Grammar 32

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Name: ___________________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Questions with “to be”

How old is the Eiffel Tower? It is 115 years old.
are the Pyramids? They are 4,500 years old.

1.- Complete the questions and answers. Write “is” or “are”.

1.- How old ___________________ your Mum? She ___________________ 35 years old.
2.- How old ___________________ this picture? It ___________________ 200 years old.
3.- How old _________________ the buildings? They __________________ 50 years old.

Present simple
I take
We find to the museum
They a letter behind the painting
He takes
She finds

2.- Read and circle the answers.

1.- She like / likes going to the cinema.
2.- I see / sees a picture.
3.- He go / goes to the museum.
4.- We show / shows the painting to our Dad.
5.- He drop / drops the painting.
6.- They look / looks at the painting.

Ed. Oxford Rincón del Maestro:

3.- Read and complete the text. Write the verbs in the present simple.
be – put – see – want – be – take
Sue and Jenny (1) ___________________ in a shop. They (2) ___________________ to
buy a present for their Dad. They (3) ___________________ a beautiful lamp. It (4)
___________________ 20 pounds. At home, Sue (5) ___________________ the lamp out
of the bag. She (6) ___________________ it a pretty box. It’s a wonderful present!

Ed. Oxford Rincón del Maestro:

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