
your webcam or phone. Just try to think outside the box in terms of
how you present to camera. Creating a PDF is also very easy as you
just have to use a word processor or even google docs (which is what
i’m using for this!)
Step Four

Colate the content. So far you have thought about your topic and
decided on a heading. That is half the battle. Open up google and do
a search for your title. Yes it really is that simple. Then open up a note
book. Skim through the google search, clicking on the pages and then
note down interesting ideas, concepts and phrases. Once you have
more than you need evaluate what you have. You may already have
populated your list based on your title. Next flesh out the single lines
with some supplementary text written by you. The content is now

Step Five

Create the lead magnet. If you are filming it, as i said think outside the
box. Try to be engaging and interesting and show your personality.
Think about locations, even if you are just filming in the garden or
walking down the street. Stand out. WIth the document you need the
grammar and formatting to be good. Use headings and subheadings
to break the page up. Think about fonts, colours and pictures if
applicable. Use www.canva.com to create great looking free graphics.

Step Six

Ensure that you have a call to action that drive people to return to you.
The best and easiest way is to remind people to check their email as
you will be sending then the follow up emails. But remember to give
them a good reason to check it.

Step Seven
Get the lead magnet online in a way that can be emailed. If it is a video
you can upload it to YouTube for free, however you will probably want
to embed the video onto a webpage to make it look more professional,
this will enable you to put a lot of other information and calls to action
on the page. You can then email the web link. If it is a document, if
you create it with google docs you can simply share the weblink to the
fil ensuring that people can only view and not edit it. Alternatively save
it as a PDF, then upload it to your own web hosting or dropbox and
share the link.

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