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Title: The Challenges of Crafting a Thesis on the Constitution of India

Crafting a thesis on the Constitution of India is an intricate task that demands a deep understanding
of legal nuances, historical contexts, and the intricate web of constitutional principles. Many students
find themselves grappling with the complexities involved in presenting a comprehensive and
insightful analysis within the confines of their academic requirements.

One of the foremost challenges is the vastness of the subject matter. The Constitution of India, being
one of the lengthiest written constitutions globally, offers an extensive canvas for exploration.
Navigating through the intricate details of its provisions, amendments, and landmark judicial
pronouncements requires not only a meticulous approach but also a considerable investment of time
and effort.

Moreover, the dynamic nature of constitutional law adds an additional layer of complexity.
Amendments, reinterpretations, and evolving judicial precedents constantly shape the landscape of
Indian constitutional jurisprudence. As a result, students often find it challenging to keep their theses
up-to-date and reflective of the latest legal developments.

Another hurdle is the need for a nuanced understanding of the socio-political and historical context
surrounding the drafting of the Indian Constitution. Analyzing the framers' intent, the debates in the
Constituent Assembly, and the subsequent evolution of constitutional principles demands a
multidisciplinary approach, making the task even more demanding.

In light of these challenges, seeking professional assistance becomes a prudent choice for students
aiming to deliver a thesis that stands out. offers a reliable solution for those
grappling with the complexities of writing a thesis on the Constitution of India. Their team of
experienced writers and legal scholars is well-equipped to handle the intricacies of constitutional law,
ensuring that the final work is not only comprehensive but also meets the highest academic standards.

By opting for ⇒ ⇔, students can alleviate the burden associated with crafting a
thesis, allowing them to focus on understanding the core concepts and contributing original insights.
With a commitment to quality and a thorough understanding of the subject matter, the platform
provides a valuable resource for those navigating the challenging terrain of constitutional studies.

In conclusion, writing a thesis on the Constitution of India is undeniably challenging, given the
vastness of the subject, the dynamic nature of constitutional law, and the need for a deep
understanding of historical and socio-political contexts. emerges as a reliable ally for
students seeking expert assistance in navigating these challenges, ensuring a well-crafted and
insightful thesis that reflects the complexity and significance of the subject matter.
One frequently comes across the phrases “independence movement” or “freedom struggle”. Supreme
court, Head of the state known as president, Provision of states, Judicial. The assembly passed a
resolution in 1947 January defining the objectives of the constitution:-. Several teachers contributed
to the development of this text book: we are grateful to their principals for making this possible.
Crucially, they arose after the advent of the modern constitutional form. Every government,
irrespective of the political ideologies and bend of mind, should obey the constitution of India and
follow the law of the land for the healthy democratic republic of India. NINTH
SCHEDULE—Validation of certain Acts and Regulations. 331-348. It contains 448 articles in 22
parts, 12 schedules and 118 amendments till date. Congress had been the government-in-waiting for
around a decade by this point. Insert articles 31D, 32A, 39A, 43A, 48A, 131A, 139A, 144A, 226A,
228A and 257A. The next meeting was conducted on 11th December 1946 under the chairmanship of
Dr. Rajendra Prasad. Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabhai Patel, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, and Sarojini
Naidu have also participated in this meeting. D.R. B.R Ambedkar, chairman of the Drafting
Committee, is often called the Father of the Indian Constitution. People have the power to change
the government and all the laws and policies formulated and implemented by the government should
be for the well-being of all people of India. Orderly transformation would give way to insurgency.
FIFTH SCHEDULE—Provisions as to the Administration and Control of. Instead, the people were
present in the Assembly in another guise: as a population and as subjects to be made into citizens.
And the Assembly had to build the architecture for it. The task of the administrators was made
vastly more complex than that faced by their colonial predecessors due to the fact that India was now
going to be a democracy. An interesting example of this relegation is Ambedkar’s phrase
“constitutional morality”, which has gained prominence in recent decades in scholarly as well as
judicial interpretations of the constitution. This power, known as president's rule, was abused as state
governments came to be dismissed on flimsy grounds for political reasons. The Constituent
Assembly, which came into existence on 11th December 1946, and Finally the Indian Constitution
was approved on 26th November 1949 and came into result on 26th January 1950. These include the
highly controversial three farm bills. Rather, it is to highlight a certain mindset that prevailed among
the constitution makers. They are very much a part of the Constitution as they can be and have been
used in interpreting the corresponding Article. It is no doubt difficult to remove these factors as they
have got deep rooted in the psyche of citizens of India and, therefore, a massive program is required
to be launched to clean their minds from such impressions. Constitutions then institutionalise those
principles, giving concrete shape to those imagined futures. These Fundamental duties are enshrined
under Article 51A, Part IVA of our Constitution. In 1940, the Coalition Government in England
recognised the principle that. Provides for human rights safeguards and mechanisms to prevent abuse
of executive and legislative authority. The Constitution of India starts with the lead-in phrases of
“We the people” and talks about the values of the Constitution which are about equality, liberty,
secularism, and fraternity. In our social and economic life, we shall, by reason of our social and
economic structure, continue to deny the principle of one man one value.
The constitution also celebrates the values of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity for all the people
in the country without any discrimination. There are 20 Directive Principles present in the part IV of
the Constitution of India. 30) Sanction of Single citizenship in the Constitution of India - The
Citizenship Act of 1955 provided the benefit of Single citizenship to the people in India stating that
the People Of India cannot have the citize nship of any other country and there won't be any
citizenship according to State. They were not meeting as the representatives of a victorious party of
a revolution or different factions of a civil war, or even participants in a negotiated settlement. The
Hindutva visualises a nation where the minorities, the Muslims and Christians will be treated as
second class citizens. In politics we will have equality and in social and economic life we will have
inequality. And Indian constitution has following salient features. Article 51 A (h) enjoins the
citizens of India to develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform.
SIXTH SCHEDULE—Provisions as to the Administration of Tribal Areas in the States. PART E—
Provisions as to the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India. MP has the highest infant mortality
rate and the third-highest maternal mortality rate in India. Ambedkar’s speech captures the central
themes of the constitutional project. He stressed that such borrowings “relate mostly to the details of
administration”. Indian Constitution is the only constitution that was handwritten in two languages,
English and Hindi. Rather, it is to highlight a certain mindset that prevailed among the constitution
makers. As an organisation committed to systemic reform and continuous improvement in the quality
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further revision and refmement. Rules of procedure of the african commission on human and
peoples' rights (ac. Constitution was signed by 284 members on 26 November 1949 considered as
Law Day or Constitution Day. It is also said that Dr BR Ambedkar wanted to burn the constitution
of India. The Constitution was not the triumphant coda for a revolution accomplished, but the
anxious, uncertain beginning of realising one in a gradual, controlled and deliberate fashion, a
process that must begin, according to Ambedkar, “at the earliest possible moment”. A committee was
set up by the Congress government, the committee was known as Swarn Singh Committee to form
the Codes of Fundament Duties. The nascent governors of postcolonial India were wary of the
cacophonous masses outside the Assembly, while apprehensive of popular political expression in
languages alien to that which had been carefully crafted within the Assembly. In the year 1946, The
Constituent Assembly of India was elected to write the Constitution of. It forms the basis to
understand the various provisions, objectives and aspirations intending to be achieved. This will help
put in perspective the work of Supreme Court with respect to the Constitution. Enjoy the greatest
hits of Childish Gambino in this playlist. For the Final Draft the Assembly passed around 2473
Amendments out of 7635 tabled 15) The Indian Constitution was signed on 24 January 1950. - The
Indian Constitution was signed on 24 January 1950 by 284 members of the Constituent Assembly,
which included 15 women. These are mainly restricted against the power of state. BEZA or
Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority recruitment exam question solution. It is also a ploy to
demonise the Muslims and divide the people of India in the name of religion. In their own minds,
they found themselves not at the end, but on the “eve of revolutionary changes”.
Union of India, quashed the amendments to Articles 31C and 368 as it was in contravention with the
basic structure of the Constitution. 43 Amend articles 145, 226, 228 and 366. Constitution of India -
Fundamental Dutiies of Every Citizen of India. Privileges and immunities of government under civil
procedure code and indian. Indian Politics and Society Since Independence: Events, Processes and
Ideology (First ed.). Oxon(UK), New York (USA): Routledge. p. 103. ISBN 978-0-415-40867-7.
The constitution of India says that the republic of India is a sovereign, socialist, secular and a
democratic republic. Signatures: Indian Constitution is signed by Dr. Rajendra Prasad the day when
it was. This day (January 26th) is celebrated as Republic Day in India every year. Ambedkar
responded: “One likes to ask whether there can be anything new in a Constitution framed at this
hour in the history of the world. Effective Use of International Human Rights Monitoring
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Distance Education Disclaimer Privacy Policy Area Volume Calculator. In general, it means some
form of ownership of the means of the production and distribution by the State. The amendment was
introduced and passed in the Lok Sabha on August 7, 1975 and again introduced and passed in the
Rajya Sabha on August 8, 1975. Here are some interesting facts you probably didn't know about the
drafting of our Constitution. The courts are expected to remain unaffected by pressure exerted by
other branches of the state, citizens or interest groups. Numerous of provisions that are stated under
the Constitution of India are borrowed from the constitutions of various countries like Fundamental
rights, Fundamental Duties, Single Citizenship, Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSPs). One
frequently comes across the phrases “independence movement” or “freedom struggle”. Amendment
placed restrictions on judicial scrutiny of post of Prime Minister. At its beginning, it had 395 articles
in 22 sections and 8 timetables. These notes are essentially a title to the Article. An amendment is
initiated by the introduction of a bill in either House of Parliament. Ashish Pandey Configuration of
CB Ce cc Poster Configuration of CB Ce cc Poster Er. The Indian Constitution: Cornerstone of a
Nation (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. It took nearly 2 years 11 months and 18 days to finish
the constitution of India. In his monumental A History of Greece, Grote had argued that rather than
a mindless “mob-rule”, Athenian democracy did succeed in cultivating a “constitutional morality”.
The Constitution of India was written on 26th November 1949 and came into existence on 26th
January 1950. PART E— Provisions as to the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India. The first
meeting of the new Constituent Assembly was conducted on 9th December 1946. Constitutions have
even been ratified as late as 2014 (Tunisia, Thailand, and Egypt). An amendment bill must be passed
by each house of Parliament by a two-thirds majority of its total membership when at least two-
thirds are present and vote. PART A—- Provisions as to the President and the Governors of States.
Secularism The Constitution addresses India as a Secular State by withdrawing from religious
doctrines (Forty-Second Amendment) X. Here are some interesting facts you probably didn't know
about the drafting of our Constitution. Our Indian Constitution consists of 465 articles, 12 schedules,
22 amendments and 146385 words in it. In the above PDF screenshot sample, you saw how I have
used colours to help differentiate. Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases. They were
conceived of as the protagonists of a democracy to come and instability to be avoided. Ambedkar
recognised that mere political freedom brought about by the end of colonial rule or the granting of
political and civil rights that followed liberal constitutional models of yesteryear meant little on their
own. This was done in the landmark case of Kesavananda Bharati v. Unlike ordinary bills in
accordance with Article 245 (except for money bills), there is no provision for a joint session of the
Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha to pass a constitutional amendment. Is India governed by the principles
and norms laid down in the “national scripture” as described by Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi.
The English version of the Constitution has 117369 words, 444 articles, 22 parts, 12 schedules and
104 amendments. It is also a ploy to demonise the Muslims and divide the people of India in the
name of religion. American constitution consists of 7 articles, Australian is 128 articles, Canadian
constitution 147 articles. Evidences from 3rd Century BC shows that the first rules governing the
society were written in the. If the fundamental right of an individual is abridged by an executive
order or law passed by a legislature, the aggrieved individual can challenge such executive or
legislative action in High Court under Article 226 or Supreme Court under Article 32 of the Indian
Constitution. MohonDas Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International
FDP on. You can select express shipping while checking out on the website. FOURTH
SCHEDULE—Allocation of seats in the Council of States. 285-286. After the S. R. Bommai v. Play
the mummy game online. Do not go for the original constitution with all legal stuff but a commentary
on it. Indian Constitution is a unique constitution that was penned in two languages, English and
Hindi How Was The Constitution Of India Created. And the Assembly had to build the architecture
for it. It was specifically stated that Fundamental Duties are not enforceable by Courts of Law. The
Indian Constitution was adopted on November 26, 1949. A constitution is not a parchment of paper,
it is a way of life and has to be lived up to. India got its constitution which is considered to biggest
constitution of the world. However, the Supreme Court quashed a part of Article 31C, to the extent
it took away the power of judicial review. We must recognise that given space, time and freedom,
children generate new knowledge by engaging with the information passed on to them by adults.
These specifies the duties of the state to promote social welfare and economic development of the
country. That author was the administrator, possessing their own sophisticated repertoire of language,
techniques and methods of calculations that had developed globally through the nineteenth and
twentieth century.
According to the doctrine, the constitution's basic features (when 'read as a whole') cannot be
abridged or abolished. Everyone performing their duties, even mechanically, would pave the way for
a better neighbourhood, better society, and ultimately, a better country. Same day the Assembly
unanimously elected Dr. Rajendra Prasad as the. The English version of the Constitution has 117369
words, 444 articles, 22 parts, 12 schedules and 104 amendments. TENTH SCHEDULE— Provisions
as to disqualification on ground of defection. Our Indian Constitution consists of 395 articles and 12
schedules. Facets of administrative law and Protection of Human Rights of Women, Childre. Ashish
Pandey Development of Open Telematics Service Based on Gateway and Framework Development
of Open Telematics Service Based on Gateway and Framework Er. In 2000, the Justice Manepalli
Narayana Rao Venkatachaliah Commission was formed to examine a constitutional update. Assam
and creation of local Legislature or Council of Ministers or both. Although, in recent years certain
articles and clauses of the constitution have been overstepped which is a dangerous precedence for
the democratic values of the country. Features Of The Indian Constitution Here we gave some of the
important features of the Indian Constitution. It was finally passed and accepted on Nov 26, 1949.
India's high emphasis on hygiene has led to greater toilets availability as well as waste network:
between 2014 and 2019, the “Swachh Bharat Mission”. The word sovereign emphasizes that India is
fully independent and is no more dependent upon any outside authority. The fundamental duties of
citizens are duties of individual citizen and therefore, cannot be enforced by Writ of Mandamus.
How far has the vision and goals of the constitution been realised. All important decisions of the
Supreme Court reported till the end of December 2014 have been duly referred and cited. The
Framers of the Constitution i.e the Drafting Committee headed by B.R. Ambedkar as Chairman and
other 8 members have taken all precautions and borrowed the provisions of the other constitutions of
the world and completed the task in the mid 20 th century and submitted it on 29 th November, 1949
and it came into force from 26 th January, 1950. For the data set we used on constitutional word
length (from the Comparative Constitutions Project ), the length of each country’s constitution was
measured by copying the text from publicly available PDFs of the constitution into Microsoft Word
and using Word’s word count feature. The constitution of India assures the citizens their economic
and political justice, liberty of thought, expression faith, belief and worship. It was also a potential
opportunity, providing the Assembly with the needed detachment from the unreliable currents of
popular sentiment. The economy of India characterised as a developing market economy, is the
world’s sixth-largest economy by nominal GDP and the third-largest by purchasing power parity.
Answer: Indian constitution was adopted on 26th November 1949, which is also known as National
Constitution Day of India Question 3. It is different from flashing, as the latter implies a deliberate
expos. You can also break numbers for various constitutional amendments, which have been held
either unconstitutional or constitutional, wholly or partly, by the Supreme Court. I) where all people
are guaranteed justice, equality and freedom. It took 2 years 11 months and 17 days to form the
Constitution. The constitutions of most of the countries are written. The average constitution in the
world is 22,249 words long, between one-fifth and one-seventh the length of India’s constitution.
APPENDIX I—The Constitution (Application to Jammu and Kashmir) Order. TheLawExpress has
recently launched its mobile app and has got massive traction from the legal fraternity. Unleashing
the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. Ashish Pandey MSP432P401x
Microcontroller MSP432P401x Microcontroller Er. The Revised draft of constitution, assembly
moved, discussed, disposed off 2473 amendments out of a total of 7635 adopting constitution
Assembly had 11 sessions in 165 days. This is due to the fact that modern constitutions are
inextricably tied up with revolutions. The Constitution of India is the supreme law of India. Where
students can understand easily. I. Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties The Indian
Constitution produces a detailed list of Fundamental Rights to the citizens of India, where no one
can take hold of or reduce by any law made by the States (Article 12-35). Ambedkar’s much quoted
speech at the concluding sessions of the Assembly provides the outline of this project. “If we wish to
maintain democracy not merely in form, but also in fact, what must we do?” Ambedkar asked.
The.thing we must do is not to be content with mere political democracy. The word constitution has
a French origin which is usually used to refer to law and order. May 07, 2018 Childish Gambino took
the internet by storm this weekend with the release of his new single “This Is America” and its
accompanying music video loaded with. The values of liberty, equality, fraternity and secularism are
some of the values that are celebrated all over the world and the Indian Union stands as a testimony
for these values. Government of India Act (1935): Provincial autonomy was given to the elected
Indians. The day of 26 January has its own importance in Indian history in the freedom for struggle
of India. 17) The National Emblem Was Adopted on 26 January 1950 - The National Emblem of
India, The LION, capital of Ashoka at Sarnath was adopted on the same day when the Constitution
of India came into effect, i.e, on 26 January 1950. Ambedkar’s speech captures the central themes of
the constitutional project. It was their expertise, one that was only enhanced by being inoculated
from the tides of popular passion, that made them suitable to be the drafters of the Constitution. US:
7 Articles (with many spelling mistakes in it is the shortest 4,400 words). Share to Twitter Share to
Facebook Share to Pinterest. Provides for curtailment of fundamental rights, imposes fundamental
duties and changes to the basic structure of the constitution by making India a 'Socialist Secular'
Republic. Short Essay On Constitution of India 200 Words in English The constitution of India is
one of the lengthiest constitutions in the whole world which contains a preamble, 22 parts with 448
articles, 12 schedules 5 appendices, and 15 amendments. Article 356 permits the president to dismiss
a state government and assume direct authority if a situation arises in which state government cannot
be conducted in accordance with constitution. Re. Berubari Union and Exchange of Enclaves (AIR
1960 SC 845). Constitutions have even been ratified as late as 2014 (Tunisia, Thailand, and Egypt).
BEZA or Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority recruitment exam question solution. In such a
constitution, there is no distinction between the constitution making authority and ordinary law-
making authority. Competitive Hindutva is feeding to the religious sentiments of the people,
neglecting their welfare and in this process, the constitutional values are being compromised. The
Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister. However, this step will only inculcate
fundamental duty in the children but so far as adults are concerned, the educative program is to be
spread by seminars, debates, cultural programs and media. India stopped to be a domain of the
British Crown and turned into a sovereign popularity-based republic with the constitution. The
Fundamental duties core tasks also include upholding everyone’s right to equality, defending the
environment and public property, instilling scientific temper, disowning violence, striving for
excellence, and providing compulsory education.
ELEVENTH SCHEDULE—Powers, authority and responsibilities of Panchayats. 354-355.
Constitution of India was handwritten by Prem Behari Narain Raizada. This was adopted on 26
November 1949. 12 ) For the First time, The Constitution Assembly met on 9 December, 1946. - The
first meeting of the Constitution Assembly was held in New Delhi, in the Central Hall of the
Parliament House at Eleven of the Clock. At its beginning, it had 395 articles in 22 sections and 8
timetables. Ambedkar agreed that normally “administrative details should have no place in the
Constitution”, and that he wished the Drafting Committee “could see its way to avoid their
inclusion in the Constitution”. US: 7 Articles (with many spelling mistakes in it is the shortest 4,400
words). The Indian National Congress was responsible for most of these amendments. This date was
specifically chosen for the inauguration of the Indian Republic, as. Prohibition of discrimination on
grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth. It forms the basis to understand the various
provisions, objectives and aspirations intending to be achieved. The constitution is the backbone of
the democratic and secular fabric of the nation and every institution in the country follows the
constitution of India. Answer: The original copies of the Indian Constitution is kept in a special
helium-filled case in the library of the Parliament of India Question 4. An amendment is initiated by
the introduction of a bill in either House of Parliament. The ball is usually played with the hands or
arms, but p. In this essay on constitution of India, we shall be talking about the salient features of
our constitution, has how it was formed and what are the important articles in the Constitution that
define past, present and future of India. On 5 inch mobile phone, you will not have to zoom to read.
Rules of procedure of the african commission on human and peoples' rights (ac. Part XVI Special
provisions relating to certain classes. Ashish Pandey GSM Traffic Cases GSM Traffic Cases Er.
Amendment) Act, 2002 and the Constitution (Eighty-eighth Amendment) Act. It gives its
declaration or briefing in the preamble.. It outlines essential political standards, methods, rehearses,
rights, forces, and obligations of the legislature. The National Emblem consists of 4 lions among
which only 3 are visible but the fourth one is hidden from the view. Constituent Assembly that
worked under Dr Ambedkar and his team that drafted. But in the particular “circumstances” that
India faced at the moment of postcolonial transition, it might be “wiser” to not leave these details
unspecified. The Indian constitution was ratified on 26 November 1949. The draft then consisted of
a total of 395 articles, 8 schedules and a Preamble. All returned items must be in new and unused
condition, with all original tags and labels attached. This violates fundamental rights because the
government cannot arbitrarily create unreasonable classification among equally placed groups. If
young people had imbibed the core values of the Indian Constitution, the political leaders would not
have succeeded in dividing people in the name of religion, caste, culture and language. The
constitution of India declared the country as a sovereign, socialist, secular and democratic republic.

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