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INFORMATION – is a term that refers to knowledge or processed data gathered through experiences of research.
– refers to the ability to know when information is required.
– This also pertains to the ability to find, analyze, evaluate, communicate and use information effectively in
different formats.
– Refers to finding right information needed and knowing how to use it.
– essential for today’s society for it improves skills related to critical thinking and problem solving:
– it gives the ability to identify what information is true and appropriate not just for work or school, but also for
everyday decisions in our life.
– The Philippine Constitution is too young to be revised
– It’s just 36 years old and many of the provisions like the anti-dynasty provision are yet to be implemented.
– Hence, it’s premature to even talk about changing the constitution.
INFORMATION LITERACY AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – Information literacy gives us the skills
to locate and evaluate information, including the use of technology.
▪ Through information technology, information is much easier to access and locate information.
▪ The use of technology enables an individual to access large scale of information either for
▪ personal,
▪ work related, or academic uses.
1. IDENTIFY – Recognize information needed.
– Detect the nature and extent of information needed.
– (e.g.) Knowing the difference between the 1987 Constitution and the Charter Change
2. ACKNOWLEDGE – Cite or search for information
– Recognize sources of information and the issues surrounding information.
– (e.g.) Referencing information source in the text of a research paper.
3. FIND – Determine source/s of in formation
– Locate the information needed effectively and efficiently.
– Searching public archives for information on local history.
4. EVALUATE – Examine and evaluate the quality of information
– Evaluate information and its sources critically.
– (e.g.) Researching the claims made in a political ad on television.
5. APPLY – Using information in an ethical, and efficient way
– Use of information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose.
– (e.g.) Citing an information made by experts to support a point during discussion.
“For us to be able to utilize the use of information to new media we must be vigilant!” -

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