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Name: Cindy Zhao

Student ID: 6225360

Course : Multi-Culti : Multicultural Short stories sect.0001
Section number: 603-102-MQ/01

Selflessness, Always Advantageous

Sometimes, individuals must navigate the intricate balance between societal expectations and

personal responsibility, challenging conventional ideas of morality in the face of extreme adversity.

In Xmas, Jamaica Plain, a short story by Melanie Rae Thon, this complex issue is explored as it

narrates the story of two sex workers who resort to robbing a house on Christmas to secure food and

shelter. Many hold the common belief that selfishness is essential for both society and individuals.

However, when refraining from doing harm is disadvantageous, selflessness becomes the right


Avoiding harm is the optimal choice, as it may be detrimental to the individual, but not to

those around them. Frequently, opting for an action that proves disadvantageous for oneself can turn

out to be advantageous for those nearby. Rather than prioritizing personal needs, individuals can then

opt for actions that benefit others. This selfless approach not only fosters a sense of altruism but also

positions the individual to derive fulfillment from making someone else happy, thereby enhancing

the interconnected fabric of shared joy and mutual benefit. For example, in Xmas, Jamaica Plain, the

narrator affirms: “[Clare] told me I could ditch the baby down the road. I didn't do it.” (Thon 327 ) In

this context, the narrator has the opportunity to steal a car and finally get the privilege to have a small

resort and warm heat. However, consequently, she would have to give up the baby on the road and a

mother would wail and cry with constant grief for the rest of her life. At this moment, the narrator

overrides her natural instinct to steal the car, and instead, makes the selfless choice of not stealing it.
Name: Cindy Zhao
Student ID: 6225360
Course : Multi-Culti : Multicultural Short stories sect.0001
Section number: 603-102-MQ/01

This decision goes against personal interest and convenience, as it involves forgoing immediate

comforts. Instead, the narrator prioritizes the well-being of the baby and its mother, demonstrating

that, in certain situations, selflessness is chosen even when it is personally disadvantageous. In

summary, practicing selflessness not only benefits others but also holds the potential for redemption.

Additionally, choosing to refrain from harm can be beneficial, as the practice of selflessness

carries inherent redemptive qualities. Selflessness without concern for personal gain, even when it is

disadvantageous, possesses redeeming qualities. By choosing not to harm others, individuals

demonstrate a form of forgiveness in their actions. This forgiveness could be seen as a willingness to

let go of potential negative actions, having a sense of understanding or compassion instead. For

example, after Emile’s demise, she states: “I think about the snow that day, wings in the bright sky, I

forgive myself for everything else.” (Thon 328)

Despite the negative behaviour of stealing and engaging in other harmful actions afterwards, the

narrator has now the potential to develop a sense of selflessness over the long term. The long-term

gradual transformation might lead to a reduction in selfish tendencies. This underscores the idea that

selflessness can be a redemptive force, offering a path to positive change and personal improvement.

In summary, opting for selflessness not only brings redemption but also has the potential to fortify


Being selfless can strengthen the bond between 2 people and also help them become more

compassionate. Opting for a choice that might not be personally advantageous only deepens the bond

between two people. This willingness to prioritize the relationship over individual interests serves as
Name: Cindy Zhao
Student ID: 6225360
Course : Multi-Culti : Multicultural Short stories sect.0001
Section number: 603-102-MQ/01

a catalyst, sparking the formation of values that endure over the long term. In essence, the act of self-

sacrifice contributes to the establishment of a more meaningful and lasting connection, fostering a

foundation for shared values and mutual understanding as the relationship evolves. For instance,

within the story, the narrator couldn't recall the person or location from whom the coat was stolen

weeks ago, but she would constantly share it with Emile, taking turns using it. (Thon 322) In this

particular moment, the narrator is engaging in a selfless gesture, even though it might be more

advantageous for her to act otherwise. Despite the challenging circumstances, the narrator willingly

chooses to share her coat with Emile in the cold weather. This portrays how a seemingly small act of

generosity can have huge effects on relationships and personal development. Thus, this not only

solidifies their relationship but also sets the groundwork for the narrator to extend this altruism to

others in her life. Furthermore, after Emile’s death, she reflects on the idea of calling the police for

Emile and cleaning the area. (Thon 327) Within this particular moment, with Emile’s death, the fact

that the narrator is still contemplating actions to assist Emile posthumously emphasizes the enduring

nature of compassion. It implies a belief that the right course of action is not solely determined by its

immediate benefits but by the intrinsic value of kindness and consideration for others. To conclude,

refraining from harm is the right decision as it reinforces relationship bonds.

In summary, acts of selflessness can enhance relationships, provide opportunities for

redemption, and benefit others, even if it means facing disadvantages personally. Therefore, choosing

selflessness is the right option, despite its potential drawbacks. However, prioritizing personal

interests, even at the expense of others, may be ethically valid within specific contexts.
Name: Cindy Zhao
Student ID: 6225360
Course : Multi-Culti : Multicultural Short stories sect.0001
Section number: 603-102-MQ/01

856 words – 34 words= 822words

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