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Integrative Zoology 2013; 8: 124–135 doi: 10.1111/1749-4877.


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6 Applying various algorithms for species distribution modelling 6
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11 Xinhai LI and Yuan WANG 11
12 Key Laboratory of the Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China 12
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17 Abstract 17
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Species distribution models have been used extensively in many fields, including climate change biology, land-
19 19
scape ecology and conservation biology. In the past 3 decades, a number of new models have been proposed,
20 20
yet researchers still find it difficult to select appropriate models for data and objectives. In this review, we aim
21 21
to provide insight into the prevailing species distribution models for newcomers in the field of modelling. We
22 22
compared 11 popular models, including regression models (the generalized linear model, the generalized addi-
23 23
tive model, the multivariate adaptive regression splines model and hierarchical modelling), classification mod-
24 24
els (mixture discriminant analysis, the generalized boosting model, and classification and regression tree analy-
25 25
sis) and complex models (artificial neural network, random forest, genetic algorithm for rule set production and
26 26
maximum entropy approaches). Our objectives are: (i) to compare the strengths and weaknesses of the models,
27 27
their characteristics and identify suitable situations for their use (in terms of data type and species–environment
28 28
relationships) and (ii) to provide guidelines for model application, including 3 steps: model selection, model
29 29
formulation and parameter estimation.
30 30
31 Key words: algorithms, machine learning, model formulation, model selection, species distribution models 31
32 32
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35 35
36 INTRODUCTION on the basis of data (mathematical representations of 36
37 their known distribution in environmental spaces) (Aus- 37
38 Species distribution models (SDMs) are also known tin 2007). They rely on statistical correlations between 38
39 as habitat models, ecological niche models, bioclimat- existing species distributions and environmental vari- 39
40 ic envelopes and resource selection functions (Elith & ables. Levins (1966) points out 3 goals of ecological 40
41 Graham 2009). These models use computer algorithms models: reality, generality and precision. Typically, only 41
42 to predict the distribution of species in geographic space 2 out of the 3 desirable model goals can be attained si- 42
43 multaneously, while the third goal has to be sacrificed. 43
44 This trade-off leads to a distinction of 3 different groups 44
45 of models (Korzukhin et al. 1996). SDMs are static em- 45
46 pirical models (i.e. phenomenological and statistical) 46
Correspondence: Xinhai Li, Key Laboratory of the Zoological
47 rather than mechanistic models (i.e. physiological, fun- 47
48 Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese damental and process-based) or general analytical mod- 48
49 Academy of Sciences, 1 Beichen West Road, Beijing 100101, els (i.e. theoretical and mathematical). They relate ob- 49
50 China. served presence or abundance of a species to values of 50
51 Email: environmental variables at particular sites. In contrast, 51

124 © 2012 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd, ISZS and IOZ/CAS
Review of species distribution models

mechanistic (or process-based) models assess the bio- mation about how much species might move in future 1
physiological aspects of a species to determine the con- climate conditions, and which climate variables might 2
ditions in which the species can ideally persist, usually impact the future ranges the most. 3
based on observations made in controlled field or labo- Many SDMs are easy to use, but researchers of- 4
ratory studies (Guisan & Zimmermann 2000). ten find it difficult to select the most appropriate mod- 5
The relationship between species and environment is el (or models) for their cases, and there has been sig- 6
complex (Pearson et al. 2006a; Morin & Thuiller 2009; nificant variability in model performance (Araujo et al. 7
Wiens et al. 2009) and overcoming the uncertainty of 2005). Some review papers provide insightful discus- 8
model applications is a great challenge (Patt et al. 2005; 9
sions covering broad aspects of model development and
Pearson et al. 2006a; Dormann et al. 2008; Fuller et al. 10
applications (e.g. Guisan & Zimmermann 2000; Guisan
2008; Cressie et al. 2009; Morin & Thuiller 2009; Con- 11
& Thuiller 2005; Meynard & Quinn 2007). However,
roy et al. 2011). In the past 3 decades, scientists have 12
knowledge is still required regarding which methods are
developed numerous models to estimate the relationship 13
best suited to the available data and the intended appli-
between species and associated environmental variables. 14
cations, because the advice enabling informed choice of
However, sometimes, different models provide diverse 15
methods is currently scattered throughout the published
predictions (Pearson et al. 2006a; Randin et al. 2006). 16
literature and is incomplete (Elith & Graham 2009).
Consequently, hybrid or ensemble model frameworks In this paper, we review up-to-date studies of SDM 18
were suggested to make reliable and robust predictions applications, and aim to provide intuitive insight into 19
of the potential distribution of species (e.g. del Barrio the prevailing SDMs for newcomers in the field of eco- 20
et al. 2006; Araujo & New 2007; McRae et al. 2008; logical modelling. We compare 11 popular models, in- 21
Coetzee et al. 2009; Morin & Thuiller 2009; Thuiller cluding classic regression models, advanced classifica- 22
et al. 2009b; Conroy et al. 2011). For example, BIO- tion tree methods, complex machine learning techniques 23
MOD (Thuiller et al. 2009b), a package of software R (R (e.g. neural network, random forest, maximum entropy 24
Development Core Team 2011), can automatically com- [Maxent] and genetic algorithm for rule set production 25
pare 9 SDMs and is able to suggest the best model (from [GARP] approaches) and hierarchical models. Our ob- 26
the 9 models) for any specific species–environment sit- jectives are: (i) to compare the strengths and weaknesses 27
uation. Several studies compare different models to ex- of the models, their characteristics and identify suitable 28
plore SDM characteristics (type of algorithms) and their situations for their use (in regards to data type and spe- 29
suitability (regarding interpretation ability and predic- cies–environment relationships) and (ii) to provide guide- 30
tion power) for the available data and the intended ap- lines for model application, including 3 steps: model se- 31
plication (e.g. Moisen & Frescino 2002; Brotons et al. lection, model formulation and parameter estimation. 32
2004; Segurado & Araujo 2004; Thuiller et al. 2004; 33
Araujo & Guisan 2006; Elith et al. 2006; Pearson et al.
2006b; Tsoar et al. 2007; Elith & Graham 2009; Aertsen MODELS 34
et al. 2010, 2011; Kampichler et al. 2010). There are a variety of SDMs available to predict spe- 36
Species distribution models are powerful tools and cies distributions based on the association of species oc- 37
are applied in many aspects of ecology, yet their outputs currences and environment variables. In this paper, we 38
are based on a number of assumptions. For example, in list 11 popular models (Table 1), describe their charac- 39
studies on biological consequences of climate change, teristics and highlight their strengths and shortcomings. 40
SDMs have been used extensively to estimate the cur- Generalized linear models 41
rent distributions and future range shifts of species (e.g. 42
Araujo & New 2007; Thuiller et al. 2008; Li et al. 2010) Generalized linear models (GLMs) are a general- 43
on the basis of the following assumptions: (i) the current ization of general linear models (McCullagh & Nelder 44
occurrences of the species are in their favorite habitats; 1989). GLMs were introduced in the 1970s (Nelder & 45
(ii) the species distributions are determined by the ex- Wedderburn 1972) and formulated in the late 1980s 46
planatory variables (e.g. temperature and precipitation); (McCullagh & Nelder 1989). The common types of 47
and (iii) the association between the species distribution GLMs are linear regression, logistic regression and 48
and the explanatory variables does not change in the fu- Poisson regression. Logistic regression is suitable for 49
ture (no adaptation). SDMs can provide valuable infor- present and absent species occurrence data and Poisson 50

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X. Li and Y. Wang

1 regression is suitable for species count data. The log-

Popularity is the number of references obtained by querying the database of the Web of Knowledge (Thomson Reuters) using the model names as key words for database
2 it link function for logistic regression and the logarithm
3 link function for Poisson regression enable the depen-
4 dant variable (indicating species presence or abundance)
Nelder & Wedderburn 1972

5 to be linearly related with a number of explanatory vari-

Hastie & Tibshirani 1986

Hastie & Tibshirani 1996

Stockwell & Peters 1999

6 ables. The explanatory variables of GLMs can con-

Friedman et al. 2000

7 Breiman et al. 1984

Phillips et al. 2006

tain interaction terms and polynomial terms, so they are

Breiman 2001a
Friedman 1991

preferable for nonlinear yet simple relationship between

Hopfield 1982

Wikle 2003
species and environment variables. All model parame-


subject, while publication year is restrained within 2000–2011. ‡The p/a indicates presence and absence data; p indicates presence only data.
ters of GLMs can be clearly interpreted with ecological
meanings. Applying GLMs requires careful calibration:
users must check the significance of each explanatory
variable and remove the non-significant variables (model
p/a or abundance
p/a or abundance

p/a or abundance selection).

Table 1 Popular species distribution models, history, complexity levels, popularity, types of species data and reference papers

Species data‡

16 Generalized additive model

Generalized additive models (GAMs) are non-para-

metric extensions of GLMs, thus providing the poten-


tial for better fits to data than GLMs (Hastie & Tibshira-
21 ni 1986). GAMs use data-defined smoothing functions

22 to fit nonlinear species–environment relationships. The

smooth functions are computed independently for each







24 explanatory variable and added to build the final model.

25 The number of smoothing parameters can be specified
26 by the users or default settings of statistical software
27 can be used; this number should be reasonably small to

28 avoid overfitting, and certainly well under the degrees


29 of freedom offered by the data. The interaction of ex-



30 planatory variables can be fitted by GAMs. The poly-

31 nomial terms do not need to be considered because the
32 smoothing functions already take into account the mul-
33 timodal species–environment relationship. GAMs are
34 useful when the relationship between species and envi-

35 ronmental variables has a more complex form not easily


36 fitted by GLMs (Yee & Mitchell 1991).

Multivariate adaptive regression splines
39 Multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) are
Genetic algorithm for rule set production
Multivariate adaptive regression splines

40 an extension of linear regression models that automat-

41 ically model nonlinearities and interactions (Friedman
Classification and regression tree

42 1991).
Mixture discriminant analysis

Generalized boosting models

A major assumption of linear models is that the co-

Generalized additive model

Maximum entropy method

Artificial neural networks

efficients are stable across all levels of the explanato-

Generalized linear model

Hierarchical modeling

ry variables. In contrast, MARS allow changes in co-

46 efficients, and are suitable when it is suspected that the
47 model’s coefficients have different optimal values across
Random forest

48 different levels of the explanatory variables. The break-

49 points or thresholds of coefficients are termed spline

50 knots. The regression with a number of spline knots


126 © 2012 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd, ISZS and IOZ/CAS
Review of species distribution models

can be thought of a piecewise regression. In MARS, the method for developing a model in a forward stage-wise 1
spline knots are determined automatically. In addition, fashion, at each step adding small modifications in parts 2
first-order interactions between variables can also be of the model space to fit the data better (Friedman et al. 3
specified. MARS are particularly powerful when there 2000). GBMs can be used for regression as well as clas- 4
are large numbers of explanatory variables and low- sification problems, with continuous and/or categorical 5
order interaction effects (Thuiller et al. 2009a). predictors. 6
Mixture discriminant analysis Artificial neural networks 8
Mixture discriminant analysis (MDA) is an exten- The concept of artificial neurons was first proposed 9
sion of linear discriminant analysis (Venables & Ripley in 1943 (McCulloch & Pitts 1943). An artificial neural 10
2002). Discriminant analysis is used to predict the cat- network (ANN) is a complex model system, involving 11
egories of the observations (e.g. presence or absence of a network of simple processing elements (artificial neu- 12
a species), based on the combination of the explanatory rons) that can exhibit complex global behavior (e.g. se- 13
variables. Linear discriminant analysis is closely related lect a site as habitat based on numerous environmental 14
to general linear model, which also attempts to express variables), determined by the links between the neurons 15
1 dependent variable as a linear combination of explan- and associated functions (Hopfield 1982). The key fea- 16
atory variables. Linear discriminant analysis was devel- ture of an ANN is that it contains a hidden layer. Each 17
oped in the 1930s (Fisher 1936). Advanced discriminant neuron in the hidden layer receives information from 18
analysis has been developed for nonlinear, nonpara- 19
each input, sums the inputs, adds a constant (the bias),
metric situations (Hastie et al. 1994; Hastie & Tibshira- 20
then transforms the result using a fixed function. ANNs
ni 1996). MDA is a method for classification based on 21
can operate like multiple regressions when the outputs
mixture models. It assumes that the distribution of the 22
are continuous variables, or like classifications when the
class of each environmental variable follows a normal 23
outputs are categorical. The accuracy of ANNs is main-
distribution. The mixture of normals is used to obtain a 24
ly controlled by the amount of weight decay of the links
density estimation for each class (e.g. species presence 25
and the number of hidden neurons. All model parame-
or absence). MDA can control the within-class spread of 26
ters can be optimized by new observations. As a whole,
the subclass centers relative to the between-class spread, 27
ANNs are nonlinear models but with so many parame-
by forming multiple normal distributions within 1 class. 28
ters they are extremely flexible; flexible enough to ap-
Generalized boosting models proximate any smooth function (Thuiller et al. 2009b).
ANNs usually require longer time for computers to pro-
Boosting methods are designed to fit many simple 31
cess than other parallel models.
models whose predictions are then combined to give 32
more robust estimates of the relationship between spe- Classification and regression tree 33
cies distribution and a set of environmental variables, 34
Classification and regression tree (CART) analy- 35
whereas GLMs seek to fit the single model that best ex-
sis was designed in the 1980s (Breiman et al. 1984). It 36
plains the relationship between species and environment
uses recursive partitioning to split the data into increas- 37
(Friedman et al. 2000; Friedman 2001). Generalized
ingly smaller, homogenous subsets until a termination 38
boosting models (GBM) have 2 algorithms: the boost-
ing algorithm iteratively uses the regression-tree algo- is reached (Venables & Ripley 2002). In a CART, each 39
rithm to construct a combination of trees. GLMs and group of records (species presence or absence data), 40
GAMs can be used in tree building. Boosting is used to represented by a ‘node’ in a decision tree, can only be 41
split into 2 groups. The heterogeneity of a node can be 42
overcome the inaccuracies inherent in a single tree mod-
interpreted as a deviance of a Gaussian model (regres- 43
el. It can compute a sequence of simple classification
sion tree) or of a multinomial model (classification tree). 44
trees, where each successive tree is built for the predic-
tion residuals of the preceding tree. GBMs can even- The best tree is a trade-off between a high decrease of
tually produce a good fit of the predicted values to the deviance and the smallest number of nodes. CART is
observed values, even if the specific nature of the re- able to uncover complex interactions between predic-
lationships between the predictor variables and the de- tors that may be difficult or impossible to uncover using 49
pendent variable is complex (e.g. nonlinear, interacted traditional multivariate techniques (Breiman et al. 1984; 50
or noisy with outliers). Boosting can be understood as a De’ath & Fabricius 2000). 51

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X. Li and Y. Wang

1 Random forest vironmental variable should match its empirical average

2 (average value for a set of sample points taken from the
3 Random forest is an ensemble classifier that consists species distribution) (Phillips et al. 2006). Like GARP,
4 of many decision trees, implementing Breiman’s ran- Maxent only uses presence-only datasets.
5 dom forest algorithm for classification and regression
6 (Breiman 2001a). To classify a new object from an input Hierarchical modelling
7 vector, random forest puts the input vector down each Hierarchical modelling combines different processes
8 of the trees in the forest. Each tree gives a classification (e.g. species habitat selection process and human detec-
9 (which is usually called the tree ‘votes’ for that class). tion process) using their joint distribution model (Wikle
10 The forest chooses the classification with the most votes 2003).
11 (over all the trees in the forest).
For example, there are 10 individuals at a site and we
12 Random forest is not sensitive to the problem of mul- observe 5 individuals among them. Such a result can be
13 ticollinearity; it handles correlated variables well (Brei- explained by 2 models: an ecological process model that
14 man 2001b). It runs efficiently with large databases, and associates 10 individuals with the environmental vari-
15 it can process thousands of input variables without vari- ables of the site; and a detection model that describes
16 able deletion; it provides estimates of what variables are the detection rate. The observed value (5 individuals) is
17 important in the classification; it is robust with miss- the product of the ecological process model and the de-
18 ing data and unbalanced datasets; it offers an experi- tection model. Thus, the hierarchical modelling frame-
19 mental method for detecting variable interactions (Brei- work makes a clear distinction between an observation
20 man 2001b). Random forest is one of the most accurate component of the model (which typically describes nui-
21 learning algorithms with high performance in predicting sance variation in the data) and the process component
22 species distributions (e.g. Iverson et al. 2008). of the model (which is usually fundamental to the object
23 of inference) (Royle & Dorazio 2008).
24 Genetic algorithm for rule set production
Historically, the observation component and the pro-
25 The genetic algorithm for rule set production (GARP) cess component have not been distinguished in model
26 is an SDM based on a genetic algorithm for developing formulation (Royle & Dorazio 2008). Hierarchical mod-
27 rule sets constraining species distribution (Stockwell & els have been developed in environmental sciences stud-
28 Peters 1999). A GARP model is a random set of mathe- ies (e.g. Berliner 1996; Wikle et al. 1998; Wikle 2003)
29 matical rules that can be interpreted as limiting environ- to combine the observation and the process components,
30 mental conditions (e.g. range specifications) and certain and are especially suitable for estimating the uncertainty
31 species–environment relationships (e.g. formed regres- of both data recording (in the context of detection prob-
32 sion patterns). Each rule is considered as a gene, and the ability and recording probability) and species occurrenc-
33 set of genes is combined randomly to further generate es (in the context of species–environment relationship).
34 many possible models describing the potential of spe-
35 cies occurrences. GARP is claimed to be robust when
36 dealing with smaller samples of presence-only data MODEL COMPARISON
37 (Costa et al. 2002; Stockwell & Peterson 2002). The relationship between species and environmen-
Maximum entropy method tal variables is complex and diverse. No modelling tech-
nique is best for all situations (Marmion et al. 2009).
40 The maximum entropy method (Maxent) is a general- Researchers need to know which modelling technique is
41 purpose machine learning method for modelling species suitable for the particular species they study. The SDMs
42 geographic distributions (Phillips et al. 2006). Maxent can be categorized as regression models, classification
43 can make robust predictions with its ‘default settings’ models and complex models.
44 without much effort in parameter tuning (Phillips & Du-
45 dik 2008). The rationale of Maxent is to estimate a tar- Regression models
46 get probability distribution by finding the probability Generalized linear modelling is the classic meth-
47 distribution of maximum entropy (i.e. most spread out od to quantify the association between species informa-
48 or closest to uniform), subject to a set of constraints that tion (presence/absence or count data) and environmen-
49 represent the species distribution (Phillips et al. 2006). tal variables. GAM can further fit data when multimodal
50 The constraints are that the expected value of each en- relationships exist between species occurrencs and envi-

128 © 2012 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd, ISZS and IOZ/CAS
Review of species distribution models

ronmental variables, so it is more powerful for complex Classification models 1

species–environmental relationships than GLM (Yee & 2
Mixture discriminant analysis (MDA), CART and 3
Mitchell 1991). Model selection (selecting the signifi-
GBM are classification methods, yet regression algo- 4
cant environmental variables and their polynomial and
rithms are embedded in these methods. Compared with 5
interaction terms) is usually the key step for GLM and
regression methods, classification models are much 6
GAM because insignificant or correlated variables, in-
more robust with the presence of outliers in the datasets. 7
cluding high order and interaction terms, influence the MDA is advanced discriminant analysis, allowing local
effects (the values of variable coefficient and their sig- 8
fit for every class by a mixture of a few normal distribu- 9
nificance) of other variables. tions. 10
Multivariate adaptive regression splines, similar to The CART is one type of classification tree model. 11
GAM, are more powerful than GLM. MARS provide an Classification tree analysis is similar to traditional dis- 12
alternative regression-based method for fitting nonlinear criminant analysis and cluster analysis. Discriminant 13
responses, using piecewise linear fits rather than smooth analysis predictions are reproduced by simultaneous 14
functions in GAM. MARS runs much faster than GAM multiple regression of predictor variables. The classifi- 15
(Elith et al. 2006). MARS can automatically quantify cation tree predictions are reproduced by separated sim- 16
the interaction effects, whereas GAM and GLM need to ple regressions, which have the recursive, hierarchical 17
define the interaction terms manually in the model equa- nature that builds up leaves and stems of the tree. Like 18
tions. In most GLM applications, only first-order inter- GAM, classification trees do not rely on a priori hypoth- 19
action terms are considered, which is simple. In con- eses about the relationship between species occurrences 20
trast, the interaction term in GAM is very complicated and environmental variables. The tree is built by repeat- 21
when the 2 environmental variables have a multimod- edly splitting the data, defined by a simple rule based on 22
al relationship with the dependent variable. The interac- a single explanatory variable. At each split, the data are 23
tion term in MARS is the combination of many simple partitioned into 2 exclusive groups, each of which is as 24
first-order interactions; the combination is the composi- homogeneous as possible. CART combines both regres- 25
tion of different interactions at different levels of the 2 sion trees and classification trees. Regression trees are 26
environmental variables, not the sum of additive effects like classification trees except that the end point will be 27
of different terms in GLM and GAM at the same levels a predicted function value rather than a predicted clas- 28
of environmental variables. sification. Breiman et al. (1984) invented CART and he 29
developed decision trees as computationally efficient al- 30
Hierarchical modelling usually combines 2 or 3 re-
ternatives to ANN. 31
gression processes. Essentially, it is a series of GLMs.
Hierarchical modelling incorporates the detection rate Generalized boosting models combine many simple 32
and estimates its variance, while other models assume models, whose predictions are then used to give more 33
that the detection rate is 1 (i.e. the surveyed abundance robust estimates. MDA, CART and GBM are non-para- 34
metric, and, hence, suitable for complex species–envi- 35
is the actual abundance). Consequently, the model per-
ronmental relationships. CART and GBM use recursive 36
formance of hierarchical modelling is substantially im-
partitioning for final model prediction; they can handle 37
proved. Since 2000, the term ‘hierarchical modelling’
numerical data that are highly skewed or multi-modal, 38
has been widely adopted and has become synonymous
as well as categorical predictors with either ordinal or 39
with Bayesian analysis (Royle & Dorazio 2008). In fact,
nonordinal structure. Over the past 20 years, CART has 40
hierarchical modelling and Bayesian analysis are con- become one of the most popular techniques for species 41
ceptually different. Hierarchical modelling emphasizes distribution modelling. Over the past 10 years, the GBM 42
model construction, whereas Bayesian analysis is con- has become one of the most powerful methods for pre- 43
cerned with technical aspects of inference (Royle & dictive data mining. 44
Dorazio 2008). They are just frequently used together 45
because Bayesian analysis is convenient for parameter Complex models 46
estimation for hierarchical models. The Bayesian meth- ANN, random forest, Maxent and GARP are com- 47
od is used to estimate the model coefficients of hierar- plex models. They formed frames that contain local 48
chical models because solving a few regressions simul- models (e.g. regression and classification) within their 49
taneously is sometimes difficult. structures. CART, GBM, ANN, random forest, Maxent 50

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X. Li and Y. Wang

1 and GARP have recursive parameter optimization fea- tributions for many species and regions. Maxent has
2 tures and, thus, are referred to as machine learning tech- good penalty functions (i.e. regularization) in parame-
3 niques. ter estimation to prevent overfitting. Regularization has
4 The complex models can extract hidden features from most impact when sample sizes are small (Phillips et al.
5 the input data. They are suitable when datasets with very 2004), enabling reliable predictions in such cases. In
6 complicated correlation structures are to be analyzed or most situations, Maxent outperforms GARP in terms of
7 when datasets contain many highly intercorrelated vari- prediction accuracy (Phillips et al. 2006).
8 ables. These complex models can reproduce minor de-
Cross comparisons
tails of the training data, which can result in an overfit-
10 ting problem, causing biased model prediction in other The predictive accuracy of different SDMs, includ-
11 regions or other time periods (Reibnegger et al. 1991). ing regression, classification and complex models, have
12 been compared in some studies (e.g. Breiman 2001b;
To detect overfitting problems, approaches such as
13 Elith et al. 2006; Meynard & Quinn 2007; Olden et al.
resubstituition (the data used to calibrate models are
14 2008; Phillips & Dudik 2008; Coetzee et al. 2009;
also used to validate them), bootstrap, data-splitting and
15 Elith & Graham 2009; Marmion et al. 2009; Morin &
independent validation can be used (Araujo et al. 2005).
16 Thuiller 2009; Thuiller et al. 2009b; Aertsen et al. 2010;
To reduce overfitting problems, approaches such as con-
17 Kampichler et al. 2010). For different cases (different
trolling the model complexity by using only the most
18 species with different geographical and environmental
predictive top ranked variables (e.g. Liu et al. 2011), de-
19 distributions), model performance usually varies (Segu-
veloping new algorithms to improve the generalization
20 rado & Araujo 2004), and no single model is best for all
capability (e.g. Bramer 2002) or controlling the data dis-
21 cases. In some situations, simpler models work best, es-
tribution skewness (Sun et al. 2006) are applicable.
22 pecially when the study area in small (e.g. at a mountain
23 Artificial neural networks are widely used in statisti-
cal estimations, classification optimization and control slope with monotonous elevation gradient). Aertsen et al
24 (2010) modeled the distribution of 3 tree species using
25 theory (Olden et al. 2008). CART is a much more effi-
cient machine learning tool than ANN. Random forest is 5 SDMs, and found that GAM was the best and ANN
a more advanced model and consists of many decision was the worst, compared with GLM, CART and GBM.
trees; CART has only 1 tree. Breiman (2001b) compares However, in general, the complex models have over-
the misclassification error of random forest and CART all better performance than simpler models (e.g. Prasad
using 10 different datasets by leaving out a random 10% et al. 2006; Meynard & Quinn 2007; Olden et al. 2008;
of the data for checking. Random forest was found to be Phillips & Dudik 2008), indicating that model com-
better for all datasets. Breiman indicated that the mod- plexity contributes to predictive accuracy (Tsoar et al.
el is not overfitting using a complex model (a forest) in- 2007).
34 stead of a rather simple model (a tree) (Breiman 2001b). All SDMs we discuss can use both numeric and cat-
35 Maxent and GARP are presence-only approaches that egorical environmental variables. GLM and GAM are
36 are suitable for most cases in which the true absence suitable for numeric variables because of their regres-
37 data is lacking. Theoretically, they fit models from pres- sion nature. MARS tends to be better than CART for
38 ence and background data, compared with other pres- numeric variables because hinges are more appropriate
39 ence-only models that either generate pseudo-absence for numeric variables than the piecewise constant seg-
40 data by sampling points outside the boundary of pres- mentation used by recursive partitioning. MARS usually
41 ence data, or strictly apply presence-only modelling (e.g. do not give as good a fit as GBM, but can be built much
42 BIOCLIM) (Phillips et al. 2006; Li et al. 2011). Maxent more quickly and are more interpretable (i.e. effect of
43 and GARP project the realized niche into a geographi- each predictor is clear). Complex models can deal well
44 cal space without giving weight to observed absence infor- with both numeric and categorical environmental vari-
45 mation, which could result in a poorer fit to the current ob- ables.
46 served distribution than the presence–absence approaches, For noisy, nonlinear and high-dimensional data, clas-
47 such as random forest and GBM (Pearson et al. 2006b). sification tree-based machine learning methods are of-
48 However, based on an extensive comparison of 16 SDMs ten suggested. For predicting the distribution of a bird
49 over 226 species from 6 regions of the world, Elith et al. species, random forest is best, CART is second best and
50 (2006) point out that the presence-only approaches, such ANN is the worst (Kampichler et al. 2010). Random
51 as Maxent and GARP, are effective for modelling dis-

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Review of species distribution models

forest is preferable for data including categorical pre- habitat heterogeneity, types of environmental variables 1
dictive variables with different numbers of levels, yet it and species–environment relationships. Here, we sug- 2
is biased in favor of those attributes with more levels. gest new processes that are important for model devel- 3
Thus, the variable importance scores from random forest opment: model selection, model formulation and param- 4
are not reliable for this type of data (Deng et al. 2011). eter estimation. 5
Predictive accuracy of models was also tested by artifi- 6
Model selection 7
cially adding spatial deviances to the occurrences, and
the quality of the predictions made with GBM dimin- Researchers need to select models on the basis of 8
ished significantly when degraded data were used, while their research targets (data types: e.g. noisy, nonlin- 9
there was no evidence of decline in performance of re- ear and high-dimensional, lots of categorical variables) 10
gression based techniques (GLM, GAM and MARS) and objectives (e.g. checking variable weight, explain- 11
and Maxent (Graham et al. 2008). Geographical attri- ing species–environmental relationships, predicting dis- 12
butes (prevalence, latitudinal range and clumping [spa- tribution and estimating future range shifts). Although 13
tial autocorrelation]) would also influence predictive ac- complex models have better prediction accuracy, simple 14
curacy (Marmion et al. 2009). GAM, GLM and MDA models have their own unique advantages. GLMs are 15
are highly influenced by the 3 attributes, whereas ran- transparent; that is, all coefficients of explanatory vari- 16
dom forest, ANN and GBM are only moderately influ- ables (including their quadratic terms and interaction 17
enced, and MARS and CART are only slightly affected terms) can be clearly shown and well interpreted. On the 18
(Marmion et al. 2009). contrary, other models (i.e. GAM, MARS, MDA, GBM, 19
CART and complex models) have too many parameters, 20
Based on a simulated species that provides known
so that meaningful ecological interpretation is not pos- 21
species–environment relationships and spatial distri-
sible. The complex models, such as random forest, are 22
bution, Elith and Graham (2009) evaluate differences 23
also called ‘black boxes’: they are easy to use yet hard
among methods in relation to the truth. The results sug- 24
to explain (Breiman 2001b).
gest that BRT models the overall shape of the response 25
most accurately, followed in order by Maxent, random Researchers should be aware of the strength of each
model. GAM is good for multimodal continuous vari- 26
forest, GLM and GARP. Although the general form of 27
the fitted function was correct for BRT, it was overfitted ables; MARS is suitable for situations with high first-or-
der interaction effects; GBM and CART are preferred 28
to the sample; random forest showed even more overfit- 29
ting (Elith & Graham 2009). This is different from what for many categorical variables with outlier observations;
ANN performs well for very complicated species–envi- 30
Breiman (2001b) concludes: that random forest has no 31
overfitting problem. Maxent is able to fit complex func- ronmental relationships. Random forest is ideal for cas-
es with many explanatory variables and high interac- 32
tions between response and predictor variables, and can 33
include interaction terms, but to a more limited extent tion effects. Maxent and GARP are easy to use, because
available software can import GIS layers of environ- 34
than BRT (Elith et al. 2006). 35
mental variables directly, with presence only species oc-
currence data. Hierarchical modelling is preferable for 36
MODEL APPLICATIONS situations when different regressions (for a few indepen- 37
dent processes [e.g. species occurrence and detection]) 38
When applying models, some key steps, such as ver- 39
ification, calibration, validation (evaluation), credibili- can be combined together.
ty and qualification, have been well addressed in other re- Model formulation 41
views (e.g. Rykiel 1996; Guisan & Zimmermann 2000; 42
Guisan & Thuiller 2005). These steps are very important Based on Guisan and Zimmermann’s definition, sta-
for good modelling practice. Most model systems now tistical model formulation means: choosing a suited al-
provide relevant tools for these steps. However, the great- gorithm for predicting the species distributions, defining
est challenge for newcomers is determining how to select a particular type of response variable and estimating the
the most relevant model for their data types and model- model coefficients, and selecting an optimal statistical
ling objectives, and how to use them appropriately. approach with regard to the modelling context (Guisan
At present, researchers have many options for select- & Zimmermann 2000). Model formulation is also re-
ing from a variety of models to deal with different sit- ferred to as ‘verification’ by some authors (e.g. Rykiel
uations relating to, for example, various spatial extent, 1996).

© 2012 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd, ISZS and IOZ/CAS 131
X. Li and Y. Wang

1 In this paper, we narrow down the conceptual extent DISCUSSION

2 of model formulation, focusing on the determination of
3 the model structures. Here, model formulation includes In this review, we compared 11 species distribution
4 the selection of explanatory variables, and the selection models to clarify the characteristics of the models and
5 of interaction terms and polynomial terms of the vari- suitable situations for their use (in terms of data type
6 and species–environment relationships) and provided
ables. Model formulation also includes the determina-
7 guidelines for model application. We did not address the
tion of certain model parameters, such as the number of
8 issue of preparation of data (e.g. dealing with pseudo-
splines/knots in GAM, the number of trees in GBM, and
9 replication or autocorrelation, data transformation and
the number of units in the hidden layer in ANN. Differ-
10 null values) nor model evaluation. We did not justify the
ent options of the model parameters would cause signif-
11 role of SDMs in studies of ecology and climate change,
icant difference in model performance (Austin 2007).
12 as a few review papers have covered this issue (e.g.
A common mistake in using GLMs is to ignore the Guisan & Zimmermann 2000; Guisan & Thuiller 2005).
interaction terms and polynomial terms of the variables We aimed to provide a technique-focused picture of cur-
(Guisan et al. 2002). Presence of the interaction effect rent models that are used in predicting species distribu-
is common for species–environmental relationships. For tions. Among the models we compared, GLM, GAM,
example, a species might prefer shrubs rather than grass ANN, CART, random forest, Maxent and GARP are fre-
at low elevation, but prefer grass to shrubs at high eleva- quently used in the field of climate change (Table 1).
tion. Under such a situation, vegetation type and eleva- MARS, MDA, GBM and hierarchical modelling were
tion have an interaction effect on the species. The qua- developed in the 1990s, and they are gradually gaining
dratic term of explanatory variables is more commonly more attention from ecologists. Maxent and GARP, in
used for species–environmental relationships, as it rep- the form of integrated, user-friendly software, are most-
resents a favorite value of a variable for a species (e.g. a ly used for predicting species distributions, whereas oth-
favorite elevation of 1000 m asl) (note that the suitabili- ers are applied in various other fields, such as social sci-
ty of elevation is usually a bell-shaped curve). ence and economics.
Species–environmental relationships can be diverse,
26 Parameter estimation
27 depending on, for example, target species, spatial and
28 Estimation of model parameters is usually conduct- time scales and study areas (Marmion et al. 2009). We
29 ed automatically by the statistical software. It is the key suggest that researchers check their data carefully first
30 process for model development. Coefficients of vari- before using any models. For example, scatter plots can
31 ables can be estimated using least squares, maximum be used to check the association of species abundance
32 likelihood, Markov chain Monte Carlo, Kalman fil- with an explanatory variable, detecting general patterns
33 ter, bootstrap, and many other algorithms in machine (e.g. linear trend, bell-shaped curve, multimodal, etc.)
34 learning techniques. At this stage, variable selection is or outliers. A correlation matrix can be used to identify
35 also carried out, as the variables for which the coeffi- correlated explanatory variables. An interaction plot can
36 cients have no significant difference from zero will be be used to detect the interaction effect of any 2 explana-
37 removed. Variable selection is performed based on the tory variables.
38 contribution of the variables to species occurrences as After familiarizing themselves with their data, re-
39 well, measured by information criteria (e.g. Akaike and searchers should select 1 or a few models that are suit-
40 Bayesian information criteria and BIC) to balance vari- able for their data, and, most importantly, take their time
41 able contribution and model parsimony. SDMs usual- with the model formulation. While conducting model
42 ly provide some evaluation statistics, such as area un- formulation, researchers need to select explanatory vari-
43 der the ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve ables, check the necessity of polynomial terms and in-
44 (AUC), Cohen’s kappa statistic and the true skill sta- teraction terms, and determine the model parameters if
45 tistic. These evaluation statistics represent the overall needed (e.g. the number of splines/knots in GAM). Even
46 model predictive accuracy. for Maxent and GARP, which are claimed to be robust
47 with their default settings, researchers should be careful
Currently, most SDMs provide sufficient tools for co-
48 with some model parameters, such as the size of quad-
efficient estimation and model evaluation. This most im-
49 rates for the background environmental variable layers
portant model development step turns out to be the easi-
50 and the extent of the study area. It is totally up to users
est step in model applications.
51 to decide how much marginal area (outside the species

132 © 2012 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd, ISZS and IOZ/CAS
Review of species distribution models

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