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Impactos das Mídias Sociais na Educação Brasileira

Preprint · January 2024

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30815.84647


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Antonia Edivânia Lima da Silva Canja

Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (UniCaP)


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Science Journal of Education

ISSN: 2329-0900 (Print); ISSN: 2329-0897 (Online)

Impacts of Social Media on Brazilian Education

Antonia Edivânia Lima da Silva Canja

Francisco Nicolas da Costa Silva

João Vinny Costa Dias

Luis Rhavi Almeida Silva

Luiza Naelle Lima da Silva

Paulo Victor Silva Eduardo

Pedro Moises Freire Santos

Maxwel de Oliveira Cruz

Department of Postgraduate Education, Catholic University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
Captain Antonio Joaquim Elementary School, Aracoiaba, Brazil.

Email address:

To cite this article:

Francisco Nicolas da Costa Silva, João Vinny Costa Dias, Luis Rhavi Almeida Silva, Paulo Victor Silva Eduardo, Pedro Moises Freire Santos,
Maxwel de Oliveira Cruz, Antonia Edivânia Lima da Silva Canja. (2024). Impacts of Social Media on Brazilian Education. Science Journal of

Received: 2024; Accepted: 2024; Published: 2024

Abstract: The research developed on the impacts of social media on Brazilian education in the teaching-learning
development process aims to present improvements and challenges in the teaching methodological processes at Escola Capitão
Antonio Joaquim – Vazantes – Aracoiaba – Ceará – Brazil, using social media as a teaching and learning tool for students and
teachers on how to apply such equipment in teaching, revealing, therefore, difficulties and advantages of this modality that
over the course of a few years has opened spaces for reflections on possible challenges in teaching practices , adapting them to
social trends and perspectives. The methodology applied for this study is qualitative in nature, considering that the
bibliographical research has an investigative focus. Through this, we identify the possible advantages and disa dvantages of
implementing digital culture in Brazilian schools, giving more direction to the use of social media to reach the
teaching-learning process of students within their respective life realities.

Keywords: Media social, Teaching, Learning, Methodology

The impact of technology on the profile of students, they

1. Introduction are always up to date and participating in the construction of
Over the last few decades, technology has advanced in the this process, electronic devices such as notebooks and
world of education and people training. Several courses were smartphones are already part of their daily lives, and
created and with them many changes in the process of automatically serve as a support tool in their academic
technological functionalities were adopted due to the training.
respective development of new processes. With the popularization of desktop computers and laptops
2 Antonia Edivânia Lima da Silva Canja: Impacts of Social Media on Brazilian Education

in recent years, there has been a huge boom on the Internet, (
expanding our students’ research and interaction capabilities. The new Generation of students is currently immersed in a
With the Internet, social networks appear as a famous social completely globalized world and integrated into technological
relationship tool incorporated into the culture of many environment from smartphones, TV programs, internet, email,
students, forming part of their daily lives. Instagram, and others, directly impacting theuir posture, ideas
Methodology to support the teaching-learning process. and positioning within the classroom and the environment
(Digital Information and Communication Technologies in the school environment.
school context), with students and promoting a real, GARDNER, Howard states that there is no intelligence, but
interactive, and safe environment for the contemporary rather múltiple human intelligences, that is, we will develop
student reality. countless simultaneous skills through múltiple, what guides us
In view of the above, it is necessary for public schools to is our current educational model within the classroom also
begin a process of adaptation and inclusion of social media as readapted and stimulated by these new skills developed.
an integral and participatory means of the teaching-learning The school as a transformative place needs to participate in
process, using tools such as TIDIS as (Digital Information and this new technological scenario and resources known as
Communication Technologies in the school context), TIDIC (Digital Information and Communication Techologies
interacting with students and promoting a real, interactive, and in the school context), through techniques and methodologies.
safe environment for the contemporary student reality. Teaching via networks can be a dynamic and motivating
The use of social networks in the community and school action. They merge in computer networks in they merge in
culture invites and encourages the development of techniques computer networks in the very situation of production and
that tend to be used in the learning process, contributing to acquisition of knowledge – authors and readers, teachers, and
their educational growth, as well as carrying out a process of students. The communicative possibilities and ease of access
digital inclusion and adaptation of students in practices and to information favor the formations of interdisciplinar teams
subjects. Current. He worked in the digital world. of teachers and students, oriented towards the development of
Research on the impacts of social media on Brazilian projects aimed at overcoming challenges to knowledge; teams
education seeks to present improvements and challenges in concerned with the arculation of teaching with the reality in
methodological processes in the teaching process at the which students find themselves, seeking a better
Capitão Antonio Joaquim school – Vazantes- Aracoiaba – understanding of the problems and situation found in the
Ceará – Brazil. Using social media as a learning tool, as well environment in which they live or in the general social context
as guiding teachers and students on how to apply and adapt of the time in which we live. [16].
their methods and content through digital media, revealing the When studying the concept of social networks in the school
difficulties and advantages for them, opening spaces for environment, we come across a world where we will have
reflection on possible changes in practices and methodologies diverse positive opinions and restrictive questions regarding
adapting them to social trends and perspectives. The their use. Therefore, we will have teachers resistant to this new
methodology applied is a qualitative approach with form of learning and interaction, arguing about its functional
bibliographical research as its investigative focus. As a power and its real contribution to the learning process. On the
product of the work, we identified the advantages and other hand, we also have the difficulties of school
disadvantages of implementing social media in the infrastructure that cannot provide its use globally within
teaching-learning process in the students’ reality. classrooms, however, it is worth highlighting that.
The impacts of this process (the use of the web and its
resources, such as sociais networks) on the social learning
2. The Impact of Social Networks on the capacity of individuals have led to the recognition that the
Teaching and Learning Process network society is modifying the majority of our cognitive
capabilities. Reasoning, memory, mental representation
Nowadays, we see the excessive use of social networks as a capacity and perception are constantly being altered by
way of communicating and sharing information within the contact with databases, digital modeling, interactive
virtual world. We define social network as: simulations etc. [4].
A social structure made up of people or organizations, It is also possible to take into account Gardener’s [14]
connected by onde or several types of relationships, who share perception regarding how school should be the place to
common values and objectives. Onde of the fundamental develop intelligence and help people achieve occupation and
characteristics in the definition of networks is their openness hobby objectives appropriate to the spectrum of intelligence.
and prorosity, enabling horizontal and non-hierarchical People who are helped to do this feel more engaged and
relationships between participants. Although one of the competente, and therefore more inclined to serve society in a
principles of the network is its openness and porosity, as it is a constructive way. [14].
social connection, the fundamental connection between Thinking about the possibility of developing various
people is through identity. A common point among the intelligences, consequently the effectiveness of new
different types of social networks is the sharing of knowledge, teaching-learning methodologies is notable, within the
interests, and efforts in pursuit of common goals. student’s current social environment, this new technology is
Science Journal of Education 2024; X(X): XX-XX 3

part of their coexistence and relationships structures inside cultural aspect already inserted within their educational
and outside the school. When there is greater interaction in reality.
this reality, the greater the chance of being ableto adapt Regardless of the implementation or not of the use of social
learning with the tool. networks within the educational context, this happens in a
The Spanish scholar [6] refers to the virtual community “as transparent way, where we observe communication devices
na electronic network of interactive communication, where the social network works between them, including with
organized around a shared interest or purpose, although subject pertinent to the daily life of the school such as tests,
sometimes communication itself becomes the objective”. He assessments, assignments and, in parallel, personal matters.
says that technological development provides appropriate We may not accept it, but this reality and interactions are a
support for communication. According to MARTINHO, the consequence.
network’s capacity lies in generating connection. Author’s Using social networks, we must target technological
emphasis: support resources as a complementary form of teaching
The density of the network is not directly related to the carried out within the classroom, including chat resources,
number of points that make it up, but to the number of forums, research, email, among others that are created and
connections that these points establish between each other. readapted daily in technological discoveries. We should use
This is the most important aspect and seems to prove that the social media in schools because.
network’s capacity far exceeds the mere sum of its elements. Just like Web 2.0 tools, social networks offer immense
FELINTO States that in the virtual environment, identity pedagogical potential. They enable group study, knowledge
becomes the result of a purposeful construction process, and, exchange and collaborative learning. One of the
in this way, subject would have complete freedom in communication tools that exist on almost all social networks
re-elaborating their personas. “The subject becomes his own are discusión forums. Members can open a new topic and
Creator; individual who not only produces new worlds and interact with other members by sharing ideas anyway, with so
beings, but who can also reinvente indefinitely.” much technology and free tools available on the Web, it is up
LÉVY: to the teacher to know to use them to attract young people’s
In the of knowledge, failing to recognize others in their interest in using these social networks favoring their own
intelligence is to deny them their genuine social identity, to learning in a collective and interactive way. [2].
feed their resentment and hostility, their humiliation, the GALLO presented positive characteristics in the use of
frustration from which violence arises. On the other hand, social networks as a teching- learning tool.
when we value others according to the varied range of their This wide range of topics, the exchange of information,
knowledge, we allow them to identify ia new and positive way, ease of use and high interconnection between users make
we contribute to mobilizing them, to developing them feelings Instagram a popular and successful tool among young people
of recognition that will consequently facilitate the and adults. The playful aspect through fun, relaxation and
involvement of others in collective projects. spontaneity means that Instagram is not also seen as a learning
environment but Rather as a relationship’s environment for
2.1. Research on social media use users, but many start to build knowledge through message and
According to data from e. life (monitoring, the discusión generate by groups virtual. In this sense, it can
consumer-generated media analysis and social media America function as na ally/partner, as it enables the meeting of people
and Portugal – Europe) research carried out in 2023 reveals with similar interests and múltiple points of view, favoring
that 97.5% of people access the internet to access social from communication and expanding cooperation and recognition of
their homes following a percentage of 60.2%, at work and others. [13].
school there is 25% access. When we analyze the functioning of a social network, we
Regarding the equipment and accessories used to access the observe various forms of interaction between different users
network, we identified that practically 70.5% access it from and have access to people’s behavioral, social, and private
smartphones, 60.9% form notebook and desktops, data. Your preferences and opinions on various subject’s.
highlighting the increasing practicality of several When we talk about “following” and “liking” within a social
simultaneous access points. network, people are encouraged to Discover new things,
Regarding the time spent connected to the internet, the investigate, and look for new information. Interaction within
study shows that a percentage above 40% spend more than 20 the school environment can make education participate in the
hours a week connected. Regarding the social media accessed, social life of students, following their diversities and realities
more than 67% on Instagram, 59% of people have accounts on outside the classroom, truly becoming more and more a
Twitter, 26% on TikTok and other platforms. modifying for more effective guidance, providing a teaching,
and learning process increasingly closer to the student’s
2.1.1. The Benefit of Using Social Media in Education reality.
According to the study, it appears that in contemporary Interaction within the school environment can make
times the social reality is different compared to some previous education participate in the social life of students, following
generations. Current students are part of a completely their diversities and realities outside the classroom, truly
globalized world where cell phones and the internet are a becoming more and more a modifying agent, having many
4 Antonia Edivânia Lima da Silva Canja: Impacts of Social Media on Brazilian Education

arguments and information for more effective guidance, lack of institutional and planning support are the most cited by
providing a teaching, and learning process increasingly closer authors. [15].
to the student’s reality.
2.1.2. Challenges in the Process of Using Social Networks 3. Research Methods
We will highlight some social media work within the The research was carried out within a theoretical structure,
classroom, such as the need for na alignment of the where the approach is qualitative and exploratory in nature.
pedagogical structures of how this process will be carried out. Bibliographic research with secondary data sources was used.
Resistance in access to use by Everyone within the school is Through the presentation of work data, discursive topics were
a factor that can make the process difficult, as the student is presented about social media within the teaching-learning
not obliged to have access to the internet at home, in addition process, from its advantages and difficulties faced by teachers
to the school not having access to the network. and possible resistance when working with social networks.
Disclosure of personal data and the lives of each student can The research was carried out within a theoretical structure,
generate another possible reason for criticism, as the where the approach is qualitative and exploratory in nature.
classroom must be a place of interaction with the student’s Bibliographic research with secondary data sources was used.
personal and social reality. Thorough the presentation of work data, discursive topics
As for teachers, there is great resistance to this culture for were presented about social media within the teaching-
several reasons, so many pedagogical, that is, components and learning process, from its advantages and difficulties faced by
items will be worked on within the network and what the teachers and possible resistance when working with socias
process of its limitations will be like. Another difficulty networks.
encountered would be the attempt to reinvente and innovate in Research points to na increase in the use of media within the
their class methodologies, generating the need for training and social lives of young people and people in general, which is
learning these new tools that would make a change in the part of their personal and professional circles, contributing to
blackboard process. (Whiteboard, brush, and saliva). people’s learning. The accessibility of access and points
According to studies by HARASIM, there are problems in presented in the research where equipment becomes
usability as well as in the software and hardware resources that increasingly adapted to work with social media.
will be used, (communication anxiety), explaining that
restlessness in digital interaction can harm the quality and
form of learning both for the student who generates na 4. Conclusions
expectations of having the information and the teacher who The study presented tools and processes in the school’s
shares the knowledge. The excess of information on the teaching methodology using social media as a working tool, as
network is the “infoglut”, the amount of information available well as guidance for teachers on how to use and adapt their
on the network makes the source of information difficult, such methods and contente within the concept of learning through
as the reliability or not, which can harm the student’s learning social networks.
process, problems in time management, often our activities Even the difficulties regarding progress demonstrate that
and distance interactions take up a lot of our time and there is a tendency to adapt the learning process within these
face-to-face activities, requiring greater Administration and new tools that are currently part of the student’s social life.
control of carrying out tasks on the network, such as The teacher must adapt to this new reality by developing
difficulties in preparing activities (conversations, work, etc) and learning new methodologies and ways of interacting with
which can be a huge difficulty for the teacher/student in na students. This work will serve as a basis for other research
environment without personal contact. continuing the subject with exploration of topics belonging to
The methodology used needs to be studied where Everyone this theme.
can Interact with Everyone else in the development of
activities, a spirit of competition Rather than cooperation
between students, it is important to develop the concept of Abbreviations
using tools as a means of learning and not competitiveness,
this is the main objective. Problems in establishing group TIDIS: Digital Information and Communication
dynamics, unequal participation of users, poor communication, Techonologies in the school context
lack of institutional and planning support are the most cited by
authors. [15]. ORCID
The methodology used needs to be studied where Everyone
can Interact with Everyone else in the development of
activities, a spirit of competition Rather than cooperation
between students, it is important to develop the concept of Conflicts of Interest
using tools as a means of learning and not competitiveness,
this is the main objective. Problems in establishing group The author declares no conflict of interest.
dynamics, unequal participation of users, poor communication,
Science Journal of Education 2024; X(X): XX-XX 5

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