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Machine Learning Assignment 01

1. List and describe five real-life applications of machine learning, providing examples and
discussing the impact of each application on society or industry.
Machine learning finds applications in various domains:
1. Healthcare Diagnosis: Predicting diseases based on patient data, enhancing early detection and
treatment planning.
2. Financial Fraud Detection: Identifying fraudulent transactions, safeguarding financial systems
and minimizing losses.
3. Recommendation Systems: Personalizing content recommendations, improving user experience
on platforms like Netflix and Amazon.
4. Autonomous Vehicles: Enabling self-driving cars to make real-time decisions, enhancing road
safety and transportation efficiency.
5. Natural Language Processing: Enhancing language understanding for catboats, translation
services, and voice assistants, improving communication efficiency.

2. Describe regularization and its types for regression problems.

Regularization prevents overfitting in regression models by penalizing large coefficients. Types
1. L1 Regularization (Lasso): Adds the absolute values of coefficients to the loss function.
2. L2 Regularization (Ridge): Adds the squared values of coefficients to the loss function.
3. Elastic Net: A combination of L1 and L2 regularization, offering a balance between sparsity and
group effects.

3. What is linear regression? How does it differ from other regression algorithms?
Linear regression models the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more
independent variables by fitting a linear equation. It differs from other regression algorithms by its
simplicity and interpretability, assuming a linear relationship between variables.

4. What are the assumptions of linear regression?

Linear regression assumes:
1. Linearity: A linear relationship between independent and dependent variables.
2. Independence: Residuals are independent.
3. Homoscedasticity: Constant variance of residuals.
4. Normality: Residuals follow a normal distribution.

5. What is the difference between simple linear regression and multiple linear regression?
Simple linear regression involves one independent variable predicting the dependent variable, while
multiple linear regression includes multiple independent variables in the prediction model.

6. How do you interpret the coefficients of a linear regression model?

Coefficients represent the change in the dependent variable for a one-unit change in the
corresponding independent variable, assuming other variables remain constant. Positive coefficients
indicate a positive relationship, and negative coefficients indicate a negative relationship.

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