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A Detailed Lesson Plan in T.L.E.

Consumer Electronics Servicing – Exploratory

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. Identify the different types of electrical diagram;
b. Understand the key features and uses of the different types of electrical diagram;
c. Interpret different types of electrical diagram;
d. Appreciate the importance of knowledge in identifying, understanding and interpreting
different types of electrical diagram.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Types of Electrical Diagram
Reference: K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology livelihood Education - Consumer
Electronic Servicing Learning Module pp 77-80
Material: PowerPoint Presentation, illustration boards, printed drawings of different types of
diagrams, cartolina / Manila paper and chalk
Values Integrated: Unity and teamwork
Strategies: 4A’s Approach (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, and Application)

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
a. Greetings
Good morning, class! I am Mira Gem Batang and I
will be your teacher today in your Consumer
Electronic Servicing subject. Good morning Mrs. Batang.
b. Prayer
Please stand for the prayer. Ryan please lead the
prayer. (Ryan will lead the prayer)
c. Checking the attendance
Do we have any absentees today?
d. Recall classroom rules. None ma’am.
Before we start let us first recall our classroom rules.
What will you do if someone’s taking in front?

Very good! Ma’am we should listen.

How about when you want to talk? Or if you have
Ma’am we should raise our hands to be
Very good!

B. Developmental Activities
a. Unlocking of difficulties
Let’s start exploring on this terms that we may
encounter during the lesson. We have here 3 words,
I want you to place their definition beside them and
read it to the class.

Troubleshooting – systematic approach to locate the

cause of a fault in an electronic circuit or system
Leakage - small undesirable flow of current through
an insulator or dielectric

PCB - insulating board containing conductive tracks

for circuit connections

C. Motivation
Class, have you ever seen a PCB module?
None yet ma’am.
Let me show you one.

This is a PCB module of a night switch. What did you

notice in this PCB class?
Ma’am the PCB have drawings.

Yes, it has drawings in it.

D. Activity
Are you ready to have an activity?
Yes ma’am!
Okay so I will now group you into 4 groups. Start
counting. (The students will count.)

Please go to your respective groups and form a circle. (The students will follow the instructions.)
Move quietly.

So here’s the mechanics of the activity.

1. I will give you card boards with drawings.
2. You need to analyze what are in the drawings and
answer the questions posted on the board.
Q1. What type of diagram are assigned to your
Q2. What kind of components does your diagram
Q3. What are the components shown in the diagram
that you have?
3. You are given 5 minutes to brain storm.
4. After 5 minutes you need to present your answers to
the class.
5. After your presentation, post the card boards you
used on the board.

Are there any questions? None ma’am.

Are you sure? Do you want me to translate the

instructions to our local dialect? No need ma’am.

Okay. Let me distribute the card boards.

Your five minutes starts now.

(after 5 minutes)
E. Analysis
Let us have the group 1. Group 1
Good morning ma’am, we are the group 1
and the topic assigned to us is the
Pictorial Diagram. It shows the pictures of
the actual components and wiring
connections although it does not provide
the exact size of components. It shows
exact shape in proportion to the actual
component or device. The components
that you can see in this pictorial diagram
are the tuner, speaker, PCB module and
shielded cables.

Thank you for that well-explained presentation

group 1. You may take you seats.
Do you have any questions class? Any clarifications? None ma’am.

Let’s hear the presentation of Group 2. Group 2

Ma’am we are the Group 2. And the topic
assigned to us is the diagram made of
blocks simply known as the block
diagram. This form usually uses block of
squares, rectangles or triangles to
represent components, group of
components or units of equivalent. Block
diagrams are particularly used to
represent internal components of an
integrated circuit. This diagram is
composed of the antenna, tuner,
detector, power amplifier and the
speaker, and this diagram is for radio
receiver system.

Let us give Group 2 a round of applause! Thank you

group 2. You may now take your seats.

Let us now give the floor to our number 3 Group 3.

presenters. Good morning ma’am, good morning
classmates. We are the group 3 and the
topic that was given to us is the
schematic diagram. It shows the
components used in their
interconnection. Each graphic symbol is
also accompanied with a reference
designation to distinguish it from other
similar symbols. It does not illustrate the
physical size, shape or chassis location of
the component parts and devices. The
components that we can see in this
diagram are antenna, diode, tuner, filter,
and speaker. It is also a diagram for radio
receiver, only that this diagram uses
symbols to represent the components.

Very good Group 3! You can now take your seats.

And last but not the least is our very own Group 4. Group 4.
Ma’am we are the group 4 and the topic
that was assigned to us is the wiring
It shows wiring connection in a simplified,
easy to follow manner. It may show
either internal or external connections or
both and is usually drawn as simple as
possible to trace out the connection of a
circuit. The components of the circuit are
identified by name or are represented by
means of pictorial illustrations that do not
follow any well-defined standard form. In
this diagram you can see three switches
and one fan regulator, two lamps and a
ceiling fan.
Thank you, Group 4.
You did a job well done. Give yourselves a round of
applause. Thank you, ma’am.
(The students will clap)

F. Abstraction
Class, based on the activity that we did awhile back,
what do you think is our topic for today? Ma’am our topic is about the different
types of electrical diagram.

That’s right. Today, we are going to explore the different

types of electrical diagram.

What are they again? Ma’am the four types of electrical

diagram are the pictorial diagram,
schematic diagram, block diagram and
wiring diagram ma’am.

Very good.
Let’s discuss the different types of diagram using this

Types of Similarities Differences Importance

Pictorial It is use for Pictorial diagram A diagram allows
Diagram different types uses actual the reader to
of electronic pictures of the gain an
products. components. understanding
Schematic It shows the Schematic on how the
Diagram connection of diagram uses circuit or
the different symbols in electronic
components. plotting product works. It
It does not show electronic is difficult to
the actual sizes components. locate faults
Block of the electronic Block diagram without
Diagram components uses shapes such diagrams.
Use to locate the as square, It adds
different rectangle, and knowledge of
electronic triangle as the processes by
components in representation identifying which
an electronic of different wire to connect
products electronic from terminal to
It identifies the components. terminal.
Wiring potential Wiring diagram It allows the
Diagram problems when emphasizes the assembler to
components are wiring mount the
not properly connections and correct
connected. the components component for
are identified by the electronic
its name or products.

The similarities and differences of the diagrams are

given there on the table but let us also focus on their
importance. To sum that up, electronic diagrams are
important for the success of an electronic product. To
avoid risk, and accidents of course we must be able to
interpret electronic diagram correctly.

Ma’am aside from the PCB module,

Any questions class? where can we usually see schematic

Schematic diagrams can also be seen in the electronics

laboratory as instructional materials. There are different
diagrams for different electronic products class. The
connections, components and design will be based on
the electronic products that you are going to assemble.

G. Application

In identifying the type of components that you are going

to use in the electrical diagram, you are going to apply
your knowledge in the different electronic components
that was discussed in your previous lessons in

Using the same groupings, we are going to have another

activity, applying what you have learned from today’s
topic. We’re going to have a quiz bee!

This is the mechanics of our activity.

1. I will give you card board, and chalk for answering
my questions.
2. After flashing the questions on the television I will
give you 5 seconds to answer.
3. After 5 seconds you all need to raise your cardboards
with answer.
4. The groups that got the correct answer will be given
5. The group with the highest score will be the winner
for the activity.

Any questions? None ma’am.

Good. Are you ready?

Yes ma’am!

Okay, Let’s start.

So here’s the diagram. Observe carefully.

(the students will have an active

participation to the activity)

1. What type of electronic diagram is this?

- Schematic diagram
2. How many capacitors are in the diagram?
- four
3. What does R means in the diagram?
- Resistor
4. What does IN represents in the diagram?
- Input
5. What component is abundant in the diagram?
- Resistor

Out of five questions, group 1 got 4 correct

answers. Let’s clap for our winners.
(the students will arrange the chairs)
Please arrange the chairs.

H. Generalization
Settle down now. Did you enjoy the activities Yes ma’am!
we had class?

Do you find those activities helpful for your Yes ma’am.

learning class?

In what way does those activities helped you By collaborating and brainstorming with
learn? our classmates ma’am.
Yes, two heads are better than one, right?
Yes ma’am.

Okay. So let us now summarize our topic.

How many types of electrical drawing do we

have again? Four ma’am.

And what are those?

Pictorial, schematic, block and wiring
diagrams ma’am.

Very good.
So can you give the key features of each
diagram class? Let’s start with the pictorial
Pictorial diagrams uses pictures of actual
components ma’am.

How about schematic diagram?

Schematic diagram uses symbols in
plotting electronic components ma’am.
That’s right. How about block diagram?
Block diagram uses blocks or shapes to
represent components ma’am.
And how about wiring diagram?
Wiring diagram emphasizes wiring
connections ma’am, and the components
are labeled by their name ma’am.
Very good. Now, can you enumerate the
importance of using the different diagrams
class? Anyone?
1. A diagram allows the reader to
gain an understanding on how
the circuit or electronic
product works. It is difficult to
locate faults without
2. It adds knowledge of the
processes by identifying which
wire to connect from terminal
to terminal.
3. It allows the assembler to
mount the correct component
for the electronic products.
What do you think will happen if you fail to
understand diagrams? Our products might explode ma’am. It
can cause accidents.

Yes. So we should be very careful because

there are many hazards associated in our
subject. The product may not function ma’am.
What else?

Yes, that’s right.

Are you now ready to take a quiz? Yes ma’am.

IV. Evaluation
Multiple Choice: Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answers in the space provided before the number.

1. A geometric figure usually used to represent a stage in a block diagram.

A. Rectangle C. Pentagon
B. Circle D. Hexagon
2. It is the process of illustrating various kinds of circuits and wiring systems.
A. Reference designation C. Freehand drawing
B. Electronic Drafting D. Mechanical drawing
3. This form usually uses squares, rectangles or triangles to represent components, group of
components or units of equivalent.
A. Wiring diagram C. Pictorial diagram
B. Block diagram D. Schematic diagram
4. Another name for connection diagram.
A. Wiring diagram C. pictorial diagram
B. Block diagram D. schematic diagram
5. It is a picture or a sketch drawn to show the component of a circuit and how these components
are connected together.
A. Wiring diagram C. Pictorial diagram
B. Block diagram D. Schematic diagram

V. Assignment
Answer the following questions. Write your answers in a 1 whole sheet of paper.
1. What are the rules in drawing electronic symbols?
2. What are the types of lines used in making electronic diagram?

Prepared by:

Mira Gem Candelario Batang

Teacher 1 Applicant

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