Prime Minister Lucifuge Rofocale Deity Associations

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Prime Minister Lucifuge Rofocale Associations, History, Etc.

General Info:
● In the Grand Grimoire, Prime Minister Lucifuge Rofocale is one of six superior
spirits mentioned. He is the Prime Minister of Hell and the head of the
Underworld Council. He commands respect, and that the practitioner respects
darkness as well. He can assist with baneful magic, contracts, the Qliphoth,
and much more. He can be a stern teacher, giving harsh lessons when
deserved, but he is an incredibly powerful educator, willing and able to help
the practitioner delve deep into the darkness and emerge anew. He will not
hold your hand during your work with him however, and in my personal upg
and experience, he is one of the more ‘formal’ Infernal’s. I personally would
recommend having an offering of candles, incense, or something else ready
each time you invite him into your space just to be respectful to him. He is
said to not like, or be best for working with beginner or novice practitioners.

In Depth History & Information:

● “One of six superior spirits named in the Grand Grimoire, a text attributed to
Anotonio Venitiana del Rabina. Lucifuge Rofocale is named as the Prime
Minister of Hell, and he is depicted in illustrations within this text as a
bandy-legged demon with goat’s hooves, wearing what appears to be a
jester’s cap. He stands by a fire and grips a bag of gold in one hand and a
hoop of some sort in the other. He is said to hold dominion over three of the
traditional demons from the Goetia - Bael, Agares and Marbas. Supposedly,
he has been entrusted by Lucifer himself with control over all the wealth and
treasure of the earth. Additionally, Lucifuge Rofocale, at least within the
context of the Grand Grimoire, appears to act as Lucifer’s go-between. This
seems appropriate, given his stated position of Prime Minister. When calling
upon Lucifer, who sits at the very top of the demonic hierarchy, depicted in
Venitiana’s work, the magician addresses Lucifuge to forge the pact. Lucifuge
is probably derived from the latin word lucifugus, meaning ‘light-fleeing.”
● - Source of above is the Dictionary of Demons Expanded & Revised by
Michelle B.
● “He understands the art of Necromancy and he hears the whispers and
messages of the dead. He can converse with them and move them where he
desires. Being on the Underworld Council he has dominion and mastery over
the dead. He can teach one of Dark Necromancy and Shadow Necromancy.
The sphere of Darkness is open to him, and he knows the way. He can help
those who wish to walk in the dark paths of shadow, helping them find their
way. He can open the path for those who wish to descend.
● He has walked the darkness of the Underworld and he knows it’s Labyrinths.
Through the Black Labyrinth and the Dark Riddles of the deep he teaches
those how to see what is not there and see the path before them.
● He can teach Clairvoyance and the awakening of psychic sight.
● He is hard to work with because he will strip one of their illusions and reveal
the hard truth to them. He says if the truth does not shatter your world then
it is just a comfortable illusion. Growth comes with pain and acceptance of
that pain brings the transformation. It is not pain you enjoy either, it is pain
that tests you and the nature of your soul, and it is different for everyone.
That is where the transformation comes from. That is where the wisdom is
found.” - Source for above information: DemonsandDemonolatry
● “Lucifuge is the Witch-God or Patron of Sorcery as well as the Chief of
Infernal Pacts. He can be called on to cast destructive curses upon deities
and he erases the demiurge’s ability to hinder the witch. Lucifuge Rofocal
specializes in the infliction of illness and deformity, and he can devour a
target’s strength of will. Although he is a being of great knowledge and
perspicacity, he speaks with a soft voice.” - Source for above information: VK

Lord Lucifuge’s Enn is:

● (Dukante Enn) – “Eyen tasa valocur Lucifuge Rofocale”
(In our experience, pronunciation does not matter as much as the intention.)
● Sacred Chant of Lucifuge Rofocal: “Ameshon etesay umabey Lucifuge
Rofocale eshesaun.” (In our experience, pronunciation does not matter as
much as the intention. This enn was channeled by DemonsandD’s coven.)

Other Good to Know Info:

*Please note that most of this entire section (excluding the Epithets section) will be
unverified personal gnosis (upg) or shared personal gnosis (spg). We did confirm this with
him via pendulum, but again, this is simply a few practitioner’s experiences and could be
entirely different from yours. Please be respectful of closed practices when handling bones
and skulls, as well as graveyard dirt. Also be respectful to the spirits of the deceased.*

● Altar Suggestions: Bones, Black Roses, Candles in the Color’s He Likes,

Coins, Gold, Graveyard Dirt, Jewelry & Jewels, Skulls, Statues
● Animals: Black birds
● Appearance:
1. “One of six superior spirits named in the Grand Grimoire, a text
attributed to Anotonio Venitiana del Rabina. Lucifuge Rofocale is
named as the Prime Minister of Hell, and he is depicted in illustrations
within this text as a bandy-legged demon with goat’s hooves, wearing
what appears to be a jester’s cap. He stands by a fire and grips a bag
of gold in one hand and a hoop of some sort in the other.” - Source of
above is the Dictionary of Demons Expanded & Revised by Michelle B.
2. “Lucifuge Rofocale has piercing green eyes that cut through the
darkness. They are sharp and focused and he has an intense gaze. His
hair is long and black and his skin is pale. He is tall and toned, though
he is of a slimmer build than many of the Dark Lords. He usually wears
black robes that are adorned with underworld symbols and symbols
representing his rank and power. He has black horns with green
highlights in them and black wings and a tail. He has razor sharp claws
and he usually carries a staff with him.” - From
DemonsandDemonolatry’s Priestess’s seeking council with him.
3. “Lucifuge is purported to appear either as a three-horned Satyr or a
red and viperous, five-horned anthropoid, or perhaps as a bald
magickian in a gold and silver robe, and he rules the third Qlipha from
the top. In The Book of Agares by S. Conolly, a dream-gnosis is
described wherein Rofocale appeared as an older man with silver hair
and silver eyes.” - Source for above information: VK - Lucifuge
● Colors: Black, Dark Blue, Dark Green, Dark Grey, Dark Purple, Dark Silver,
Green, Grey, Metallic Black, Silver
● Crystal Offerings: Aegirine, Ammolite, Ancestralite, Arfvedsonite, Black
Quartz, Blue Tiger’s Eye, Kunzite, Kyanite, Lepidocrocite, Obsidian, Smokey
Quartz, Tiger’s Eye, Tiger’s Iron
● Direction: West
● Element: Water
● Epithets / Other Names: Lucifuge Rofocal, Lucifuge Rofocale, Rofocale,
Lucifugus Rofocalus, Lucifage, Rofocale, Lesifuges, Lucerifuge
● Flowers, Herbs and Trees: Mandrake, Maori, Mullein, Sage, Wild Rose
● Food and Drink Offerings: Pu Erh, Lapsang Souchong, Orange, Rose Hips,
and Hibiscus tea blend - DemonsandDemonolatry Coven. (You can make this
yourself, find one in a store, or ask him if he likes these flavors separately as
well.) In our personal experience and upg, most Infernal’s enjoy cigars and
whiskey. Alcohol, Black Olive Juice, Olive Oil - V.K Jehannum’s site.
● General Offerings: Black Roses, Bones, Coins, Dark Ambiance Music, Gold,
Jewels, Mandrake, Mullein, Sage, Skulls, Wild Rose
● Incense & Scents He May Like: Agarwood, Cinnamon, Copal,
Frankincense, Ipomoea jalapa, Musk, Patchouli, Rose
● Metal: Platinum, Silver
● Planet: Pluto
● Tarot Card Associations: These are cards that you can use to effectively
‘vet’ them and make sure that it is them you’re speaking to when it comes to
divination. Personally, I like to ask via pendulum, ‘yes or no’ and ‘truth or
false’ questions regarding their mythology, throwing in trick questions every
now and then. If they answer something wrong, stop the divination session
and burn incense and / or command firmly and strongly for the entity to
leave, that it is not welcome in your space now or ever again. Trickster spirits
are far less common than places like Witchtok on Tikok will have you
believe, but definitely be safe. I always recommend protection and warding
to novice witches before anything else. When it comes to vetting with the
Tarot, these card associations will really come in handy. You can ask them to
throw these out while you shuffle, or you can stop shuffling when you feel it’s
right and try to pull one. I usually try to get 3-5 card identifiers to be safe
before a divination session for clients, but if you communicate with them
more than three times a week, you don’t have to do it every single time. I’ve
separated the cards by “Major” and “Minor” - Major means very strong
identification cards, so if you have 2+ they’re definitely present, while Minor
are like supportive cards (less strong as indicators). Finally, here are the card
associations: Major: The Devil, The Emperor, The Wheel of Fortune, Justice,
Ace of Swords, King of Pentacles, Ten of Pentacles, Ten of Swords, and Three
of Wands. Minor: The World, King of Swords, Nine of Cups, Nine of Pentacles
and the Six of Pentacles. Remember, you can always come up with your own
associations, but I definitely recommend keeping The Emperor, King of
Pentacles, Justice and Ten of Swords in there somewhere.
● Last Minute Notes, Resources & Sources:
● Abella - Tiktok
● DemonsandDemonolatry - Lord Lucifuge (Great resource for Infernals.)
● Madame Fortune - TikTok Part 1 & Madame Fortune - TikTok Part 2
● VK Jehannum - Lucifuge

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