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Jaden Peck

Professor Garcia

English 134

16 February, 2024

Persuasive Essay Proposal

The issue I want to pursue is the waste management system of Cal Poly. This is a topic

that I am very interested in learning more about. I want to know what policies Cal Poly has in

place for organized waste management. It is a big university so how they go about disposing

waste is very important to the city of San Luis Obispo and the state of California. My issue is

manageable because it affects me and other students at Cal Poly. It’s not too big of an issue and

definitely has both sides on how they are efficient at waste management and how they’re not.

This issue is local because it affects a small area of San Luis Obispo. I will use ethos to talk

about the effects of what non-proper waste management can do to a city. I can also use ethos

when talking about the students’ effects on Cal Poly’s waste management system. There are

many people that have a stake in the issue. It affects the workers of Cal Poly, students and the

community. The students are definitely affected by waste management because we want a clean

and efficient campus to live on and a clean community as well. The community is also affected

because Cal Poly’s policies that are in place for waste management also influence what the

regulations are for the surrounding community because they are probably similar. I intend to do

research on if Cal Poly has ever had an issue with waste management and the ways of how they

are continuing to be more efficient at waste management and being an eeco-friendly university.

This isn’t an opinion but as a biker, the acceptance of bikes around campus and SLO County are

very prominent. They don’t want cars to be used that much, as seen by the expensive parking
passes around campus. This affects Cal Poly’s carbon footprint in a good way with the use of

fewer cars and more bikes around campus and the surrounding area.

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