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Photograph (Sunset w/ two people)

- Senses of the Images? The image feels relaxing - the color of the sunset (light
orange) feels soothing to the eyes. Even though I can’t necessarily be in the
exact same situation, I can imagine hearing the wind flowing around, the sounds
of the ocean waves - just a peaceful day.

- What did the walk reveal between the image and yourself? I just like images of
sunsets, and the images are very nice. I do like to be in those scenarios where its
just peaceful with nothing really happening, especially nearing the end of the day
where after finishing my objectives to just relax. Nothing seems to be going on,
and I like days like that.

- What was it like walking and then talking about it? It's nice to reflect on what I’m
seeing with my own eyes, allowing me to see details of the photograph that I may
not notice while rushing to write. Writing right away removes some creativity,
especially if you have a deadline immediately after getting the subject to write

Overcoming Challenges

- Chemistry is so challenging to learn, and especially more advanced forms

of stoichiometry. There are a ton of back-and-forths when it comes to
calculating. A lot of the time, the steps towards solving it get so mixed up in
my brain that I may end up just forgetting or doing them out of order, or
confusing them for another problem. Sometimes, for me, it just was a
simple solution - allocating more time for it so I understand it better. You
have to see which classes are hardest and then allocate more time for

Freewrite (Write about anything!)

- I hate how the whistling sounds keeps hitting my ear every 3 seconds and
the alarm that’s going by literally matches the tune. How convenient is
that? Was it by chance? Probably not, but its nice to understand why it
happened. The noise stopped, but I bet its going to come back a few
moments during write ll of this or maybe not. Anyways, I went to
Disneyland a couple of months ago, and it was pretty fun. Considering I
never went there since I was young, it was nice to see a refresher on how
it felt being there during a time where I was much more wise on the
decisions I made. It also helps that i can read instead of being a toddler
and forgetting everything. The whistle noise have come back over and
over, but it seems i have to deal with it even though i absolutely hate it, I
think about whats gonna happen this class, but i just had chem 10
minutes ago, so walking here from there takes 8 minutes, but since i'm on
a crunch i have to make sure i walk that fast in order to get here. I have
nothing else on my mind, just trying to make sure I get to the day as
quickly as possible.

Freewrite 2 (Write about arriving some place late)

I’ve never really come to a place late at all, I believe. The most I’ve done is
rushing for a class (especially this class - from Buchanan Hall to over here is 8
minutes!), but I’ve never really been late. I’ve been exactly on time when I’ve
come through a door (sometimes extremely on point). I feel as if I’m really
extremely early. I tend to be there when no one is there, so it might feel really
quiet and feel awkward just sitting down with nobody to talk with. It’s nice to be
early to my things though. I don’t feel out of place (even if its in contrast to what i
said earlier). Everything is completely fine - although one day I’ll probably be a
minute or two late to this class most likely. I always make time for myself to get
there early unless I’m far from my next class inbetween.

Freewrite 3 (Mindfulness Activity)

I feel super tired and can’t really focus on myself, moreso anything else. I just
feel like everything is in motion, but can extremely focus on my work. I
understand that I have a bunch of “weight” so to speak, and am just lowering it bit
by bit. Lighter everytime I take a break, but maybe I just need an actual good
sleep. The last time I slept 8 hours was probably just yesterday, but even then I
still feel extremely tired. I still have to do more work though, so it's not really
going to stop anytime soon. If only I had another time to sleep throughout the

Freewrite 4 (Write “No Thank You”)

No thank you, I don’t really know what to say. This is a weird sentence starter to
begin with, with reasons being that it just sounds like I’m just saying no to
something that I dont want , especially when they offer me something. Don’t
really know who they is , but kinda funny to think about. I’ve said it so many times
in my life that its such a common phrase. If they offer me food, no thank you. If
I’m offered something I just don’t want, no thank you. I’m not stuck, bit its just a
weird thing to think about. What other phrases would have been something that I
said multiple times in my life? Hi, hello, any greeting i could think of, I got it.
Really, I don’t know. But, maybe if i don’t know, I should write no thank you,
because i am stuck. But then i know what to write about afterwards. Or do I?
Nah, its just an endless cycle of no thank yous before a yes, thank you would
come into play. Like if someone asks me if I want anything, or If i just paid for
food at a fast food restaurant.

Freewrite 5 - (5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1)

I can’t really smell, so I kind of can’t really finish the mindful activity, as I just
came back from a sickness I had for about 4 days. The outside looks great and it
doesn’t really feel that cold either. It might just be because of my thick shirt I have
on though. It feels nice to just walk outside and just wonder about things I had.
As for the picture, they look like they’re having fun outdoors. Smelling the air,
looking to find something, but to be fair, it is a big city. It looks to be in the
background, so it might also be really loud due to traffic. It also might have a lot
of buildings to explore. She might be able to see really small specs of people
walking down under her. Or, if it's just perspective that makes her look like she’s
on a building, then it's also really interesting. I could feel the walls, the ceiling, the
doors when I was walking, although not really taste anything.

WAW Chapter 3 Discussion Questions

1. The conversational inquiry sounds very much like the process of

creating and doing an experiment/survey. Exploring my question is
very broad in terms of what I'm trying to find, but it will be very
narrowed with the next P.B 1.3 I’m doing. With something so broad,
its actually very hard to pinpoint a specific question or problem, just
that it has something to do with the internet and the classroom. It
took a lot of time trying to actually find the resources that I needed
that also fit into what I wanted to know how much does the internet
actually affect the classroom.

2. The authors usually begin with an example of what they are going to
be talking about for the rest of the book. It shows what is being talked
about, while the authors try to explain why it occurs and if it's truly
helpful, while also doing polls or “experiences' ' - a gap that no one
really talks about - the students.

Freewrite (1/31) - (Four Memories of Silence)

Up in space where there is not really any sound, it would make you go
crazy. Hearing nothing when you know you should be hearing something is
such a freaky thought to have because you don't know what’s happening.
Of course, wearing a space suit would ultimately solve any problem you
may have, but its something. I don’t really have any memories of silence,
but maybe if I just go to sleep. Every single time I go to bed its so quiet,
and I also have to be quiet or I'm in danger of waking up someone, which
would be unfortunate. Just pure quietness to what I hear around me, too.
Nothing stands out and its just kind of boring.

In-Class Writing Journal

Conversations tend to be very fun to have. It lets you know how someone
might be feeling, what someone has been up to, and its valuable because it
helps keep us sane with someone to talk to, and even just hearing
conversations feels good to hear. They are the basis to any human.
Lectures are very informative - you have to listen to be able to understand
how to do something in the future. Educational lectures are like that,
personal lectures would be most likely due to who someone is to you, and
work lectures are informatie as well. I guess if lectures are
“conversations”, then I would have many educational ones. Work-related
conversations are something I haven’t done, but I would assume its also
very important to listen to, not necessarily evoking any emotions.
2/05 (Mindfulness Activity)

I feel very cold right now. Not really many things happening once I’m going
back to campus, but I also couldn’t quite catch the question myself, so I’m
moving to the next question! Funnily enough, the sensation is just me
being cold! Just want to get somewhere warm. Wasn’t able to finish up
work early since I feel in a slump recently but now I’m back at it. Also,
coincidentally, I was avoiding a specific question, but turns out that was
probably the best question I could have asked! Very important to
communicate things to someone - very!

Writing about the Articles & writing!

I wasn’t able to access Elbow’s writing, but I was able to read about
Schraub’s “Responding to Students’ Writing”. I would definitely include the
ideas that we are friendly readers when we review someone elses’ writing.I
can make suggestions, but blatantly trying to change a whole segment
would be rude. I do use this already, but it’s not something I do. But I also
can use this on myself. Second-order thinking is something else entirely
that’s new to me. Thinking ahead to the future to plan something out and
base my beginnings (in terms of writing) is something very useful! Having
to understand what happens when I do something before I even do it is
something useful.

“The Writing Process: Revision"

- Let go of perfection, and take care of revision

- Reviewing, evaluating, modifying.
- Make complete, not perfect. As long as it fits the goal, its good,
for first ideas.
- Also: Purpose, Audience, Context!
- Review
- Self-Review allows you to reread what things you might need to
change as you read it again.
- Critical Distance: ability to read and see if it works.
- Take time to review.
- Peer review has someone who reads it and brings in a different
- Expert review will make you see what closely resembles the
actual publishing process.

2/12 (Near a loved one? How does it feel?)

I feel less tense. I’m a very stressful guy and just being with them makes
me feel a lot more comfortable being tired and just being able to calm
myself down without anything else in mind (only one person) feels
absolutely great. Lots of communication and lots of feelings expressed
towards one another made us feel as comfortable as can be. It’s also
exhausting so maybe it's also a rest-up day! Both of us are just trying to get
into this calm mindset before our exams at the end of the quarter (and
especially, trying to focus completely on our exams now). The chain on my
pants that I have on myself reminds me to stay calm as well. Just a very
good feeling all around.

Revisit Dispositions Towards Learning w/ Project 1

● I feel like Project 1, for me, had a mix of good and bad. I was able to
see why I was doing this because social media has been a topic I
have been interested in for ages and talking about it and how it
affects writing seems very interesting. In self-efficacy, I tend to be a
person who thinks they can do anything, and it's helpful for such a big
project with many parts. It was kind of a mixed rush however, since
the amount of exams I had to study for, along with the difficulty of the
classes, made me extremely tired while writing this, so it might not
have been in the best of moods. I attributed most of this to myself and
the classes I'm taking. It involves a huge shift in thinking so it's a lot
harder than it may seem. During the project, I changed a lot. The
topic, the effort, and especially my problem-solving attitude. I was
very anxious and out of it as I continued on because the semester
just kept getting harder for me. It went alight at the end, however,
since I did make a specific day for me to write the draft.
● I thought mostly everything went well though, except for the tiredness
I had and losing focus a lot of the time. I just need more time to
understand what I’m writing, too. It's hard to focus when there’s a lot
of stuff thrown at me in different classes all together. Thankfully this
class is very fair so this class is definitely one of the positives.

2/14 (Talk about someone’s hair story - or anything about hair.)

● Hair is an interesting topic. Mostly because it doesn’t elicit any

reaction towards me. I don’t even remember mostly because I feel
hair color is not that important (although there are exceptions). I don’t
really feel anything, but speaking about haircuts, is the fact that I
haven’t had my hair cut in a long time. Whether it be me being busy,
or some other factors at work, it really doesn’t feel like anything, and I
rarely think about when to cut my hair. My partner thinks my hair
looks good so I’ll just keep it this way. Maybe I’ll cut more of my hair.
Just a trim! In the picture, they both look really happy. One because
of the fact that they had just trimmed their hair into something they
liked, while the other just is happy to talk about in their own job. It
feels nice to get a haircut when you do get one, though. Really cold

2/21 (Mindfulness Activity, after going outside)

● I noticed the clouds but I really couldn’t notice or think about anything
before then. I just kind of stared at them and it made me a bit sleepy
because I have needed to sleep for the past few days. I overslept
today as well, so I would have been late to class if I stayed in a bit
more than I wanted to. My muscles were very relaxed and it was just
calm. There were no students outside to be heard either so it just
seemed like a quiet day. Nothing of importance as of late except
having to study for the rest of the week.

Discourse Communities
● One community I'm a part of is the stem community. There are a lot of
chemistry talking points (mostly because of the fact I'm in biochem),
but they do a lot of group work with other group members to solve
specific problems via experiments, and they also write a lot of articles
that get published from day to day. Being in the dental community
made it so I got reminders on when I had to go help, what types of
training I had via email, and sometimes I got phone calls having to
check a specific appointment.

Freewrite 2/26 (What did I notice after hearing the music?)

● I felt very chill. It just feels like I'm studying. Put on some music in the
background and just keep going at it until I’m half awake and go to
sleep. Anything that has little to no lyrics or the instrument is bigger
than anything else, that is what tends to attract me to those playlists
that just make you more relaxed while you do something important
like studying for a midterm that you have, or just anything you have
on while being bored and having to find something to do. Just need a
few hours to look at my work or review any classwork is when I put on
any type of music most of the time.

● Threshold Concepts:
○ These assignments haven’t felt hard - they seem very
straightword and don’t really feel too complex, and it's the right
amount of things to learn what to do beforehand. However, they
can be ‘troublesome’ at times. Usually I need more time,
because I tend to read over the writing that I do. I might add a
couple of extra sentences, remove some writing if needed, and
just formally space out everything. Time-constraints make this
sometimes more difficult, having to find a way to use it.
○ I’ve definitely started to see the writing process as a lot more
than just fixing mistakes that I make. I’ve started to free-flow
and write a lot more in how I do things than to keep erasing the
ideas I have.
Mindfulness Activities

● I learned a lot in theory - but the weeks that go by ultimately make

everything seem like a blur. However, I do feel great having a break
and understanding how much around me that I have to complete or
accomplish. It seems like a good check-in with reality to see how
things are going and what I actually need to improve on. There are so
many things I have to do. It just feels like I know I have got stuff to do
and it helps understanding what I need to do.

Freewrite 2/28 (What have I learned about myself? Any insights during

● I feel tired. My words are getting messier and my feelings are just
very calm, a very funny juxtaposed feelings together. I just feel calm
because that’s what my emotions are when I’m tired. I’m constantly
working and yawning, and when I get the next break in a few weeks
after my final, I’m going to have much more of a good time and
especially meeting other people and having much more of a good
relaxing time where I can choose on when to sleep, not after a lot of
work that I would have to finish. Labs are probably the most work
intensive, especially since there is much more writing and data
collecting in that class where we have to use our brains to read
instructions, but when I feel super tired, that’s how it feels - just a
robot at work and not thinking about anything else. It’s similar to
tunnel vision and just not seeing other stuff around us. I have to do
more studying afterwards too, and it feels like a jumbled mess of work
I have to do.

Mindful Writing ¾ (What does your body feel?)

● My body is very tired and sore right now. So much walking over the
past couple of weeks going back and forth, and just a beating body
with a lot of stress. I just did my exam and had to rush over here with
9 minutes so I’m glad I had enough time to get over to class in a good
amount of time. Now I feel a bit cold being next to this window, but its
a nice feeling of finishing my exam and being about to study for the
future rather than when it’s actually time.
Reflective Letter
- Maya Kapoor talks about learning how to insert her own self, her
identity, into her pieces of writing. She wanted to make sure to make
readers feel that she is as passionate as they think she is.
- During her Project 1, she understood that she should add more
details about herself, not hide them from the world.
- Her words are impactful to the people who read it.
- She starts reflecting now that she learned it, and now
incorporates it into her everyday life.
- She changed her view on writing and the audiences, as
well as understanding her values are important to put on
- You can break down the steps in writing to make sure it
feel right and not overwhelming when you work.
- Starts to do a summary of what she learned.
- Understanding other people’s and her own perspective is
important to be very diverse.
- Bringing her personal experiences to the paper is the most
important - she believes and understands it is “valuable”.

Freewrite 3/6 (How/did you learn how to drive?)

- I don’t really drive, mostly because I just don’t want to. Most of the
time, it is just public transportation since it's theoretically cheaper
when I am a college student (free) compared to using gas and
wasting so much money having to fill up a tank. I learned how to drive
just mostly with my parents though. Seemed pretty easy and it was,
just learning the rules of the road was the hard part (and) messing up
here or there. I don’t really remember it being a tricky ride, but it
probably will be once I start driving more on the road and getting
accustomed to finishing up.
Freewrite 3/11 (Emotions? State of Mind? Thank Yourself.)

- I’ve done so many things over this past week, working along and
making sure I finish everything I need for writing in the next few days
to study up on my chem work, and I feel really good about having the
portfolio, finishing up the autoethnography, and the Project 1 Teacher
Draft in the next day or so. I feel great, especially since I fixed my
sleep schedule with my girlfriend so I feel more awake, especially
since I woke up at 8 AM with the sun shining around the room. I feel
ready to work to my fullest and hope to do good on my work! I’ve
been doing good recently, and now it's time to work 2x as hard to get
everything ready.

Freewrite 3/13 (Write about something you are good at / Rowing Picture /

- I’m very good at processing information, now doing my work on time

compared to before where I procrastinated, and from my change, its
helped a lot. I’m great at writing, especially when I’m in the zone with
no interruptions. I am very good at being honest with people - just
telling them very bluntly at something. I am very good at attentive
listening, even if I don’t even focus on a conversation - its almost like
my brain connects there knowing words people say without actually
even needing to focus on people. It gets kind of annoying though,
especially when I am working on something. The rowing picture - I
haven’t done anything like that.

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