A Thank Letter

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A Thanks letter

Task 1

Dear Daniel,
Thank you very much for the wonderful vacation I spent with you and your family. Your mother
i such a terrific cook! I think I must have gained 10 pounds in just the week I spend with you. II
really appreciate you for taking time off from work to take me around and show me so many
interesting places. You are lucky to live in such an interesting area. I hope that soon you will be
able to visit my part of the country. Thanks you again for a wonderful time. Let’s keep in touch.

Read the above letter and rewrite more formally to give your thanks and you need

to add more detail facts to express your gratitude.

1. Thanks for picking you up at the airport
2. Thanks for their wonderful arrangement for accommodation
3. The food that they prepared for your every meal
4. Taking you to different places
5. Buying you the presents
6. seeing you off at the airport.

Task 2

Dear Viv,
Thank you very much for the beautiful garment you sent for Nadia. I love the colour and I should fit

soon now, so Ill he just right for winter. I did not receive your packet until last week when I returned

to Brissels after 6 weeks in England mostly with my parents and some time visiting friends in

London and Machester. My mother travelled back with us and stayed till yesterday. So I am now
readjusting to life alone in my flat with a baby.

Nadia is now demanding to be got out of bed, so I am afraid this is not much of a letter after all.

There is not much time for such personal pursuits in my new life. I do hope to see you again before
too long anyway. Meanwhile I hope all is well with you and Micheal.

With love from

Annie. Read the above letter and rewrite more formally to give your thanks
and you need to add more detail facts to express your gratitude.
1. Thanks for the colour
2. Thanks for the quality
3. Tell about your life with a new baby
4. Thanks for caring your family.

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