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English Workbook 2nd Year NAIM csecsscsosooorsensnesssnsocesee Teacher: School: .... Course: .. Vers sores Timetable: .csorsssscsseossoonsoeee Unit 1; “Good Manners” imperatives Should/Shouldn’t Adverbs of manner Look at the newspaper article. Find: a) the section it appears in, b) its title and ©) its author. Sa Caart cade ihre you planning a visit to a foreign Imagine you are in China and you country? Some knowledge of the {0 for dinner in someone's home. tive language is very important. You eat everything on your plate ‘but that’s notall,Leaming about the and yourhost gives you more Why ~jocal culture's important too, Here are is thist Bécouse eating everything, Some examples of interesting local ‘on your plate indicates you are still customs, hungry and you want more! trang have ee qulétcariages tn Japan, you should take your shoes ‘ nd then leave them at the door. mmablie phone cil andd In France, you should shake harids This isa very old Japanese tradition het Sate sto keep homes clean, You should when youmeet someone fort ee ee ee rans iam lonceape slaves ss oe each other onthe cheek= once on Ean parple at very polite. theleftandonce ontheright ‘They always say please’ ‘thankyou’ Solearn before you goto and'Tm sorry: They are also very communicate effectively and avoid quiet. In public places, theynever problems, And enjoy an additional speakloudlyormakealot ofnoise. benefit when you learn about This is whyehildrenare notallowed other cultures, you leenn more about in'séme resteurants:And onmost, yourself! AREAS: Read the article. True or false? » Work in pairs. Compare the customs in the article with the customs in your culture. 4. In China, you should neve y eee Complete the chart. eat all the food on your plate. 2. In Japan, you should clean - Othe Mycultare your shoes ome entering in China, eating i amperes omeone's home. everything on your plate 3. In England, people say indicates you want more. ‘please’ and ‘thank you" very frequently. 4, In England, people make a lot of noise in restaurants. 5, In England, you shouldn't use your mobile phone on quiet carriages. 6. In France, relatives kiss each other twice. Discuss. * The title of the article is Do it the local way. Why did the author use this ttle? “Learning about other cultures opens your mind to new ways of doirig things" Do you agree? Explain In judo, you to your opponent. to show respect In many countries, people when they meet someone new. Gorillas and bear: other. s often... each Another way to say 'goodbye' is to your hand. People Children usually to say ‘hello’ and when they are happy. .. their parents ‘goodbye! a) Match opposites. Pores quietly slowly carefully well patiently politely a. impatiently b, badly ¢, loudly d. rudely @. quickly / fast 4. carelessly b) Use adverbs from Exercise 2 a) and verbs from the box to make four true sentences about people you know. odrive sdance —* sing speak # walk erun epaint ask © wait mple: My brother runs very quickly. My friend Gloria can dance really well. a) Rate these examples of good and bad manners. Very OK Rude Gg To callteachers by their | first name, To point at someone. To speak quietly in class. d. To arrive fifteen minutes To. wait patiently for your. | late for an appointment To.use your mobile phone in a public place To taugh loudly in a restaurant . To interrupt when people are speaking, Suen t To shoutin class. b) Work in pairs. Discuss the examples in Exercise 3 a). I think It's very rude to shout in class. bd polite, lease call me Jane Don "te rude lOn't close the GOOF (See Grammar refer SB Use the verbs in the the classroom rules: Necessary: plete add Don'tif @ watch pox to com it — Gramwaar ©@ Complete the school rules with the affirmative or negative imperative form of the verbs in the box. chew behave run suse} “be show teal € Match the problem with the advice. Then complete with should or shouldn't, 4. {didn't pass my English exam, 2. lalways forget my books. 3. | find it very difficult to save money. 4, loften miss the school bus. 5. tim really tired these days. C] 6. I've got a really bad cold. Oo a, You. = write a note in your diary. b, You get up so late. ¢. You study more, d. You go to school today. 2 YOU re spend so much money on clothes, f. You. a tty to get more sleep. © Complete the sentences with an adverb formed from the word in capital letters. 4. She did her homework very Quick 2. Sam didn't do in Maths because he didn't study enough GOOD 3. They waited ,, for instructions, PATIENT 4, You should read the text before you answer the questions. CAREFUL 8. You shouldn't speak in class. LOUD 6. During break time students don't speak scones QUIET 7 She took her time and did her work SLOW 8, The teacher was angry with Jenny because she answered back «RUDE Circle the correct option. 4. She was very happy / happily when she received the gift. 2. This rule is not clear / clearly. Can you please tell me what it means? 3. He works careless / carelessly and makes many mistakes. 4. You should be polite / politely when you speak to a stranger. 8. The little boy smiled happy / happily at the tion, 6. The hungry / hungrily ion looked at the little boy’s ice cream. 7. The boy's mother did not shout angry / angrily at the boy. Tintired ‘Yeu should goto bet Billy’s got backache. He shouldn’t play football. To give advice we use should or \ shouldn’t + base form. N it's a lovely day. You shouldn’t play computer games all day. You should play outside. 1 Match problems 1-9 with advice a-i, Write sentences with should or shouldn’t. 1 I can’t study for my exams. a Look forthem, 2. I'm getting fatter. b Drink some hot lemon. 3 I’ve gota headache. ¢ Sit in the library. 4 Thaven’t got any money. ~. d Do more exercise, 5 T'vegotacold. e Drink some water. 6 I've lost the tickets. i f Geta job. 7 Thaven't got any energy. g_ Talk to your teacher. | 8 T've got a sore throat. h Eat something. ; 9 Ithinkthe lessons are difficult. i Don't talk. | 1 c. You should sit in the library. | 2 SEE eee eee eee Pearce =: | 3 | 4 | 5 6 Hs Spee See 8 yeeesaie ins 2 Look at the list. Write sentences with should or shouldn't. Tips for healthy living «Don't go to bed too late. at more fruit and vegetables eatlots of sweets. Relax. ©. Don't work too hard. + Walk to school. i «Don’t edtch the bus all the time, +» Goto bedeatly. © Don't drink fizzy drinks. * Dolots of sport, 3 Write sentences. Use should or shouldn’t and the words in brackets. 1 Billy wants to save money. (spend all his pocket money) spend all his pocket money. 2. Fin has hurt his leg. (play football) 3 Linda wants to geta 1 good school report. {work hard in class) Shue eee eeseeeeeee ee eeeeeeee EE eee ee eee eee 4 Penny wants to be healthy, (buy sweets and biscuits) She is 5 William wants to help his Mum and Dad. (tidy his room) — an cee Serene 6. The teacher wants her students to Learn a lot every day. (give lots of homework) She. Sree eeeeeeSeeee 7. The children want to speak good English. (practise alot) They. Seeded eee 8 Helen doesn’t want any breakfast. (take an apple to school) She E _ ae Unit 2: “/nterests” Comparatives/ Superlatives Like + ing Facu and John are visiting New York City & Listen and read. S22 John nn tired after walking for three hours. John Oh! Doyou remember the attack on the Twin Facu Me too, But this city fascinating! love the Towers in 2001? Well they are building the Statue of Liberty! It’s ninety-three metres tall. National September 11 Memorial Museum in {ts higher than the Obelisk in Buenas Aires that place. John Central Parks a lovely place, too, Do you have acu Wow! Impressive. t a similar park in your country? John Look at the Empire State Building, it has one : Facu Well, we have the Palermo lakes and the hundred and two floors! We can visit Tickets} Rosedal, But Central Park is about three square are twenty-two dollars b silometres. It is definitely bigger than our Facu Why don't we visit the Statue of Liberty? parks in Buenos Aires. Tickets are twelve daar. It5 cheaper. John What about the museums? John OK, but I'm hungry now Let’ have lunch firs. Facu They are great. | think the American Museum 2 of Natural History is more interesting than the # ¥eQuélugores compare Facu? Chelsea Art Museum. John What do you think about Little Italy? Facu Its nice, but Caminito in Argentina is prettier cand more colourful than Littl taly. Hey! What’ that? Cano expres esa comparaciin? Miceimgraconeneocr ‘sarin re & Now, listen and focus. 23 Facu The Statue of Liberty is higher than the Obelisk in Argentina Central Park is definitely bigger than the Rosedal The American Museum of Natural History is more interesting than the Chelsea Art Museum. Caminitois prettier and more colourful than Little Italy. @ Grammar View: Read and reflect. P vsomes COMPARATIVES par etablecrcmparacone ne dos bes, pesonas lugares, + Enlos adjetivos monesilabos (high), se agrega-e (higher) { The Statue of Liberty is higher than the Oelsk i extol Parks bigger than the Rsedl + Silos adjetivos bslabosterminados en -y (prety), se cambiala y por ler (preter) i Camino i prettier than Lite aly. + Enlos adjetvos de des 0 mds sobs, ulzamos more... than t + Enos adv monilabos: consonante + vocal -consonante (big) dupa la ui leray se agrega -er (lgger) | } The American Museum of Notuel History more interesting than the Cheba Art Museum, } See Grammar Reference, poges 95 and 96. © Quiz, Write T (True) or F False). GOOSle +e iafortsantion The Parané River is longer than the Nile River. Portugal s larger than Spain, j ] A plane ticket is more expensive than a bus ticket | The Eiffel Tower is higher than the Obelisk in Bs.As. Cl Light travels faster than sound. [ An Asian elephant is heavier than an African elephant. e Compare and use the adjectives to write sentences. 4. football / baseball (popular) in the USA Baseballs more popular than football in the. USA... b. Canada / Mexico (large) . acomputer / an MP4 player (expensive) d. Manu Ginébili / Lionel Messi (tall) e, McLaren F1- 386 km/h / Ferrari Enzo- 349 km/h (fast) £, Martin Palermo / Ariel Ortega (young) i | | “10 wel Mw &. Solve the quiz. Then, listen and check. 24 | a. Which cityis:inore crowded, Beijing or New York? ’b. Which invention is more modern, the telephone or the radio? c. Whiel filmis older, ET ot The Wizard of Oz? film is longer, Jurassic Park or Harry Potter? hich sport is more popuilar in England, football or basketball? hi. Which stadium is bigger, the Manchester United in England or Boca uniorsin Argentina?. = i. Which language's older, English or Latin? Which mountain is higher, Cerro Bayo or Chalten? Bejing or New York? nie nocnt iene a @ Put the words in order. @ Write the comparative form, a. sweater / red / big / beautiful bg bigger a beautiful big red sweater important b, films / two / German / boring short expensive ¢. car / expensive / black / American cheap d. stories / some / Italian / interesting / long te e. computers / modern / three / black ¢ Use the adjectives to compare. modern short - computer television red pene blue pencil a, This. computer.. ee oe car bicycle whale dolphin GP Purine words in order and make sentenes a, than / taller / Daniel ime /is b bigger /is / Argentina / than / Brazil ¢. is / she / than / stronger / hirn 4. older /is / than / Jonathan / Rachel e. Cris / Beto / shorter / than / isn't e@ Write sentences comparing the dogs. Use the cues. a. Rex / fast / Toby d. Pluta / old / Rex b. Pingo / big / Lulu e. Lulu / slow / Pingo «. Pingo / heavy / Toby & Pluto /light / Lulu In your opinion a, Which subject is more difficult, Maths or English? b. Which subjects easier, Arts or Technology? c. Which type of music is more popular, classical music or tango? dd. Which food is healthier, meat or fish? e. Which season is more attractive, spring or auturnn? Then, report Example: Three people think that Maths is more dificult than English, and two people think that English is move dificult than Maths. QP Create your own quiz, Use the quizin exercise 1 as a model. a. Which is 7 2 b. Which is 2 c, Whichis Et soos 2 d, Which is Het . ? e, Which is 2 e Now, report your findings. h Like + -ing She ....-. sleeping. Welike read HeTikes walking They like singing. ss CRS {See Grammar Reference 1, Extra Practice book, p. 2) 3 a) What do you like doing in your free time? Look at the references and tick (W) the correct column. ooking at shops Ranging around i watching TV ‘going to the cinema "stening to music ‘doing exercise | iaying video games i Gelting a tan ; +++ — I like it ++ Idon't like it very much, + I don't like it. b) Ask your partner questions about the activities in the chart. ies Az Do you like doing exercise? Bs No, I don't like it very much. t boring! Adverbs of frequency f siways usually often sometimes never always leave home early so Tam never late a) Think about what you do and write an adverb of frequency next to each activity. 1, read in bed .. 2. play computer games vere 3. watch TV in bed 4, be late for school 5, go out with friends on Saturdays 6. be nervous before an exam ..... b) Write sentences about yourself. | sometimes read in bed. How often...? and expressions of frequency How often do you see Tom? Every | day. Once a day. morning. Twice aweek, afternoon. Three times | a month, evening. Four times | a year ss TN RSET (See Grammar Reference 1, Extra Practice book, p. 2) 6 a) Write sentences with these phrases and the expressions of frequency in the grammar box. * gat a fot of homework * have history tests be absent to school * go on field trips + go on holiday + have art lessons | get a lot of homework every day. b) Use your own ideas to ask your partner questions with How often. Example: A: How often do you go to the cinema? B: About twice a month. 1 Read and circle. leh EQ 2 She likes diving 3 They like camping He doesn't like cooking. She doesn’t like diving. They don't like camping. 2 Look and write like, likes, don’t like or doesn't like, Bl ai lal lalalals gL¢@1¢ | lel¢@ 1 Emily ____likes_ dressing up. 2 Emily ond Jack _____ taking photos. 3 Jock dressing up. 4 Emily and Jock ____ collecting shells 5 Emily __ making models 6 Jack doing jigsaw puzzles, 7 Jack making models. \8 Emily andJock___ploying boord games. 2 Read and tlek (v) for True or cress (X) for False. 1 Som kes traveling 8 Sam doesnt like going sightseeing, [7] 4. Sam doesa’tike cooking. [7] & Som likes comping. (] 6 Sam doesn't ike diving. [7] Vy 1 Look, read and write. “Ealipcing sei cooking comping doing jigsaw puzzles. diving He doesn't like collecting shells. She likes ss Lee JP Aiesexcting.) she eH : cs ES) wm» 2 Read and write. 1 1 like taking photos. Is interesting. 2 I like camping. It's exciting It's 8 Idon'tlike _ It's 3 I don't like collecting shells. I's boring 4 don't like __ It's 4 | don’t like cooking, Its boring. 1A a) Choose two free time 5 fae) Son wom nse eS activities you like and J ee going dancing watehing TV Li one you don'tlike. (You 179 : can find lists of activities "9 hanging arid ——_lowerloading ruse. with Friends playing video on pages 7 and 8) Write 12//»g basket! them inthe blue boxes. /1/77g football —_-gotag tothe club games skateboarding thatting on MSN taking photographs b)Think of reasons why thletios gong 0 te cineme readng you like/don'tlike them. gwimving ere dang poltery CoG Write them inthe green ater ober ee boxes. ©) In the orange boxes, write notes about where / when / how often / with whom you do the activites you like. Hike * and Use the diagram as a guide to write a paragraph about the free time activities you like and dislike. Post your message on a Wallwisher OR Write a note and put it up in your wall. Read your partners'posts. Find classroom, Read your partners’ notes. someone with similar interests. Find someone with similar interests. ES, (Educacién Sexual Integral) © 4+ In groups of 4 make a chart classifying the following hobbies according to what girls and boys like doing. C cyciing aerobics football video games reading skateboarding ») swimming roller blading marcial aris hockey rugby dancing faking photos making models drawing going shopping fishing chatting watching TV collecting stickers az gis __boys both «2. Add one more word for each column, + 3-Read the concept of stereotype and discuss. “A stereotype isa statement about an entire group of people based on how we think that group acts or thinks, Stereotypes can be positive or negative. Stereotypes are never entirelly true, but many people think they Some examples are: ‘Women like cooking." ‘All boys like playing football.’ Can you give some more examples? © a Do you agree with these statements? Why/ Why not? © b+ Rewrite the statements so they are f Unit 3: “ Once upon a time... Simple Past With a partner, write the name of a film for each type. + acomedy + ahistorical film: + a horror fil * amusical: + a romantic film: + a science fiction film © a thriller + an action fim ® an animated film: What types of films do you like? Why? eakusatyy Match these words to the definitions. ‘ echaracter stars + producer “director extras * audience 1A is a fictional person in a film. 2. The cannes have very small parts in a film. 3. Asuna finds the money to make aim. 4. The. directs the actors in a film 5. The are the most famous actors in a film, 6, The watch the film Complete with words from Exercise 3. 1, Steven Spielberg is a famous film 2. Last year we were We appeared for two seconds in the film! 3, The film had lots of Hollywood but the didn't lke i 4, My favourite in Shrek was the talking donkey, He was really funny. Read the words and give an example of each. + i the acting great i ihe ending surprising i the special effects | amazing be | the music: “| really good awful. | thecostumes excellent’ horrible © the story interesting boring. | sie In Titanic the acting ie great. 22 ‘9. many, Steven Spielberg is the [most successful filmmaker of all times. Born on December 18, 1947, © he grew up With ‘is parents ond 5 thee sitessn Ohio and ater North ‘American states. “As a child, he was never Interested = in bis studies. His true interest was in 4 filmmaking and he used his family video -gamera to record all kinds of scenes and ‘rake amateur films, He sometimes ghowed them in hishome and charged adiission. His sisters sold popcorn. He “yas a child of great Imagination and he iked to impress his younger sisters uging special effects and props he ‘eeated. € Spielberg made his fist film when he was 12 years old, ‘When he was 16, he made a twochour science fiction film Shout an encounter with aliens. His father rented 2 local ‘nema to show the fim and in one night he got back the '$500 ie had spent making it. Read Steven Spielberg's biography. Match the titles to the paragraphs A-E. 1. Homemade films 2, Early days 3, A filmmaker in his teens 4, The personal life of a wealthy man A successful career > He applied to film school twice but he was not admitted becouse his secondary school grades were not high enough. He decided to get a job at Universe Studios and beganhiscareer working there, where he directed sever films and TV series. His fist bg hit was Jaws (1975), 3 Roror fim ‘bout a huge killer shark, it made him @ rmulté-millonare, an after thet Spielberg could do whatever he wanted. Then came such great films as Close Encounters ofthe Tid Kind (1977), the indiana Jones tioay (1981-1989, with a fourth part in 2008), Es The Extraterrestial (1982), Schindlers List (1993), Jurassic Park (1993) and its sequel (1997) and War Horse (2011) £ Today Spielberg is a billionaire, but he is stilla modest, private person. He enjoys a happy Family fe “vith his second wife, Cate Capshaw, the three children they had together, the two children they adopted, and the two children they have from their previous marriages ot viata eee EE Look at the text again. Answer. 1. Where and when was Steven Spielberg born? 2. Was he a good student? Why / Why not? 3. What did he use to make his first films? 4, Why didn't he go to film school? 5. Why was Jaws so important in his career? 6. How many people does he live with? Discuss. = + What events from Spielberg's life surprised you? Explain. * Did Spieiberg receive support from his family? Give examples from the text to explain your view: 23 Voaab lavy @ Complete the crossword. What type of film is number 7? 1. A film with characters made using a computer. .A film with songs. A funny film, . A film with adventure, cars, police, ete. . A film with a tragic or sad story. . A film with lots of suspense. PsPrenr Match the words (1-6) to the definitions (a-f). star director part extra characters Action! oo Pees role . Start acting! actor with a very small part | he/ she makes films very famous actor fictional people in a fiim wep pore 8 Complete the sentences with words from Exercise &, 1. When the film director says ‘ Action! 4 the actors begin. 2A tells actors what to do. 3. Nicole Kidman is a very popular film 4, Some actors always play bad Then it's difficult to play a good onel 5. My grendfather was an in Doctor Zhivago. 6. A famous actor usually has the most important in the film, Find the cinema words. Write + (positive) or - (negative) next to each adjective. amazing awtul surprising sad horrible boring interesting great 2h sig thirteen: He was always very interested in computers He attended university in 1973, He attended classes at Harvard, one of the best universities in the USA. This was an important time for him. He stayed at university only one year and then concentrated on his company Microsoft Microsoft started in 1975 and it developed very quickly. Microsoft turned into the biggest computer software company in the world i; Bill Gates married in 1994, Bill is one of the richest men in the world, but he is also very generous. He donated the money from his books to charity. 4. True or false? ) BillGates was born in 1965 ») He started programming in 1973 c) He stayed at university for two years d) Microsoft developed very quickly ¢) Bill Gates is very rich and very generous 2, Underline all the verbs in the past. What do they have in common? = 6vammay Past simple = to be ‘Study and complete the table. a b= Iwasin the front row. I wasn’t in the back row, Was he there? (No, he wasn’t, the cinema, You weren’t at home. snmaeft boring? Yes, it was. /No, it... They were fantastic. Werewelate? —_Yes,we......./No, we weren't, Tactedinacomedy I didr't........ina musical, Did he watcha film? Yes, he... /No, hie didn’t, She liked the acting, She didn’t like the ending. You went to the cinema, YouU........90 to the theatre. they buy a ticket? Yes, they did, /No, they (See Grammar Reference 3, Extra Practice book, p. 10) €} complete the sentences. © a) Circle the regular verbs. as (X8) eren't Arent Sisit 9. think 2have 6. go 10. make Bgive Zknow — 11, want : 1 2 a: Where last night? 4iseo @vsich — 8: 12......atthe cinema, a: Whet 9... the film? b) Match the irregular verbs to their 8: It¢....... that new horror film. It. past form. scary but we &...... frightened, 7 sas TaurLege with you? No, she & [al bought [al_}made fal] went {pL Jthought [eC gave fh] knew (cLJsaw [Jhad G1 sat Be Pronunciation c) Complete the sentences with the Regular past tenses past form of the verbs. Listen and repest. 4. We (want) to see a good film Wah RR Hat 2. She rere (G08) an action fi, wanted watched ved 3. He none (Qlve) me two tickets for the cinema. 4. They oon (Font) a DVD, 8 Listen and classify the verbs. Be We wn (watch) a video. 6. We........... (have) dinner after the film, Le Be She won (3 in the front row. 8 YOU oo - (buy) Some popcorn. 20 [MARE YOUR OWN WORKSHEETS ONLINE @ WH, ATOZTEACHERSTUFF.COM, DATE: NAME: PHONED WATCHED STARTED WAS NKDRLRIHHNAFP WPTANOHMITFPTLI ARRIVED LIVED. LOVED LOOKED WASHED WALKED TALKED SMOKED PROMISED AERBCWOMBNSF WRYWSXAKXDTL Dot Ai UPHAM PEt He Heal eA) AXSTRLHXCDRYV SKNHVOKOSHTE G@ZWIEEMENWED TALK EDDIDEDD EJDEVWASSCDF OTYGSSMOKEDH MLIVEDNSGADG 27 [a ohnny Depp | Jude Law : He (be) born in 1963 in Kentucky, U.S. He (play) | such films as Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow, Charlie and the Chocolate factory. In 1999 he (have) in He (be)______ born in 1972 in London, UK. He (have) his first television role in 1989, His most famous films (be) The Talented Mr, Ripley, The Aviator, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In 1982 he (publish) his first book, Hell Archives. He also (write) The Alchemist, The Devil and Miss Prym, Eleven Minutes, Veronika decides to Die. a daughter named Lily-Rose Melody. | Sherlock Holmes. Tn 2002 his son, John Christopher, (be) __ born. fee Paulo Coelho i Brad Pitt He (be) Born in 1947 in | He (be) born in 1993 in Oklahoma, U.S. He (be) married to actress Jennifer Aniston for 5 years, In 2006 he (have) adaughter, Shiloh Nouvel, in 2008 he (have) twins, He (play) in such films as Interview with the Vampire, Troy, Mr, and Mrs. Smith. Penelope Cruz Jennifer Lopez She (be) born in 1974 in Madrid, Spain. She (stort) acting in films in 1992. She (play) in Don Juan, Vanilla Sky, Fantan la Tulipe, Bandidas. She (be) born in 1969 in New York, U.S. In 1999 she (release) her first album On the 6. She also (play) in such films as The Cell, The Wedding Planner, Monster-in-Law. Britney Spears Patricia Kaas She (be) born in 1981 in Mississippi, U.S. In 1999 she (release) her debutant album Baby One More Time, Tt (be) very successful. She (get) married in 2004 and (have) two sons in 2005 and 2006. She (divorce) in 2007. She (be) born in 1966 in Lorraine, France. In 1988 she (release) her debut album Mademoiselle chante... In 2009 she (take) part in | Eurovision Song Contest in Moscow, Russia, and (finish) ina” | place. Reading @ Read the text, What is it about? a. A famous group of comedy actors. b, Comedy films. c. A famous musical group. “The Marx Brothers are probably the most famous group of film comedians ever. They made their funniest films seventy years ago and they are still funny today. 8 There were five brothers at the beginning: Groucho, Chico, Harpo, Gummo and Zeppo, but Gummo and Zeppo decided to leave the group. 10 NewYork at the end of the nineteenth century. Their parents were German | ‘The three famous brothers were born in | immigrants and their father made clothes, Groucho said that his father was not good at his job and his clients had one 15 trouser leg longer than the other! Their mother came from a musical family and the children all learnt to play instruments, ‘They often did this in their films. Gfoucho is the most famous brother with 2 his big moustache and funny walk, Harpo | doesn't speak in the films and Chico | always has problems. A Night at the Opera, | ‘A Day at the Races and Duck Soupare some of their best films. If you have the | 25 opportunity to see one, don't miss it! @ Circle the correct answer. 4. The Marx Brothers made very Gunnp/ serious films, 2. The Marx Brothers were born in Europe / America 3, They were bom around 1890/ 1820. 4, Their father made / didn't make very good clothes. 5. Some of them / All of them played musical instruments. 6. They never / often played instruments in their films. 7. The most famous brother is Groucho / Chico. 8, Harpo never spoke / played music in the films. © Find words or expressions that mean the same in the text. |. funny actors (line 2) comedians 2. in the 1800s (line 10/11) 3. mother and father (line 11) . work (ine 14) B . hair under a man’s nose (line 20) o 6. difficulties (line 22) Reading @ _ Read the text. What is it about? a. A famous group of comedy actors. b, Comedy films . A famous musical group, "Thne Marx Brothers are probably the most famous group of film comedians ever. ‘They made their funniest films seventy years ago and they are still funny today. 5 ‘There were five brothers at the beginning: Groucho, Chico, Harpo, Gummo and Zeppo, but Gummo and Zeppo decided to leave the group. ‘The three famous brothers were born in 10 NewYork at the end of the nineteenth century, Their parents were German |___ immigrants and their father made clothes, | \s trouser leg longer than the other! Their Groucho said that his father was not good at his job and his clients had one mother came from a musical family and the children all learnt to play instruments They often did this in their films. Gioucho is the most famous brother with 20 his big moustache and funny walk. Harpo doesn't speak in the films and Chico always has problems. A Night at the Opera, A Day at the Races and Duck Soup are some of their best films. If you have the 25 opportunity to see one, don't miss it © Circle the correct answer. 4. The Marx Brothers made very unny/ serious firms. 2. The Marx Brothers were born in Europe / America. 3. They were born around 1890/ 1820. 4, Their father made / didn't make very good clothes. 5. Some of them / All of them played musical instruments, 6. They never / offen played instruments in their films, 7. The most famous brother is Groucho / Chico. 8 Harpo never spoke / played musicin the films. © Find words or expressions that mean the same in the text. 4. funny actors (line 2) comedian ae 2. in the 1800s (line 10/11) 3, mother and father (line 11) 4, work (line 14) 5. hair under a man’s nose (line 20) 6. difficulties (fine 22) eyarnwnay @ Complete the sentences with the past form of the verbs in the box. 1. Last night, |... .rented......@ DVD. 2, Katie me tickets for the new film at the Odeon, 3, Hillary Swank an Oscar for Million Dollar Baby. 4. We a good film on TV last night 5.1 Crusaders was a great film. 6, They The Lord of the Rings in New Zealand, «#) Make these sentences negative. 1. | knew about the Marx Brothers! films, I dida’t know about. the. Marx..... others’ films... 2. Barbara went to Susie's party. 3, They thought the film was great. 4, She sat in the back row. 5, We bought some popcorn. Write questions in the past. |. What / you / get / birthday What. did you.gat.for your birthday? you / go out / yesterday . Where / Sally / have / birthday party What time / film / start How / you / meet /.boyfriend 3. they / walk / school / this morning Give short answers to the questions. Then write the correct answer. 1. Did you see Toy on the television last night? (Star Wars) Nou ldidn’t..L.eam Star Ware. Did Miriam go to London yesterday? (Liverpool) Were you at school yesterday? (at home) Did they have a dog? (cat) Did Jeremy rent a DVD at the weekend? (video game) Did you buy tickets for a comedy? (horror film) ¢ Survey: Ask your partner and complete. «a, How old were you last Christmas? . b. Were your friends late for school today? c. Was the last Maths test difficult? d. What was your favourite toy as a child? ere were only ter here weren't ay @ ‘Answer in your notebook. a. Where does Amelia live? d. How does she go to school? b. Isher town very big? e. Does she like her town? . Can she go shopping in hertown? «Is her town very diferent now? GD Complete the chart about Amelia's town. See Lis of verbs, page 96 [Population | there were 10,000 people. there are people Cinemas. Near Amelia's house Transport Schools. i | | f ” i GQ Grammar View: Read and reflect. P vutzanas SIMPLE PAST pera hota de stuacones tlds qu sudan ene pasado aro 0 ean Lesvos en psa puters oes Regulars seagrega-< o-ed tages: cambon gor compo f sit = visited go- went bs i play played seesaw are were proce ~ practised bud bu Ive~ lived moke-made i The Mayans ed 3500 years ogo j ‘Meweetio Metcotwe months ago. f Last week, we vite a website. ‘See Grornmar Reference, pages 93 and 94 pie Match the infinitives with the verbs in the past. Complete the sentences with some of the verbs in exercise 4. a, Yesterday, we __Went__ to the cinema and avery goad film! b. Before we went to play football, we oe all our homework. c. Last Saturday, | my friends and we ——-- a house on a tree, d. When they travelled to the jungle, they the area to get some water. a. visit went [1] b. see made [] c. explore dd €) d. make visited [a] e do butt =] f build sow C] 4. go wrote h. paint started i write painted J. start explored [J] e. Thelitle gi for her mother. @ beautiful picture @ Now, write these sentences with the verbs in the past. a. The French Revolution (start) in 1789. The. French Revolution started in 1789, b. Alexander Fleming (discover) the penicilin c. Leonardo Da Vinci (paint) the Mona Lisa. d. Steven Spielberg (direct) Jurassic Park, @, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra {write) The Quixote. £. Laszlo Biré {invent) the pen or biro. ay a Pitas Complete with the QD Look atthe pictures and write. correct past form. 90. went it City Zoo « 1980 City Zoo - At present a, INI98Q, there, were two lions but now, there. is @Q esterday, Use the prompts and write sentences. a. 1/ go / school / morning d. Atschool / we / study / for the test Lweat to. school in the morning. b. My sister / visit / friends / afternoon e. My father / be / at home, He / be / ill ¢. I/ play / football / inthe club £ L/ see / film / evening GQ Choose the correct option. a. Jusually went 7 go / am going to the cinema at the weekend, But last weekend, I stayed / is staying / stay at home. | was tl b, My best fiend sometimes played / plays / is playing football on Saturday evening, but last Saturday, he go / is going / went to a concert with his girlfriend c. Ibe / is / was at home yesterday. | play / played / am playing computer games. GP Look atthe pictures and describe, What dd Joh have in his bag yesterday? a. There, were. four. gens. s aA sens © Find the simple past of these verbs. 9° 0 | see visit write direct make do invent build discover c Ww c B M omiaam 7 e Now, fill in these sentences with the verbs above. a. The Apollo Xi______to the Moon in 1969. b. Columbus ______-. America in 1492. ___ Terminator, Titanic and Avatar. c. James Cameror d. LK. Rowling the Harry Potter series of fantasy novels. e, Thomas Edison ________— the light bulb. sid \s {1) what do you know about the story of Romeo and Juliet? Do you think these statements are true or false? | fe was wrieten by Shakespeare, 2 Its about the love between two cousins 3 Iisa happy romance. 4 Juliees family want Juliet to marry Romeo. 5 Romeo and Juliet get married. §2) Read the story and check your answers. Romeo Montague and Julict Capulet were living in it Verona when they met at a party. It was love at first sight. ‘Their families were enemies so the young couple could not meet in the open. 5 Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt, hated the Montagues. He was walking down the street one day when he met Romeo and his friend Mercutio, When they were fighting, Mercutio was killed. Romeo killed Tybalt in revenge. 10 To save his life, Romeo left Verona and went to Mantua, Juliet’s parents arranged for her to marry Paris, a friend of the family. Juliet was horrified She asked the priest for advice. He suggested a plan: she should take 15 a drug to make her sleep for a long time. Everyone would think she was dead. When she woke up, she should run away to meet Romeo in Mantua. The priest promised to write to Romeo and explain the plan. 20 When her family found her in the morning, she was lying in her bed.They thought she was dead, and took i: ‘The night before her wedding, Juliet took the drug | her body to the church. ' | | Unfortunately, Romeo never received the priest's (B) Read the text again and answer the letter He returned to Verona and saw Juliet’s body in questions, 25 the church. He, too, thought she was dead. He was so 1 Who was Tybalt? devastated that he killed himself. Later, when Juliet 2. Who was Mercutio? woke up, Romeo was lying beside her, dead. She killed 3. Why are they important to the story? herself too. 4 Did Juliet marry Paris? 5 Why did Romeo kill himself : 6 What happened to the two families after this tragedy? After this tragedy, the Capulets and the Montagues 30 agreed to stop fighting and live in peace. KEJJ= comedy, romance, ragody ~ Shakespeare has it alk: Doe Rain, BEES SERRE “PAST SLMPLE - Tene Verbs | 5 LS bean butid bring buy “catch began Dusit broudht hreouaciioe cane Nas were uses: v the Past Simple Quist vAMANIVE NEGATIVE Sent aidn't go Did 90? youwent | Youdidn’t He didn’t she didn’t 4 ie iedidn’t | You didn’ | | Yesrvou aia i “They didn’t go aa [ wevenetaare | bE i drinte Aenwer deseile '¢ The past simple of irregular verbs person Eg.:! went, she went, they went. Wirite these verbs in the past simple: Tobe To come Tocut To cat To drink To feet Tosleep To think To know Togive | To tell Lo throw © Yesterday Mary (go) to the concert. © Last night (not/be) cold, butit__{be) rainy © Last Tuesday morning my friends (bring) the car. © Lastweekend we {not/go back) on foot. © Markand Sue _ (do) their homework after lunch. © Myfriends (come} over after dinner. The teacher (know) them and (be) very happy. Build sentences with the words given and put the verbs in the past simple. easy / test / the /be ——_______—— © homey 11 o'clock / at / they / come © cinema /they /last night /go/tothe © book /of the / they / know /the story © washing up/do/my mother /the 3] of ff (irregutar verbs ) iu { Inregu a verbs PERGOLINIALINA Bigk an alse Base form Past simple | be was/were break broke | bring brought » build built | buy bought | catch caught do did | drink drank | drive drove © eat ate ) fall fell | Jeet felt | find found ‘oy flew | get got | go went | have had | hear heard hurt hurt know knew | learn learnt | tight lit | make made | meet met | pay paid © put put | ead read | tide rode | ting rang run ran | say said | see saw | send sent © sing sang sit sat | sleep slept | speak spoke | spend spent | swim swam | take took tell told | think thought | throw threw | wear wore | win won - | write wrote Irregular verbs Unit 4: “Making plans!” Countable/Uncountable nouns Future expressions € Look at the blog post. Who wrote it? What is it about? ec} fo Tasting food around the world \ Posted by Austin Coton Wednesday. November 2017 Hi, Pma travel writer and photographer: [really like my incall over the world I think half the fun of travelling is visiting new and the other half is enjoying new food! “When I travel, my favourite meal is breakfast. 'm fascinated by the various hich different cultures choose to begin each day. There is a choice ‘cheese and cucumber in Greece, meat pie in preeralin coffee, roast and eroissans in Argentina, or rice and fish in Japan. israel de breast options ove the tacliional English breakfast. Tr sonsst of toast, eggs bacon, tomatoes, beans, sausages and mushrooms seomoat varied choice to renew your energy and keep you going all day. ‘And then, after a hard days work, comes a relaxing dinner. ike eating out aan advional retauzanes where J can liscen to local music and eat ypical Fa And what can you have for dinner in countries around the world? Just tour everything. In the as few years 1 tied saviol and lasagne in Lely, aargoe (eas) in France, cobra in China, and afew bugs in Afican and eateobuntries, Lace some roasted ants in Nigeria and lot of fied grassho- ppers in Thailand, Sounds disgusting? Well what is disgusting for you is Ber clous for someone ese. Every cltute has its special customs. There’ no accounting for taste job because it takes places ways for every taste — yoghurt fruit, Shafa on Faeebosk secs niahcommemste coin siemens € Read the blog post. Use this sentence as a € Discuss. guide to express what Cobb says about the food in each photo. \Why is breakfast important? What do you usually have for breakfast? Do you sometimes skip it? + Why do you think people around the world eat different foods? | Cobb says, There's no accounting for taste! What does this mean? i In [country], you can have [food] for (meal]. Look at the post again. Answer. 4. According to Cobb, why is travelling fun? 2, What are the advantages of the typical English breakfast? 3, Where does Cobb usually have dinner when he travels? Why? 4, What food did he try in Nigeria? 5, Does he think that some people eat disgusting food? Vocabulavy €} Label each group with a food category @ Look at these quick meals. Say what from the box. food from Exercise 1 you need to make them. fruit «meat and eggs chips omelette * dairy products * seasonings, | vegetables * grains A ? milk / + yoghurt 4 * butter cheese ¢ in the kitches fish beet © / , chicken + \ } © Match the verbs to the pictures. eggs* / S 4. chop Sadd 5. mix 7 stir | 2 boll 4 fry — 6. peel Hs» apples * oranges ‘ 'h * bananas Nee * strawberries el carrots lettuce * tomatoes * onions * potatoes * salt * pepper + oil and vinegar @ Which meals in Exercise 2 can you prepare with these recipes? * mayonnaise were 1 2 pasta» $y : + Chop the + Peel the bananas bread potatoes, and apples. cereals © + Fry until golden + Chop them. rice * brown. + Add the ree + Add salt. strawberries. = Mix, Al 6yarnmar Countable and uncountable nouns <, milk singular apple plural apples (See Grammar Reference 5, Extra Practice book, p. 18) @ Countable or uncountable? 1. tomato 11. biscuit 2. bread Z cheese 12. hamburger 3. yoghurt 8. chip 13. vegetable 4.egg Q.pasta «14. strawberry 5. fish 10.banana 15. chocolate Expressing quantity ges There is an orange. There are some / a lot of oranges. There aren't any / many oranges. There is some / alot of rice. There isn't any / much rice. (See Grammar Reference 5, Extra Practice book, p. 18) © _ Look at the picture below and choose the right option. 4, There are a Jot of / some tomatoes. 2. There are a lot of / some strawberries, 8. There aren't any / manyapples. 4, There is a / some basket. 5. There is some / much lettuce. Asking about quantity ‘Ee ous 3 How many eggs are there? | There are some / alot. Ave there any eggs? Yes, there are. /No, there arent. How much rice is there? There is some / a lot. Is there any rice? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. roast (See Grommar Reference 5, Extra Practice book, p: 8) © Complete the questions with how ‘much, how many and any. 1. Do you eat ... vegetables? Yes, some, 2. ... fish do the English eat? A lot! 3. ... hamburgers did you have? Two. 4, Is there .., cheese in the fridge? Yes, there is, 5, Do the Chinese eat ... rice? Yes, a lot! .. sugar do you take in your tea? Just one teaspoon. 7. ... apples ate there in the bowl? Three. 8. Are there ... strawberries? No, there aren't. Lel’s buy some. What do computers eat when they are hungry? They eat chips! Vocabulary @ Write the names of the food. chicken as @® Complete the text with the words in the box. (veut eeticious «mix ety ‘love * restaurants Pe EaHnSEEESnennsnenesenenaeee ods My favourite '.. fad... is Chinese. | 2 rice. in Chinese ® : they the vegetables and meat into small pieces and ® them in oil, The Chinese also... different ingredients like ”,........ and vinegar, You must try the chicken. It's &.,. ! Complete the text with the words in the box. \ muebrgrah hamburger, dasal temloete ebcehreusreg tufri sdaal Complete the definitions with the words in the box. chop *boil *fty * peel 4. to cut into small pieces. 2. To... is to remove the outside of a piece of fruit or a vegetable, Stott is to cook in very hot water. 4, To is to cookin very hot oil 5. To is to putin another ingredient. 6. To snnsnnens i840 move a liquid using @ spoon. 43 Grammer @ Write the nouns in the correct column. { stea = chocolate * banana | toranges *onions — * chips i | sappie — * milk * cereals { | biscuit * potato * tomatoes | | erice carrot pizza | eeggs sugar —* strawberries | bread» pasta | orange, tea. | apple. @ =) Complete the sentences with some or any. 1, There aren't, ary, . vegetables. 2 Let's buy... pizzas. 3, We haven't got nik, 4, There are strawberries. ) Choose the right option. 1. He takes(@ lof oY much sugar in his coffee. 2. I don't drink some / much water. 3, There aren't much / many potatoes. 4, | eat a lot of / much biscuits. 38 <=) Complete the questions with How much? or How many? 1. How.much,. sugar do you take in your coffee? 2 : eggs do you need to make an omelette for four? 3. meals do you have a day? ae salt do you put on your food? 5. anus Chocolate bars can | have? Put the words in order to make sentences. 1, biscuits / you / How /do / many / want /? How. many. bleculte. do you want?. 2, eat /1/ vegetables / a lot of 3. many / in / There / calories / aren't / onions 4, much / do / How / sugar / you / in your coffee / take? 6. don't / much / We / milk / drink Complete with any, some and a Jot of. 1. Italians eat 2, | would like a sandwich. Is there bread? 3, Are you going to the supermarket? Please buy milk. 4, love this menu. There are varieties of pizzal pasta. 5. There isn't sugar. We can't 2 make a cake. 6. |want , Coke. Cnc Manuele ans the number in.the bub! eB Label e: h item correct | 8. happiness; 9, fear i 10. music | | 11. butter 12. horse A3. flashlights categorize each noun as countable or uncountable... | See oan) le | Gucoumtakle |, Complete the tal counted and they have a horse coffee nouns cannot be ‘counted and are always used in the singular, Present continuous - future plans b) Complete. Use affirmative, negative sty and interrogative forms. SIE We're giving a party at home. 1. Teu-Lee is taking piano leegons on Monday. ‘Tu-Lee ... piano lessons on Monday. She ... to the dentist on Tuesday. Her mother ... dinner on Wednesday. TeurLee and her mother ... shopping on Thursday. Y 5, They ... a sutprise party on Sunday. ‘ 6. TaurLee ... to a friend's house on | Friday. 7. What ... Teu-Lee ... on Sunday? She ... lunch with her grandmother. aes Is Melanie coming? Yes, she is,/No, she isn't. What are you doing on Saturday? I'm going shopping. {See Grammar Reference 5, Extra Practice book, p. 18) @} Study the box and complete the rules. © a) Complete your diary. Write your plans for next week. 4. We can use the present continuous to talk about .... 2, To form the present continuous, we use am/ is/ are+ 3. We can use time expressions with the present continuous. Examples: ... and © 2) Thisis a busy week for Tzu-Lee. Wey See Read her diary. Qo L Fay Free Mom works late, cook dimer! Footy, Shopping with Mom, boy oft. for Dad b) In your notebook, write sentences about your plans. fay. Goto Brenda's 430_ Dad's sorprise birthday party! ©) Tell your partner about them. ch with Gramie LG = Gramma practice 3. Alexia and her friends are going camping next Saturday. Look at her list and write sentences in the affirmative (7), negative (%) and interrogative (?) about their plans. 1 Ana / drive her father’s car. / 2 Pat and 1/ make the sandwiches. 3 Alfred / put up the tent. ? 4 Martin / come. x 5 Julia and Frank / take chocolate bars. ? 6 Ana and Alfred / buy the drinks. x 4 Putthe words in order to form sentences. 1 like / would / to come home / you / 2. are / the girls / at 8:00 / coming 3 what / next Saturday / you / doing / are 4 Megan and Sherry / videos / bringing / some / are 5 not / special / anything / I'm / doing 6 meeting / you / what time / are 7 there / OK. / Til be 5 Putthe sentences in Exercise 4 in order to forma dialogue. 6 Put the verbs in brackets in the Present continuous. We !___ {celebrate} Joaquin’s first birthday party next Saturday. All the details are ready. On Friday, Grandma *_____ {make} a big chocolate cake. On Saturday morning, Lucy and Jane 3_____{ouy| the balloons. A lot of friends {come} to celebrate this important event, 7 Ask questions about the plans for the birthday party and answer them with the Information in Exercise 6. 1 What / we / celebrate / next Saturday? 2 Who / make cake / jor birthday party? 3 What / Lucy and Jane / do / Saturday morning? 4 How many / friends / come to celebrate? 8 Fillin the blanks with words from the box. @ any aregoing isbringing iscoming | ismaking many _‘mborrowing My friend Elena ' for lunch tomorrow. She is a vegetarian, so she doesn’t eat * meat or eggs, I don’t know how to cook $___ dishes, just two or three things. 14_____ Mom’s cookery book to find 5_____ good recipe. Luckily, Elena 6 the dessert. She ”. a fruit pudding, After hunch, we ©&___ to the cinema. We will have a great time! ff. The future with going to Study and complete the table. Tm not, ww» to do it. Z HE'S waimine tO do it He vnnume going to do tt, Ts he going ened it? We're going doit. We aren’t going «do it. . we going to do it? @ a) Match the verbs (1-6) to the pictures (at (4. phone his friend 4. buy a CD 2, see a horror film 5, have a swim 3. play football b) Write sentences about what the people are going to do. ple: A, He's going to eee a horror film. 8 going to doit? a) Complete the rap. sclean help swash «tidy hoover iron take tim going to" my mum, She's the best in town, Tm going to” ihe house till Hall right down, I'm going to® the floor, I'm going to * the dishes, I'm going to ® the clothes exactly ke she wishes. I'm going to® out the rubbish every single day, But Im not going to” room whatever she may say. my b) 8% Listen and check. Then practise the rap together. Ask your partner questions about what he / she's going to do when he / she's 18. Use these verbs. ‘* leave home * get a job * go to university travel Are you going to leave hore? LA = Grarnmar practice 6 Write complete sentences about these future plans using going to. 1 she / go / beach / Saturday _She’s going to go to the beach on Saturday, 2. we / watch / film / tonight 3 they / play / football / tomorrow 4 1/ meet / friends / later 8 Billy / have / barbecue / Sunday 6 Andy / not come / party / weekend 7 we / not leave / today 8 you / go / holiday / summer? 9 he / fly / to Ushuaia? 7 Complete the text with plans or intentions using the correct form of the verbs in brackets, I've got a lot of things planned for this, weekend, On Friday night [ .amgoing tose _ see) a film with some friends. We 2 (watch) Planet of the Apes. Then, my best friend 3___ (stay) the night at my house. We *. (get up) early on Saturday and we §_____ {play} tennis. The match starts at 10.00. 1. (nave) lunch at home and then!” (go) shopping in the afternoon. In the evening we @___ {have} a party. On Sunday rh! {rest} and I ®______ {do} my homework ~ write about my weekend! & Askquestions about Jenny's plans. 1 Where / go? 2 How / travel? 3 Who / go with? 4 Where / stay? 8 How long / stay? 6 What / do there? 9 Match questions in Exercise 8 to the following answers. a They're going to meet friends. Oo bb She's going to go to Mendoza. oO © Aweek, Q di With her sisters, oO e By car. O oO £ They're going to stay at a hotel. 10 What about you? What are you going to do...2 1 this evening for your mother 2 tomorow morning at home 3 next Saturday with your friends 4, with your grandma / grandpa at the weekend 5 in December with your family or friends 49 Plans and Intentions A- Complete the questions. Use going to. a) What tonight? They are going to play cards at Tom’s house. b) Where junch today? Me? At Burger King. c) When his homework? He’s going to do it after dinner. a) eee ‘TV this evening? No, I'm not. I'm going to read my new book. ¢) What your mother for her birthday? 1) I'm going to give her flowers. a) >) ° ° a) b) ° a) e) 9) Correct the mistakes. ‘They not going away on holiday. Do you going to the cinema tomorrow? {I’m not go get married when I grow up. She going to buy a new pair of jeans. Complete the sentences with going to. 1 (not/spend) the weekend sitting at home. 1 (visit) my cousins who live on the coast. Mom . {not/ make) dinner tonight. We have to make it ourselves. My sister (be) a dentist when she grows up. Ray ___ (help) me with my homework tomorrow, We (attend) a training course next month. My friends: (organise) a surprise party for Sarah. 1 (apply) for a job in London when I finish school. Affirmative Negative Questions and short answers. T/You/We/They goto the 1/You/Mle/They don’t go tothe cub, Dolgoto the club? Yes,1 do./No, don’t. beach. He/She/It doesn't goto the club. Does shé go to Yes,she does. He/She/tt goes to the beach. don't = donot dosn't = doesnot the beach? No, she doesn't. may CORE Questions and short answers Tm going to work. Tm not going to travel. ‘Am going to study? Yes,Tam./Nof'mnot. He/She/It’s going to work, He/She/It isn't going to travel. Ise going to study? Yesheis./No,he isn't. ‘You/We/They're going to You/We/They aren't going to Are they going to Yes, they are. No, they aren't. Negative Questions and short answers Tim staying at home this 'm not going shopping tomorrow. AmIcooklng tonight? Yes, am./NoI'mnot. weekend, He/She/It isn’t going shopping ‘Is he cooking tonight? Yes, hei./No,he isn't. |p He/She/'It’s staying at home tomorrow. Are they cooking Yes, they are. this weekend You/We/They aren't going tonight? No, they aren't. You/We/They're staying at shopping tomorrow. home this weekend. He isn't sleeping. = He's not seeping. ‘We aren'sdaaping.= We're nt leping BARRE SSEERERERAEEREEY EY ae Goud Affirmative Negative Questions and short answers Tobe f ‘T/He/She/Tt was at home, I/He/She/It wasn't at work. Was it there? ‘Yes, it was./No, it wasn’t. You/We/They were at home. You/We/They weren't at work, Werewe there? Yes, we were, wasn't = wasnot_ weren't = were nt Nowwe werent Regular verbs I/You/ie/She/tt/We/They _1/You/He/She/It/We/They didn't Did youTike the Yes, Tid, liked the acting. Tike the music, acting? No, dide't Irregular verbs 1/You/He/She/Tt/We/They W/You/He/She/lt/We/They didn’t Didshe goto Yes, she did. sawa thriller the Imax cinema? _No,she didn't. Jago. yesterday|morning last night afternoon month year f] He Tikes walking. Do you like singing? They Tike reading. hat do you tke doing?

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