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Sweden: History and Politics

Name: Inseo Oh

Q. The Vikings in the East: Discuss (some of) the consequences of the encounter between the
Scandinavians and the people living in the Russian areas.
The encounter between Scandinavians and the people in the Russian areas during the Viking
Age had far-reaching consequences that left a lasting impact on economic, linguistic,
political, and cultural aspects.
Economically, the Vikings engaged in extensive trade along the waterways connecting the
Baltic and Caspian Seas. This exchange of goods was mutually beneficial, with
Scandinavians offering furs, honey, and slaves from the North in exchange for valuable
commodities like silver, silk, and spices from the East. The economic prosperity resulting
from this trade contributed to the growth of both Scandinavian and Russian societies.
The establishment of trade networks also had cultural implications. The bases at Ladoga,
Riurikovo, Sarskoe, Gnezdovo, and elsewhere made possible a very profitable Scandinavian
trade with the Islamic world via Khazaria. 1 The development and growth of this trade can be
traced through the hoards of dirhams deposited throughout European Russia and the lands
around the Baltic.2 The Vikings, or Varangians, encountered diverse cultures, traditions, and
technologies during their travels. This cultural interchange enriched both societies,
introducing new ideas, technologies, and customs. The exchange of goods and knowledge
fostered a sense of interconnectedness, laying the groundwork for future collaborations.
Linguistically, the encounter left an indelible mark on the Russian language. Words of Old
Norse origin, as well as loanwords from other Scandinavian languages, found their way into
the Russian vocabulary. This linguistic integration reflects the depth of cultural interaction
and prolonged contact between the two groups. The assimilation of these linguistic elements
contributed to the development of a unique linguistic tapestry in the Russian areas.
Politically, the Vikings played a pivotal role in the formation of the Kievan Rus, one of the
earliest East Slavic states. Rurik, a legendary Viking chieftain, is often considered the
founder of the Rurik dynasty, which ruled over the Kievan Rus for several centuries. The
administrative and leadership skills of the Varangians contributed to the consolidation of
power in the region, shaping the early political landscape.
The introduction of Christianity is another consequential outcome of the Viking encounters.
Influenced by Byzantine Christianity, the Varangians played a significant role in the
Christianization of the Kievan Rus. This religious transformation had profound effects on the
cultural and social fabric of the region, shaping art, architecture, and societal norms.
Culturally, the encounter enriched the traditions and artistic expressions of both
Scandinavians and the Russian people. The exchange of stories, myths, and artistic

1 Sawyer(ed) (mandatory), p.145

2 Sawyer(ed) (mandatory), p.145
techniques influenced the development of literature, art, and folklore. The blending of
cultural elements created a synthesis that continues to be evident in the shared cultural
heritage of the regions.
In conclusion, the encounter between Scandinavians and the people in the Russian areas
during the Viking Age had multifaceted consequences. It not only stimulated economic
growth and cultural interchange but also shaped the linguistic, political, and religious
landscape of the regions involved. The Varangian legacy remains embedded in the historical
and cultural ties that persist between Scandinavia and Russia today.


1. Sawyer(ed) (mandatory)
2. Penguin historical atlas (mandatory 2)
3. BECKY LITTLE, “When Viking Kings and Queens Ruled Medieval Russia”, 12.04.2019,

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