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Are you struggling with writing your medication error thesis? You're not alone.

Crafting a thesis on
such a complex topic can be incredibly challenging. From conducting extensive research to analyzing
data and presenting your findings in a cohesive manner, the process can be daunting and time-

Medication errors are a critical issue in healthcare, with far-reaching consequences for patients,
healthcare providers, and healthcare systems as a whole. Addressing this topic in a thesis requires a
deep understanding of the factors contributing to medication errors, their impact on patient
outcomes, and potential strategies for prevention and mitigation.

With so much at stake, it's essential to ensure that your thesis is well-researched, well-written, and
effectively communicates your ideas and findings. That's where ⇒ ⇔ comes in.

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academic projects like a medication error thesis. That's why we offer expert assistance to help you
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If the balance of medication risks and benefits is not known (as is common, for example, with
children and the elderly), it is impossible to say whether medication use is safe. Dr. Wm. A. Wulf is
president of the National Academy of Engineering. Appropriate documentation has been found to
avoid many errors in medication. The review comments and draft manuscript remain confidential to
protect the integrity of the deliberative process. Overall, interventions led to improved identification
and resolution of medication-related problems, but there was limited evidence of cost-benefit and no
evidence of a reduction in adverse drug events, hospitalization or mortality. The principles provide
leaders with a succinct summary to use as a primer, refresher, or checklist as they refine their IT
governance. It is today, still performed, studied and watched by a wide audience. Furthermore, the
patient may suffer due to a delay in receiving the proper care and the proper medication they should
have received in the first place. In 2003 the Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education
promulgated new residency training work-hour limitations (ACGME, 2003), drawing on published
research on the relationship between fatigue and errors. This informs the practitioner about other
conditions existent in the patient and the kind of medications already being undertaken. Medication
errors, particularly related to nursing, are defined as the errors that might lead to improper use of
medication, causing harm to the patients, when the patient is in charge of some healthcare
professional or nurses (Medication Errors, 2013). There is no single solution to the medication error
problem, but the IT solutions offered by e-prescription systems seems to solve most problems that
have already been identified as the cause of medication errors. Keep on browsing if you are OK with
that, or find out how to manage cookies. Nevertheless, Hiatt, who was fired and underwent a state
nursing commission investigation, committed suicide seven months after Zautner died. It was these
failures that had set the stage for the nurses’ tragic mistakes. Students and staff nurses should use
the same MAR and bring the patient’s MAR to the bedside and document drug administration
immediately after the patient has taken the medications. In such cases, the dosage exceed the limit
that should be taken and thus cause damage to the livers. Education patients enable them to become
more aware of the use of different medications and particularly the negative effects of mediation
errors (Prescription for Improving Patient Safety: Addressing Medication Errors, 2007). In Chapter
7, the committee outlines an applied research agenda designed to foster safe medication use.
Checking the medication is another step that ensures that the intended medication is only provided
and has not been mistaken with any other drug. The age and weight of a patient can help dispensing.
Setting: A medical patient care unit in a university teaching hospital Sample: A convenience sample
of medication administration rounds performed by registered nurses with at least six months of
professional experience. Andel et al. (2012) emphasized the need for designing hospitals around
high-quality care using quality improvement philosophy, systems, and policies. Such mistakes are
made by human-error with no additional help to detect any mistakes or inaccuracies prior to
continuing production. Such events may be related to professional practice, health care products,
procedures, and systems, including prescribing; order communication; product labeling, packaging,
and nomenclature; compounding; dispensing; distribution; administration; education; monitoring; and
use.” However, there is no widely accepted uniform definition. Additionally, the IT-based system
would offer a practitioner a chance to make prescriptions while at the same time reviewing the
electronic PR record (Pharmacy record) of the patient (Fitzgerald, 2009). Medication error- Etiology
and strategic methods to reduce the incidence of M. Conclusion In conclusion, medication errors are
prevalent all over the globe and these arise due to a number of challenges within the medical practice
such as improper diagnosis, packaging, labeling, dispensation, administration, use, compounding and
transcription. Boston, MA: Slone Epidemiology Center at Boston University. Patients, primary health
care providers, health care organizations, purchasers of group health care, legislators, and those
affiliated with providing medications and medication- related products and services will benefit from
this guide to reducing medication errors.
More recently, major studies have shown that many adverse drug events occur in the period after
discharge from the hospital (Forster et al., 2003), in nursing homes (Gurwitz et al., 2000, 2005), and
in ambulatory care settings (Gandhi et al., 2003; Gurwitz et al., 2003). These solutions aim for
immediate and long-term changes in how healthcare professionals see and execute the medication
process. Nonprescription drugs are usually termed over-the-counter (OTC). Hence clear
communication between student and staff nurse, as well as the instructor is of utmost importance in
decreasing the risk of making medication omission errors. HFAP Chapter 25 keeps you in compliance
with the Medicare Conditions of Participation. In order of frequency: medication errors, motor
vehicle accidents, breast cancer, AIDS, and medication errors. For instance, with regard to
medication, a medical professional would be required to be aware of things such as any other
medical conditions of the patient, patient allergies, and any other medication the patient may be
taking. A bigger percentage of adverse medical errors are attributed to medication errors.
SUNSCREEN, definition, classification, SPF value, history, mechanism, develop. Keep on browsing
if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. They noted medication errors that came
from verbally expressed medication. Moreover, with proper documentation, any miss or over
implementation of any dosage of any drug may also be identified. Data show that nurses and
pharmacists identify anywhere from 30% to 70% of medication-ordering errors. Therefore it is the
nurse’s duty to report a medication error is accordance with facility protocol. Bluegrass Prevention
Center Elizabeth Anderson-Hoagland Fall 2011. Innovative new pharmaceuticals are displacing older
agents, which are usually cheaper because they are off patent. Counterargument: In dealing with the
medication error problem it is good to be cognizant of the fact that IT approaches may offer efficient
solutions in this case, but their total effectiveness is not guaranteed unless they are combined with
other approaches to reduce medication errors. Despite incomplete information about the mother’s
past treatment for syphilis and the current status of both mother and child, a decision was made to
treat the infant for congenital syphilis. Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-
World Look, present. A review found some evidence that patient self-administration of medication
can be as safe or safer than usual care following appropriate education and preparation. Medication
Errors, Safety, Prevention and Reporting. Sign up for email notifications and we'll let you know
about new publications in your areas of interest when they're released. This paper “The
Responsibility of the Auditor for Fraud and Error” discusses the auditor's responsibility for fraud.
However, the reference did not mention penicillin G benzathine specifically; instead, it referred to
aqueous crystalline penicillin G IV slow push or penicillin G procaine IM. Another kind of active
failure is skill-based or based on memory lapses (Tully et al., 2009, p.826). A couple of instances are
interruption of the prescriber, who then makes a mistake, and when prescribers were too busy that
they made an error. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. One study found that the
likelihood of error occurrence was decreased by 48% when an order was processed via CPOE
(30,31). It begins by providing an overview of the system for drug development, regulation,
distribution, and use. One paper about the vision of 2030 for the general pharmaceutical department
in Saudi Arabia. Andel et al. (2012) estimated the economic costs of medication errors using quality-
adjusted life years (QALYs) and the Institute of Medicine’s report of 98,000 deaths every year.
The following case study, discussed in Hospital Pharmacy (Smetzer and Cohen, 1998), illustrates the
complexity of the health care system and the medication-use process and the interrelatedness of the
factors involved in medication safety and quality. As we go forward, we continue to diligently
evaluate proposed proprietary names and post-marketing error reports to minimize the potential for
drug name confusion and prevent medication errors. A good record on this history should contain
drug prescriptions done in the distant and recent past as well as any adverse reactions such as
allergic or hypersensitive reactions (Fitzgerald, 2009). This holds true in reducing medication errors
where education is often part of multi-component interventions. They checked with a popular
medication reference book to determine whether penicillin G benzathine could be administered IV.
Change how the body works Treats or prevents a disease or symptom. Medication error- Etiology
and strategic methods to reduce the incidence of M. Evidence regarding medication management
education targeted at patients is lacking, but it is an important area for exploration. It is highly
essential and recommended to consult doctors before taking any medication in order to avoid
harmful effects or injuries resultant from wrong medications. Medical prescriptions are also very
important, when we talk about medication errors. Almost. In other words, hospitals know that there
is no incentive to promoting quality measures. Medication errors, retrieved on April 27th 2012 World
Health Organization (WHO) (2012). Medication errors lead may lead to dismissal from a nursing
program. The committee addressed its charge by reviewing the salient research literature,
government reports and data, empirical evidence, and additional materials provided by government
officials and others. Pepper, University of Utah College of Nursing; Grace M. The integration of
such records in the IT system used in prescription and dispensation can greatly help reduce
underreporting, which results from non-adherence or recall bias. In a review of 10 studies on
improving the appropriateness of polypharmacy in the elderly, nine potential solutions studies
involved complex interventions (the remaining one employed computer decision support). It begins
by providing an overview of the system for drug development, regulation, distribution, and use.
Further attempts to operationalize the definition of adverse event may well lead eventually to
additional modifications of the definition. Added to this is the high risk of interaction between
substances. It identified six aims for quality improvement: health care should be safe, effective,
patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable (IOM, 2001). Learn more about our innovation hub
and present your idea. Computerized decision support systems (CDSS) have been cited as potential
IT tools that can help reduce prescription errors that lead to medical errors because of knowledge-
based mistakes (Day et al. 2011). This system is meant to help in the drug selection process because
it is possible that some errors in medication start with the making of decisions on which alternative
drugs to use for different cases. Advice Centre Network Meeting Margaret Duguid Pharmaceutical
Advisor February 2013. The deaths, disabilities and financial losses resulting from medication errors
have become a great concern for the nation and as such various organizations have made a number of
initiatives to help curb the problem and raise levels of patient safety as well as confidence of patients
in the healthcare system (IOM, 2006). In 2013, she received TQM from an American university,
BCPS, CPHQ, and M.Sc. in Clinical Pharmacy. SUNSCREEN, definition, classification, SPF value,
history, mechanism, develop. However, outcomes are heterogeneous and few studies have
specifically focused on medication errors. Expert testimony presented during the trial served as
convincing evidence that, while the nurse and her colleagues had played a part in the tragedy, more
than 50 latent 1 and active failures had occurred throughout the medication-use process (see Table I-
1 ), most of which, such as the poor syringe labeling, the pharmacist’s mistake, and the confusing
drug information, had not been under the control of the nurses. The nurses should also check the
appropriateness of the medication, and also the correctness of the amounts of the medications being
offered to the patients (Lampert, 2012).
Introduction 1. Adverse drug events are the sixth leading cause of death in hospitals and are
responsible for 7% of all admissions. Nonpreventable adverse drug events are also often termed
adverse drug reactions 3 (Gandhi et al., 2000). An example of medication error is intake of a
prescription painkiller along with a non-prescription painkiller. Furthermore, the patient may suffer
due to a delay in receiving the proper care and the proper medication they should have received in
the first place. Dr. Wm. A. Wulf is president of the National Academy of Engineering. To further
complicate a practitioner’s responsibility during patient care, there are thousands of health
supplements, herbs, potions, and lotions used by the public regularly to treat their health problems.
With the number of substances on the market, it is conceivable that mistakes can be made when
practitioners prescribe or dispense drugs. The Institute of Medicine was established in 1970 by the
National Academy of Sciences to secure the services of eminent members of appropriate professions
in the examination of policy matters pertaining to the health of the public. Change how the body
works Treats or prevents a disease or symptom. Maximum dose checking was not a feature of the
pharmacy computer system. The IOM report from 2006 showed that errors in medication do not only
occur within the medical facilities, but their propagation and occurrence may even begin as early as
during the manufacture and packaging and extend into the use period in homes. By continuing, you
agree to our Terms and Conditions. Further attempts to operationalize the definition of adverse event
may well lead eventually to additional modifications of the definition. Beginning in 1998, JCAHO
disseminated patient safety solutions via Sentinel Event Alerts, based on analyses of reported
sentinel events. A number of measures have been taken to combat the problem including appropriate
labeling, packaging and training of practitioners on how to exercise more caution, but the problem
still persists. Next Next post: Habits of Highly Effective Caregivers Related Posts What are the
Different Types of Prescription Errors. Increased medication discrepancies at discharge are
associated with an increased number of prescribed medications, underscoring the need to address
polypharmacy as a multifaceted threat to patient health. The high, life threatening risk associated
with improper medical care is evidence that elicits a global solution to address the issue of patient
safety, not only in these adversely affected areas, but on a global scale. Register for a free account to
start saving and receiving special member only perks. With regard to information technology, several
IOM reports have stressed the need for an information infrastructure to support the delivery of
quality health care. These are some of the medication administration rights that need to be followed
effectively by nurses in order to avoid medication errors. Wishing to prevent any unnecessary pain to
the infant, two of the nurses decided to investigate the possibility of administering the medication
IV (intravenously) instead of IM. Evidence regarding medication management education targeted at
patients is lacking, but it is an important area for exploration. A systematic review found that these
systems reduced medication discrepancies, as well as potential and actual adverse drug events.
These errors result from various factors such as packaging, order communication, prescribing,
procedures, transcribing, administration, dispensing, nomenclature, product labeling, compounding
and use (IOM, 2006). While medication errors may occur at any place, it has been found that the
errors most commonly occur even when patients are in charge of any doctor, in nursing homes, under
the case of nurses. The nurse is supposed to notify the physician and monitor the patient for any
adverse reactions related to the error. In this report, the IOM Committee on Identifying and
Preventing Medication Errors proposes a research agenda for industry and government that can help
meet these critical needs. The medication-related National Patient Safety Goals and associated
requirements established by JCAHO are an example in the area of accreditation. In addition, analysis
of name confusion errors has shown that other factors, such as shared strength or dose between
products, may also contribute to name confusion and has led to errors involving drugs with similar
names. Presenting data that will foster the reduction of medication errors, the book provides action
agendas detailing the measures needed to improve the safety of medication use in both the short-
and long-term.
Setting: A medical patient care unit in a university teaching hospital Sample: A convenience sample
of medication administration rounds performed by registered nurses with at least six months of
professional experience. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own,
that is cheating. Also you. Furthermore, the patient may suffer due to a delay in receiving the proper
care and the proper medication they should have received in the first place. Read more Medication
error 1 of 2 Download Now Download to read offline Ad Recommended Harm through medication
error Harm through medication error Diana Rangaves, PharmD, CEO Staff nurses' perception of
medication errors, perceived causes, and reportin. Pepper, University of Utah College of Nursing;
Grace M. Sign up for email notifications and we'll let you know about new publications in your areas
of interest when they're released. The patient may be subjected to adverse reactions to the
medication. However, when nurses make such mistakes themselves, they might have to pay for their
mistakes. Aside from skill-based faults, policy violations are also problematic. The current
medication-use process, which encompasses prescribing, dispensing, administering, and monitoring,
is characterized by many serious problems and issues that threaten both the safety and positive
outcomes of the process. Overall, however, the review suggested that much more needed to be done.
Introduction Incidents of harmful healthcare related events affect eight in every 100 patients
according to a study by the World Health Organization (WHO, 2012). Violations refer to active
choices wherein prescribers ignore formal or informal policies that they were expected to follow
(Tully et al., 2009, p.826). One example is medication error that comes from a medical student
because his supervisor did not check his prescription. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and
Conditions. This includes prescribing and dispensing both the proper dosage and type of medication.
Based on feedback from you, our users, we've made some improvements that make it easier than ever
to read thousands of publications on our website. The lesson learned from this case study is that we
must look beyond blaming individuals and focus on the multiple underlying system failures that
shape individual behavior and create the conditions under which medication errors occur. Further
attempts to operationalize the definition of adverse event may well lead eventually to additional
modifications of the definition. Seven of the eight studies had a medication review component.
HFAP Chapter 25 keeps you in compliance with the Medicare Conditions of Participation. The
integration of such records in the IT system used in prescription and dispensation can greatly help
reduce underreporting, which results from non-adherence or recall bias. Medication errors that can
lead to harmful effects on the patients can be prevented if nurses take the proper responsibilities of
safety and reporting. Medication Errors in General Medicine wards of a tertiary care teaching Hospi.
Each of the steps in the process needs improvement and further study. Safe practice 3 calls for use of
an explicit protocol to ensure an adequate level of nursing based on the institution’s usual patient mix
and the experience and training of its nursing staff. Human, environmental, and organizational
factors cause medication mistakes, but a number of important environmental and system-based
changes can be made to decrease the risks and instances of medication errors. The committee
benefited from presentations made by a number of experts over the past 2 years. To Err Is Human
(IOM, 2000, p. 28) defined error and adverse event as follows. Keep on browsing if you are OK
with that, or find out how to manage cookies. As we all know the famous idiomatic sentence that
“Prevention is better than cure”, is really.

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