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Case Studies of Expanding Cement to Improve Wellbore Sealing

Amanmammet Bugrayev, Svetlana Nafikova, Salim Taoutaou, Andrey Timonin, Guvanch Gurbanov, Alexander
Burkenya, and Irina Amanova, Schlumberger; Mahomud Hegab, Dragon Oil

Copyright 2019, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Gas & Oil Technology Showcase and Conference held in Dubai, UAE, 21 - 23 October 2019.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents
of the paper have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect
any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written
consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may
not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.

Good cement bond at the casing-cement and cement-formation interfaces is essential for effective zonal
isolation. Poor bonding can lead to underground fluids and gases to enter the annulus and create sustained
casing pressure (SCP), jeopardising the working envelope of the well and limiting its production. One of
the causes of a poor cement-formation bonding is attributed to a cement shrinkage. Cement systems that
expand after setting can help improve primary cementing job results by sealing microannulus. The enhanced
bonding is the result of enhanced shear bond and adhesion of the cement against the pipe and formation.
Cement expansion is achieved by addition of the expanding additives into cement system. The mechanism
of expansion is based on set cement volume growth over initial volume post setting. This is driven either
by gas bubbles created during chemical reaction or by crystal growth within set cement matrix. Careful
optimization of the cement slurry designs with an addition of the expansion additives to conventional
and complex blend systems allowed greatly improving the cement bond evaluation log results without
compromising other mechanical properties of cement.
This paper outlines the successful application of expanding cement to seal different sizes of wellbore;
the study evaluates the effect of the expansion by comparing the cement evaluation log from numerous
cementing jobs. Examples included in the comparison are cemented production strings (casings and liners)
with different types of cement systems used across 9 5/8-in. production casings and 7-in. and 4 1/2-in.
production liners.

Downhole well integrity is one of the most important aspects in the well lifecycle due to the high remedial
cost for well repair should the annulus seal fail. Therefore, significant effort is being made to achieve
annulus zonal isolation. The quality of zonal isolation of the primary cement job is verified using sonic and
ultrasonic tools. Despite the application of good cementing practices, the cement evaluation logs are not
always satisfying and sometimes cause debates on whether sufficient coverage and isolation were provided.
In the worst-case scenario, annulus remediation is needed to repair the defects.
These ambiguous results from cement evaluation logs could be driven by several factors that could
include, but are not limited to, poor mud removal and/or cementing practices, debonding due to well fluids
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change, pressure tests, fluid loss after placement until the cement hardens, and cement shrinkage (Parcevaux
and Sault 1984). In this paper, we discuss the cement shrinkage and the impact of its elimination on cement
evaluation log results.
Cement shrinkage is a natural process that all cement systems undergo. The cement volume reduction
can be due to moisture loss, chemical reactions, and hydration processes. To overcome this phenomenon,
expanding additives are added to cement slurry formulations.

Shrinkage and Expansion of Cement

Cement shrinkage has been studied in detail by several authors. Total shrinkage of cement is composed of
bulk and chemical shrinkage (Nelson and Guillot 2006). Bulk shrinkage happens while cement is in liquid
state while chemical shrinkage continues even after cement is set. This chemical shrinkage is driven by
continuation of hydration process within set cement matrix. Total cement shrinkage can reach up to 6%;
this was documented by Parcevaux and Sault (1984).
The shrinkage can be addressed using expanding agents in cement slurry formulations. There are several
types of additives, and the mechanism of expansion is based on two main approaches. One of the approaches
is creating gas within cement slurry through chemical reaction. However, this mechanism of expansion
becomes arguable due to the behaviour of gas in downhole conditions of high-pressure/high-temperature
wells. The second mechanism of expansion is crystal growth, which is less affected by downhole conditions
than gas. Crystal growth is more affected by water access and slurry yield (Chenevert and Shrestha 1987;
Moran et al. 1991)
Expanding additives in cement matrix are used to overcome shrinkage and provide a small degree of
expansion over initial set cement volume. An excessive degree of expansion leads to cracks and loss of zonal
isolation (Al Hammad and Altameimi 2002; Onaisi et al. 2017). To prevent this type of crack, expansion
must be controlled. A careful approach must be taken for use of expanding agents in soft formations,
where expansion may move outwards by creating microannuli in the inner interface of cement (Baumgarte
et al. 1999). A detailed study was performed by Shafqat et al. (2018) using computerized tomography
scan imaging on different cement slurries using low- and high-temperature expansion additives. The study
concluded that the creation of microfissures depends on several factors such as concentration of expanding
additive and cementitious material in cement formulation, curing temperature, etc. These factors must be
considered during the engineering stage of cement slurry formulation.
The cement expansion process is time dependent and one of the field examples, shown in Fig 1,
demonstrates that process. This case is from the Sakhalin region where the production string in well A
was cemented using expansion additive in the cement slurry formulation. The initial first ultrasonic cement
evaluation log (Fig. 1a) was run 9 days after successful execution of cement job. The ultrasonic tool
measures acoustic impedance of annular material and attenuation of flexural wave with good azimuthal and
vertical resolution. Measurements are combined to derive a solid-liquid-gas (SLG) map, on which annular
material is classified as solid (brown colour), liquid (blue colour), or gas (red colour). The SLG map in Fig.
1a showed the presence of partially debonded cement (mixture of liquid and gas) across the zone of interest.
Due to uncertainty in zonal isolation, the decision was made to relog well A 43 days after the cement job
(Fig. 1b). The SLG map showed improvement in cement quality (brown colour is predominant on the map)
across same interval due to the expansion of cement. This relog increased the confidence of zonal isolation,
and the decision was taken to proceed with the completion of the well A for further production.
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Figure 1—Comparison of recorded ultrasonic logs of the production string at the same
interval in a well A: a, 9 days after the cement job and b, 43 days after the cement job.

Although expansion additives improve cement bonding, these results may not be seen due to other
cementing job factors. The most common negatively affecting factors are mud removal, poor pipe standoff,
hole washouts, or simply insufficient time for crystal growth within the cement matrix. Therefore, expanding
additives should not be taken as the sole solution but should be combined with a good cementing engineering
approach and industry practices.

Cement Slurry Formulations and Expansion Tests

One of the critical measurements of the expansive cement are expansion tests. Expansion tests of oilfield
cement are conducted according to API RP 10B-5. This test procedure involves slurry preparation and
running the test in a confined ring with a horizontal opening. Cement slurries were mixed and conditioned
in consistometer using the temperature and pressure schedule of simulated cement placement into the well.
Expansion moulds were prepared for the tests, and cement slurries were poured into the moulds. Curing
was performed at atmospheric pressure with free access of water, and measurements were taken daily.
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Typical conventional cement slurry formulation and properties are shown in Table 1, and Fig. 2 represents
the results of the expansion test results. Conventional cement slurry had 5% by weight of cement (BWOC)
of low temperature expanding additive. As can be seen in Fig. 2, a linear expansion reached up to 1% within
10 days, and 1.5 % linear expansion after 34 days.

Table 1—Conventional cement slurry with expanding agent recipe and properties

Conventional Slurry Recipe Laboratory Test Results

Cement blend 94 lbf Surface Condition Bottomhole

sack reference circulating
temperature 50°C

SVF/porosity 40.3 / 59.7% Free fluid [mL/2 hours] 0

Slurry density 15.8 ppg Fluid loss [mL/30 minutes] 42

Mix fluid/SVF 5.525 gal/sack Compressive strength 50 psi, [hr:mn] 05:29

Seawater 4.161 gal/sack Compressive strength 500 psi, [hr:mn] 07:05

Expanding agent 5.000 % BWOC Compressive strength, [psi]/ [hr:mn] 2022 / 17:55

Antifoam 0.030 gal/sack CSGS transition time [min] 20

Fluid loss control 0.350 % BWOC Plastic viscosity Pv [cP] 101.4 102.5

Gas control 1.200 gal/sack Yield point Ty [lbf/100ft2] 27.01 14.20

Dispersant 0.020 gal/sack 10 sec gel [lbf/100ft2] 25.62 10.67

Retarder 0.085 gal/sack 10 min gel [lbf/100ft2] 37.36 25.62

10/34 days expansion test result [%] 1.0 / 1.5 % @ 50°C, 3000 psi

Figure 2—Expansion graph of conventional cement slurry with expansion additive.

The expanding additives were also used in the high solid volume fraction (SVF) slurries as well. These
slurries have an SVF exceeding 50%. Slurry formulation and properties of high SVF slurry are summarized
in Table 2. This slurry recipe was designed with 1% by weight of blend (BWOB) of high-temperature
expanding agent. The expansion test results are shown in Fig. 3. This formulation of cement slurry resulted
in 0.31% liner expansion within 2 days and 0.37% after 15 days of testing.
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Table 2—High SVF cement slurry with expanding agent recipe and properties

Heavy weight high SVF Slurry Recipe Laboratory Test Results

Cement blend 100 lbf Surface Condition Bottomhole

sack reference circulating
temperature 84°C

SVF/porosity 57.95 / 42.05% Free fluid [mL/2 hours] 0

Slurry density 19.5 ppg Fluid loss [mL/30 minutes] 20

Mix fluid/SVF 2692 gal/sack Compressive strength 50 psi, [hr:mn] 10:25

Fresh water 1.659 gal/sack Compressive strength 500 psi, [hr:mn] 11:26

Expanding agent 1.000 % BWOB Compressive strength, [psi]/ [hr:mn] 2670 / 14:00

Antifoam 0.050 gal/sack CSGS transition time [min] 37

Antisettling agent 0.100 % BWOB Plastic viscosity Pv [cP] 386.2 337.6

Fluid loss control 0.150 % BWOB Yield point Ty [lbf/100ft2] 27.37 20.76

Gas control 0.800 gal/sack 10 sec gel [lbf/100ft2] 22.57 20.19

Dispersant 0.100 gal/sack 10 min gel [lbf/100ft2] 33.25 29.69

Retarder 0.065 gal/sack 2/15 days expansion test result [%] 0.31 / 0.37 % @ 85°C, 3000 psi

Figure 3—Expansion graph of high SVF cement slurry with expansion additive.

Case Studies
Case Study 1: Cementing 9 5/8-in. casing
An openhole section of well B was drilled with a 12 1/4-in. bit from previous casing shoe at 2424 m down
to 3698 m measured depth (MD) with a maximum inclination of 50.4°. A 12.7 ppg [1.52 SG] density water-
based mud (WBM) was used for this section.
The openhole section crossed five gas-bearing formations—CH-4, CH-5, CH-6, CH-7, and CH-8. The 9
5/8-in. (53.5lbf/ft) was run and cemented using 15.2 ppg [1.82 SG] lead and 17.0 ppg [2.04 SG] gas-tight
tail slurry to provide zonal isolation between these formations behind 9 5/8-in. casing.
An engineered approach was required to meet job objectives. Analysis of the cement evaluation logs
from the offset wells led to a conclusion that the application of the standard and local best practices to ensure
effective mud removal is obtained are not sufficient, and further improvement is required. The decision
was made to focus on overcoming the cement shrinkage issue by addition of the expansion additive to the
cement slurries. Cement job execution was performed successfully, and the pressure signature suggested
6 SPE-198630-MS

that top of cement (TOC) is higher than initially planned (Fig. 4). Consequently, 8 1/2-in. and 6-in. openhole
sections were drilled, and 7-in. and 4 1/2-in. liners were successfully cemented.

Figure 4—Top of cement matching from pressure signature of the 9 5/8-in. casing cementing job in well B.

Cement quality evaluation was done with ultrasonic tool run 34 days after cementing the 9 5/8-in. casing
in well B (Fig. 5b). The ultrasonic tool measures acoustic impedance of annular material and attenuation of
the flexural wave with good azimuthal and vertical resolution. Measurements are combined to derive the
SLG map. On the log (Fig. 5), the first column on the left is depth track; this is followed by the acoustic
impedance map (second column), the flexural attenuation map (third column), SLG map (fourth column),
and fractions of solid, liquid and gas (fifth column).
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Figure 5—Cement evaluation logs of 9 5/8-in. casing: a, conventional cement slurry

without expanding agent used and b, well B cement slurry with expanding agent was used.

The log on the left (Fig. 5a) shows cement evaluation log in the reference well C, where similar
conventional class G cement systems were used with no addition of the expansion agent. The SLG map on
this left log shows the presence of poor-quality cement in the annulus as indicated by the predominantly
liquid (blue in colour). Measured average acoustic impedance is relatively low, being around 3 MRayls
confirming presence of poor-quality cement. Gas (red in colour) present on SLG map across the 1850 to
2050-m interval shows presence of debonded cement that created a gas-filled (or dry) microannulus.
The log on the right (Fig. 5b) shows the latest cement evaluation log results for well B where expanding
cement was pumped. The SLG map on the log shows the presence of good cement in the annulus. Quality
of the cement deteriorates from bottom of well B towards surface, and cement gets contaminated with
liquid above 2600 m. Also considering that presented data (i.e., maps) are oriented, we see the presence
of a narrow channel at the high side of the casing starting from approximately 3300 m. Most probably,
both facts indicate that cement got contaminated due to incomplete mud removal or/and excessive fluids
intermixing at interfaces during cementing operation. At the same time, across entire logging interval, there
is no debonded cement, thanks to expansion agent in cement slurry.
Comparison of the log on the left with one on the right shows significant improvement in cement quality
for 9 5/8-in. section for well B where the expanding agent was used with the cement slurry.
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Case Study 2: Cementing 7-in. Liner

Well D was a workover sidetrack well. A sidetrack window from 9 5/8-in. casing was opened at 1486 m MD
using an 8 1/2-in. drill bit. The open hole was drilled to 2095 m MD with maximum inclination of 64.5°.
At total depth (TD) of well D, mud weight density reached 13.5 ppg [1.62 SG]. This openhole section had
an objective isolating the gas zone CH-2.
The 7-in. liner was run into the hole with 98 m overlap in 9 5/8-in. casing (Fig. 6). Conventional 15.8-ppg
[1.89 SG] Class G cement slurry with expanding agent was designed for this job. Liner cementing practices
such as good standoff, low-viscosity pill ahead of cementing fluids (Fig. 6, purple), optimum pumping rates
to achieve right fluids flow regimes, and liner rotation to improve mud removal were implemented to ensure
effective placement of cement slurry. Also, spacer (Fig. 6, green) was treated with new engineered scrubbing
technology fibers to enhance mud removal. This 7-in. liner cementing job was performed utilizing a single-
plug liner system where only one wiper plug is used. This wiper plug was used behind slurry in the fluids
sequence. To compensate for fluid contamination due to mixing at interfaces, extra cement slurry volume
was used. This contaminated additional volume was circulated out after the liner top packet was set.

Figure 6—Well D schematic for cementing 7-in. liner (case 2).

The cement job was executed as per design. Cement quality evaluation was done with an ultrasonic tool
run 2 days after the cement job. The log was analysed and plotted in Fig. 7 against the zone of interest
(CH-2) from similar well E where expanding agent was not used. The log on left (Fig. 7a) was from well
E where conventional class "G" cement without expanding agent was used, whereas the log on right (Fig.
7b) was from well D where liner was cemented using conventional cement slurry with expanding additive.
Comparison of the SLG maps on both logs, across the CH-2 sand, shows that cement on the left log is of
poor-quality cement and might be debonded from liner, resulting in absence of zonal isolation across CH-2
sand. At the same time, on the right log, the SLG map shows the presence of good cement in the annulus
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across the 1490 to 1625 m interval resulting in good zonal isolation across this zone. As the result, well D
was completed successfully and handed to production. Liquid channel, present below 1625 m at the low
side of the 7-in. liner, was formed in the deviated section of the well as the result of poor liner centralization.

Figure 7—Ultrasonic evaluation logs of cemented 7-in. liner across CH-2: a, well E, conventional
cement slurry without expanding agent and b, well D, cement slurry with expanding agent.

Case Study 3: Cementing 4 1/2-in. Liner using Conventional Cement Slurry

In well F, a 6-in. open hole was drilled from 2658 m MD to 3210 m MD using 13.8 ppg [1.65 SG] WBM.
A 4 1/2-in. production liner was run into the hole and cemented using conventional 16-ppg gas-tight slurry
10 SPE-198630-MS

with expanding agent. The objective of the job was to ensure a good zonal isolation across the CH-4 gas
formation. The job was challenging because of the small liner size, which meant small cement slurry volume
of 86.1 bbl [13.69 m3], deep liner setting depth, and capability to utilize only single wiper plug, which
complicates the mud removal strategy. The liner cementing job was executed successfully as per the job
Cement bond quality evaluation was done with a slim sonic tool, run 6 days after cement placement,
confirming a good zonal isolation (Fig. 8b). The slim sonic tool measures the amplitude of a sonic signal
produced by a transmitter and after it has travelled through a short section of the casing as an extension
mode. Measured cement bond log (CBL) amplitude in column 2 from left indicates quality of cement
bonding to outer liner walls; low CBL amplitude corresponds to good cement bond, and high CBL amplitude
corresponds to absence of cement bond. The slim sonic tool also uses eight azimuthal receivers to plot
azimuthal variations in CBL amplitude and derive the amplitude map. Black and dark brown colour on the
amplitude map corresponds to low CBL amplitudes measured azimuthally, hence indicating good bond in
between cement and liner. White and light-yellow colour on the amplitude map corresponds to high CBL
amplitudes measured azimuthally, hence indicating poor cement bond to liner walls, as shown on the log
in column 4 from left. The slim sonic tool also provides a qualitative indication of cement bond to the
formation using a variable density log (VDL) waveform, as shown on the log in column 3 from the left.
Analysis of data acquired with the slim sonic tool in well F cemented with slurry having expanding agent
(Fig. 8b) showed a good cement bond to the liner (low CBL amplitude, azimuthal CBL image dark in colour,
and almost invisible first arrivals on VDL) as well as good cement bond to the formation (clear formation
arrivals on VDL) confirming good zonal isolation across the entire 4 1/2-in. liner.
At the same time, analysis of data acquired with slim sonic tool in the 4 1/2-in. liner of well G cemented
with a conventional cement slurry (Fig. 8a) showed a poor cement bond to the liner (high CBL amplitude,
azimuthal CBL image light in colour, and visible first arrivals on VDL) as well as a relatively poor cement
bond to the formation (absent formation arrivals on VDL across almost the entire log) confirming poor
zonal isolation behind the 4 1/2-in. liner in this well.
A comparison of logs showed significant improvement in cement to liner and cement to formation
bonding and thus again demonstrated the positive impact of approach taken to improve wellbore sealing.
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Figure 8—Cement evaluation logs of 4 1/2-in. liner: a, well G, conventional cement

slurry without expanding agent and b, well F, cement slurry with expanding agent.

Case Study 4: Cementing 4 1/2-in. Liner using Heavyweight High-SVF Slurry

In high-pressure well H, the 6-in. openhole section TD was at 4121 m MD. The openhole section was 523-m
long drilled from 3598 m to 4121 m with 17.4-ppg [2.08 SG] mud weight and cemented with 19.5 ppg [2.34
SG] high-SVF cement slurry with expanding agent added to proprietary engineered cement system. This job
was one of the most challenging jobs in the field where, historically, the success rate of cementing 4 1/2-in.
liner was low due to high pressures and narrow pore and fracturing gradients. Cementing small casing sizes
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in deep lower sections of the well is challenging because they have narrow annuli. These narrow annuli
bring high friction during fluid pumping. Additional friction is created by liner hanger restrictions. These
conditions are getting more challenging with high-SVF fluids due to density requirements. The flow of
high-SVF fluids in narrow annuli increases friction significantly. The combination of all above-mentioned
factors increases the risk of losses. Effective mud removal is also a challenge in cementing job with close
densities of fluids.
In addition to increasing friction, narrow annuli have another drawback in cement slurry placement. This
is related to small annular volume requirement for the cementing jobs. Delivering a small volume of fluid
uncontaminated to a deep well TD is a challenge in every cementing job. A good practice is to separate
fluids by mechanical barriers such as a wiper plug. However, this is not feasible on every cementing job to
various factors governed by operator's planning.
The job in well H involved careful consideration of all aspects for an effective placement. First, 200
bbl [31.8 m3] of low-viscosity mud were pumped ahead of spacer, and sufficient spacer volume (100 bbl
[15.9 m3]) treated with scrubbing technology fibers was utilized for optimum placement. Cement slurry was
batch mixed to ensure a good slurry homogeneity. During the cement job execution, 60 bbl [9.54 m3] of
losses were observed, resulting in a low top of cement (TOC) in the annulus, as estimated from the analysis
performed on the surface pressure data recorded during cementing operation (Fig. 9).

Figure 9—Top of cement matching from pressure signature of the 4 1/2-in. liner cementing job.

The cement bond evaluation log in well H was run 8 days after cement placement (Fig. 10b). Despite the
lost circulation event and estimate of low TOC, zonal isolation was achieved across the required intervals.
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Figure 10—Cement evaluation logs of 4 1/2-in. liner where high-SVF heavyweight cement slurries were
used: a, well I, cement slurry without expansion and b, well H, cement slurry with expanding additive.

Cement bond evaluation log results of well H were then compared to the sister-well I with the similar
casings configuration, where high-SVF cement slurry was pumped but no expanding agents added into
14 SPE-198630-MS

slurry recipe (Fig. 10a). Comparison analysis showed significant improvement in the quality of the cement-
to-liner bond because measured CBL amplitude was lower than in reference well H and the azimuthal
CBL map image was darker in colour. At the same time, formation arrivals, visible on VDL waveforms,
showed improvement in the quality of cement-to-formation bonding compared to reference well I. These
log comparisons confirm that expanding agents are beneficial in high-SVF cement slurries.

Cement shrinkage is one of the factors affecting the zonal isolation, and it can be indicated by sonic and
ultrasonic cement log responses. This study confirmed that the use of expanding agents can mitigate the
cement shrinkage, and this was verified by the improvement in the cement evaluation log response.

Special thanks go to Schlumberger and Dragon Oil drilling department management and team for their
support and permission to publish this work. Without their support this work would not be performed,
and paper conclusions would not be achieved. Also, the authors would like acknowledge assistance and
contributions done by Schlumberger Balkanabad laboratory and logging department team.

API – American Petroleum Institute
bbl – barrel
BWOB – by weight of blend
BWOC – by weight of cement
CBL – cement bond log
CH – Cheleken
SLG map – solid/liquid/gas map
SVF – solid volume fraction
TD – total depth
TOC – top of cement
VDL – variable density log
WBM – water-based mud

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