King Belial Deity Associations

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King Belial Associations, History, Etc.


General Info:
● *This is upg / spg from various practitioners* - he may be best
contacted at night, in a dark, candlelit room. His areas of control, or the
things he has dominion over are Freedom, Influence and Necromancy. Can
help with Baneful magic. May require discipline of his devotees, may break
down unsteady foundations causing “tower moments” in the devotees life,
but this is because he wants to assist you in rebuilding things better and
stronger. He does not generally favor beginner or novice practitioners,
however, if he reaches out to you, give yourself some credit!

In Depth History & Information:

● “The Sixty-eighth Spirit is Belial. He is a Mighty and a Powerful King, and was
created next after Lucifer. He appeareth in the Form of Two Beautiful Angels
sitting in a Chariot of Fire. He speaketh with a Comely Voice, and declareth
that he fell first from among the worthier sort, that were before Michael, and
other Heavenly Angels. His Office is to distribute Presentations and
Senatorships, etc.; and to cause favour of Friends and of Foes. He giveth
excellent Familiars, and governeth 50 Legions of Spirits. Note well that this
King Belial must have Offerings, Sacrifices and Gifts presented unto him by
the Exorcist, or else he will not give True Answers unto his Demands. But
then he tarrieth not one hour in the Truth, unless he be constrained by Divine
Power. And his Seal is this, which is to be worn as aforesaid, etc.” - Source is
the Ars Goetia & Lesser Key of Solomon. This is the copy I personally own.
● “In the Dukante Hierarchy, Belial is seen as the representative Daemonic
force of earth. In this aspect, he is the destructive earth force. This makes
invoking this aspect apt for execrations and necromancy, not to mention
business endeavors that require aggressive measures.” - Source for above
information: Daemonolatry Goetia by S. Connolly
● “Belial is the Qliphothic Witch-God, Goetic King, and Guardian of the Gate
who rules over the physical plane. He is an initiator and a demon of
enlightenment. Alongside Lucifer and Hecate, he is a member of the
Atlantean Trident of the Draconian Tradition. Belial is the Serpent God who is
recorded in traditional demonology to be the Ambassador to Turkey for some
reason. The demon is considered an excellent mentor in sorcery and highly
reliable guide who is knowledgeable regarding many secret alchemical
praxes. He is a destroying god of war and death whose auspices and
guidance are desirable in the arts of necromancy, vampyrism, and
execration.” - Source for above information: VK
King Belial’s Enn is:
● (Demonic Enn) – “Lirach tasa vefa welch Belial.”
(In our experience, pronunciation does not matter as much as the intention.)

Other Good to Know Info:

*Please note that most of this entire section (excluding the Epithets section) will be
unverified personal gnosis (upg) or shared personal gnosis (spg). We did confirm this with
him via pendulum, but again, this is simply a few practitioner’s experiences and could be
entirely different from yours. Please be respectful of closed practices when handling bones
and skulls, as well as graveyard dirt. Also be respectful to the spirits of the deceased.*

● Altar Suggestions: Athames, Bones, Candles in the Color’s He Likes,

Chariot Imagery, Death Imagery, Earthy Offerings, Frankincense, Gold, Gold
Jewelry, Lemons, Mullein, Patchouli, Precious Metals, Sandalwood, Statues of
the Animals Below, Vetivert. (This is our upg - Gargoyle’s may work as well.)
● Animals: Bill, Black Serpent, Goat, Scorpion.
● Appearance:
1. “He appeareth in the Form of Two Beautiful Angels sitting in a Chariot
of Fire.” - Source is the Ars Goetia & Lesser Key of Solomon. This is
the copy I personally own. (The Dictionary of Demons entry does state
that it may have been an error with the ‘Two Angels’ thing, and so he
may appear as only one angelic like being riding in a fiery chariot.)
2. “Belial is a prolific shapeshifter known to manifest as two figures
illustrating diametric opposites. He commonly assumes appearances
like skeletal figures and draconic anthropoids, but will manifest as
human on occasion– he’ll even shapeshift to a human form in front of
you if you’re upset and open up to him. While some traditional
demonology records Belial as a bloated demonic man-dragon, I have
witnessed his black man-dragon aspect as muscular rather than
bloated. Belial has also been described as a Caucasian male whose
long hair is black with white tips, and I have seen this aspect as well.
On a couple occasions, I have seen Belial appear as a simple
anthropoid made of shadow. Belial also appeared to me in a vision as a
red-furred four-legged beast (a big cat) which a pointed black tail and
sharp fangs.” - Source for above information: VK
● Colors: Black, Brown, Gold, Green, White, Yellow.
● Crystal Offerings: Black Merlinite, Malachite, Obsidian, Smoky Quartz.
● Dates: January 30th – February 8th (S. Connolly) (Tikaboo) (Night Time)
● Alternate Dates: February 24th – February (28th?)29th (Runyon). UPG of
VK - Jan 30-Feb 8; Aug 8-12; Winter Solstice; Feb 24-29; Winter; December.
● Day/Night: Night
● Direction: North/South
● Element: Fire and (Earth) (Under Corson), UPG of VK - Water as well.
● Epithets / Other Names: Baalial, Belhor, Beliall, Belia’al, Beliar, Belias,
Beliel, Belu. “The Father of Lies”, “The King of Vampires”, “The Lawless One”,
“The Unconquerable King”.
● Flowers, Herbs and Trees: Balm, Cedar, Lemon, Mullein, Vetivert.
● Food and Drink Offerings: Cinnamon Coffee, Cinnamon Whiskey, Raw
Meat, Red Meat, Red Wine, Regular Coffee.
● General Offerings: Anything that represents Death, Athames, Blood
(PLEASE do your research and ASK him if he wants it before offering this,
[also be sure it’s actually him and not a trickster, he’s known to test and trick
more than other Infernal’s so vetting is important!!!] do not give your life
force away freely without proper protections, respect, etc. I can tell you on
one hand the amount of times I’ve given blood in my practice, and I’ve been
practicing awhile) Cigars, Bones (please be respectful of bones that are
closed spiritually - most, if not all bones can be displayed as decorations or
oddities, but some are barred for use in spiritual practices unless you are a
part of the people, practice, etc. that has permission to use them - a big
example: coyote bones), Things that represent the Void or the Abyss or
Journeying through Them / the Qliphoth.
● Incense & Scents He May Like: Frankincense, Patchouli, Sandalwood.
Balm, Cedar, Lemon, Mullein, Vetivert. (This is our upg - Cinnamon, Rose.)
● Metal: Gold
● Planet: Sun
● Zodiac: Aquarius. UPG of VK - Leo as well. UPG of random others - Pisces.

● Tarot Card Associations: These are cards that you can use to effectively
‘vet’ them and make sure that it is them you’re speaking to when it comes to
divination. Personally, I like to ask via pendulum, ‘yes or no’ and ‘truth or
false’ questions regarding their mythology, throwing in trick questions every
now and then. If they answer something wrong, stop the divination session
and burn incense and / or command firmly and strongly for the entity to
leave, that it is not welcome in your space now or ever again. Trickster spirits
are far less common than places like Witchtok on Tikok will have you
believe, but definitely be safe. I always recommend protection and warding
to novice witches before anything else. When it comes to vetting with the
Tarot, these card associations will really come in handy. You can ask them to
throw these out while you shuffle, or you can stop shuffling when you feel it’s
right and try to pull one. I usually try to get 3-5 card identifiers to be safe
before a divination session for clients, but if you communicate with them
more than three times a week, you don’t have to do it every single time.
● I’ve separated the cards by “Major” and “Minor” - Major means very strong
identification cards, so if you have 2+ they’re definitely present, while Minor
are like supportive cards (less strong as indicators). Finally, here are the card
associations: Major: Death, Justice, The Chariot, The Emperor, The Sun,
The Tower, The Wheel of Fortune, The World, King of Pentacles, Six of
Swords, Ten of Swords. Minor: Judgement, Five of Swords, Eight of Swords,
Nine of Swords, Ten of Pentacles. Remember, you can always come up with
your own associations, but I definitely recommend keeping The Chariot,
The Emperor, The Tower, The Wheel of Fortune, King of Pentacles
and the Six of Swords in there somewhere.

● Last Minute Notes, Resources & Sources:

DemonsandDemonolatry - King Belial (Best online resource I’ve found for


V.K Jehannum - King Belial

Three Rams - King Belial Video (Tiktok)

MadameFortune - King Belial Video (Tiktok)

The Mad Witch - King Belial Video (Tiktok)

Teala Petrova - King Belial Video (Tiktok)

Aziel - King Belial Video (Tiktok)

Book Recommendations:
Dictionary of Demons Expanded & Revised Edition by M. Belanger

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