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Non Fiction Texts Quiz

1. Where is Passage to Africa based?

a) Uganda
b) Somalia
c) Wakanda
d) Zimbabwe

2. Finish the quote from Passage to Africa “the smell of decaying…”

a) fish
b) organs
c) flesh
d) humans

3. What is the name of the author who wrote “Passage to Africa”?

a) Ngozi Adiche
b) George Alagiah
c) Emma Levine
d) Aron Ralston

4. Which of the following is an example of personification?

a) “the boulder crushes my right hand”
b) “Men battering seals for their fur”
c) “a famine of quiet suffering”
d) “the car engine coughed and spluttered”

5. The quote, "no compassion, no understanding, no humanity" does NOT contain which
a) Rule of three
b) Repetition
c) Rhetorical question
d) Parallel sentence structure

6. Which literary device is used in the quote “horns tooting, bells ringing”?
a) Simile
b) Imagery
c) Onomatopoeia
d) Repetition

7. Which of the following is an example of foreshadowing?

a) "chaotic clatter of wings and feet and talons"
b) "Don't want you going home with the wrong bird"
c) "Time went by relentlessly and it was Saturday again"
d) “Their poverty was my single story of them”
8. Where is Adiche from?
a) Somalia
b) Nigeria
c) Cameroon
d) Uganda

9. What did Adichie's roommate think she listened to?

a) Tribal music
b) Bob Marley
c) Mariah Carey
d) African drums

10. "Stories can break the dignity of a people, but stories can also repair that broken
dignity." Which language technique is used here?
a) Anecdote
b) Repetition
c) Allusion
d) Allegory

11. What is the tone of Adichie's TEDTalk for “The Danger of a Single Story”?
a) Depressive
b) Crazy
c) Ironic
d) Inspiring

12. What is the meaning of farce?

a) Exaggerated comedy
b) Absolute chaos
c) Grave mistake
d) Something less dangerous than it seems

13. From what country was the boat that saved the two explorers?
a) Panama
b) Pakistan
c) United States
d) Chile

14. "The men were 'plucked' from the icy waters, what does the word ‘plucked’ imply?
a) They are dumb, like chickens
b) They almost died and were barely saved
c) They didn’t want to be rescued and wanted to go on
d) They were helpless

15. "The air turned syrupy, slow, flecked with dust" What device is NOT being used in this
a) Triplets
b) Imagery
c) Hyperbole
16. "She was smokier and darker and much, much bigger, and instead of ___, she ___"
What are the missing words?
a) chirping, screamed
b) twittering, wailed
c) chattering, yelled
d) singing, cried

17. What is the structure Macdonald writes about in the extract?

a) Description of the first bird, the falconer, the second bird, herself
b) Description of the falconer, the first bird, the second bird, herself
c) Description of the falconer, herself, the first bird, the second bird
d) Description of the first bird, the second bird, the falconer, herself

18. Why does Macdonald want to adopt a hawk?

a) Her dog had just got run over by a car
b) She was not an experienced falconer and wanted to have a hawk to train with
c) She wanted the hawk as a distraction from her stressful work life
d) Her father recently died of a heart attack

19. What is the definition of a simile?

a) Compares two things using like or as.
b) Hints at future events
c) Exaggerates
d) Descriptive language

20. In “H is for Hawk” what does the H stand for?

a) Hawk
b) Helen
c) Honour
d) Horrific

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