Moros Legacy - Forge Masters

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Can I make . . . a sword? Yes. Oh, yes, I can make you a sword!

At the dawn of known civilization, when Nickname: Powersmiths

Atlantis had long since passed into Orders: The Forge Masters have a long association with the
legend, Sleepers still knew that some Adamantine Arrow, forging magical weapons,
men worked miracles. They chained armor and shields for their battles. Arrow
the storm-wind in their bellows to members sometimes join the Legacy so
send it roaring into the furnace. they can design and forge their own
Kissed by the fire’s ardor, dull ore sweated armaments. The Mysterium takes a
drops of shining metal. The smith more esoteric approach to the Legacy.
shaped this metal with The metaphysical transformation of
hammer and tongs, and matter into tool fascinates some
then quenched it in water. of these Arcane scholars; oth-
A hundred useful things ers strive to reconstruct the
came from the forge: bar- techniques by which ancient
rel-hoops and buckles, pins mages crafted magical wonders.
and plowshares. The smith The Free Council, however, now claims
knew the secrets of shining silver the largest number of the Forge Masters. Libertine
and heart-gladdening gold, the soft service Powersmiths take great pride in the ancient
of copper, tin and lead and the resilience roots of modern metallurgy. Legacy mem-
of bronze. Most of all, though, he knew bers combine ancient craftsmanship with
the secrets of iron. Not a pretty metal, new alloys, or apply new metal-shaping
but a strong one; the perfect metal technologies to the crafting of Enchanted
for the swords and armor that made Items. A few Obrimos Libertines have
one man master over his fellows — and it fell from the sky. become Forge Masters, but the order’s capacity to spread the
Around the world, therefore, common folk and kings saw Legacy is very new and very rare as yet.
the smith as a figure of magic — because, of course, he was. The Silver Ladder and Guardians of the Veil readily use the
Long before Egypt, Sumer or China, the mages of Atlantis products of this Legacy’s labors, whether to chastise a rebellious
wrought wonders in their forges of power. Smith-gods such as spirit or murder someone for looking where he shouldn’t.
Greek Hephaistos, Celtic Goibniu or Yoruban Ogoun preserve Neither order has much in common with the Legacy’s own
a faint memory of their deeds. The mortal smiths remembered, interests, though.
too. They knew their Art revealed a sacred, Supernal truth: in The Seers of the Throne include a few Forge Masters. Makers
creating tools, the smith did more than change the substance of weapons and tools have always served power, and the Seers
or shape of matter. He imbued matter with purpose, making it pay as well as — better than — any warlord, chief or king. The
an extension of human thought and human will. This meta- Seers’ Powersmiths initiate their own apprentices and have
physical change was at least as great and wonderful a miracle little contact with their counterparts in the Pentacle.
as the production of metal from ore.
Appearance: Forge Master practices involve a great deal
In the modern age of factories and mass production, most of physical exertion, so there are no weaklings in the Legacy.
people forget the awe that once surrounded the Masters of Young or old, slim or fat, they have broad shoulders and a
Metal. The miracles have become too commonplace. A few powerful grip.
people keep the old ways and the old secrets, though — some-
While working at the forge, a Powersmith wears heavy
times in the very heart of the industrial world that seems to
leather gloves and a heavy leather apron that reaches from his
have surpassed the wonder-smiths of yore. These Awakened
shoulders to his knees. This protects him against sparks and the
few know that humanity has not yet laid bare all the secrets of
forge’s heat. He also wears a patch over one eye, so an accident
metal. Indeed, some of these Forge Masters believe the golden
cannot blind him completely. Forge Masters often tool their
age of their Legacy has not yet come.
eyepatch with a personal symbol, as a sort of badge of office.
Parent Path: Moros. In some parts of the world, mages of Even when they aren’t working, Forge Masters usually prefer
other Paths join the Powersmiths, but that happens because simple, sturdy clothing. For some Powersmiths, it’s almost a
of local cultural bias.

mark of pride to show up at Consilium meetings and other how to recognize different alloys, how long to heat particular
formal occasions dressed in spark-scorched denim and leather ores, different styles of metalwork and who used them. The
while everyone else is in their “Sunday best.” Forge Masters great Powersmiths of the past are known through the items they
who prefer jewelry work usually dress more upscale; the two enchanted and the personal hallmarks they stamped on their
factions rib each other over their fashion sense. work. The Forge Masters know their Legacy is very old, though,
Background: Traditionally, blacksmiths are men. A few because it occurs wherever people smelt metal from ore.
women join the Powersmiths, but they all have trouble find- In Atlantis, the Forge Masters say, their Legacy did not ex-
ing masters willing to initiate them. Even Forge Masters who ist as such. Matter responded to enlightened Will. All mages
are not actively chauvinistic may wonder if a woman has the could do all things if they chose. Some mages simply developed
upper-body strength for the work, so female members find greater skill at working with metal — and those mages wrought
themselves working twice as hard for half the respect. wonders. They also discovered the perfected metals such as
In many parts of the Third World, blacksmiths still practice orichalcum and lunargent. Some Atlantean artifacts suggest
their trade as a regular part of village culture. Any man who a half-technological magic of devices built from crystals and
Awakens as a Moros soon learns about the Forge Masters as perfected metals: flying ships powered by sorcerous engines,
a career option. Any blacksmith who Awakens is expected to weapons that fired lightning bolts from crystal rods and many

join the Forge Masters, whether he’s a Moros or not, though other strange devices.
no one actually forces the choice on a mage. When the warring Atlanteans broke the world, the wonder-
In the developed world, old-fashioned blacksmithing is now smiths lost their greatest powers. The arts that remained to
just an unusual hobby, so few Forge Masters were actual smiths them, however, seemed mighty enough to simple Sleepers.
before they Awakened. Instead, they tend to be engineers, The Atlanteans and their heirs still wrought wonders that
machinists, factory workers and other people who work with mythology would ascribe to gods and demigods, such as the
metal for a living or as part of a hobby. Other Moros become dwarf-forged hammer Mjollnir, or the maidens of living gold
interested in the Legacy because they want to create magical who served Hephaistos.
tools or wonders, and the Forge Masters know a lot about this. As magic faded from the world, the heirs of Atlantis had
The Legacy keeps a strong working-class feel, though. to re-invent their spells and rely more on mundane artifice.
Organization: The Forge Masters place great stock in the Nevertheless, their power remained great enough that even
relationship of master to apprentice, and show little concern for Sleeper smiths were treated as magicians — and similar to all
organization beyond that. If the Powersmiths in a region are numer- magicians, the smiths inspired fear and contempt as well as
ous enough, (more than three or four), they may declare themselves awe and respect. In many cultures, blacksmith families were
a “guild,” but no one takes these groups too seriously. deemed of royal or even godly descent. In just as many other
Forge Masters like to gather when a mage joins the Legacy or cultures, blacksmiths were suspected of knowing curses or called
achieves a new Attainment. In some cultures, the guild marks unclean for the sweat and grime of their profession.
these occasions with a solemn ceremony. In the developed Many of the rotes known to Forge Masters reflect this
world, the gathered Powersmiths usually limit the ceremony mythic age. Powersmiths sometimes ascribe their techniques of
to drinking the member’s health, and then just drinking. enchantment to divine smiths such as Hephaistos or Ogoun,
Members of this Legacy enjoy teasing each other a great deal. the dwarf-smith Alberich and the faerie-smith Wayland or
Powersmiths who possess college degrees are apt to be called “Pro- legendary mortals such as Daedalus or Tubalcain. The Forge
fessors” by members who don’t. The blacksmiths affect to look Masters can point to more than myths, however, as evidence
down on the smiths who work in “weaker” metals such as tin or of their presence in the ancient world. Etruscan goldwork,
precious metals, while the jewelers snub the “uncouth tradesmen” for instance, is sometimes covered with nearly microscopic
who work in base metals. It’s all in good fun, though. Usually. gold granules somehow soldered on without melting them. A
Suggested Oblations: Smelting your own metal from ore temple in India holds a huge pillar of rustproof cast iron made
you dug yourself. Using that metal to make a tool or weapon in a time and place when supposedly neither iron-casting nor
for a client, in one day. Forging a small item and quench it rustproof alloys were known.
in blood. Melting down scrap metal to make something both Medieval blacksmiths lost a lot of prestige. More of them
useful and beautiful. Repairing a weapon or armor that was worked for common people, making everyday tools and imple-
damaged in battle so it’s as good as new. ments. Armor and weapons became specialized crafts with their
Concepts: Medieval hobbyist, Third World village black- own practitioners. On the other hand, workers in silver and gold
smith, foundry worker, jeweler, machinist, metallurgist, auto such as Cellini became famous as individuals for the first time.
mechanic, junkman, metal sculptor. The Forge Masters lost prestige among fellow mages, too.
Perhaps the most momentous change, however, came when
History blacksmiths started making precision machines. The techniques
developed for articulated suits of armor also enabled smiths
The Forge Masters don’t keep much history; or rather, they to craft mechanical toys for royal patrons — or the first clocks
say their history consists of the things they made, not the people driven by pendulums or springs — and from there, Forge Masters
who made them. The Legacy’s lore is mostly oral and practical:

Forge Masters 73
tell their apprentices, it was only a short step to steam engines. tutor. More experienced Forge Masters also know trade secrets
Powersmiths didn’t invent the new technologies — some may they may impart if suitably flattered (and a little tipsy).
have been involved in particular inventions but their names are Titles are similarly informal. Tutor and pupil are generally
forgotten — but these mages accepted them gladly. Some Forge called master and apprentice, regardless of their Arcana pro-
Masters still specialize in magical machines such as clockwork ficiencies. Once a pupil receives his first Attainment, other
bodies for spirit familiars to possess, or Arcane seismographs Powersmiths may address him as “journeyman” until he achieves
that detect magical disruptions from far away. his second Attainment. Forge Masters often assume the names
The modern Forge Masters regret the modern world’s hostility of mythical or legendary smiths such as Sindri (the dwarf who
to willworking, but not much. Nowadays, they have dozens of met- forged Thor’s hammer Mjollnir) or Hua Kuang Fo (the Chinese
als to combine for just the right alloy, and techniques for shaping god of silversmiths and goldsmiths). Personal ancestors who
metal their mythic forebears could never imagine. The Legacy has worked with metal are another common choice.
its traditionalists who insist a real blacksmith knows when to temper In other parts of the world, Forge Masters and their guilds may
steel by the color of the cooling metal, not a thermometer. Most behave more formally. Some cultures still believe in magic and the
Powersmiths say, however, that the true artisan always surpasses blacksmith’s special status. In West Africa, for instance, blacksmiths
his tools — especially when the art is magic. They seek to tame the sometimes belong to secret societies devoted to Ogoun (or similar
refractory hardness of tungsten, the lightness of magnesium and gods). A society that claims a Forge Master as its leader gains great
beryllium and even the sinister weight of depleted uranium. What prestige, and Forge Masters themselves show great respect for
magic lurks within the new metals and manufacturing techniques? members with higher Attainments. West African Forge Masters
They don’t know — but they want to find out. learn a copious body of myths, secret passwords and symbols as
they advance from Attainment to Attainment. These secrets include
spells and rotes, the names of spirits that may assist or hinder their
Impossible Alloys work and legends about great Forge Masters. All in all, West African
Sleeper metallurgists still cannot make some Powersmiths take their guilds and ranks quite seriously.
metals combine. If their densities differ too Whatever their culture, however, the Forge Masters keep a dis-
much, the liquid metals separate; other met- tinctly working-class attitude and sympathies. They do not try to
als won’t mix because of chemical differences. isolate themselves from the common people. Even in places where
Careful use of Matter magic, however, can force blacksmith clans claim descent from ancient kings, Forge Masters
lightweights such as lithium to alloy with heavy still work for a living. In West Africa, for instance, the Ogoun societies
metals such as osmium, or manipulate crystal have become significant advocates for the common people against
structures or alloy compositions in other ways. political or tribal elites — which puts the local Forge Masters in
What good are “impossible” alloys? Nobody conflict with mages who cultivate the local ruling classes.
knows until someone manages to make them. A Powersmiths in the developed world seldom entangle them-
few Powersmiths experiment with these alloys in selves in politics, either among Sleepers or the local Consilium:
hopes of finding something useful — and profitable. tutors often advise their pupils that every other mage is a poten-
After all, they only need magic to make the alloy. tial client, so it’s best to stay neutral and sell to everyone. Most
The metal itself isn’t magical. These Forge Masters mages accept the Forge Masters’ neutrality. Not all mages respect
believe they can craft and sell objects made from the Legacy, though. Mages who get caught up in the “few and
“impossible” alloys without degradation by Dis- the proud” elitism of being Awakened find the Powersmiths
belief just by saying the process is a trade secret. disgracefully common and close to the Sleepers. Such attitudes
Whether this works, only the Storyteller can say. are perhaps most frequent among the Guardians of the Veil
and the worst elements of the Silver Ladder, which exist for
domination and control, but every order has its snobs.

Society and Culture

The Forge Masters are completely decentralized. They have The Master’s Tools
no offices beyond tutor and pupil. Even their “guilds” are so Forge Masters traditionally leave their tools to
informal they barely exist. In the Western world at least, no their pupils. Since Forge Masters frequently enhance
Powersmith has the authority to gainsay another’s judgment or imbue their anvil, hammers, tongs and other
about how to train an apprentice or when to bring another mage tools, the inheritance can be a trove of magical
into the Legacy. By the same token, the Legacy has no serious power as well as a sentimental gesture. Powersmith
internal divisions: clashes between members stay personal. tools may be centuries old and have acquired layers
Less accomplished Forge Masters do show respect for smiths of enchantment. Some Forge Masters divide their
who have progressed further in the Legacy; that’s just good sense. tools among pupils, others give everything to one
After all, you may need the senior Powersmith’s help to gain favored apprentice and sometimes the former pupils
your next Attainment, if something happens to your current ignore their teacher’s wishes and just fight it out.

Powersmiths Among the Seers Building heavier elements consumes energy instead of releas-
Powersmiths, whatever their culture of origin, generally get ing it. Every element heavier than iron (including the other
along with each other. Let two Forge Masters meet and soon six mystic metals) is generated when a massive star dies in a
they’re talking shop. This amity does not extend to Forge supernova explosion, building heavier atoms from the iron
Masters among the Seers of the Throne. Parallel lines of Pow- in its dead core. One such supernova sparked the creation of
ersmith initiation have existed among the Seers for as long as the solar system, though, and iron from that dead star enables
the Seers themselves — and the two sides do not mix. Forge blood to carry oxygen.
Masters of the Pentacle think of their Seer counterparts as Some Forge Masters give iron a different primacy. Iron nails
social climbers who’ve chosen the safety of patronage instead held Christ to the Cross. Through the iron of Calvary, a single
of honest work. death led to life eternal. These mages would not deny the stel-
The Seers’ Powersmiths agree. They do have secret arts that lar significance of iron; seeing connections between theology
place them above the masses. They do serve power. Similar to and astrophysics is just part of being Awakened.
the legendary wonder-smiths of old, the Seers’ clients are gods, Whatever their faith, Forge Masters see iron as the greatest
or at least the representatives of gods. They are spiritual kin to of metals. It is the metal of life and death conjoined. Iron gives
the true kings of this world. If other Forge Masters choose to humanity dominion over nature, and enslaves them to other

disgrace that divine heritage by grubbing among the common men. Iron is power itself.

herd, so much the worse for them.
The two factions loathe each other. Pentacle Forge Masters
may stay neutral in Consilium politics, but most are happy to The Forge Masters see toolmaking as an innately magical
supply arms and armor for attacks upon the Seers. act — the first magic, in fact, practiced long before Atlantis. A
tool consists of more than its form and substance. A tool has
The Power of Iron purpose. Mages can detect that purpose, too, in the form of
For centuries, Western scientists doubted that stones and resonance. Forge Masters believe that when mages enchant
metal fell from the sky, but ancient peoples knew this perfectly objects, they build upon that resonance.
well. The Sumerian word for iron loosely translates as “star-
stone,” and the Greek “siderite” has the same meaning. The Arcana
metal from the sky obviously came from the gods and so was By the nature of their Legacy, Forge Masters must study
used for sacred blades; bits of iron were set in gold like jewels. Matter and Prime: Matter for changes of form and substance,
Even after the Hittites learned to smelt iron, meteoric iron and Prime for imbuements of power. Of course, they do not
retained special value because of its celestial origin — plus, iron limit themselves to those Arcana. All Arcana have value for
didn’t rust, a property now ascribed to its nickel content. the spells a Forge Master can imbue into an item, but a few
For thousands of years, mortal blacksmiths could not actually have special value for helping them do their job.
liquefy iron. They charged their furnaces with ore and charcoal. Fate can link a tool or weapon to a specific person: the item
Weeks later, they pulled out a spongy mass of iron still mixed knows its proper owner and does not grant its power to anyone
with sand, slag and other bits of mineral that wouldn’t burn else. More ominously, Forge Masters can create weapons fated
away. The smith had to hammer these impurities out of the to slay particular creatures — or people. The wonders from a
hot metal. Powersmith’s forge may also carry curses that fall upon people
Blacksmiths thought the spongy iron looked like a plant, so who wield them for improper ends.
they called it a “bloom.” Every iron-working culture developed Forces can amplify the impact of a weapon. Once upon a
the same conceit: iron, and other metals, slowly grew in the time, Powersmiths forged flaming swords and lightning-javelins
earth as a refinement or perfection of common stone. The for heroes to wield in their battles. Such enchantments are still
heat of the furnace accelerated this growth into a higher and known; the Paradoxes these weapons attract make them less
purer form; the furnace itself was a man-made womb where useful than in days of yore. Forge Masters often study Forces,
the generation of life took place. By speeding the work of however, to protect themselves from the terrible heat of their
nature, surely the smelter had worked magic — or even seized furnaces and the metal they shape. Some ancient recipes for
the fire of divinity itself. wonder-smithing require the use of an erupting volcano as a
Iron’s new birth within the furnace did little to reduce the forge, as if the Powersmith were Hephaistos himself.
awe attached to the metal from the stars. Homer contrasted Spirit, however, is probably the Arcanum most valued by
“democratic iron” with the bronze of aristocrats’ weapons and Forge Masters, outside of their Path and Legacy. They don’t
armor — but no one ever imagined that bronze would kill spirits care much about spirits per se (though a few Powersmiths
or bring luck. Iron retains its mythic role as a symbol of strength craft fetish items or treat with spirits of mining, smelting or
and power: no soldier ever received the Titanium Cross. craftsmanship), but Powersmiths need this Arcanum to create
Indeed, modern Powersmiths say that science reveals greater orichalcum, lunargent and the other perfected metals they use
depths to iron’s mythic power. Iron is the death of suns: the in their finest work.
fusion process that powers stars ends when it reaches iron.

Forge Masters 75
Perfected Metals stir hermium and the current circles forever. Hermium flows
Mortals can speed the work of nature by refining ore into through the smallest opening with no friction at all.
metal; mages can go a step further and smelt away the grosser Perfected copper, tin and lead are considerably less well-known
aspects of matter. These “perfected” metals are closer to the to mages and have fewer known uses. The Forge Masters, however,
Platonic essence of metal-ness, and therefore accept enchant- esteem siderite — perfected iron — above all other metals. Siderite
ment more easily. is the strongest, toughest metal of all. It can bend like rubber
Ordinary metals are perfected by repeatedly sending them and spring back into shape without the slightest trace of metal
into Twilight as ephemera and pulling them back to material fatigue. Siderite holds an edge that never dulls. It cuts diamond
form. (Some mages think this is the true meaning of the an- and the finest mundane steel. Siderite doesn’t look special,
cient alchemical formula, “Dissolve and coagulate.”) Perfecting though; its gray gleam may glitter a bit more than ordinary iron
a metal requires at least two dozen such passages back and or steel, but nothing about it looks magical to the untrained eye.
forth. The final product has a tenth the volume and mass of Meteoric iron is half-perfected already: it takes just one dozen
the original stock of metal. Only the seven metals known to passes through Twilight to become true siderite.
antiquity can be perfected: gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, lead The perfected metals do not have active magical powers
and mercury. of their own. If a mage enchants an item made of perfected
Perfected gold, or orichalcum, has a redder hue than pure but metal, however, his player receives a +1 equipment bonus to
mundane gold. Orichalcum seems to catch and hold light in all the rolls to cast the necessary spells. Each metal has its own
its translucent depth, giving it a warm, fiery glow. Similar to mystic affinities, apart from physical properties that make
mundane gold, orichalcum can be drawn into incredibly fine one metal better suited than others for various purposes.
wires and beaten into leaf. Even the fiercest mundane acid The metals do not correspond neatly to particular Arcana or
cannot dissolve orichalcum. Practices, though: selecting the optimum metals for an item
is a matter of intuition rather than charts and formulas. For
Lunargent, or perfected silver, is likewise translucent and
instance, dull, heavy lead is often associated with Death, but
holds a cool, slightly blue glow. Lunargent, too, is highly mal-
lead’s ancient use as a vehicle for curses gives perfected lead an
leable and chemically inert.
affinity for Fate as well — never mind that mages also associate
Perfected mercury, or hermium, combines great density with a
Fate with lunargent, the metal of the Acanthus Watchtower.
glittering silver gleam and perfect fluidity. In fact, hermium has
The strength of siderite, however, makes it the best perfected
the same “superfluid” properties as liquid helium: hermium
metal for weapons, no matter what spells the weapon bears.
can creep over the rim of a vessel to collect in a lower vessel,
Forge Masters also alloy the perfected metals. Some
of these do have intrinsic magical powers of their own;
thaumium is the best-known example. The Atlanteans
knew dozens of perfected alloys. Modern mages know
only a few. The Forge Masters study Atlantean artifacts
in hopes of reconstructing the “trade secrets” of forgotten
alloys. Each alloy requires its own spell of Matter and
Prime to forge, however — analogous to “Forge Thau-
mium” (see Mage: The Awakening, p. 203).

As a Legacy, the Forge Masters set no formal re-
quirements a recruit must meet, beyond the necessary
competence at metalwork and the Arcana of Matter and
Prime. Each master decides on his own whether to accept
an apprentice, and helps shape his student’s soul when
the master thinks the student is ready. No Forge Master
has the authority to question another Forge Master’s
judgment in this respect.
In practice, Powersmiths usually demand at least a
year of apprenticeship before inducting a mage into
the Legacy. Helping an apprentice to craft his soul is
quite a drastic expenditure on a Forge Master’s part,
comparable to forging an imbued item. They do not
expend their own soul’s force lightly. A year of hard work
pays the tutor in advance, and makes sure the prospec-
tive Powersmith really, truly wants to devote his life to

the Legacy. It also gives the tutor and pupil a chance to
discover any personality conflicts before what may be a
lifetime’s work together.
Initiating a new Forge Master is the Legacy’s most elaborate
ritual. The tutor builds a special furnace of stone and clay,
using no magic whatsoever and no tools he did not forge
himself. A hollow in the furnace floor holds a cup of the
tutor’s own blood and as much tass as he can collect.
The apprentice climbs into the furnace. He carries a nail
of siderite. The tutor fires the furnace with Mana, using
the spells “Celestial Flame” and “Channel Mana” (see
Mage: The Awakening, p. 224), and seals the apprentice
inside. The spell-fire is modulated to cause pain but not
serious damage. The apprentice drives the siderite nail
through one wrist and lets his blood fall into the spell-fire

to mingle with his tutor’s blood. Then he meditates as his
tutor channels the spell-fire into his body and soul, until
the pupil absorbs all the Mana he can, charged with the
resonance of blood, iron and fire.
The tutor breaks open the furnace. The pupil steps forth,
glowing with spell-fire, and the Forge Master strikes the
pupil with a phantasmal hammer of Mana imbued with
the pupil’s own soul-pattern. The Powersmith literally
hammers his apprentice’s soul into a new form. At the
end, the pupil leaps into a waiting bath of cold water and
lets the Mana flood out of him in a rush. Thus does he
temper his own soul and lock it into the Legacy’s pattern.
When he emerges, the siderite nail is gone — consumed
along with the tass. The tutor destroys the furnace and
may even disintegrate its stones, so it shall never be used
for any purpose less sacred.
The second Attainment involves a similar rite. This time,
however, the pupil stabs his other wrist with a nail of thaumium. • Works of the Ancients: A clue surfaces to
The third Attainment involves a third sojourn in the furnace, the location of a powerful Artifact supposedly
but the Forge Master stabs his own side with a blade of electrum used by a mythic Forge Master, such as the
magicum, the alloy of all seven perfected metals. anvil on which Alberich forged the Rhinegold, or
one of Hephaistos’ automaton servants. Forge
The initiation of a new Forge Master is a big event in the
Masters around the world join the hunt, drawing
Legacy. Since an initiation is usually scheduled months in
in any cabals to which they belong — perhaps
advance, other Powersmiths have plenty of time to learn about
including the players’ characters. The Seers’
the ceremony. Even if the tutor doesn’t belong to a guild, sev-
Powersmiths also seek the Artifact, and they are
eral other Forge Masters probably attend to watch and toast
ruthless in their pursuit.
the new Powersmith.
• Sufficiently Advanced Technology: A
Powersmith starts a business that produces high-
Story Hooks — Out of the Furnace tech components by magic. The devices them-
•Unalloyed Gall: A Forge Master hired to en- selves aren’t enchanted, but they are made from
chant a powerful item easily becomes entangled impossible alloys and fabricated using spells.
in his client’s conflicts. Other mages may want (Employees, of course, must be Sleepwalkers or
to prevent the character from enchanting the other mages.) The plan throws the local Con-
item, or they may try stealing it before delivery silium in an uproar: the Guardians of the Veil are
to the client. The item to be imbued could be aghast, but other mages think the business could
anything from a ghost-killing sword to a car that lay the groundwork for Sleeper belief in magic.
can drive into the Shadow Realm. A Powersmith What side do the characters choose?
who lacks all the Arcana needed to enchant the
item could turn to his cabal — or other mages
— for help, entangling them in turn.

Forge Masters 77
Enchantments of the Forge a rote into a ring, re-learn the rote and so gain the grimoire’s
benefit to casting the rote whenever he wore the ring. Forge
Forge Masters know as wide a range of magic as any other Masters in the Adamantine Arrow sometimes turn weapons
mage, but crafting magic items is their reason for existence. into grimoires, so they can gain the same benefit by turning
They have few rivals in this demanding art. Over the millennia, the rote mudra into a weapon-flourish. A few Guardians of
Forge Masters gave the orders several rotes to imbue magic the Veil use this rote to record their secrets.
items or to assist in the enchantment process. These rotes are
now considered Free Council rotes, though the Atlantean
orders may know them, too.
Primal Transfer (Prime ••••)
One problem with crafting magic items for other mages
Creating a magic item is a big event among Forge Masters. is the loss of psychic force — of one’s very soul — involved
They don’t do it as often as they’d like because of the high in letting go of a spell so other people can use the item. An
personal cost (represented by the sacrifice of a dot of Will- Adept of Prime, however, can demand that a client give of
power). Once upon a time, they believe, Powersmiths could herself to assist in the item’s enchantment: the client, not
imbue their works with magic purely through their craft and the mage himself, sacrifices a dot of Willpower to make the
their Attainments. Now, however, a mage must place part spell independent.
of his Awakened soul in an item to preserve its magic. One Practice: Patterning
consequence is that Forge Masters seldom waste their craft
Action: Instant and contested; target rolls Composure +
on small enchantments: they forge the most powerful and
Gnosis reflexively
wonderful item they can. They also charge correspondingly
high prices for their work, in rotes, favors and perfected met- Duration: Lasting
als as well as cash. Aspect: Vulgar
The forging of a wonder is a sufficiently rare and valued feat Cost: 1 Mana
that any Powersmith who hears about it probably shows up to Sacrificing a dot of Willpower is so deep and traumatic an
watch, kibitz and try to pick up a magical trade secret or two. experience that this spell (and associated rote) only succeeds if
Apart from Attainments, crafting magic items is the key to the target knowingly assists the mage. Even then, the character’s
prestige in the Legacy. For all the rough humor among Forge player must win a contested roll of the Forge Master’s Gnosis
Masters, they feel great respect for colleagues who have imbued + Prime against the target’s Composure + Gnosis, for the soul
metal with powerful and innovative enchantments. resists giving up part of itself.
Free Council Rote: Blood Quenching
Books of Metal (Matter ••• + Prime •) Dice Pool: Resolve + Empathy + Prime
The Forge Masters’ idiosyncratic approach to magic expresses Forge Masters sometimes demand that a client literally pay
itself in their approach to grimoires. Instead of books, Forge in blood. As part of this rote, the Powersmith bids his client
Masters inscribe their grimoires in metal. The glyphs of a to pierce her own flesh and let her blood drip onto the hot
grimoire could hide in the filigree of a bracelet or the chasing metal during the tempering process. With the blood and the
of a brooch, but some Powersmiths prefer to hammer their taps of his hammer (actually the mudras of the rote), the Forge
grimoires into the metal itself. Such a grimoire shows no visible Master draws power from the client’s soul and forces it into
sign of its nature: to read the grimoire, a mage requires both the enchanted metal.
Matter 1 and Prime 1, to sense how the mystic pattern of the
rote is coded into the crystal structure of the metal.
Practice: Weaving
The Attainments of the Forge Masters strengthen the
Action: Extended metaphysical imbuement of purpose that distinguishes a tool
Duration: Lasting from unshaped matter. At first, a Powersmith can work only
Aspect: Covert a slight augmentation to make a tool or weapon subtly better
Cost: None at fulfilling its purpose, whatever that may be. Later, the Forge
Other than the use of Matter to impress the rote’s pattern into Master can strengthen this subtle power enough that an item
an object rather than a written form, this spell works the same can affect incorporeal entities. The greatest Powersmiths live
as Inscribe Grimoire (see Mage: The Awakening,
Awakening p. 220). up to their nickname by creating magic items from primal
Free Council Rote: Hephaistan Hallmark energy itself.
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Craft + Matter A Forge Master could perform all these feats through force
A Forge Master brought the Free Council this rote, which of will, but he would wrench reality by doing so. The subtle
enables a mage to turn any object of metal into a grimoire. The magic of this Legacy, however, builds on the basic fact that a
only visible sign to alert other mages to the hidden grimoire skilled artisan can improve whatever he works upon. To use
is a symbol stamped in the metal. The symbol itself is not each Attainment, a Forge Master must spend at least a turn
magical; it is typically the mage’s personal monogram. Many testing, maintaining or otherwise fiddling with the item he
variations are possible. For instance, a Powersmith could bind wants to enchant. The character can obtain longer-lasting

results by a full scene of mundane-seeming work on the item. mage’s dots in Prime serve as the number of successes. Primal
For example, a Forge Master might sharpen a blade or tune a Tempering lasts a scene if performed as an instant action, or
pickup truck’s engine. a full day if the Forge Master works on the object for a full
These Attainments work best on items principally made of scene. Only one object receives the subtle enchantment, so
metal, since that is the Legacy’s focus. Nevertheless, a Forge if a Forge Master wanted to enchant extra ammunition for a
Master can use his Attainments on tools and weapons of other gun, he would need to spend an additional scene or action
materials. Instead of a day, however, the effects last only one using Primal Tempering on each magazine. A suit of armor
scene after the mage finishes his work, and he must expend counts as one entity because one person wears the various
one Mana (on top of any other cost). In any case, these At- pieces, but a suit of armor and a shield would nevertheless
tainments cannot affect anything with a Size greater than 15. require separate enchantments.
Any larger target requires actual spellcasting, with all the risks A Forge Master with Prime 5 can endow an object with the
that entails. power to inflict aggravated damage. This still requires a user
who can supply the item with Mana, however, or the Power-
1st: The Master’s Hand smith can grant the item its own Mana reserve.
Prerequisites: Gnosis 3, Prime 2, Matter 2, Craft 3 The metaphysical density given by Primal Tempering extends

The knowing hand of a master craftsman can work away to more than attack and defense. The object becomes as real
slight imperfections in a tool, improving its performance. A and solid to incorporeal entities as it is in the material world.
knife becomes sharper, a gun better balanced, a car handles Not only does Primally Tempered armor blocks a spirit’s
better; even a hairpin can become a better lockpick, or a metal attacks, but an entity in Twilight could push the keys of a
flute gains a sweeter tone. Whatever the Forge Master works Primally Tempered typewriter to type a message, or the entity
upon gains the “9 again” quality, as if he had used the Matter 2 might find a Primally Tempered steel box as hard to escape
“Alter Accuracy” spell (see Mage: The Awakening, p. 196). The as a mortal would. The Storyteller should judge such cases
mage’s Prime dots determine the maximum number of rolls based on the purpose of the object: a spirit could type on the
within the next day for which the item can gain this effect. typewriter but not pick it up to batter a material foe, because
The improvement to function becomes most obvious, per- a typewriter exists to write, not to be used as a bludgeon — and
haps, with weapons. Any task gains a greater chance of success, that reason for existence is what Primal Tempering strengthens
however, if performed with tools improved by The Master’s so it extends into spiritual realms.
Hand. For instance, a car given a magical tuneup performs This Attainment also grants a small benefit to the “Imbue
better in a chase or other challenging conditions (“9 again” Item” spell or “Forge of Power” rote (see Mage: The Awaken-
on Dexterity + Drive), improvised tools let an amateur pick ing, pp. 225–226), though the Attainment’s benefit does not
locks like an experienced burglar (Dexterity + Larceny) and a substitute for the rote or spell. For a Forge Master with this
musician gives a better performance on the cleaned and slightly Attainment, enchanting a magic item always counts as covert
modified flute (Manipulation + Expression). Obviously, any magic, even if the spells stored in the item are vulgar. Using
repair attempt becomes more likely to succeed using augmented the item can still cause Paradoxes.
tools, so a sensible Powersmith carefully burnishes and tests Optional Arcanum: Matter 3
his tools before important mechanical tasks. While granting an object Primal Tempering, a Forge Master
In addition, a Forge Master automatically sees the enchant- with Matter 3 can also increase the object’s Durability by as
ments on enhanced items, imbued items and artifacts, as if he many points as his rank in Matter, much as if he used Alter
used the Prime 1 “Analyze Enchanted Item” spell (see Mage: Integrity (see Mage: The Awakening, p. 198). Similar to the
The Awakening, pp. 219–220), but rolling Intelligence + Occult basic Primal Tempering, this requires the mage to work on the
+ Prime. That a made object bears enchantment is as obvious object in some mundane way.
as its color; analyzing the enchantment still requires the dice
roll. This mystical sense does not detect magic not associated 3rd: Primal Forge
with objects shaped by intelligence; for example, this sense Prerequisites: Gnosis 7, Prime 4, Craft 5
won’t register an active Hallow. To sense other magical auras, At the apex of the Legacy’s power, a Forge Master no longer
a Forge Master needs to use normal spells or rotes. needs a forge. He has so internalized the power of toolmaking
that he can conjure weapons, armor or simple mechanical
2nd: Primal Tempering devices from pure Mana or tass. A Powersmith cannot conjure
Prerequisites: Gnosis 5, Prime 3, Craft 4 a device with its own power source (no automobiles or electric
As a Powersmith gains in mastery, he can strengthen the drills), and nothing much more complicated than a push-lawn-
power of will and purpose in any man-made object to make it mower or combination lock. The mage’s rating in Prime acts
realer than real: it becomes metaphysically potent enough to as the relevant factors for whatever the Forge Master creates.
affect Twilight and Shadow entities such as ghosts and spirits. An item that lasts only a scene takes a turn to conjure; if the
This acts like the Prime 3 “Ephemeral Enchantment” spell (see Powersmith spends a full scene, he can create an item that lasts
Mage: The Awakening, p. 225), except no roll is required. The a full day, and, in addition, give the item Primal Tempering

Forge Masters 79
or imbue it with spells. Any spells cast into the conjured item Description: Davian Barrow is a tall, lean man with coffee-
still count toward the mage’s normal number of spells in use. hued skin and close-cropped, graying hair. Despite his limp,
Nevertheless, sometimes it’s extremely useful to conjure a he keeps the upright bearing of his youthful tour of duty in
powerful magic sword — even if it only lasts a day. the army. When not in his engineer’s coveralls, he dresses in
Optional Arcanum: Matter 4 charcoal-gray suits with creases that look sharp enough to split
If the Forge Master is also an Adept of Matter, anything rocks. He keeps a wallet of tools inside the jacket, though. He
conjured by the Primal Forge also gains additional Durabil- forged his own cane from titanium and magically enhanced it
ity, as with the Matter-based advantage to Primal Tempering. as a journeyman project.
The Attainment can also conjure items of siderite and other Kalvis’ nimbus initially manifests as heat shimmers around
perfected metals. This makes conjured items easier to tempo- his body and a smell of smoke and hot metal. If his nimbus
rarily imbue with spells (thanks to the +1 equipment bonus manifests longer than a few turns, sparks start flying around
to spellcasting). A conjured item of siderite does not gain still his body.
more Durability for its substance: the object is still, after all, Storytelling Hints: If anyone presumes Kalvis will act a
just a very good illusion. certain way because he’s black, an engineer, a mage or even a
Forge Master, Kalvis tries to do something different. He hates
Sample Character being stereotyped; that he embodies a mythic archetype annoys
him no end, but every attempt to heal his lameness by magic
Kalvis has failed. Nevertheless, other mages think Barrow is very
Quote: “If this demon is as dangerous as you say, wouldn’t you much an engineer: he prefers magically enhanced technology
prefer a magic chainsaw?” to straight spellcasting, and offering a technical challenge is the
surest way to draw him into a project. (Payment in perfected
Background: Davian Barrow Awakened on the operating table
metals helps, too.)
after a drunk driver crashed into his car. In his dream, he tried
to reach a dull-gleaming tower across a dark, rocky landscape. A Kalvis prefers direct solutions to negotiation or trickery.
black-skinned dwarf offered to replace his crushed leg with a new He is always blunt and honest in his dealings. Barrow thinks
leg of iron. Barrow, however, didn’t like the dwarf’s smile, and people shmooze and equivocate because they’re trying to pull
anyway, he was an aeronautical engineer. He called his supplier a fast one or they aren’t sure they can do the job. If Kalvis
on his cell phone (it was a dream, after all) and ordered sheet thinks a task is beyond his abilities, he says so — but he has
magnesium and aluminum tubing. He built wings using the great confidence in his own ingenuity.
dwarf’s tools and flew to the Watchtower of the Lead Coin. The Dedicated Magical Tool: A large screwdriver Kalvis forged
Free Council found him soon after Barrow left the hospital and himself, which he uses as a wand
told him he was a mage of the Moros Path. Barrow’s recruiter Real Name: Davian Barrow
suggested he consider joining the Forge Masters. Path: Moros
Barrow resisted the suggestion for two years, but his future Order: Free Council
tutor drew him in by consulting him about metallurgy. For Legacy: Forge Masters
his shadow name, Barrow’s mentor wanted to give him the Mental Attributes: Intelligence 4, Wits 3, Resolve 3
name of an African smith-god. Barrow thought that was racial Physical Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
stereotyping. His ancestors lived in Jamaica for 300 years and
Social Attributes: Presence 3, Manipulation 2, Com-
his parents left there before he was born; what was Africa to
posure 4
him? He chose the name of an obscure Baltic god who had
Mental Skills: Academics 3, Computer 2, Crafts (Metal-
forged spurs for the gods to use on their celestial horses. Kalvis
work) 4, Investigation 2, Occult 1, Science (Engineering) 4
required more than a decade of work and training, however,
before his teacher was satisfied Kalvis knew traditional smith- Physical Skills: Brawl 2, Drive 1, Firearms 2, Weaponry 3
craft as well as high-tech metalworking. Social Skills: Expression 1, Persuasion (Haggling) 2,
Since becoming a true Forge Master, Kalvis has become one Subterfuge 2
of the Legacy’s more vocal advocates for modernity. As Davian Merits: Contacts (Local Engineers), Enhanced Item 3,
Barrow, he works as chief engineer for a plant that makes air- High Speech, Mentor 3, Resources 4, Sanctum 2, Status
craft parts, where his magic subtly boosts the efficiency of the (Corporate) 2, Status (Free Council) 2
machines. As a mage, he crafts high-tech magic weapons and Willpower: 6 (reduced from enchanting items)
armor for Adamantine Arrow colleagues, such as assault rifles Wisdom: 6
temporarily empowered with Primal Tempering. His crippled Virtue: Fortitude
leg prevents him from taking the field himself, though Kalvis Vice: Pride
recently killed a demon by running it over with a Primally
Initiative: 7
Tempered SUV. In his spare time, Kalvis experiments with
Defense: 3
“impossible” metal alloys created using Matter. If he can find
something useful, he might start his own business. Speed: 11

Health: 7
Gnosis: 5
Arcana: Death 2, Forces 2 Matter 4, Prime 3, Space 1
Rotes: Death — Speak with the Dead (•), Soul Jar (••);
Forces — Influence Heat (•), Influence Electricity (••), Control
Fire (•••); Matter — Dark Matter (•), Steel Windows (••),
Unseen Aegis (••), Repair Object (•••), Reconfigure Object
(••••); Prime — Analyze Enchanted Item (•), Counterspell
(••), Imbue Item (•••); Space — Finder (•)
Legacy Attainment: 1st — The Master’s Hand, 2nd
— Primal Tempering
Mana/per turn: 14/5
Type Dice Pool Damage Size Special

Cane 12 3(B) 2 Enchanted
Bonus +3
Armor: 4 (“Unseen Aegis,” Matter ••)
Magic Shield: 3 (Prime ••)
Notes: Kalvis carries a cane of solid titanium. Without
any magic, the cane has Durability 3, Size 2, Structure 5.
The cane has a +3 enchanted equipment bonus; Kalvis
can magically augment it further with his Attainments or
spells such as Armor Piercing. Just saying it’s titanium
usually suffices to cover up improbable (though not
vulgar) displays of strength or damage, such as using
the cane as a wrecking bar (with Armor Piercing) to tear
apart a brick wall.

Forge Masters 81

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