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3/8/24, 4:57 PM Third party risk management

Advisory Capabilities and Services Advisory Services Risk, Regulatory and Compliance

Third party risk management

Create an ongoing and enterprise-wide risk management strategy which
ensures third-party providers are a source of strength for your business –
not a weak link.

Third parties are a key component of today’s increasingly complex, digital

business eco-systems. Businesses tend to use a multitude of third parties
in different ways to deliver goods and services and therefore failure of a
third party to deliver is a significant source of risk.

Effective Third Party Risk Management (TPRM) is critical because the organization
remains accountable to its customers and markets when third parties fail to deliver
goods and services. Six in ten of our clients have suffered their largest reputationalPrivacy - Terms
impact because of failures by third parties.1 1/6
3/8/24, 4:57 PM Third party risk management

Only a technology-enabled, enterprise-wide program can secure the areas of

vulnerability and unite stakeholders across procurement, business, risk oversight and
legal to understand where and how third parties are being used and whether that is
acceptable. These groups must come together in an organized manner to drive a risk-
based selection and management of third parties. Third party risk is a strategic
priority whose success rests on four pillars: governance, process, infrastructure, and
data. Our framework is laid out below:

Third Party Risk Management Outlook 2020

Our deep experience supporting the design, implementation and execution of TPRM
programs across industries and regions enables us to provide holistic solutions to
your TPRM needs.

Element KPMG team

Target Operating Model Design

Assessment and design of the
holistic program
Internal Audit review2 2/6
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Procurement Function Integration

Supply Chain Integration

Risk Components including:

Cyber Risk
Building block components
Regulatory Compliance Risk
Technology Risk
Corporate Intelligence

Contract Compliance

GRC Implementation

Technology enablement
Alliances with TPRM technology

Helping execute the program Powered TPRM

On Demand Services

2Our internal audit practice also has experience assisting with audits of the programs and third parties.

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Marc Miller Daniel

Partner, Forensic Network Leader, KPMG US Partner,

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3/8/24, 4:57 PM Third party risk management

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Regulatory compliance for government contractors

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Regulatory and compliance transformation

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Financial Services Risk, Regulatory and Compliance

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3/8/24, 4:57 PM Third party risk management

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