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The more correct way to do Lewis Counting Valence Electrons

Dot Structures (book method)

Lone pair electrons belong entirely to
 1. Get the sum of all valence electrons from the atom in question.
Resonance Structures all atoms. Ignore which electrons came 
from which atom. Shared electrons are divided equally
 2. Arrange the elements between the two sharing atoms.
 3. Place the electrons anywhere in the  (Valence electrons)assigned =
compound to satisfy the octet and duet rule.  ( # lone pair electrons) +
 1/2 (# of shared electrons).

Formal Charge Rules

Formal charge
To determine the formal charge on each The sum of the formal charges of all
atom, take the number of valence atoms in a given molecule or ion must  Most molecules have a formal charge of 0
electrons assigned to the atom in the equal the overall charge on that species. on all atoms.
molecule and subtract if from the number  If different Lewis structures exist
of valence electrons on the free, neutral for a species, those with formal charges
atom. on all atoms closest to zero are the
Formal charge = valence electrons of the All negative formal charges should be
free atom- valence electrons assigned on the most electronegative atoms.  H 1 electron on free – 1 assigned = 0
 O 6 electrons on free – 6 assigned = 0

HClO Ions
The one on the right is correct
 For ions, an electron is added for each
negative charge and an electron is
subtracted for each positive charge
from the total valence electrons.
 All ions will have a formal charge on at
least one atom

 Na+ would subtract 1 electron for the +1

 SO42- would add two electrons for the 2-

Molecules/ions with a formal
Resonance Lets look at ozone
 O3  A very important point of this method is
It may look like this Or it may look like this
showing that electrons don’t “belong” to
 CO any atom in a molecule.
 The electrons can “flip” places.

 NO3-
Data suggests it looks like both at the same
time. These are called resonance structures,
 CO32-
which are all possible Lewis Dot structures for a

What this means Stability

 Double bonds and a single bond are different  The resonance structure makes it like there
lengths. are 2 “one and a half bonds” instead of 1 Differences between Covalent
 Looking at ozone, you would expect one single and 1 double bond. Bonding and Ionic Bonding
oxygen to be closer to the middle oxygen than  This makes compounds much more stable
the other. or non reactive.
 Experiments put their bonds at the same length
that is somewhere in between the length of a
single and double bond.

Shortcut to determining type of

Major difference bond Why this works
 Covalent bonding is a sharing of electrons, Ionic  When a metal and nonmetal bond you get an
bonding is a transfer of electrons. ionic bond  Electronegativity- ability of an atom to attract
 Covalent bonds are between a small number of
 ~ something from the left excluding H bonds and hold bonding electrons.
atoms. with something from the right = ionic bond.  Elements with a large difference in
 H-O-H one oxygen bonding to two hydrogens
 When two nonmetals bond you get a covalent electronegativity will form an ionic bond,
 Ionic bonds are between a very large number of bond elements with a small difference will form
ions stuck together.  ~things from the right bond with each other covalent bonds.
 In NaCl every sodium ion is bonded to every =covalent bond.
single chloride anion near.  Metals don’t bond with each other.

Using the periodic table to
Electronegativity Chart What about the middle ground?
determine electronegativity
 electronegativity generally increases  What if the difference in electronegativity
up and to the right excluding noble isn’t large or small but in the middle?
gases.  For example H (2.1) and O (3.5)
 Fluorine is the most electronegative element  These elements form a polar covalent bond.
(4.0) followed by oxygen (3.5) and chlorine  Polar Covalent Bond- unequal sharing of
(3.0) and nitrogen (3.0). electrons in the bond
 Most electronegative elements are:  so the electrons stay around oxygen more
 F > O > Cl = N than hydrogen

Do any bonds have an equal

Polar covalent Bonds
 4 electrons occupy  Yes, (normally the same element) when
this cloud. elements are equally electronegative like O2
 Notice how much  In fact, anything with a very slim difference
larger the cloud is (less than 0.5) in electronegativity will
around oxygen as pretty much equally share electrons.
compared to  Nonpolar covalent bonding- equal sharing
hydrogen. of electrons in a bond

Why it is called polar Denoting positive and negative Dipole Moment

polar implies different ends have different charges Neither side is completely positive or negative,
 Dipole moment- property of a molecule
similar to a magnet. they are only partially positive and partially negative. where the charge distribution can be
HCl as a polar bond, meaning represented by a center of a positive charge
the electrons stay around Cl more than H and a center of negative charge.
 It is represented by this symbol

That makes this H and this side +

Chlorine - Chlorine H
side negative positive
 Positive center Negative center

So the dipole moment for HCl…
is represented like this. Note the positive charge is on
the hydrogen side, the negative on the chlorine side.


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