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SHIR HA SHIRIM – The Song of Songs

an English version by Len Fellman to be sung to the trope melodies from Joshua R. Jacobson’s CHANTING THE HEBREW BIBLE
based on the translations of Ariel and Chana Bloch, H.L. Ginsberg, Marcia Falk,
and the J.P.S. Tanach, the Jerusalem Bible, and the New King James Bible.
Current version: March 24, 2021

Chapter 1
‫מה׃‬ ֹ ֽ ‫א א א ִׁש ֥ יר ַהִּׁש ִ ֖ירים ֲאֶׁש ֥ ר ִלְׁש ֹל‬ 1:1 The Song of Songs , which is of Solomon.
‫ֹּדדיָך‬ ֖ ֶ ‫י־טֹובים‬ ִ֥ ֽ ‫ב יִ ָּׁש ֵ ֙קנִ ֙י ִמְּנ ִׁש ֣יקֹות ִּ֔פ יהּו ִּכ‬ 2 [Let him kiss me] with the kisses of his mouth, for better is your love than wine.
‫ּתּורק‬ ֣ ַ ‫טֹובים ֶׁש ֖ ֶמן‬ ִ֔ ‫יח ְׁש ָמ ֶנ֣יָך‬ ֙ ַ ‫ִמָּי ֽיִ ן׃ ג ְל ֵ ֙ר‬ 3 For the fragrance of your ointments [are so good], oil [poured forth] is your name.
‫ְׁש ֶ ֑מָך ַעל־ֵּכ ֖ן ֲע ָל ֥מֹות ֲא ֵה ֽבּוָך׃‬
Therefore the young women desire you.
‫יאנִ י ַה ֶּ֜מ ֶלְך‬ ַ֨ ‫ּוצה ֱה ִב‬ ָ ‫ד ׇמְׁש ֵ ֖כנִ י ַא ֲח ֶ ֣ריָך ָּנ ֑ר‬
4 Draw me: [after you] we will run. He brought me––the king––[into his chambers].
‫֤ילה וְ נִ ְׂש ְמ ָח ֙ה ָּב֔ ְך נַ זְ ִּכ ֤ ָירה ד ֶ ֹ֙ד ֙יָך‬ ָ ‫ֲח ָד ָ ֗ריו נָ ִג‬
‫ִמ ַּ֔י יִ ן ֵמיָׁש ִ ֖רים ֲא ֵה ֽבּוָך׃‬ [We will be glad] and rejoice, [you and I]. We savor our love more than wine; rightly [do they want you].
ִ‫אוה ְּב נ֖ ֹות יְ רּוָׁש ָל͏֑ם‬ ֔ ָ ָ‫חֹורה ֲאנִ ֙י ְ ֽונ‬ ֤ ָ ‫ה ְׁש‬ 5 Dark I am but lovely, daughters of Jerusalem, like the tents of Kedar, like the pillars of Solomon.
‫מה׃‬ ֹ ֽ ‫יעֹות ְׁש ֹל‬ ֖ ‫ְּכ ׇא ֳה ֵל֣י ֵק ָ ֔דר ִּכ ִיר‬ 6 [Don’t stare at me] [because of my dark] complexion; [it was gazed on] by the sun.
‫ו ַאל־ִּת ְר ֙אּונִ ֙י ֶׁש ֲא ִנ֣י ְׁש ַח ְר ֔חֹ ֶרת ֶׁש ְּׁש זָ ַ ֖פ ְתנִ י‬ The sons of my mother [turned their anger on me]. [They made me] guard the vineyards.
‫רּו־בי ָׂש ֻ֙מנִ ֙י נ ֵֹט ָ ֣רה‬ ִ֗ ‫ַהָּׁש ֑ ֶמׁש ְּב ֵנ֧י ִאִּמ ֣ י ִ ֽנ ֲח‬
The vineyard belonging to me , I did not guard.
‫ת־הְּכ ָר ִ֔מים ַּכ ְר ִ ֥מי ֶׁש ִּל ֖ י ֥ל ֹא נָ ָ ֽט ְרִּת י׃‬ ַ ‫ֶא‬
‫ז ַהִּג ָ֣ידה ִּ֗ל י ֶׁש ֤ ָ ֽא ֲה ָב ֙ה נַ ְפ ִׁ֔ש י ֵא ָיכ֣ה ִת ְר ֔ ֶעה‬ 7 [Now tell me]—[reveal to me], since you are loved by my soul: [where it is] that you feed––
‫יכה ַּת ְרִּב ֣ יץ ַּב ֽ ׇּצ ֳה ָ ֑ריִ ם ַׁש ָּל ָ ֤מה ֶ ֽא ְהיֶ ֙ה‬ ֖ ָ ‫ֵא‬ [where you rest] your flock at noontime?
‫ְּכ ֣עֹ ְט ָ֔יה ַ ֖על ֶע ְד ֵ ֥רי ֲח ֵב ֶ ֽריָך׃‬ For why [should I be] [one who loses] the way among the flocks of the shepherds?
ָ ֞ ‫עי ֔ ָלְך ַהָּי ָ ֖פה ַּב ָּנ ִׁש ֑ ים ְ ֽצ ִא‬ ֙ ִ ‫ם־ל ֹא ֵ ֽת ְד‬ ֤ ‫ח ִא‬ 8 [If it is not] known [to you], O loveliest of women, [go then and follow] the tracks [made by the sheep],
‫ֹּיתיִ ְך ַ ֖על‬
ַ֔ ‫עי ֶאת־ְּג ִד‬ ֙ ִ ‫ְּב ִע ְק ֵב֣י ַה ֹּ֗צאן ְּור‬
and graze [your little goats] beside the tents of the shepherds.
‫ִמְׁש ְּכ נ֥ ֹות ָהר ִ ֹֽעים׃‬
9 To a mare in the chariots of Pharaoh, [I liken you], my beloved.
‫יתיְך ַר ְעיָ ִ ֽתי׃‬ ֖ ִ ‫תי ְּב ִר ְכ ֵב֣י ַפ ְר ֔עֹה ִּד ִּמ‬ ֙ ִ ‫ט ְל ֻ ֽס ָס‬
‫רּוזים׃‬ ֽ ִ ‫ארְך ַּב ֲח‬ ֖ ֵ ‫ֹּתרים ַצָּו‬ ֔ ִ ‫ח יִ ְ֙ך ַּב‬ ַ֙‫י נָ או֤ ּו ְל ָ י‬ 10 Fair are your cheeks [with plaited wreaths], your neck [with strings of jewels].
‫ּתֹורי זָ ָה ֙ב ַנ ֲֽעֶׂש ה־ ָּ֔ל ְך ִ ֖עם נְ ֻק ּ֥דֹות ַהָּכ ֽ ֶסף׃‬ ֤ ֵ ‫יא‬ 11 Earrings of gold [we will make for you], with filigree of silver.
‫יחֹו׃‬ ֽ ‫יב ַעד־ֶׁש ֤ ַה ֶּ֙מ ֶל ְ֙ך ִּב ְמ ִס ּ֔בֹו נִ ְרִּד ֖ י נָ ַ ֥תן ֵר‬ 12 While the king [was on his couch], my spikenard gave forth its fragrance.
‫ּדֹודי ֔ ִלי ֵּב ֥ ין ָׁש ַ ֖די יָ ִ ֽלין׃‬ ֙ ִ ‫יג ְצ ֨רֹור ַה ֹּ֤מר ׀‬ 13 A bundle of myrrh is my beloved [to me], between my breasts lying all night.

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‫ּדֹודי ֔ ִלי ְּב ַכ ְר ֵ ֖מי ֵ ֥עין ֶּג ִֽדי׃‬
֙ ִ ‫יד ֶאְׁש ֹּ֨כל ַה ֹּ֤כ ֶפר ׀‬ 1:14 A sheaf of [henna flowers] is my beloved to me, in the vineyards of En-gedi.
ֽ ִ ‫טו ִהָּנ ְ֤ך יָ ָפ ֙ה ַר ְעיָ ִ֔תי ִהָּנ ְ֥ך יָ ָ ֖פה ֵע ַינ֥יִ ְך‬ 15 How you are lovely, my beloved. So beautiful : your eyes are like doves.
‫ף־ע ְרֵׂש ֖ נּו‬
ַ ‫דֹודי ַ ֣אף נָ ֔ ִעים ַא‬ ֙ ִ ‫טז ִהְּנ ָ֨ך יָ ֶ ֤פה‬ 16 [How you are handsome], my beloved. You are so gentle: our bed is always green.
‫ינּו ֲא ָר ִ֔זים רחיטנו‬ ֙ ‫ַר ֲענָ ָנֽה׃ יז ק ֹ֤רֹות ָּב ֵּ֙ת‬
17 The beams of our house are of cedar; and its rafters are of cypress.
ֽ ִ ‫יטנּו ְּב‬ ֖ ֵ ‫ַר ִה‬
Chapter 2
‫א ֲאנִ ֙י ֲח ַבֶּצ ֶ֣לת ַהָּׁש ֔רֹון ֽׁש ֹוַׁש ַּנ ֖ת ָה ֲעמ ִ ָֽקים׃‬ 2:1 I [am the rose] of Sharon, the lily of the valleys.
‫חֹוחים ֵּכ ֥ ן ַר ְעיָ ִ ֖תי ֵּב ֥ ין‬ ִ֔ ‫ב ְּכ ֽׁש ֹוַׁש ָּנ ֙ה ֵּב ֣ין ַה‬ 2 Like a lily in [a field of thorns], so is my beloved among the maidens.
‫ּדֹודי ֵּב ֣ין‬
֖ ִ ‫ּוח ַּב ֲע ֵצ֣י ַה ַּ֔י ַער ֵּכ ֥ ן‬ ֙ ַ ‫ַהָּב נֽ ֹות׃ ג ְּכ ַת ּ֙פ‬ 3 Like the apricot [among the trees] of the forest, so is my beloved among the young men.
‫ּופ ְרי֖ ֹו ָמ ֥תֹוק‬ ִ ‫ַהָּב ִנ֑ים ְּב ִצ ּ֙לֹו ִחַּמ ֣ ְדִּת י וְ יָ ַׁ֔ש ְבִּת י‬
In his shade I delighted to sit, and his fruit was sweet to my mouth.
‫יאנִ ֙י ֶאל־ֵּב ֣ית ַה ָּ֔י יִ ן וְ ִדגְ ל֥ ֹו ָע ַל֖י‬ ַ֙ ‫ְל ִחִּכ ֽ י׃ ד ֱה ִב‬
‫יׁשֹות ַרְּפ ֖דּונִ י‬ ֔ ‫ַא ֲה ָ ֽבה׃ ה ַסְּמ ֙כּונִ ֙י ָּב ֽ ֲאִׁש‬ 4 [He brought me] [to the house] of wine; his banner over me was love.
֙ ֹ ‫י־חֹולת ַא ֲה ָ ֖בה ָ ֽאנִ י׃ ו ְׂש מ‬ ַ֥ ‫ּפּוחים ִּכ‬֑ ִ ‫ַּב ַּת‬ 5 [Sustain me] [with sweet pastries]; refresh me [with apricots]. For in the fever of love am I.
‫ְּבקנִ י׃ ז ִהְׁש ַּב֨ ְעִּת י‬ ֽ ֵ ‫ימינ֖ ֹו ְּת ַח‬ ִ ִ‫ַּת ֣ ַחת ְלרֹא ִׁ֔ש י ו‬ 6 [His left hand] is underneath my head; [and his right hand] [holds me close].
‫ֶא ְת ֶ֜כם ְּב נ֤ ֹות יְ רּוָׁש ַ ͏֙ל ֙םִ ִּב ְצ ָב ֔אֹות ֖אֹו ְּב ַאיְ ל֣ ֹות‬ 7 I hereby charge you, daughters of Jerusalem, [by the gazelles], or by the deer in the field,
‫ַהָּׂש ֶ ֑דה ִאם־ָּת ִ ֧עירּו ׀ ְ ֽו ִאם־ְּת ֥ע ְֹור ֛רּו‬
[that you not arouse] [nor summon forth] love until it has ripened.
‫ת־ה ַא ֲה ָ ֖בה ַ ֥עד ֶׁש ֶּת ְחָּפ ֽ ץ׃‬ ָ ‫ֶא‬
8 The voice of my beloved! [Look here], he is coming.
‫ה־ז֖ה ָּב ֑ א ְמ ַדֵּל ֙ג‬ ֶ ‫ּדֹודי ִהֵּנ‬ ֔ ִ ‫ח ֣קֹול‬
֤ ֶ ‫ל־הְּג ָב ֽעֹות׃ ט‬ ַ ‫ל־ה ָה ִ ֔רים ְמ ַקֵּפ ֖ ץ ַע‬ ֣ ֶ ‫ַע‬ He is leaping [there, over] the mountains, bounding over the hills.
‫ה־ז֤ה‬ ֶ ‫דֹודי ִל ְצ ִ֔בי ֖אֹו ְל ֣עֹ ֶפר ָ ֽה ַאָּי ִ ֑לים ִהֵּנ‬ ִ֙ 9 He resembles––my beloved––a gazelle, or too, a young wild stag.
‫ן־ה ַחֹּלנ֔ ֹות‬ ֽ ַ ‫יח ִמ‬ ֙ ַ ֙‫עֹומ ֙ד ַא ַ ֣חר ׇּכ ְת ֔ ֵלנּו ַמְׁש ִּג‬ ֵ See where he stands behind our wall. He gazes through the window, peering through the lattice.
‫דֹודי וְ ָ ֣א ַמר ִ ֑לי‬ ֖ ִ ‫ן־ה ֲח ַרִּכ ֽ ים׃ י ָע ָנ֥ה‬ ַ ‫ֵמ ִ ֖ציץ ִמ‬ 10 Then spoke my beloved , and said to me: [Get up] [quickly now], my lover, my fair one , come away.
‫י־לְך׃‬ֽ ָ ‫ּול ִכ‬ ְ ‫ּומי ָלְ֛ך ַר ְעיָ ִ ֥תי יָ ָפ ִ ֖תי‬ ִ ‫֥ק‬
11 For see, the winter is past, [and the rains]––they are over–– they are gone.
‫י־הֵּנ ֥ה ַהְּס ָ ֖תו ָע ָ ֑בר ַה ֶּ֕ג ֶׁש ם ָח ַל֖ף ָה ַ ֥לְך‬ ִ ֽ ‫יא ִּכ‬
‫ים נִ ְר ֣אּו ָב ָ֔א ֶרץ ֵ ֥עת ַהָּז ִ ֖מיר‬ ֙ ִ‫ֽלֹו׃ יב ַהִּנ ָּצ נ‬ 12 The blossoms have appeared in the land. The time of singing has come.
‫ִהִּג ַ֑יע וְ ֥קֹול ַה ּ֖תֹור נִ ְׁש ַ ֥מע ְּב ַא ְר ֵ ֽצנּו׃‬ The voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.
‫יה וְ ַהְּג ָפ ִ ֥נים ׀ ְס ָמ ַ ֖דר‬ ָ ‫יג ַהְּת ֵאנָ ֙ה ָ ֽחנְ ָ ֣טה ַפ ֶּ֔ג‬ 13 [The fig tree] puts forth [her green figs]. The vines in blossom [give off] their fragrance.
‫ּומי לכי ָלְ֛ך ַר ְעיָ ִ ֥תי יָ ָפ ִ ֖תי‬ ִ ‫ָנ ְ֣תנּו ֵ ֑ר ַיח ֥ק‬ Get up [quickly now], my lover, my fair one , come away.
‫י־לְך׃‬ֽ ָ ‫ּול ִכ‬
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‫יד יֹונָ ִ֞תי ְּב ַחגְ ֵו֣י ַהֶּס֗ ַלע ְּב ֵ֙ס ֶת ֙ר‬ 2:14 [O my dove] in the clefts [of the rock], hidden by the cliff: [let me see you]; [behold your face].
‫יענִ י‬ ֖ ִ ‫ת־מ ְר ַ֔איִ ְך ַהְׁש ִמ‬ ַ ‫ַהַּמ ְד ֵר ֔ ָגה ַה ְר ִ֙אינִ ֙י ֶא‬ Let me hear your voice. For your voice is pleasing and your face is lovely.
‫אוֽה׃‬ ֶ ָ‫ּומ ְר ֵ ֥איְך נ‬ ַ ‫י־קֹולְך ָע ֵ ֖רב‬ֵ֥ ‫ת־קֹולְ֑ך ִּכ‬
ֵ ‫ֶא‬ 15 [Catch for us] the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vines. For our vines [are now in blossom].
‫זּו־ל ֙נּו ֻֽׁש ָע ֔ ִלים ֻׁש ָע ִ ֥לים‬ ֙ ָ ‫טו ֶ ֽא ֱח‬
16 My beloved is mine, and I am his. He grazes among the lilies.
‫ּוכ ָר ֵ ֖מינּו ְס ָמ ַ ֽדר׃‬ ְ ‫ְק ַטִּנ ֖ים ְמ ַחְּב ִ ֣לים ְּכ ָר ִ ֑מים‬
‫ּדֹודי ִ ֙לי וַ ֲא ִנ֣י ֔לֹו ָהר ֶ ֹ֖עה ַּב ּׁשֹוַׁש ִּנ ֽ ים׃‬ ֥ ִ ‫טז‬ 17 Before there breathes [the break of day], [before are gone] [the shadows of night], [run away!]
֩‫ּוח ַהּי֔ ֹום וְ ָנ֖סּו ַהְּצ ָל ִ ֑לים סֹב‬ ֙ ַ ‫יז ַ ֤עד ֶׁש ָּי ֙פ‬ You should––my beloved––[be like a gazelle], [or be like] a young wild stag on the hills so rugged.
‫דֹודי ִל ְצ ִ֗בי ֛אֹו ְל ֥עֹ ֶפר ָה ַאָּי ִ ֖לים‬ ֜ ִ ‫ה־ל ָ֨ך‬ ְ ‫ְּד ֵמ‬
‫ל־ה ֵרי ָ ֽב ֶתר׃‬ ֥ ָ ‫ַע‬ Chapter 3
‫בי ַּב ֵּל ֔ילֹות ִּב ַּק ֕ ְׁש ִּת י‬֙ ִ ‫ל־מְׁש ָּכ‬ ִ ‫ג א ַע‬ 3:1 On my bed, in the night, [I tried to find] the beloved of my soul. I sought him, but I did not find him.
‫אתיו׃‬ ֽ ִ ‫ֵ ֥את ֶֽׁש ָא ֲה ָ ֖בה נַ ְפִׁש ֑ י ִּב ַּק ְׁש ִּת ֖ יו וְ ֥ל ֹא ְמ ָצ‬ 2 I will rise now and roam [around the town], [through the streets] and city squares.
֙ ‫סֹוב ָ ֣בה ָב ֗ ִעיר ַּב ְּׁש וָ ִק‬ ְ ‫ּומה ָּ֜נ א וַ ֲא‬ ָ ‫ב ָא ֨ק‬ [I will seek him out]–– the beloved of my soul. I sought him, but I did not find him.
‫ּוב ְרח ֹ֔בֹות ֲא ַב ְק ָׁ֕ש ה ֵ ֥את ֶֽׁש ָא ֲה ָ ֖בה נַ ְפִׁש ֑ י‬ ָ֣
3 [They then found me]––the city watchmen [who go about] the town.
‫אתיו׃ ג ְמ ָצ ֙אּונִ ֙י ַה ֹּׁ֣ש ְמ ִ ֔רים‬ ֽ ִ ‫ִּב ַּק ְׁש ִּת ֖ יו וְ ֥ל ֹא ְמ ָצ‬
‫ֹּסב ִ ֖בים ָּב ִ ֑עיר ֵ ֛את ֶֽׁש ָא ֲה ָ ֥בה נַ ְפִׁש ֖ י‬ ְ ‫ַה‬ “[Have you seen the one], beloved of my soul , have you seen him?”
‫יתם׃ ד ִּכ ְמ ַע ֙ט ֶׁש ָע ַ ֣ב ְרִּת י ֵמ ֶ֔הם ַע֣ד‬ ֽ ֶ ‫ְר ִא‬ 4 Scarely [had I] [passed by them], when I found the beloved of my soul. [I held him fast]; I would not
‫אתי ֵ ֥את ֶֽׁש ָא ֲה ָ ֖בה נַ ְפִׁש ֑ י ֲא ַחזְ ִּת ֙יו וְ ֣ל ֹא‬ ִ ‫ֶׁש ָּמ ָ֔צ‬ let him go, until [I brought him] to the house of my mother, to the chamber [of her who conceived me].
‫יאת ֙יו ֶאל־ֵּב ֣ית ִא ִּ֔מ י‬ ִ ‫ַא ְר ֶּ֔פ ּנּו ַעד־ֶׁש ֤ ֲה ֵב‬ 5 I hereby charge you, daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles, or by the deer in the field,
‫הֹור ִ ֽתי׃ ה ִהְׁש ַּב֨ ְעִּת י ֶא ְת ֶ֜כם ְּב נ֤ ֹות‬ ָ ‫ל־ח ֶדר‬ ֖ ֶ ‫וְ ֶא‬
[that you not arouse] [nor summon forth] love until it has ripened.
‫יְ רּוָׁש ַ ͏֙ל ֙םִ ִּב ְצ ָב ֔אֹות ֖אֹו ְּב ַאיְ ל֣ ֹות ַהָּׂש ֶ ֑דה‬
‫ת־ה ַא ֲה ָ ֖בה ַ ֥עד‬ ָ ‫ִאם־ָּת ִ ֧עירּו ׀ ְ ֽו ִאם־ְּת ֥ע ְֹור ֛רּו ֶא‬ 6 Who [is this], that is coming [up from the desert], like columns of smoke,
‫ן־הִּמ ְדָּב֔ ר‬ ַ ‫ֶׁש ֶּת ְחָּפ ֽ ץ׃ ו ִ ֣מי ֗ז ֹאת ע ָֹל ֙ה ִמ‬ fragrant with incense, [rare spices and herbs], of all the wandering merchants.
‫בֹונה ִמ ֹּ֖כל‬ ָ֔ ‫ּול‬ ְ ‫ימ ֖רֹות ָעָׁש ֑ ן ְמ ֻקֶּט ֤ ֶרת מ ֹ֙ר‬ ְ ‫ְּכ ִ ֽת‬ 7 [Look and see]: the palanquin (a portable chair) of Solomon, sixty warriors surrounding it,
‫מה‬ ֹ ֔ ‫תֹו ֶׁש ִּל ְׁש ֹל‬ ֙ ‫רֹוכל׃ ז ִה ֵּ֗נ ה ִמָּט‬ ֽ ֵ ‫ְקת‬ ֥ ַ ‫ַאב‬ [from among the warriors] of Israel.
‫ֹּברי יִ ְׂש ָר ֵ ֽאל׃‬ ֖ ֵ ‫ֹּברים ָס ִ ֣ביב ָלּ֑ה ִמִּג‬ ֖ ִ ‫ִׁש ִּׁש ֥ ים ִּג‬
8 They are all holding swords, being expert in war.
‫ח ֻּכ ָּל ֙ם ֲא ֻ ֣חזֵ י ֶ֔ח ֶרב ְמ ֻלְּמ ֵ ֖די ִמ ְל ָח ָ ֑מה ִ ֤איׁש‬
Each with his sword [at his side], against the terror of night.
‫ּבֹו ַעל־יְ ֵר ֔כֹו ִמַּפ ֖ ַחד ַּב ֵּל ֽילֹות׃‬ ֙ ‫ַח ְר‬
‫מה‬ ֹ ֔ ‫ט ַאִּפ ְרי֗ ֹון ָ ֤עָׂש ה ֙לֹו ַהֶּמ ֣ ֶלְך ְׁש ֹל‬ 9 [A palanquin] was made [for him]––for [King Solomon], from the cedars of Lebanon.
‫ֵמ ֲע ֵצ֖י ַהְּל ָבנֽ ֹון׃‬
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‫ּמּוד ֙יו ָ ֣עָׂש ה ֶ֔כ ֶסף ְר ִפ ָיד ֣תֹו זָ ָ֔הב ֶמ ְרָּכ ֖בֹו‬ ָ ‫י ַע‬
‫ּתֹוכֹו ָר ֣צּוף ַא ֲה ָ֔בה ִמְּב נ֖ ֹות יְ רּוָׁש ָ ͏ֽלםִ׃‬ ֙ ‫ַא ְרָּג ָ ֑מן‬ 3:10 Its posts he made of silver, its supports of gold, the cushions of purple wool.
‫מה‬ֹ ֑ ‫יא ְצ ֶ ֧אנָ ה ׀ ּוֽ ְר ֶ ֛אינָ ה ְּב נ֥ ֹות ִצּי֖ ֹון ַּב ֶּמ ֣ ֶלְך ְׁש ֹל‬ The inside was inlaid with love by the daughters of Jerusalem.
‫ּמֹו ְּב י֣ ֹום ֲח ֻתָּנ ֔תֹו‬֙ ‫ָּב ֲע ָט ָ ֗רה ֶׁש ִעְּט ָרה־ּל֤ ֹו ִא‬ 11 [Come out now]; [come and have a look], daughters of Zion : at King Solomon–– [wearing the crown]
‫ּובי֖ ֹום ִׂש ְמ ַ ֥חת ִל ּֽבֹו׃‬ ְ [that was set] on his head by his mother on the day of his wedding, on the day that rejoiced his heart.

Chapter 4
‫תי ִהָּנ ְ֣ך יָ ֔ ָפה‬ ֙ ִ ָ‫ד א ִה ָּ֨נ ְך יָ ָ ֤פה ַר ְעי‬ 4:1 Ah, how fine, my love, [how you are] fine! Your eyes like doves, behind your veil.
‫יֹונים ִמַּב ֖ ַעד ְל ַצָּמ ֵ ֑תְך ַׂש ְע ֵר ְ֙ך ְּכ ֵע ֶ֣דר‬ ִ֔ ‫ֵע ַינ֣יִ ְך‬ Your hair like a flock of goats [bounding down] the slopes of Gilead.
‫ָ ֽה ִע ִּ֔ז ים ֶׁש ָּג ְל ׁ֖שּו ֵמ ַ ֥הר ִּג ְל ָ ֽעד׃ ב ִׁש ַּנ֙ יִ ְ֙ך ְּכ ֵע ֶ֣דר‬ 2 Your teeth [like a herd of sheep] climbing up [from the washing pool].
‫ן־ה ַר ְח ָ ֑צה ֶׁש ֻּכ ָּל ֙ם‬ ָ ‫צּובֹות ֶׁש ָע ֖לּו ִמ‬ ֔ ‫ַהְּק‬ [All of them] alike, barren ones there are none, among them.
‫ימֹות וְ ַׁש ֻּכ ָל֖ה ֵ ֥אין ָּב ֶ ֽהם׃ ג ְּכ ֤חּוט ַהָּׁש נִ ֙י‬ ֔ ‫ַמ ְת ִא‬
3 Like a thread of crimson [are your lips], your words are enchanting.
֙ ‫או֑ה ְּכ ֶ ֤פ ַלח ָ ֽה ִר‬ ֶ ָ‫ּומ ְדָּב ֵ ֖רְך נ‬ ִ ‫תֹותיִ ְך‬
ַ֔ ‫ִׂש ְפ‬
‫ַרָּק ֵ֔תְך ִמַּב ֖ ַעד ְל ַצָּמ ֵ ֽתְך׃ ד ְּכ ִמגְ ַּד ֤ ל ָּד וִ ֙יד‬ Like a slice of pomegranate [are your cheeks] behind your veil.
‫ארְך ָּב נ֖ ּוי ְל ַת ְלִּפ ּי֑ ֹות ֶ ֤א ֶלף ַהָּמ גֵ ֙ן ָּת ל֣ ּוי‬ ֔ ֵ ‫ַצָּו‬ 4 [Like the tower] of David [is your neck], raised in splendor.
‫ֹּברים׃ ה ְׁש ֵנ֥י ָׁש ַ ֛דיִ ְך‬ ֽ ִ ‫ָע ֔ ָליו ֹּ֖כל ִׁש ְל ֵ ֥טי ַהִּג‬ A thousand shields hang upon them, all the quivers of the warriors.
‫רֹועים‬֖ ִ ‫אֹומי ְצ ִבָּי ֑ה ָה‬ ֣ ֵ ‫ִּכ ְׁש ֵנ֥י ֳע ָפ ִ ֖רים ְּת‬ 5 Your [two breasts] are like two fawns , twins of a gazelle, grazing in a field of lilies.
‫ּוח ַהּי֔ ֹום וְ ָנ֖סּו ַהְּצ ָל ִ ֑לים‬ ֙ ַ ‫ַּב ּׁשֹוַׁש ִּנ ֽ ים׃ ו ַ ֤עד ֶׁש ָּי ֙פ‬
6 Before there breathes the day, [and there flee away] the shadows,
‫בֹונֽה׃‬ ָ ‫ל־הר ַה ּ֔מֹור וְ ֶאל־ִּג ְב ַ ֖עת ַהְּל‬ ֣ ַ ‫ֵ ֤א ֶלְך ִ ֙לי ֶא‬
‫ּומּום ֵ ֥אין ָּב ֽ ְך׃‬ ֖ ‫ז ֻּכ ָּל ְ֤ך יָ ָפ ֙ה ַר ְעיָ ִ֔תי‬ [I will make] my way to the mount of myrrh, to the hill of frankincense.
‫נֹון ַּכ ָּ֔ל ה ִאִּת ֖ י ִמְּל ָבנ֣ ֹון‬ ֙ ‫ח ִאִּת ֤ י ִמְּל ָב‬ 7 You are all fair, my beloved, no blemish is in you.
‫ֹואי ָּת ׁ֣ש ִּורי ׀ ֵמ ֣ר ֹאׁש ֲא ָמ ָ֗נה ֵמ ֤ר ֹאׁש‬ ִ ‫ָּת ֑ב‬ 8 [Come with me] from the mountains, my bride––[with me] from Lebanon do come. [Look down]
‫יר וְ ֶח ְר ֔מֹון ִמְּמ עֹנ֣ ֹות ֲא ָרי֔ ֹות ֵ ֽמ ַה ְר ֵ ֖רי‬ ֙ ִ‫ְׂש נ‬ from the top of Amana, from the peak of Senir and Hermon, from dens of lions, from haunts of leopards.
‫נְ ֵמ ִ ֽרים׃ ט ִלַּב ְבִּת ֖ נִ י ֲאח ִ ֹ֣תי ַכָּל ֑ה ִלַּב ְב ִּ֙ת נִ ֙י‬
9 [My heart you ravish], my sister––my bride,
‫באחד ְּב ַא ַ ֣חת ֵמ ֵע ַ֔יניִ ְך ְּב ַא ַ ֥חד ֲע ָנ֖ק‬
[my heart you capture] [with one glance] of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace.
‫ִמַּצ ְּו ר ָֹנֽיִ ְך׃ י ַמה־ָּי ֥פּו ד ַ ֹ֖דיִ ְך ֲאח ִ ֹ֣תי ַכָּל ֑ה‬
‫ה־ֹּטבּו ד ַ ֹ֙דיִ ְ֙ך ִמ ַּ֔י יִ ן וְ ֵ ֥ר ַיח ְׁש ָמ ַנ֖יִ ְך‬֤ ‫ַמ‬ 10 How sweet is your love , my sister––my bride,
‫ִמׇּכ ל־ְּב ָׂש ִ ֽמים׃‬ [how much better] than wine is your love, the fragrance of your oils than any spice.

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‫תֹותיִ ְך ַּכ ָּל ֑ה ְּד ַ ֤בׁש‬ ֖ ַ ‫יא ֹ֛נ ֶפת ִּת ֹּ֥ט ְפנָ ה ִׂש ְפ‬ 4:11 [Nectar from the comb] falls from your lips , my bride.
‫ׁשֹונְך וְ ֵ ֥ר ַיח ַׂש ְלמ ַ ֹ֖תיִ ְך ְּכ ֵ ֥ר ַיח‬ ֵ֔ ‫וְ ָח ָל ֙ב ַּת ֣ ַחת ְל‬ Honey and milk are under your tongue. The scent of your clothing is like a wind from the mountains.
‫ְל ָבנֽ ֹון׃ יב ַּג ֥ן ׀ נָ ֖עּול ֲאח ִ ֹ֣תי ַכָּל ֑ה ַּג ֥ל נָ ֖עּול‬ 12 A garden enclosed is my sister––my bride; a well that is hidden , a fountain sealed.
‫ַמ ְע ָי֥ן ָח ֽתּום׃‬
13 [Your limbs spread out] like an orchard of pomegranates, [that is filled] with fruit most excellent,
‫ּמֹונים ִ ֖עם ְּפ ִ ֣רי ְמגָ ִ ֑דים‬ ִ֔ ‫יג ְׁש ָל ַ֙חיִ ְ֙ך ַּפ ְרֵּד ֣ ס ִר‬
‫ְּכ ָפ ִ ֖רים ִעם־נְ ָר ִ ֽדים׃‬ with henna, with spikenard,
‫ל־ע ֵצ֣י‬
ֲ ‫יד ֵנ ְ֣רְּד ׀ וְ ַכ ְר ֹּ֗כם ָקנֶ ֙ה וְ ִקָּנ ֔מֹון ִ ֖עם ׇּכ‬ 14 with nard and saffron, sweet cane and cinnamon, [together with] [every tree] of frankincense,
‫ל־ראֵׁש ֥ י‬ ָ ‫מר וַ ֲא ָה ֔לֹות ִ ֖עם ׇּכ‬ ֹ ֚ ‫בֹונ֑ה‬
ָ ‫ְל‬ [with myrrh] [and with aloes], and indeed with all the finest spices.
‫ְבָׂש ִ ֽמים׃ טו ַמ ְע ַי֣ן ַּג ִּ֔נ ים ְּב ֵ ֖אר ַ ֣מיִ ם ַחִּי ֑ים‬ 15 You are a fountain in a garden, a well of mayim chayim (living waters),
‫ן־ל ָבנֽ ֹון׃‬
ְ ‫וְ נֹזְ ִ ֖לים ִמ‬
a river [streaming from Lebanon].
‫יחי גַ ִּנ ֖י יִ ְּז ל֣ ּו‬ ִ ‫ימן ָה ִ ֥פ‬ ָ֔ ‫ֹואי ֵת‬ ִ ‫ּוב‬ ֣ ‫פֹון‬֙ ‫טז ֤ע ִּורי ָצ‬
16 Awaken [O north wind], and come [O south wind], blow on my garden . [Let its perfume] stream out.
‫אכל ְּפ ִ ֥רי ְמגָ ָ ֽדיו׃‬ ֖ ַ ֹ ‫דֹודי ְלגַ ּנ֔ ֹו וְ י‬
֙ ִ ‫ְבָׂש ָ ֑מיו יָ ֤ב ֹא‬
Let him come––my beloved––to his garden. Let him taste its fruit so delicious.

Chapter 5
֙ ִ ‫יתי‬ ִ ‫ה ָא ִ ֤ר‬ ֒ ‫אתי ְלגַ ִּנ ֮י ֲאח ִ ֹ֣תי ַכָּל‬ ִ ֣ ‫ה א ָּב‬ 5:1 I have come [to my garden], my sister––[my bride]. [I have gathered] my myrrh and my spices,
‫ִעם־ְּב ָׂש ִ֔מי ָא ַ ֤כ ְלִּת י יַ ְע ִ ֙רי ִעם־ִּד ְב ִׁ֔ש י‬
eaten of my honeycomb with its honey, drunk my wine and my milk.
‫ם־ח ָל ִ ֑בי ִא ְכל֣ ּו ֵר ֔ ִעים ְׁש ֥תּו‬ ֲ ‫יתי יֵ ִינ֖י ִע‬ ִ ‫ָׁש ִ ֥ת‬
[Eat now], my friends, and drink––get drunk on love.
‫ּדֹודים׃‬ֽ ִ ‫וְ ִׁש ְכ ֖רּו‬
‫א* ב ֲא ִ ֥ני יְ ֵׁש ָנ֖ה וְ ִלִּב ֣ י ֵע֑ר ֣קֹול ׀‬ 2 I was asleep , but my heart was awake. [I bid you hearken now]! My beloved [surely now is knocking]!
‫תי יֹונָ ִ ֣תי‬ ֙ ִ ָ‫י־לי ֲאח ִ ֹ֤תי ַר ְעי‬ ִ ֞ ‫דֹופק ִּפ ְת ִח‬ ֵ ֗ ‫ּדֹודי‬ִ֣ “[Open to me], my sister, my love, my dove, my perfect one.
‫יסי‬ֵ ‫ּצֹותי ְר ִ ֥ס‬ ֖ ַ ֻ‫א־טל ְקו‬ ָ֔ ‫ַתָּמ ִ֔תי ֶׁש ֹּראִׁש ֙י נִ ְמ ָל‬ For my head [is drenched with dew], my hair with the dewdrops of night.”
‫יכ ָכה‬ ֖ ָ ‫ָ ֽליְ ָלה׃ ג ָּפ ַׁש֙ ְטִּת ֙י ֶאת־ֻּכ ׇּת נְ ִּ֔ת י ֵא‬ 3 [But I have taken off] my clothes.[How can I] [put them back on]?
‫יכ ָכה‬ ֥ ָ ‫ת־רגְ ַל֖י ֵא‬ַ ‫ֶא ְלָּב ֶׁש ֑ ָּנ ה ָר ַ ֥ח ְצִּת י ֶא‬
I have washed my feet . How then can I get them dirty?
‫ֲא ַטְּנ ֵ ֽפם׃‬
‫ּומ ַ ֖עי ָה ֥מּו‬ ֵ ‫ן־ה ֔חֹר‬ ַ ‫ּדֹודי ָׁש ַל֤ח יָ ֙דֹו ִמ‬ ִ֗ ‫ד‬ 4 [My beloved one] [stretches out] his hand for the latch, and my heart leaps for him.
‫דֹודי וְ יָ ַ ֣די‬ ֑ ִ ‫ָע ָ ֽליו׃ ה ַ ֥ק ְמִּת ֽ י ֲא ִנ֖י ִל ְפ ֹּ֣ת ַח ְל‬ 5 Then I arose to open [for my love].
‫ֹתי ֣מֹור ע ֵֹ֔בר ַ ֖על ַּכ ּ֥פֹות‬ ֙ ַ ‫פּו־מֹור וְ ֶא ְצְּב ע‬ ֗ ‫ָנ ְֽט‬ [My hands] [are dripping with myrrh]; my fingers [with myrrh] running onto the handle of the lock.
‫ַהַּמ נְ ֽעּול׃‬
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‫דֹודי ָח ַ ֣מק ָע ָ ֑בר‬ ֖ ִ ְ‫דֹודי ו‬ ֔ ִ ‫ו ָּפ ַ ֤ת ְחִּת ֽ י ֲאנִ ֙י ְל‬ 5:6 I opened the door for my beloved, but my beloved had turned and was gone. My soul [went out of me]
‫יהּו וְ ֣ל ֹא‬
֙ ‫נַ ְפִׁש ֙י ָי ְֽצ ָ ֣אה ְב ַדְּב ֔רֹו ִּב ַּק ְׁש ִּ֙ת‬ [when he spoke]. [I sought him out], [but did not] find him. I called him, but he did not answer.
‫אתיו וְ ֥ל ֹא ָע ָנֽנִ י׃ ז ְמ ָצ ֻ ֧אנִ י‬ ֖ ִ ‫אתיהּו ְק ָר‬ ִ֔ ‫ְמ ָצ‬ 7 [They found me]––[the town watchmen], who patrol the city . They beat me; they bruised me.
‫ֹּסב ִ ֥בים ָּב ִ ֖עיר ִה ּ֣כּונִ י ְפ ָצ ֑עּונִ י‬ ְ ‫ֹּׁשמ ִ ֛רים ַה‬ ְ ‫ַה‬
They tore my shawl from my shoulders, these keepers of the walls.
‫ֹׁשמ ֵ ֖רי ַהח ֹֽמֹות׃‬ ְ ‫ת־ר ִד ִיד֙י ֵ ֽמ ָע ֔ ַלי‬ ְ ‫נָ ְׂש ֤אּו ֶא‬
8 I hereby charge you , daughters of Jerusalem,
ִ‫ח ִהְׁש ַּב ֥ ְעִּת י ֶא ְת ֶ ֖כם ְּב נ֣ ֹות יְ רּוָׁש ָל͏֑ם‬
‫ת־ּדֹודי ַמה־ַּת ִּג ֣ידּו ֔לֹו‬ ִ֔ ‫אּו ֶא‬֙ ‫ִ ֽאם־ִּת ְמ ְצ‬ if you find my beloved, this [you should tell him]: that in the fever of love am I.

‫ה־ּדֹודְך ִמ ּ֔דֹוד‬ ֵ֣ ‫חֹולת ַא ֲה ָ ֖בה ָ ֽאנִ י׃ ט ַמ‬ ֥ ַ ‫ֶׁש‬ 9 [How is your lover unlike] [any other lover], O fairest of women?
‫ה־ּדֹודְך ִמ ּ֔דֹוד ֶׁש ָּכ ֖ ָכה‬ ֵ֣ ‫ַהָּי ָ ֖פה ַּב ָּנ ִׁש ֑ ים ַמ‬ [How is your lover unlike] [any other lover], that you so do charge us?
‫ּדֹודי ַצ ֙ח וְ ָא ֔דֹום ָּד ג֖ ּול‬ ֥ ִ ‫ִהְׁש ַּב ְעָּת ֽ נּו׃ י‬ 10 My beloved is clear-skinned and ruddy, standing out [among ten thousand].
‫ּצֹות ֙יו‬
ָ ֻ‫אׁשֹו ֶּכ ֶ֣תם ָּפ ֑ ז ְקו‬ ֖ ֹ ‫ֵמ ְר ָב ָ ֽבה׃ יא ר‬ 11 His head is finest gold; the mane of his hair black like the raven.
‫עֹורב׃ יב ֵע ֕ ָיניו‬ ֽ ֵ ‫ַּת ְלַּת ִּ֔ל ים ְׁש ח ֹ֖רֹות ָּכ‬ 12 [His eyes] are like doves at the brooks of water, bathed in milk, resting [by brimming pools].
‫צֹות ֶּב ֽ ָח ֔ ָלב‬֙ ‫ל־א ִ ֣פ ֵיקי ָ ֑מיִ ם ֽר ֹ ֲח‬ ֲ ‫יֹונ֖ים ַע‬ ִ ‫ְּכ‬ 13 His cheeks are like beds of spices, like banks of scented herbs.
‫רּוג֣ת‬ ַ ‫ל־מֵּל ֽ את׃ יג ְל ָחיָ ֙ו ַּכ ֲע‬ ִ ‫יְֹׁש ֖בֹות ַע‬
His lips are like lilies, dripping with flowing myrrh.
‫תֹות ֙יו‬ָ ‫ַה ֹּ֔בֶׂש ם ִמגְ ְּד ל֖ ֹות ֶמ ְר ָק ִ ֑חים ִׂש ְפ‬
14 His arm is a scepter of gold, studded with fine jewels.
‫ֽׁש ֹוַׁש ִּ֔נ ים נ ְֹט ֖פֹות ֥מֹור ע ֵ ֹֽבר׃ יד יָ ָד ֙יו ְּג ִל ֵיל֣י‬
His belly is polished ivory, inlaid with sapphires.
‫זָ ָ֔הב ְמ ֻמָּל ִ ֖אים ַּב ַּת ְרִׁש ֑ יׁש ֵמ ָע ֙יו ֶעֶׁ֣ש ת ֵׁ֔ש ן‬
‫ׁשֹוק ֙יו ַע ּ֣מ ֵּודי ֵׁ֔ש ׁש‬ ָ ‫ְמ ֻעֶּל ֶ֖פת ַסִּפ ִ ֽירים׃ טו‬ 15 His legs are pillars of marble, set [in bases of fine gold].
‫הּו ַּכ ְּל ָבנ֔ ֹון‬ ֙ ‫י־פז ַמ ְר ֵ֙א‬ ֑ ָ ֵ‫ל־א ְדנ‬ ַ ‫ְמיֻ ָּס ִ ֖דים ַע‬ His countenance [is that of Lebanon], stately as the cedars.
‫ּכֹו ַ ֽמ ְמ ַת ִּ֔ק ים וְ ֻכּל֖ ֹו‬ ֙ ‫ָּב ֖חּור ָּכ ֲא ָר ִ ֽזים׃ טז ִח‬ 16 His mouth is most sweet. He is altogether delightful.
‫דֹוד֙י וְ ֶז֣ה ֵר ֔ ִעי ְּב נ֖ ֹות‬ ִ ‫ַמ ֲח ַמִּד ֑ ים ֶז֤ה‬ Such is my beloved, such is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.
‫יְ רּוָׁש ָ ͏ֽלםִ׃‬
‫ּדֹודְך ַהָּי ָ ֖פה ַּב ָּנ ִׁש ֑ ים ָ ֚אנָ ה‬ ֔ ֵ ‫ו א ָ ֚אנָ ה ָה ַלְ֣ך‬ Chapter 6
‫ּדֹוד֙י יָ ַ ֣רד‬
ִ ‫דֹודְך ּונְ ַב ְקֶׁש ֖ ּנּו ִעָּמ ֽ ְך׃ ב‬ ֔ ֵ ‫ָּפ ָנ֣ה‬ 6:1 Whither [has your beloved] gone, O fairest of women?
‫עֹות ַּב ַּג ִּ֔נ ים‬
֙ ‫ְלגַ ּנ֔ ֹו ַל ֲע ֻרג֖ ֹות ַה ֹּ֑בֶׂש ם ִל ְר‬ Whither [has your beloved] turned? [Let us seek him] with you.
‫וְ ִל ְל ֖קֹט ֽׁש ֹוַׁש ִּנ ֽ ים׃‬ 2 My beloved has gone down to his garden, to the beds of spices,
to graze in the gardens, and to gather lilies.
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‫דֹודי ֔ ִלי ָהר ֶ ֹ֖עה ַּב ּׁשֹוַׁש ִּנ ֽ ים׃‬ ֣ ִ ְ‫דֹודי ו‬֙ ִ ‫ג ֲא ִנ֤י ְל‬ 6:3 [I am] my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine. He browses among the lilies.
‫או֖ה‬ָ ָ‫תי ְּכ ִת ְר ָ֔צה נ‬ ֙ ִ ָ‫ד יָ ֨ ָפה ַ ֤אְּת ַר ְעי‬ 4 Beautiful [you are], my love, as Tirzah, fair like Jerusalem, awesome [as the stars in their courses].
‫ִּכ ירּוָׁש ָל͏֑םִ ֲאיֻ ָּמ ֖ ה ַּכ ִּנ ְדָּג ֽלֹות׃ ה ָה ֵ ֤סִּב י ֵעינַ֙ יִ ְ֙ך‬
5 [Turn away] your eyes from me, because they overwhelm me.
‫ִמֶּנ גְ ִּד ֔ י ֶׁש ֥ ֵ ֖הם ִה ְר ִה ֻיב֑נִ י ַׂש ְע ֵר ְ֙ך ְּכ ֵע ֶ֣דר ָ ֽה ִע ִּ֔ז ים‬
Your hair is like a flock of goats [bounding down] [the slopes of Gilead].
‫ן־הִּג ְל ָ ֽעד׃‬ ַ ‫ֶׁש ָּג ְל ׁ֖שּו ִמ‬
‫ן־ה ַר ְח ָ ֑צה‬ ָ ‫ו ִׁש ַּנ֙ יִ ְ֙ך ְּכ ֵע ֶ֣דר ָ ֽה ְר ֵח ֔ ִלים ֶׁש ָעל֖ ּו ִמ‬ 6 Your teeth are like a flock of ewes [climbing up] [from the washing pool].
‫ימֹות וְ ַׁש ֻּכ ָל֖ה ֵ ֥אין ָּב ֶ ֽהם׃‬ ֔ ‫ֶׁש ֻּכ ָּל ֙ם ַמ ְת ִא‬ All of them alike, [barren ones] there are none, among them.
‫ּמֹון ַרָּק ֵ֔תְך ִמַּב ֖ ַעד ְל ַצָּמ ֵ ֽתְך׃‬ ֙ ‫ז ְּכ ֶ ֤פ ַלח ָה ִר‬ 7 Like a slice of pomegranate are your cheeks behind your veil.
‫ח ִׁש ִּׁש ֥ ים ֵ֙הָּמ ֙ה ְמ ָל ֔כֹות ּוְׁש מ ִֹנ֖ים ִּפ ֽ ַילגְ ִׁש ֑ ים‬ 8 Sixty there are of queens; eighty [of the king’s women], and maidens without number.
‫וַ ֲע ָל ֖מֹות ֵ ֥אין ִמ ְסָּפ ֽ ר׃‬
9 One alone is my dove, [my perfect one], the only one of her mother.
‫יא ְל ִא ָּ֔מ ּה‬ ֙ ‫יא יֹונָ ִ ֣תי ַתָּמ ִ֔תי ַא ַ ֥חת ִה‬ ֙ ‫ט ַא ַ ֥חת ִה‬
ָ ‫נֹות ַוֽיְ ַאְּׁש ֔ר‬ ֙ ‫ּוה ָב‬ ָ ‫ֹול ְדָּת ֑ ּה ָר ֤א‬ ַ ֽ‫ָּב ָ ֥רה ִ ֖היא ְלי‬ Pure is she [to the one who bore her].
ָ ‫ּופ ַילגְ ִׁש ֖ ים ַוֽיְ ַה ְל ֽל‬ ֽ ִ ‫ְמ ָל ֥כֹות‬ [They see her]––the maidens––[and call her blessed]. The queens and the concubines praise her.
‫י־ז ֹאת ַהִּנ ְׁש ָק ָ ֖פה ְּכ מֹו־ָׁש ֑ ַחר‬ ֥ ‫י ִמ‬ 10 Who is that rising like the dawn,
‫יָ ָ ֣פה ַכְּל ָב ָ֗נה ָּב ָר ֙ה ַּכ ֽ ַח ָּ֔מ ה ֲאיֻ ָּמ ֖ ה ַּכ ִּנ ְדָּג ֽלֹות׃‬ bright [as the white moon], radiant [as the blazing sun], awesome [as the stars in their courses].
‫גֹוז יָ ַ ֔ר ְדִּת י ִל ְר ֖אֹות‬ ֙ ‫יא ֶאל־ִּג ַּנ ֤ת ֱא‬
11 [To the orchard] of walnuts [I went down], to see the new green by the brook.
‫אֹות ֲה ָ ֽפ ְר ָ ֣חה ַה ֶּ֔ג ֶפן ֵה ֵנ֖צּו‬֙ ‫ְּב ִאֵּב ֣י ַהָּנ ַ֑חל ִל ְר‬
To see: [had they blossomed]––the grapevines? Had they flowered––the pomegranates?
‫ֹּמנים׃ יב ֣ל ֹא יָ ַ ֔ד ְעִּת י נַ ְפִׁש ֣ י ָׂש ַ֔מ ְתנִ י‬ ֽ ִ ‫ָה ִר‬
‫ַמ ְרְּכ ֖בֹות ַעִּמ ֥ י נָ ִ ֽדיב׃‬ 12 And before [I knew it], my soul [had set me] upon the chariots of my people so noble.

Chapter 7
‫ּובי‬ִ ‫ּובי ׁ֖ש‬ ִ ‫ּול ִּ֔מ ית ׁ֥ש‬ ַ ‫ּובי ַה ּׁ֣ש‬
֙ ִ ‫ּובי ׁ֙ש‬ ִ ‫א ׁ֤ש‬ 7:1 Do it again, O Shulamite! Dance again , [that we may watch you].
‫ּול ִּ֔מ ית‬
ַ ‫וְ נֶ ֱחזֶ ה־ָּב ֑ ְך ַ ֽמה־ֶּת ֱח ֙זּו ַּב ּׁ֣ש‬
“[Why will you gaze] at the Shulamite, as she whirls [down the row of dancers]?”
‫ִּכ ְמח ַ ֹ֖לת ַ ֽהַּמ ֲח ָנֽיִ ם׃ ב ַמה־ָּי ֧פּו ְפ ָע ַ ֛מיִ ְך‬
‫ּמּוקי יְ ֵר ַ֔כיִ ְך ְּכ ֣מֹו ֲח ָל ִ֔אים‬
֣ ֵ ‫ַּב ְּנ ָע ִ ֖לים ַּב ת־נָ ִ ֑דיב ַח‬ 2 [How lovely] [are your steps] in sandals, [O daughter of nobles]!
‫ַמ ֲעֵׂש ֖ ה יְ ֵ ֥די ׇאָּמ ֽ ן׃ ג ׇׁש ְר ֵר ְ֙ך ַאַּג ֣ן ַהַּס֔ ַהר‬ The curves of your thighs [are like] ornaments, work of the hands of a craftsman.
‫סּוג֖ה‬ָ ‫ַאל־יֶ ְח ַ ֖סר ַהָּמ ֑ זֶ ג ִּב ְטנֵ ְ֙ך ֲע ֵר ַ ֣מת ִחִּט֔ ים‬ 3 Your navel is the bowl of the moon. [May it not lack] [its fill of wine].
‫ַּב ּׁשֹוַׁש ִּנ ֽ ים׃‬ Your belly is a heap of wheat, surrounded by lilies.

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‫ד ְׁש ֵנ֥י ָׁש ַ ֛דיִ ְך ִּכ ְׁש ֵנ֥י ֳע ָפ ִ ֖רים ׇּת ֳא ֵ ֥מי ְצ ִבָּי ֽה׃‬ 7:4 Your [two breasts] are like two fawns , twins of a gazelle.
‫ארְך ְּכ ִמגְ ַּד ֣ ל ַהֵּׁש ֑ ן ֵע ַ֜יניִ ְך ְּב ֵר ֣כֹות‬ ֖ ֵ ‫ה ַצָּו‬ 5 Your neck is like a tower of ivory. [Your eyes] are pools [in Heshbon], at the gates [of that city of lords].
‫ת־רִּב֔ ים ַאֵּפ ְ֙ך ְּכ ִמגְ ַּד ֣ ל‬ ַ ‫ְּב ֶחְׁש ּ֗בֹון ַעל־ַׁש֙ ַע ֙ר ַּב‬ Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon, that looks toward Damascus.
‫צֹופה ְּפ ֵנ֥י ַדָּמ ֽ ֶׂש ק׃‬ ֖ ֶ ‫ַהְּל ָבנ֔ ֹון‬
6 Your head [crowns you] [like Mount Carmel]; the hair on your head [is like royal purple].
‫ו רֹאֵׁש ֤ ְך ָע ַ ֙ליִ ְ֙ך ַּכ ַּכ ְר ֶ֔מל וְ ַדַּל ֥ ת רֹאֵׁש ֖ ְך ָּכ ַא ְרָּג ָ ֑מן‬
‫ֶ ֖מ ֶלְך ָא ֥סּור ָּב ְר ָה ִ ֽטים׃‬ A king is held captive by its tresses.
‫נּוגים׃‬ ֽ ִ ‫ּומה־ָּנ ֔ ַע ְמְּת ַא ֲה ָ ֖בה ַּב ַּת ֽ ֲע‬ ַ ‫ית‬ ֙ ‫ז ַמה־ָּי ִפ‬ 7 How splendid [and how sweet] is love, [among all the pleasures]!
‫ֹומ ֵת ְ֙ך ָּד ֽ ְמ ָ ֣תה ְל ָת ָ֔מר וְ ָׁש ַ ֖דיִ ְך‬ ָ ‫ח ֤ז ֹאת ֽק‬ 8 There you stand like a palm tree, your breasts [its clusters of fruit].
‫א ֲח ָז֖ה‬ֹ ֽ ‫ֹּכלֹות׃ ט ָא ַ֙מ ְרִּת ֙י ֶא ֱע ֶל֣ה ְב ָת ָ֔מר‬ ֽ ‫ְל ַאְׁש‬ 9 I said, “[I will go climb] the palm tree, [and take hold] of its boughs. [And oh, let] [your breasts be]
‫יּו־נ֤א ָׁש ַ ֙דיִ ְ֙ך ְּכ ֶאְׁש ְּכ ל֣ ֹות ַה ֶּ֔ג ֶפן‬ ָ ‫ְּב ַסנְ ִסָּנ ֑יו וְ ִי ְֽה‬
[like clusters of grapes] on the vine, the breath of your nostrils like apricots,
‫ּפּוחים׃‬ ֽ ִ ‫וְ ֵ ֥ר ַיח ַאֵּפ ֖ ְך ַּכ ַּת‬
‫דֹודי ְל ֵמיָׁש ִ ֑רים‬ ֖ ִ ‫הֹולְך ְל‬֥ ֵ ‫י וְ ִח ֵּ֕כ ְך ְּכ ֵי֥ין ַה ּ֛טֹוב‬ 10 [and your palate] like wine––[like fine wine]––it glides down for my beloved smoothly,
‫ּדֹובב ִׂש ְפ ֵ ֥תי יְ ֵׁש ִ ֽנים׃‬ ֵ֖ moving gently the lips of sleepers.”
‫ׁשּוק ֽתֹו׃‬
ָ ‫דֹודי וְ ָע ַל֖י ְּת‬ ֔ ִ ‫יא ֲא ִנ֣י ְל‬ 11 I [am my beloved’s]. [For me alone] is his longing.
‫דֹודי נֵ ֵצ֣א ַהָּׂש ֶ ֔דה נָ ִ ֖לינָ ה‬ ֙ ִ ‫יב ְל ָ ֤כה‬ 12 Come, my love, [let us go out] into the fields, [and lie at night] [among the henna blooms].
‫ימ ֙ה ַלְּכ ָר ִ֔מים נִ ְר ֶ֞אה‬ ָ ‫ַּב ְּכ ָפ ִ ֽרים׃ יג נַ ְׁש ִּ֙כ‬ 13 [Let us go early] to the vineyards. [We will see] if the vine has budded, if the blossoms have opened,
‫ִאם־ָּפ ֽ ְר ָ ֤חה ַהֶּג֙ ֶ ֙פן ִּפ ַּת ֣ ח ַהְּס ָמ ַ ֔דר ֵה ֵנ֖צּו‬
if the pomegranate is in flower. [That is where] I will offer the gift of my love to you.
‫ּדּוד ִ ֣אים‬ָ ‫ת־ֹּדדי ָ ֽלְך׃ יד ַ ֽה‬ ַ֖ ‫ּמֹונ֑ים ָׁש ֛ ם ֶאֵּת ֥ ן ֶא‬ ִ ‫ָה ִר‬
‫ל־מגָ ִ ֔דים ֲח ָדִׁש ֖ ים‬ ְ ‫ינּו ׇּכ‬ ֙ ‫נּו־ר ַיח וְ ַעל־ְּפ ָת ֵ֙ח‬ ֗ ֵ ‫ָנ ְֽת‬ 14 The mandrakes [give off a fragrance]. [Back at our doors] [are all kinds of choice fruits],
‫ּדֹודי ָצ ַ ֥פנְ ִּת י ָ ֽלְך׃‬
֖ ִ ‫ַּג ם־יְ ָׁש ִנ֑ים‬ freshly-picked [as well as long-stored]. My love, I stored them away for you.

Chapter 8
‫יֹונ֖ק ְׁש ֵ ֣די ִאִּמ ֑ י‬
ֵ ‫ ח א ִ ֤מי יִ ֶּת נְ ָ֙ך ְּכ ָ ֣אח ֔ ִלי‬8:1 If only you were a brother to me, [if you had nursed] at the breast of my mother,
‫חּוץ ֶאָּׁש ֣ ְק ָ֔ך ַּג ֖ם לֹא־יָ ֻ ֥בזּו ִ ֽלי׃‬
֙ ‫ֶ ֽא ְמ ָצ ֲאָך֤ ַב‬
[then if I met you] on the street I [could kiss you], [and none] would despise me.

‫יאָך֛ ֶאל־ֵּב ֥ ית ִאִּמ ֖ י ְּת ַלְּמ ֵ ֑דנִ י‬ ֲ ‫ ב ֶאנְ ָ ֽהגְ ָ֗ך ֲא ִ ֽב‬2 [I should lead you], [I would bring you] to the house of my mother ,[of her who bore me].
֙ ֹ ‫ֹּמני׃ ג ְׂש מ‬ ֽ ִ ‫[ ַאְׁש ְק ָ֙ך ִמַּי ֣יִ ן ָה ֶ ֔ר ַקח ֵמ ֲע ִ ֖סיס ִר‬I would let you drink] spiced wine, my pomegranate wine.
‫ְּבקנִ י׃‬
ֽ ֵ ‫ימינ֖ ֹו ְּת ַח‬
ִ ‫ ַּת ֣ ַחת רֹא ִׁ֔ש י ִ ֽו‬3 [His left hand] was under my head; [his right hand] embraced me.

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ִ‫ד ִהְׁש ַּב ֥ ְעִּת י ֶא ְת ֶכ֖ם ְּב נ֣ ֹות יְ רּוָׁש ָל͏֑ם‬ 8:4 I hereby charge you , daughters of Jerusalem,
‫ת־ה ַא ֲה ָ ֖בה ַ ֥עד‬ ָ ‫ַמה־ָּת ִ ֧עירּו ׀ ּוֽ ַמה־ְּת ֥עֹ ְר ֛רּו ֶא‬ [that you not arouse] [nor summon forth] love until it has ripened.
‫ן־הִּמ ְדָּב֔ ר‬ ַ ‫ֶׁש ֶּת ְחָּפ ֽ ץ׃ ה ִ ֣מי ֗ז ֹאת ע ָֹל ֙ה ִמ‬ 5 Who [is this], coming up from the desert, leaning on her beloved?
‫ּוח‬֙ ַ ‫ל־ּדֹודּה ַּת ֤ ַחת ַהַּת ּ֙פ‬ָ֑ ‫ִמ ְת ַרֶּפ ֖ ֶקת ַע‬
Under [the apricot tree] [I awakened you]. [It is there] [you were conceived] by your mother.
‫ֽע ַֹור ְר ִּ֔ת יָך ָׁש ֚ ָּמ ה ִחְּב ַל ְ֣תָך ִא ֶּ֔מ ָך ָׁש ֖ ָּמ ה‬
[There it was] she conceived––she who bore you.
‫ל־לֶּב֗ ָך‬
ִ ‫חֹותם ַע‬ ָ֜ ‫ימנִ י ַ ֽכ‬ ֵ֨ ‫ִחְּב ָ ֥לה יְ ָל ַ ֽד ְתָך׃ ו ִׂש‬
‫י־עָּז ֤ה ַכ ָּ֙מ וֶ ֙ת ַא ֲה ָ֔בה‬ ַ ֽ ‫רֹועָך ִּכ‬
ֶ ֔ ְ‫חֹות ֙ם ַעל־ז‬ ָ ֽ ‫ַּכ‬ 6 Set me for a seal [upon your heart], a sign [upon your arm]. For as fierce as death is love;
‫יה ִרְׁש ֵּ֕פ י ֵ ֖אׁש‬ ָ ‫ָקָׁש ֥ ה ִכְׁש ֖אֹול ִקנְ ָ ֑אה ְרָׁש ֕ ֶפ‬ as cruel as the grave is its jealousy. [Even its sparks] [are a raging] fire, [a devouring flame].
‫ּוכ ֙לּו ְל ַכ ּ֣בֹות‬ ְ ֽ‫ַׁש ְל ֶ ֥ה ֶב ְת ָיֽה׃ ז ַ ֣מיִ ם ַרִּב֗ ים ֤ל ֹא י‬ 7 Many waters cannot extinguish love; the rivers can’t carry it away.
‫ּוה ִאם־יִ ֵּ֨ת ן‬ ָ ‫ת־ה ַא ֲה ָ֔בה ּונְ ָה ֖רֹות ֣ל ֹא יִ ְׁש ְט ֑פ‬ ֽ ָ ‫ֶא‬ If a man should give all the wealth of his house for love, [nothing but scorn] would he receive.
‫יתֹו ָּב ַא ֲה ָ֔בה ּ֖בֹוז יָ ֥בּוזּו‬ ֙ ‫ל־הֹון ֵּב‬ ֤ ‫ִ֜איׁש ֶאת־ׇּכ‬
8 We have a sister, a little one. Breasts she does not have.
‫ֽלֹו׃ ח ָא ֥חֹות ָ ֙ל ֙נּו ְק ַט ָּ֔נ ה וְ ָׁש ַ ֖דיִ ם ֵ ֣אין ָלּ֑ה‬
‫ַ ֽמה־ַּנ ֲעֶׂש ֙ה ַל ֲאח ֵֹ֔תנּו ַּב ּי֖ ֹום ֶׁש ְּי ֻדַּב ר־ָּב ֽ ּה׃‬ [What shall we do] for our sister, on the day [she is spoken for]?
‫֖יה ִ ֣ט ַירת ָּכ ֑ ֶסף‬ ָ ‫ם־חֹומה ִ֔היא נִ ְב ֶנ֥ה ָע ֶל‬ ָ֣ ‫ט ִא‬ 9 If a wall [she should be], we will build upon it a turret of silver.
‫֖יה ל֥ ַּוח ָ ֽא ֶרז׃‬ ָ ‫וְ ִאם־ֶּד ֣ ֶלת ִ֔היא נָ ֥צּור ָע ֶל‬ But if a door [she should be], we will board her up with planks of cedar.
‫֥יתי‬ִ ִ‫חֹומה וְ ָׁש ַ ֖די ַּכ ִּמ גְ ָּד ל֑ ֹות ָ ֛אז ָהי‬ ָ֔ ‫י ֲא ִנ֣י‬ 10 I am a wall, and my breasts are its towers. [And so it is] that under his eyes I have found peace.
‫מֹוצ ֵ ֥את ָׁש ֽלֹום׃‬ ְ ‫ְב ֵע ָינ֖יו ְּכ‬
11 [There was a vineyard] belonging to Solomon, on the Hill of Plenty. He gave the vineyard over
‫יא ֶּכ ֶ֣רם ָה ָי֤ה ִלְׁש ֹלמ ֹ֙ה ְּב ַ ֣ב ַעל ָה ֔מֹון נָ ַ ֥תן‬
to watchmen. [Each one of them] obtained for its fruit a thousand pieces of silver.
‫ֹּנט ִ ֑רים ִ ֛איׁש יָ ִ ֥בא ְּב ִפ ְרי֖ ֹו ֶ ֥א ֶלף‬ ְ ‫ת־הֶּכ ֖ ֶרם ַל‬ ַ ‫ֶא‬
‫ָּכ ֽ ֶסף׃ יב ַּכ ְר ִ ֥מי ֶׁש ִּל ֖ י ְל ָפ ָנ֑י ָה ֶ ֤א ֶלף ְל ָ֙ך‬ 12 The vineyard belonging to me is my own.
‫אתיִ ם ְלנ ְֹט ִ ֥רים ֶאת־ִּפ ְריֽ ֹו׃‬ ֖ ַ ‫ּומ‬ ָ ‫מה‬ ֹ ֔ ‫ְׁש ֹל‬ [Take the thousand] for yourself, Solomon! [And pay two hundred] to the guards of your fruit.
‫יבים‬ ֥ ִ ‫יג ַהּיֹוֶׁש ֣ ֶבת ַּב ַּג ִּ֗נ ים ֲח ֵב ִ ֛רים ַמ ְקִׁש‬ 13 [O woman who dwells] [in the gardens]: [My companions] listen for your voice .[Let me hear you]!
֗ ִ ‫יענִ י׃ יד ְּב ַ ֣רח ׀‬ ֽ ִ ‫קֹולְ֖ך ַהְׁש ִמ‬ ֵ ‫ְל‬ 14 Make haste, [my beloved one].
‫בי ֚אֹו ְל ֣עֹ ֶפר ָ ֽה ַאָּי ֔ ִלים ַ ֖על ָה ֵ ֥רי‬ ֙ ִ ‫ה־לָך֤ ִל ְצ‬ ְ ‫ּוֽ ְד ֵמ‬
Be like a gazelle––like [a young wild] stag, [end melody] romping on the hills so fragrant.
‫ְבָׂש ִ ֽמים׃‬

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Len Fellman’s English readings with tropes
The purpose of this project is to translate THE SONG OF THE TORAH into English.
I work by comparing as many as ten English translations of a pasuk and creating a cantillated English sentence that sounds as much as
possible like the Hebrew. They follow the Hebrew as closely as possible, word for word and trope by trope. The English language has an amazing
flexibility, making it possible to make the English word order match that of the Hebrew quite well, allowing for some “poetic licence”, and some
willingness on the part of the listener to be “carried” by the melody more than by the English syntax. The translation needs to sound good when
chanted, but not necessarily when spoken or read.
Unlike most translations, these “transtropilations” are not intended to be a substitute for the Hebrew. On the contrary, they are meant to
provide a “window” into the Hebrew text and its musical expression. My ideal listener knows enough Hebrew and has enough interest to follow the
Hebrew in a bilingual text while the leyner is chanting the English version, to bring the Hebrew text to life, both verbally and musically. For this
purpose I use exactly the same tropes in the English as in the Hebrew (almost always on the corresponding English word).

The texts can be used to do consecutive translation, i.e. leyning a phrase in Hebrew, followed by the corresponding phrase sung in English.
Some of my recordings demonstrate this. I do this frequently when leyning for groups that either know little Hebrew, or that don’t have a chumash in
front of them.

I favor literal translations (e.g. “cut a covenant”) to call attention to Hebrew idioms, and towards simpler (even if less accurate) words (e.g. Ex.
12:7 “beam above the door” rather than “lintel”) to be easier to follow. If my readings provoke a discussion of the Hebrew, I consider that as justification
for using less-than-idiomatic English. I try to find just the right balance between “literalness” and “listenable-ness”. A primary goal is throwing light
on the Hebrew syntax.

In order to adapt the trope symbols to a left-to-right language like English, I reversed the direction of the trope symbols:
mercha tipcha munach tevir mapakh or yetiv kadma or pashta geresh gershayim telisha katana telisha gedola

(Generally speaking the conjunctive tropes such as mercha, munach, mapakh, kadma, and telisha katana “lean toward” the words they “conjoin” to, while the
disjunctive tropes such as tipcha, geresh, gershayim, and telisha gedola “lean away” from the words that follow, so as to create a sense of separation.)

The trope symbol is normally placed under the accented syllable, unless it is a pre-positive accent (telisha gedola, placed at the beginning of the word
or phrase) or a post-positive one (telisha katana or pashta, placed at the end of the word or phrase).
The Hebrew text frequently puts a makkeph (which is like a hyphen) between words in order to treat them as a single word to be chanted. I
use a different system for English: If an entire English phrase is to be chanted to a single trope melody, I place it between grey brackets, as in this
phrase from the Book of Lamentations:
[clings to her skirts]
The leyner is invited to fit this phrase to the Eicha “rivi’i” melody in whatever way seems most natural.

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As a variant of the “grey bracket” device, I indicate pairs of tropes by “wrapping them around” the phrase which have the combined melody:

mercha/tipcha kadma/geresh (or: azla, etc.) mercha siluk

Renew our days She weeps bitterly . a fire-offering to God

Again, the leyner should decide on the most natural way to fit the phrase to the combined trope melody.

I put words in gray which I consider essential but which don’t strictly match the Hebrew. I also “pad” some phrases with extra words in gray
to fill out a musical phrase nicely. Different trope systems vary widely in the length of the musical phrase used, so the words in gray may or not be
used depending on the leyner’s cantillation system. In particular, the tropes telisha g’dola ( ), legarmeh, metigah-zakef, and pazer vary widely in the
muscial phrases used for chanting. (And please indulge me in my whimsical treatments of shalshelet.)
“Metigah-zakef”is a special trope combination which can be recognized by a kadma and a zakef katon appearing on the same Hebrew word
(again, a makkeph makes two words into one). (There are several examples in Genesis 18 & 19, beginning with 18:16). I indicate this by placing the
corresponding English phrase in grey brackets:
[Take heed––take care for yourself]
In some trope systems (viz. cantor Moshe Haschel in “Navigating the Bible II”) this is given a distinctive melody—I add extra syllables to fill out
the musical phrase (as in “take care” in this example). Haschel’s system also chants the trope munach as legarmeh more often than other systems do.
I don’t write a single word of translation without first hearing the melody of the phrase in my mind, following one of two trope systems:
The one by Portnoy and Wolff (The Art of Cantillation) or the one by Joshua R. Jacobson (Chanting the Hebrew Bible).

I transcribe the name as YHWH (in small caps). I almost always chant this as yud-hey-vav-hey, which I have discovered fits marvelously into
several of the trope melodies. But of course the leyner can choose to pronounce it as “God” or “Adonai”.

Warning on the Hebrew text: The text I use for the English trope system is from Aryeh Kaplan; the Hebrew text I display is from Wikisource.
Occasionally (but rarely) a phrase will use different tropes in the two systems.

The English translations I mostly use (besides several scholarly commentaries) are the following:
Aryeh Kaplan, ‘The Living Torah’ (1981) (also my source for proper names & transliterations)
Richard Elliott Friedman, ‘The Bible With Sources Revealed’ (2003)
Everett Fox, ‘The Five Books of Moses’ (1997)
The Stone Edition ‘Tanach’ (1996)
JPS ‘Hebrew-English Tanach’, (2nd Ed. 2000), along with Orlinsky, ‘Notes on the New Translation of the Torah’ (1969)
Robert Alter, ‘The Five Books of Moses’ (2004)
Commentaries in the ‘Anchor Bible’ series
Rotherham, The Emphasized Bible (1902)
The Jerusalem Bible (1966) (also my source for topic headings)
The New King James Bible (1982)

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