Elp Record March 26, 2023

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Meaning of communication there not be communication that is when the meaning intended by the

speaker or sender is not what is understood by the recipient otherwise there is understanding because
the information being sent by the sender uh misconstrued by the uh listener or the recipient and as a
result there is a miscommunication between the speaker and the sender so let's let's have to monitor
and and repair this so some communication gaps might be technological in nature you know that in your
purposive communication these are barriers for example when you want to communicate with your
loved one outside the country and then there's a problem in connection of the Internet or there's a
problem with the network or for example there's something wrong with your gut check in that case
technologically OK and other aspects that arise for for a guy like personal problems or personality types
like of course if you are going through a problem our metal company I the tendency there is that you
cannot you cannot focus on what the speaker is saying or talking about but that is a factor also why
there is a God again it boils down to miss understanding OK so there are communication that we
remember we discuss about clear that for example if you uh speak with your teachers for example let's
say your pictures how this characteristic of being strict gay or being you know uh straightforward so
there is a tendency that you feel afraid as to how would you confront how say it and so on and this is
saying you know we should monitor that we should repair that we should do something to repair that
wow so good don't feel anxious or don't feel that the fear instead you try to condition your mind and just
approach it in a nice way or in a nice manner OK and and have that bit of self-confidence not using a just
just just the normal self-confidence for you to be able to repair that as a result OK very approachable or
for example at workplace it's normal to have fear communicating or something yes yeah suppose more
uh or you know you're superior so that's normal but as much as possible let's not have that fear OK my
fear I know scenario whether in communication process or whatsoever um life would you know lead us
to one of three or to see you will not go places you have to overcome that because if you get to
overcome that then everything will fall into its place and then we stressed about eventually about
mistrust that if there is mistrust between two speakers or groups communication gap emerges because
either of them doesn't either want to convey proper message or does not complete a message at all so
in other words just like in a circle of friends OK if there's one or among those circle of friends who are
you know have the characters stick off you know having a uh you that this one or two friends of your
circle of friends cannot be trusted again that is a cup like for example you want to open up but there is
already a scenario where in this this friend cannot be trusted to see supposed to be the secret that you
shared it's just between the two of you but what happened so if there is a scenario that had happened
that way my goal you got bedding you you you got me on it's no longer uh the kind of closeness that you
have with that prep work I see but and that is misunderstanding expectation more to that friend and
that is it body language and phone if I remember nonverbal communication is the factor in in gap in
communication gap remember your upper positive communication that there are nonverbal
communication to Filipinos which have different meaning to other nationalities good for America uh OK
let's see we have the same interpretation very last but to other countries like in you know list not so
thumbs up or anything like a Greek but you are talking or let's say you are doing that nonverbal
communication to people who have different meanings on nonverbal communication that's why be
careful uh with whom you are doing nonverbal just for example uh three years from now or four years
from now you will be working abroad let's say in the Middle East or other parts of the country and then
verbal communication so indeed misunderstanding or result or something that it can affect your your job
your performance so be careful OK uh-huh so then then maintaining an attitude of other disgust or
hatred this after this bad person first yes So what could happen in such situation is that this sort of
attitude reflection works leading to 30 conversations among participants of the communication so be
careful with what we after so be careful not to but mouth other people because it will result into hatred
and that can also be a gap in communication and then the channel or system of communication so the
means of transmitting information between the sender and receiver is one of the most important factors
to affect the communication process so sometimes there is an urgent need to communicate the
information on the phone of course through social media uh specially nowadays um technology and
communication becomes high tech and accessible so looking at looking at someone or be careful with
whatever information that you want you have to take into consideration like uh you know right time
unknown OK so there are also seven steps that can prevent communication gaps if focus train the
message and then use appropriate volume avoid assumptions yes uh never assume sometimes
sometimes but be careful not worry not all your assumptions can be true or although you know just just
be careful in assuming make sure that you assume on something which uh you have let's say um pro OK
but you know you you just assume or something and we careful in that OK so be careful on assumption
on assuming or assumptions check for comprehension OK so it's very important to to really have a good
comprehension or understanding whatever uh you hear whether verbal non verbal written so you use
the right medium so the mute the medium you choose will depend on how well you know the person OK
they're urgency of the message or the sensitivity of the subject matter so be careful and just like at home
for example if for example you want to open up with your mom you are what they call this confused as
to should I open up with my mom or with my dad anymore more understanding more understanding or
if you think you're more comfortable opening up with your mom hey Mama, open up the medium that
use is your mom because you think that your mom understand you better then your that for example
and aside from that you know one of the characteristics of a mother is very understanding not all but
most very understanding and they have that a soft test I have my some uh that hi so there so far ways to
close the communication gap state your intention before you start into an interaction think about what it
is you want to achieve from the conversation or discussion so by stating your intention it allows for
others to better understand where you are coming from so in other words when stating your intention
this specific for example your purpose is just want someone to listen to your please or to your problems
you just need your shoulder to cry on you need not yeah you know expect the person whom you are
opening up to give you a what do you call that link pieces of advice or whatever whatever your
intentions are if you think for example you want to extend your help or your assistance to a certain
friend then just stick to that that your intention is to help indeed you intention hello friends for the
sincere extend the power to be careful sincerity is very important also in stating your intention so that
when the friends of yours whom you will be opening up could feel that sincerity and honesty there
everything will fall into it you know proper place or becomes a listen OK listen we need to be mindful of
the moment we are in not the moment that is coming next so do not anticipate things fear of the
unknown you need to be mindful of the moment you think of the moment you think of what is
happening at present so you'll listen so but the other hand if we know the other person has taken the
time and effort to listen to understand our position then we feel valued and respected state your
intention that if you're intention is just to have someone to listen to your problems or whatever is that
and of course if that person whom you're opening up as it said is indeed how that sincerity also listening
what do you call that that person would have put the blame on one yuan or you know that don't say no
so truly listen as as a recipient as a listener you know you just listen you listen you know listening
remember listening is a skill and mind you listening is is different from hearing are you listening speaking
and speaking OK so listening you have to really so that you can give sound pieces of lice OK so to truly
listen we need to be mindful of the moment so sing off the moment other things or indeed uh let's say
city at the moment yeah so live each day So what was on what's happening at the moment not trying to
to you know think of things that uh will be will be uh no will be happening what do you call that I see
participation or so there and then summarize for understanding no need to recount work or work that
someone has said instead summarizing it in your own words in other words you try to rephrase power
selector sure so you try to um recap that or summarize that the way you understand it or the way the
teacher the speaker tries to tell you to understand so provide them the opportunity to clarify their
message if you did not understand what they mean correctly so going back to our topic now asking for
clarification on that there's nothing wrong in asking for clarification if indeed he did not understand I'm
just saying that avoid assumptions get score just like when when giving directions or instructions
directions to get it yes ma'am ask hey understand it correctly OK and then put yourself in the other
person shoes OK super positive communication made on June 7 sees you consideration union
consideration don't additional seed by 7686 additional is the consideration to you you point right OU in
other words you put yourself in the shoes of the others what if So put yourself in the other person shoes
make the question appropriate to the situation in doing so it will help you to understand what is
important to the other person knowing what's important to the other person will enable you to address
it or at least allow themselves to be heard and for you to acknowledge the concern yeah so what so it's
very important you see the consideration doing some effective communication very important you
completeness and so on courtesy consideration is also very important always put yourself on the shoes
of the others so that you know you are part of the communication process but I should have known you
get also to pick up things for example like how would they react how would they respond how would
they interpret others OK so on call this repairing communication gap OK so that's it so that's
communication gap now I mentioned a while ago that you will have your activity OK on on this will be a
presentation day in other words that uh you have to present it uh during our uh face to face class now
let's group yourselves today it's already causing fix that I told you to have it before the happy part minor
sorry sorry yeah sorry am I right we are all on page you page 301 802 2 I told her there are many
activities so these activities OK I can you prove your communication skills like improving yourself
confidence and proving your uh your your communication skills like expressing your your ideas your
thoughts uh without feeling insurance hey so let's from this the barrier puzzle Humana the perfect
square the minefield back-to-back drawing I don't survival defaulting truth and lies but I chose a for
activities here that are easy to present or to perform uh you know my shadow requirements in other
words so Robin I think you 40 plus 935 36 including Thanos yes Vietnam War groups group 8 so can you
fair I I learn survival then pounding human nature uh the minefield Oh yeah human not I love survival
then counting and truth and lies so next hi OK hello hey OK anyway OK so
leaders the painting alone leader anyway how can I OK survival OK I will give I will read the mechanic so
that uh you can you can uh you may know not sure why word says here break up groups into groups of
five to 10 four groups then read them a scenario that describes how they have been stranded on an
istranded.llowing a shipwreck and that they discover items washing up on the shore so you will talk
among yourselves here one the leader will be the one to giving scenario that this how would they have
been stranded

Give them a list with the for example 28 items whatever to work together to identify which item the why
present to other groups which item they have and why so the power no

Is that item have significance

Island survival,

Zen counting

Sit away from one another, count 1 to 10.. saying only one number exercise develop listening skill

Truths or lies

3 facts or truths and one is a lie Guess which statement is true and what is lie

Human naught

Stand f2f figure how to connect without releasing hand.

Develop self confidence

Communicate skills.

Develop good relationships with one another

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